Destruction and redirection

A new user is impressed with what he finds at Infogalactic:

Today, I did a quick internet search (Google) for “Shiva” to verify a detail or two.  I clicked on the Wikipedia link.  By the end of the second brief paragraph, I was already informed of “the goddess tradition of Hinduism called Shaktism” and how it considers Parvati to be “the equal complementary partner” of Shiva.

Hmm.  Is Shaktism so prevalent or important that it must be introduced before we learn anything more of Shiva?  Also, I can understand how Parvati may be “complementary”, but the addition of “equal” smelled too SJWish.  I went to Infogalactic to see how its page differs.

On Infogalactic, the offending lines are absent, among other changes.

I am impressed.  I am also encouraged.

This is a long marathon, not a sprint, but the Infogalactic team is gradually cleaning up one entry at a time, excising the ever-present SJW bias and transforming the narrative spin into subject-relevant facts. Compare the beginning of these two articles on Race and Intelligence.

Wikipedia, Race and Intelligence:

  • This article has multiple issues. Please help improve it or discuss these issues on the talk page.
  • The neutrality of this article is disputed. (October 2012)
  • This article may be unbalanced towards certain viewpoints. (October 2012)
  • This article’s factual accuracy is disputed. (October 2012)

The connection between race and intelligence has been a subject of debate in both popular science and academic research since the inception of IQ testing in the early 20th century. The debate concerns the interpretation of research findings that test takers identifying as “White” tend on average to score higher than test takers of African ancestry on IQ tests, and subsequent findings that test takers of East Asian background tend to score higher than whites.

Infogalactic, Race and Intelligence:

The existence of a link between race and intelligence has been repeatedly observed by scientists, but remains extremely controversial. Research suggests that the average IQ score of East Asians is higher than that of Europeans, and the average IQ score of Europeans is higher than that of Africans and African-Americans. Additional research has indicated that environmental factors such as socio-economic status and education can explain some, but not all, of these observed differences in IQ.

The problem with the Wikipedia article is that it is not actually about the purported subject, which is the scientific research that has repeatedly indicated a connection between race and intelligence, but rather, the debate concerning the legitimacy of the observations of that connection. Can you imagine the Wikipedia admins accepting a similar framing of the page on evolution as a debate rather than as a topic in its own right? They would never accept this even though, from the very start, evolutionary theory has been considerably more debatable than the observations, scientific, mundane, and logical, that the people of one race will always be more, or less, intelligent on average than the people of another race.

It’s certainly proper to include criticism of the subject, of course, which Infogalactic contains in its Criticism section. But this practice is very different than the thought-police tactic often utilized on Wikipedia, which is to place the criticism in definitional sections, sometimes even in the very first paragraph. That tactic not only isn’t honest, it doesn’t even make sense. After all, the debate about evolution, and the various criticisms and doubts about the legitimacy of evolutionary theory, cannot possibly be intrinsic to the definition of what evolutionary theory is.

Also, Pale Moon users will be glad to know that an intrepid Pale Moon user has figured out how to redirect all Wikipedia links to Infogalactic. Instructions here. Also, expect some news on improved performance soon, possibly even this week.

The Mandela Effect

Keoni Galt remembers history differently. Have you, too, experienced the Mandela Effect?

When I searched for “Mandela Effect” on Infogalactic, I got automatically redirected to the page entitled Confabulation.

In psychiatry, confabulation (verb: confabulate) is a memory disturbance, defined as the production of fabricated, distorted or misinterpreted memories about oneself or the world, without the conscious intention to deceive.[1] Individuals who confabulate present incorrect memories ranging from “subtle alterations to bizarre fabrications”,[2] and are generally very confident about their recollections, despite contradictory evidence.[3]

Given the lack of any content of the Discussion page for the entry, I suspected the content and the auto-redirect of my search terms originates with Wikipedia’s propaganda information control psyops before Infogalactic forked it. So I did the exact same search at Wikipedia and sure enough, on the Talk page, I found the following:

I returned to Wikipedia to post my rejection to Wikipedia rewriting the definition of the term “Mandela Effect” to replace the meaning of the term with a critical explanation for it. I discovered that the page has been removed altogether and that the term now brings one to this article, which doesn’t even mention the term in it at all (yet this page is linked by the term.)  – Neurolanis (talk) 10:05, 31 March 2016 (UTC)

Having only quickly skimmed over the topic after briefly encountering it while surfing through the fever swamps of my favorite haunts on the lunatic fringes of teh Interwebz, I decided to try and figure out what exactly this is all about.

The consensus has been manufactured and T.H.E.Y. have spoken. So let it be written re-written, so let it be done. If you clearly and distinctly remember the Berenstein Bears as I do, you must certainly be confabulating.

Certainly it can’t be an organized CONSPIRACY THEORY for the Government-Corporation-Foundation-NGO-Banking Cartel Industrial Complex and their useful idiot status whores and establishment cucks to collectively gaslight we the sheeple and make us think we are all losing our minds!

Snopes goes on to reference the more popular misformed disinformation memes that have been propagated to explain it all…the “woo-woo territory” that Snopes references involves ideas like parallel universes and virtual realities. It’s a whole new world of conspiracy theory for us Whackaloon Conspiritards to ‘sperg on!

