Uneducation Factori

The God-Emperor 2.0 can’t just stop with banning the Department of Education. The entire public school system needs to go:

A new report has found that Illinois has 60 public schools at which zero students reported grade-level proficiency in either reading or math. Across the Prairie State, there are 23 schools, including 18 in Chicago, where no student demonstrated proficiency in either subject in 2022, according to an analysis of state data by Wirepoints. Another seven Illinois schools had zero proficiency in reading alone, and 30 had no students with proficiency in math alone, the study found.

Even calling these institutions “schools” is a misnomer. They’re Uneducation Factories. The children would be better off if they were just allowed to play all day, unsupervised, in the nearest park or field. More of them would learn how to read too.


This is Not a School Failure

This tragedy is a specific parental failure, not a general systemic one:

The parents of a 10-year-old boy who took his own life after being bullied at school for his glasses and teeth have filed a lawsuit that includes photos of his injuries. Sammy Teusch’s family moved to Greenfield, Indiana, in November 2022, where he was relentlessly bullied at Weston Elementary and later at Greenfield Intermediate

Sammy repeatedly sought help from teachers, but no action was taken

Sammy took his own life in May. His 13-year-old brother discovered his asphyxiated body at home

The lawsuit includes photos of injuries and a text message from a bully appearing to confess to driving Sammy to suicide. The parents accuse the school district of showing “callous indifference” and failing to protect Sammy despite their repeated pleas for intervention.

It’s bad enough that parents force their children to go to public schools, in which “callous indifference” is designed from the start. But to ignore the suffering of a child who is a square peg in the round hole, and expect the school to eliminate it, or even mitigate it, is a complete dereliction of parental duty. Especially when homeschooling the child is an easy and legal option.

Indiana homeschool families are not required to register with the state and do not have to do any testing or reporting.

If your child is being bullied at school, don’t hesitate to pull him or her out of school immediately and keep him out until the matter is well and truly sorted. And never, ever, rely upon the school authorities to do anything whatsoever to defend your child; even the kindest-hearted schoolteacher or school administrator has responsibilities that do not permit them to do much, if anything, to prevent one or more schoolchildren from bullying or otherwise preying upon another child.

Far too many parents are quite happy to abandon their own responsibilities in the false belief that the schools operate in loco parentis. They never have and they never will.


Evil in the High Courts

This is absolutely and utterly evil. This is the sort of thing that is going to lead to the revolution and chaos that will bring the Empire down from within. It’s also directly against the recent decision of the US Supreme Court, which ruled that non-vaccines like the Covid-19 shots cannot be mandated:

Schools have been given the green light to vaccinate children with Covid-19 mRNA shots without parental consent by the Vermont Supreme Court which ruled that schools are protected under the PREP Act which provides immunity from liability.

The decision by the Vermont Supreme Court opens to the door for educators to further encroach upon the rights and responsibilities of parents by vaccinating children against the wishes of their parents and facing no legal consequences.

The court set the precedent during a case involving a child, labeled L.P. in the original complaint, who was vaccinated in November 2021 at a clinic hosted by the Windham Southeast School District.

L.P. was a student at the district’s Academy School at the time of the forced vaccination.

L.P.’s father told a school official days prior to the clinic the child was not to be vaccinated, court documents say. The school official acknowledged the father’s directive, according to Friday’s ruling.

The school child also reminded the staff that her father did not want her to be vaccinated.

However, clinic workers forced L.P. to have one dose of the Pfizer mRNA vaccine.

According to the school, the child was allegedly “misidentified,” according to the court ruling.

Academy School officials realized the “mistake” and called L.P.’s parents to explain and apologize, which led to L.P.’s parents removing their child from the school.

According to the Vermont Supreme Court ruling on Friday, state and school officials involved in vaccinating the child without parental consent cannot be sued or prosecuted because they are are protected by the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness (PREP) Act, which grants liability immunity.

And no immunity granted by a court is going to protect state and school officials from those seeking righteous retribution for the harm done to their children. Those clinic workers shouldn’t be given liability, they should be tried, found guilty, and face capital punishment for their knowingly forcing an unwilling child to receive medical treatment against her wishes and the wishes of her father.

Here is hoping those evil will swiftly face the divine justice that the Vermont courts denied that family.


Phonics are the Only Way

Mississippi is no longer the uneducated laughing stock of the US public school system:

It’s a cliché that Kymyona Burk heard a little too often: “Thank God for Mississippi.”

As the state’s literacy director, she knew politicians in other states would say it when their reading test scores were down — because at least they weren’t ranked as low as Mississippi. Or Louisiana. Or Alabama.

Lately, the way people talk about those states has started to change. Instead of looking down on the Gulf South, they’re seeing it as a model.

Mississippi went from being ranked the second-worst state in 2013 for fourth-grade reading to 21st in 2022. Louisiana and Alabama, meanwhile, were among only three states to see modest gains in fourth-grade reading during the pandemic, which saw massive learning setbacks in most other states.

The turnaround in these three states has grabbed the attention of educators nationally, showing rapid progress is possible anywhere, even in areas that have struggled for decades with poverty and dismal literacy rates. The states have passed laws adopting similar reforms that emphasize phonics and early screenings for struggling kids.

We utilized phonics to teach our children and all of them were reading simple sentences before they were four years old. Originally, with a Powerpoint slideshow, and later with a homemade Android app, then followed by the Bob Books. Any child can learn to read before the age of five if provided with a daily phonics run, first through the alphabet, then through the randomized phonemes.

Phonics vs whole language is the precisely akin to the difference between learning to read Japanese through kana and through kanji. The former is easy and can be accomplished in a matter of months. The latter is incredibly difficult and requires years of study for even basic literacy.

Don’t ever take any teacher, professional educator, or scientist seriously if they oppose phonics for any reason. At best, they are ignorant and maleducated. At worst, they are malevolent and seeking to intellectually lobotomize children.


The Rape Factories

If, at this point, you are still putting your children in public schools, you are committing child abuse by proxy:

US public school employees who sexually abuse children are typically moved to different schools three times before they are finally arrested, preying on as many as 73 victims before they are eventually punished, according to a new report by a conservative think tank.

Published last week by the Defense of Freedom Institute, the report details hundreds of cases in which teachers in public school districts were accused of abuse, but had their records scrubbed before being moved to new positions, where the abuse continued.

Citing earlier research by the Government Accountability Office, the report noted that firing teachers can be a costly process for school districts. As such, the districts often negotiate confidentiality agreements with unions whereby a teacher can resign or be demoted to avoid disciplinary action, before being transferred to another school with a clean slate.

The average employee accused of abuse is passed to three different school districts before facing legal consequences, and can abuse up to 73 children in this time.

This system has allowed sexual assault to proliferate, the report claimed. According to the most recent Department of Education data, 13,799 cases of sexual violence and 685 cases of rape or attempted rape were recorded in schools during the 2017-2018 school year, up from 9,649 and 394 in 2015-2016.

Homeschooling your children should be your #1 first priority. It doesn’t matter if you have to move, add a side-hustle on top of your primary job, or lower your standard of living. Just do it! Neither your nor your children will ever regret it.


The Staged Show in Texas

AC points out some of the obvious questions, contradictions and inconsistencies raised by the detailed timeline of what appears to be a federally-staged school shooting in Uvalde, Texas.

First, the teacher who propped open the door next to the shooter’s crashed truck, a door that was always kept locked, was seen on video doing so one minute before the shooter arrived on scene and crashed his truck. Work out the statistical probability on that. After crashing, the shooter immediately shot at two men who approached his vehicle outside, and the teacher then left the door propped open for 12 minutes, while they went and got a phone and maybe called 911, returned to the door, and then fled into the school afraid, leaving the door open for the shooter to enter. The school, which had both, lockdown drills, and weekly real lockdowns due to border-crime pursuits, then did not lockdown in those 12 minutes, while there was shooting right outside. All classroom doors were left open and unlocked, apparently just waiting for the shooter to walk through them, as 5.56 was going off outside. The shooter finally entered, and was able to walk freely into a classroom, and then lock the door behind him to prevent law-enforcement entry. And then you have all the weird law enforcement activity, which basically contained the shooter in the room with children for an hour, as they were calling 911 and apprising the dispatcher there were live children with the shooter and he was killing them. None of that makes sense, even before you consider that they are now saying the second rifle was a Daniel Defense too. So the unemployed, 18 year old shooter’s kit cost as much as $6300-$8000, per the link, and it was not bought on a credit card.