According to the top Google search results, Wikipedia, Snopes, and the top meme’s found on a Google image search, it has ALWAYS BEEN The Berenstain Bears, and the only scientifically approved explanation for why you and I and so many other people remember it differently is mass mistaken memory!

I can’t speak for anyone else, but this is how I remember the following details:

  • Nelson Mandela did NOT die in prison during the 1980s. How would he have ever become President of South Africa if he had?
  • Han shot first.
  • Stormtroopers are clones of Boba Fett’s father. They’re not cowardly Africans.
  • Berenstein Bears. Why would anyone ever pronounce “stain” as “steen”?
  • Fruit Loops. I even remember the change as distinctly as if Kellogg’s were to change the name of another cereal to Special G tomorrow.
  • The line is “Luke, I am your father.”
  • The lion laying down with the lamb rather than the wolf living with the lamb in Isaiah 11:6. That being said, I don’t remember the verse per se, but rather the common phrase which could simply have been erroneous.

Anyhow, this is an example of precisely the sort of thought-policing narrative that is not acceptable at Infogalactic. Even if the correct explanation for the Mandela Effect is confabulation, it is absolutely false to claim that the two distinct concepts are synonymous, as at best, the Mandela Effect is a specific example of confabulation. The Mandela Effect page has been corrected.

Reader poll

Just out of curiosity, which do you want to read first?

  • A Sea of Skulls, the final edition
  • SJWs Always Double Down
  • Alt-Right Revolution
  • The Collapsing Empire

Don’t get too excited about any one particular option. You know me. I could end up doing something else entirely.

On a completely unrelated note, the daily average pageviews at Infogalactic have nearly doubled since October and are now rivaling this blog. I’m looking forward to it leaving VP in the very distant dust in the near future. For all that the SJWs would like it to be, Infogalactic has never been about me or my politics. I just want a better dynamic knowledge core for everyone.

Initial speedups

Some recent posts at Gab concerning Infogalactic:

  • The daily traffic at #Infogalactic is steadily growing. 
    • +34.4 % October to November 
    • +43.5% November to December 
  • Jimmy e-mailed me many times pleading for me to donate again to Wiki. Wiki is compromised, infiltrated by underemployed SJWs w/ too much free time. Wiki is losing a donor. Out with Wiki. In with Infogalactic. Migrate over if you’re right of Karl Marx.

If you’re using Infogalactic to replace Wikipedia – which you can now do as your default search engine in Brave, or by typing :i in the URL bar – you’ve probably noticed that it is considerably faster than it was a week ago. Click a few times on the Random Page link to see the initial improvements in page load times.

We’re still working on the Search and Image Fetch database functions; the latter is the primary culprit with regards to the persistent slowness of both, but we have made considerable progress there as well and expect to have those speedups implemented within a week. I’ll be sending out an update to both the Burn Unit and the Phase Two donors with an explanation of what IG’s Techstars have done, what they are doing, and what they’ll be working on next, as soon as this first round of speedups are in place. Please note that as a general rule, I try to avoid unnecessary communiques that contain no actual information.

If you haven’t joined the Burn Unit or jumped the donor ship from Wiki to IG yet, I would encourage you to do so now for two reasons. First, the Alt-Tech revolution is the only way out of being permanently walled in by the converged technology giants, and second, the planetary knowledge core is only going to keep getting better from here.

As you may have heard, Apple is still playing politics with Gab, attempting to keep the Gab app out of the Apple Store on spurious and hypocritical grounds, and Twitter has banned API-related access by Gab, which tells you that Big Tech is already alarmed by the rapid rise of the Alt-Tech. We not only can win, we will win, but we do need those who are on our side to support us rather than continue to support those who hate them.

Stop, triggertime!

When it’s cold outside, but you still feel the insatiable desire to trigger every SJW in visual range. That’s right, Dark Lord Designs and Cryptofashion now offer THE TRUMPSLIDE HOODIE! Let’s face it, that will never grow old.

The cold outside is frightful
But the election is still delightful
And when you need something to don
Put it on, put it on, put it on….

We also have:

    Making a difference

    Just in case those of you who are Brainstormers, Original Galaxians, Burn Unit, or Infogalactic supporters ever doubt that you are, in fact, making a difference. Someone posted this today on Gab:

    Major Tom @MajorTom
    In Hong Kong on the MTR right now and the local guy standing next to me has @infogalactic open on his phone. 

    How cool is that? These are challenging times, to be sure, but even so, it is an exciting time to be alive!

    Speaking of Brainstorm, we’re doing a belated November session on Monday night at 7 PM. Closed event, lots to discuss. Invites will go out tomorrow.

    A tale of two Pizzagates

    In case you didn’t understand how important Infogalactic is already proving to be, given the online war to control the information you are permitted to access, this should suffice to demonstrate as much.


    Pizzagate may refer to:

    Pizzagate, pizza thrown at former football manager and player Sir Alex Ferguson by an Arsenal Football Club player in the 2004 “Battle of the Buffet”
    Pizzagate, a 2016 conspiracy theory falsely claiming the existence of a child trafficking ring involving the Washington, D.C. restaurant Comet Ping Pong


    Pizzagate is a crowdsourced investigation by citizen journalists into an alleged connection between child trafficking and people closely associated with Hillary Clinton. The investigation began in October 2016 after Wikileaks released the Podesta emails, which contain 58,660 emails[1] from the Gmail account of John Podesta, who was the chairman of Clinton’s 2016 U.S. presidential campaign. Investigators exchanged information online via Twitter, Gab, 4chan, Reddit, and Voat.[2][3]

    It’s not Infogalactic’s purpose to take sides on anything. Indeed, its objective is quite the opposite, which is to permit the user to dictate the perspective filter through which he wishes to view the known facts. Wikipedia, obviously, takes a very different stance.

    Notice how Wikipedia’s 526 thought police are not providing accurate information relevant to the subject, but are instead aggressively acting as gatekeepers in precisely the same manner as the corrupt media they declare to be the only reliable sources acceptable. It’s a bit ironic, too, that it is the wealthy foundation with more than $70 million in annual revenue has a giant banner stretched across the page demanding more donations, not the shoe-string startup.

    We’re getting close to addressing our primary issue as the initial round of speedups should be in place well before the end of the month. If you would like help us provide the world with a more accurate and less biased planetary knowledge core that is free of SJW corruption, you can join the Burn Unit or make a one-time donation towards the ongoing Phase Two development here.

    An Alt-Tech Convergence

    This is the good kind of convergence, not SJW convergence. I’m delighted to be able to say that the latest version of Brave, 0.12.9, now features Infogalactic as a built-in search engine. You can either make it the default through Settings: Search or you can access it directly in the URL bar by typing :i, then whatever you want to search for.

    For example, typing :i vox day will take you directly to the Vox Day page on Infogalactic.

    Another new feature is the new tab page that shows you how many trackers/ads are blocked with Brave, and thus how much time you save when browsing/loading pages

    Download Brave 0.12.9 here.

    As for Infogalactic, we’re still working the phase one speedup. Figure three more weeks before we’re able to implement that.

    Infogalactic update

    I haven’t said much about Infogalactic lately, mostly because things are proceeding well. A few notes:

    • Traffic has increased to the point that we needed to up our server resources by thirty percent. 
    • We now have 540 registered Galaxians. Not a single edit war yet.
    • We reached our initial goal of 100 subscribers. Thank you, Burn Unit! Our annual goal is to reach 1,000 subscribers.
    • Redirect extensions have been created for all the major browsers.
    • An extension that provides a default search engine for Chrome has been developed and will be submitted to Google later this week.
    • We will be making an announcement of significant interest to Alt-Tech fans later this week.

    The performance is the major issue at the moment and is our top dev priority. If you’re interested in keeping up on this sort of thing, you can read more about it at Infogalaxians later today.

    As always, if you’d like to support Infogalactic, you can do so through a monthly subscription, a one-time donation, or by buying a t-shirt from CryptoFashion. We’re planning to do a monthly newsletter that will go out to subscribers every month. Nothing fancy, just early updates about the dev process, our current perspective on the roadmap, and a little inside information.

    Speaking of donations, this email between Jimmy Wales and a former Wikipedia donor was sent to me yesterday. I tend to doubt it will be the only exchange of its kind. And I particularly enjoyed the egregious MAGA shiv at the end.

    On Tue, Nov 1, 2016 at 1:15 PM, wrote:

        Dear [REDACTED],

        Two years ago, you donated $[REDACTED] to keep Wikipedia online for hundreds of millions of readers. We are deeply grateful for your past support, and we need your help again this year.

        Please renew your donation today.

        We are the small non-profit that runs one of the top websites in the world. We only have about 300 staff but serve millions of users, and have costs like any other top site: servers, power, programs, and people.

        If all our past donors gave again today, our fundraiser would be over within an hour. We’re not there yet. Please help us end the fundraiser and improve Wikipedia.

        Wikipedia is something special. It is like a library or a public park. It is like a temple for the mind, a place we can all go to think and learn.

        To protect our independence, we’ll never run ads. We are sustained by donations from our readers. Now is the time we ask.

        If Wikipedia is useful to you, please take one minute to keep it online, ad-free, and growing another year.

        Jimmy Wales
        Wikipedia Founder

    Dear Jimmy,

    You will not be receiving any further donations from me.

    Wikipedia has become social justice converged. I now use and support Infogalactic, The Planetary Knowledge Core, and I couldn’t be happier about my decision. I hope you folks at Wikipedia take a moment to reflect on the consequences of allowing convergence to take place within your organization. You lost sight of your mission. You became political and you censored those who disagreed with your politics. Sad!

    Please visit if you would like to see what Wikipedia should have been. Onward and upward. MAGA



    “… and finally, that Truth is great, and will prevail if left to herself; that she is the proper and sufficient antagonist to error, and has nothing to fear from the conflict, unless by human interposition disarmed of her natural weapons free argument and debate; errors ceasing to be dangerous when it is permitted freely to contradict them:”

    Thomas Jefferson
    Statute for Religious Freedom