Now, keep in mind that the only thing of which we can be certain is this: the event did not happen as the official story is reported. Everything asserted by the government-news complex, from the heroes to the villains, from the motivations to the methods, is fake and gay in at least some way.

But that doesn’t mean that no one was shot and killed. In fact, on the basis of historical observation, it is logical to conclude that the federal agencies responsible for producing these “school shootings” have, over time, gone from initially a) permitting genuine school shootings to take place by refusing to intervene to b) staging false ones using crisis actors to c) staging real ones using wind-up toys and/or patsies to cover for professional shooters. The truth may be considerably darker than most conspiracy theorists wish to imagine.

Precisely which school shooting happens to fall into which category is irrelevant, and in most cases would be difficult to ascertain, although the way in which the police perimeter was reportedly utilized to actively prevent the parents in Uvalde from interfering with what appears to have been a very reluctant shooter for over an hour tends to suggest the latter.

The police have since been heavily scrutinized for standing outside of the school while the massacre unfolded. It has since been revealed that Pete Arredondo, the Chief of Police in the Uvalde Consolidated Independent School District, ordered his officers to wait for backup and more equipment before initiating a tactical breach, People reported. The police remained outside of the school for more than an hour.

Whatever genuinely happened there, it is simply another transparent attempt to manufacture rhetorical support for disarming Americans, and that’s all we actually need to know about the matter. Ignore all the sob stories, the pictures, the interviews, and all the other blatant attempts at emotional manipulation, don’t permit yourself to get drawn into pointless discussions of these events, because it’s nothing more than the usual satanic attempt to shut down your intellectual capacities and rule you through the emotions of anger and fear.

As a general rule, never trust anyone who seeks to inflame or frighten you. It’s a near-certainty that anyone who does so is attempting to make use of you in some way. Neither fury nor fear tend to be in harmony with the Good, the Beautiful, and the True.


But OUR Public School is Great

No, it isn’t. It really, really isn’t. The public schools have further degenerated from providing intellectual lobotomies to outright pushing open satanry:

An Austin, Texas school teacher said that of the 32 fourth-grade students in her class, 20 have “come out” to her as “LGBTQIA+,” according to a leaked internal school message.

The claim reportedly came from a teacher at the Austin Independent School District (ISD)’s Blackshear Elementary School, according to the Daily Caller, which originally obtained the internal messages from the “Libs of Tik Tok” Twitter account.

The teacher’s revelation came as part of a complaint that Blackshear Elementary School principal Rick Garner referred to the morning’s Pride Parade — an ISD-wide celebration of LGBTQ sexuality and gender — as a “wellness walk.”

“I feel that it is inappropriate to call our parade this morning a ‘Wellness Walk’ at all. While I understand that Wellness Walk is something that was previously in motion to promote health and fitness and is something we want to continue, it really takes away from the experience of celebrating Pride to couple the two,” wrote the teacher, who has not been publicly identified.

“The first Pride was a riot,” wrote the teacher, apparently referencing the Stonewall Riots that inspired the first gay pride parades. “It is not enough to just ‘welcome,’ ‘love,’ and ‘celebrate’ Queer folx. Your allyship should always lead you to activism — speaking up and fighting for what is right, even when it feels uncomfortable,” the teacher continued.

She went on to write, “Out of the 32 students that I teach, 20 of them are LGBTQIA+ and have come out to me. I feel that we need to do better — for them. To affirm our students, I think it would be only appropriate and right to publicly announce what we had this morning was a PRIDE Parade. Our students are aware and are paying attention.”

If your children are in a public school, you deserve no more sympathy for what happens to them than you do if you go and get them vaxxed. Frankly, the latter is probably preferable, as it will only destroy their bodies instead of their minds and souls.

There is no such thing as “a bad teacher” or “a bad school”. All of the public school teachers and all of the public schools are evil, because they are part of a centralized system that exists for no other purpose than to destroy children. Don’t feed your children into the filth factory.


California Culls the Kids

It’s now entirely obvious that it isn’t about Covid. Of course, it never was:

Under a new mandate by Governor Gavin Newsom, California will require all eligible schoolchildren to be vaccinated against Covid-19. The order is the first of its kind in the US, and will affect millions of kids. “Our schools already require vaccines for measles, mumps and more,” Newsom tweeted on Friday. “Why? Because vaccines work. This is about keeping our kids safe & healthy.”

Speaking at a San Francisco school shortly afterwards, Newsom said the order would apply to kids between 7th and 12th grade, aged between 12 and 17 years, and would come into effect once the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approves shots for this age group. At present, the FDA has issued emergency authorization for Pfizer’s vaccine to be given to children as young as 11, but it has not fully approved the jab for this group.

Once in effect, children without the jab will be forced to attend classes online, though religious and medical exemptions will be available, Newsom revealed.

Whatever. Californians had their chance to get rid of Newsom. The fewer Californians, the better off the rest of the USA will be. Now if New York will only follow suit, America might actually benefit from the Great Self-Removal.

The amazing thing is the way in which, in the future, people will whine and cry about “how could God have allowed this to happen?” Allow what to happen? Allow you to decide to inject unknown substances into yourself and your children? God had nothing to do with it. It was you! It was you who fucked up by deciding to trust Satan and his little servitors.

Because THAT always ends so well.

Now They Come for the Children

The FDA is expected to approve the fake vaccines for elementary shool children:

The former head of the Food and Drug Administration said Sunday that Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine could be approved for children ages 5 to 11 by the end of October.

Dr. Scott Gottlieb, who helmed the FDA under President Trump and serves on Pfizer’s board of directors, said the company should get information on its vaccines on young kids before the end of September — paving the way for approval for the next age group to get the jab.

“In a best-case scenario, given that timeline they’ve just laid out, you could potentially have a vaccine available to children aged 5 to 11 by Halloween,” Gottlieb said on CBS News’ “Face the Nation.”

“If everything goes well, the Pfizer data package is in order, and FDA ultimately makes a positive determination, I have confidence in Pfizer in terms of the data that they’ve collected. But this is really up to the Food and Drug Administration to make an objective determination.”

The FDA has said it would take weeks, not months, to determine whether to OK the two-dose vaccine for kids ages 5 to 11. Pfizer, the only fully approved FDA vaccine, has been testing its shot on kids 2 years and older and has previously said data on children 2 to 5 could arrive just after September. It expected to have information from the 6-month to 2-year-old age group sometime in October or November.

The decision about whether to vaccinate younger children comes amid pressure to contain a surge of infections caused by the Delta variant, which has complicated efforts for schools to return to classes.

Gottlieb said he believes the shots will eventually be required for public school students.

These people are literal servants of Satan, just as Jesus told us they are. They’re pushing these poisons on helpless US children despite the fact that they can see what a disaster mass vaccination has been in Israel.

Philip Dormitzer, the chief scientific officer at Pfizer, made the comments to a Zoom gathering of academics last week. They were first reported by Channel 12 news on Friday night.

“Early in the pandemic we established a relationship with the Israeli Ministry of Health where they used exclusively the Pfizer vaccine and then monitored it very closely,” Dormitzer told the gathering, “so we had a sort of laboratory where we could see the effect.”

He added that Israel “immunized a very high proportion of the population very early — so it’s been a way that we can almost look ahead: What we see happening in Israel happens again in the US a couple months later.”

Israel has not only required a third shot in order to maintain “fully-vaccinated” status, but has released statistics that prove vaccination is literally worse than useless.