Don’t jump to logical conclusions

If, at this point, you’re dumb enough to get the not-vaccine, you really don’t have any excuse:

Utah’s chief medical examiner urged the public not to jump to conclusions about the death of a 39-year-old woman four days after she received the second dose of Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine — insisting there is no evidence the jab was connected to her passing.
After receiving her second jab on Feb. 1, Kassidi Kurill became sick and was hospitalized. Four days later, the single mom died under mysterious circumstances.
But Dr. Erik Christensen, chief medical examiner for Utah’s Health Department, told Fox News that the tragic mom’s second dose and her death are only “temporally related.” “We don’t have any evidence that there are connections between the vaccines and deaths at this point,” he insisted. “We don’t have any indication of that.”

That’s a fascinating excuse. Now we know JFK didn’t wasn’t assassinated. The rifle firing and his death were only “temporally related”. Also, when did New York newspapers start using British slang? Americans don’t get “jabs”, they get “shots”. Is “jab” supposed to be friendlier and less frightening, or more progressive, somehow?

Any time you see someone babbling about evidence, you can be certain they are lying. In this case, the dead body of the woman with the material that was injected would be the evidence, as well as the syringe that was used, the bottle from which the material was taken, and so forth. It’s certainly possible that she died of West African Rat Disease or asymptomatic Ebola or even an excess of ennui, but Ockham’s Razor strongly suggests that it was the not-vaccine that killed her due to the known exposure and temporal relationship.

I don’t what the long-term effects of the genetic markers being applied to a statistically significant percentage of the population will be, but I can certainly think of a lot of different uses for them. And pretty much none of them are good. If you wouldn’t have a glowing target tattooed on your forehead, you probably shouldn’t submit to genetic therapy by people who openly talk about their desire to reduce the human population.

Lockdowns are Fake Science

Isn’t it interesting how the “Follow the Science” crowd immediately ignores the actual scientody in favor of appeals to the authority of scientistry as soon as their hypotheses are subjected to the actual scientific method?

This is becoming repetitive already but it’s very much worth repeating: lockdowns don’t work and a new study has come out re-confirming that fact.

Medical experts Eran Bendavid, Christopher Oh, Jay Bhattacharya, and John Ioannidis published just two weeks ago at the European Journal of Clinical Investigation their research on “Assessing Mandatory Stay-at-Home and Business Closure Effects on the Spread of COVID-19.”

They studied “COVID-19 case growth in relation to any NPI [non-pharmaceutical interventions; i.e., lockdowns: mandatory stay-at-home and business closures] implementation in subnational regions of 10 countries: England, France, Germany, Iran, Italy, Netherlands, Spain, South Korea, Sweden, and the US.” They then examined “case growth in Sweden and South Korea, two countries that did not implement mandatory stay-at-home and business closures, as comparison countries for the other eight countries (16 total comparisons).”

Their findings? “While small benefits cannot be excluded, we do not find significant benefits on case growth of more restrictive NPIs. Similar reductions in case growth may be achievable with less restrictive interventions.” In short: there was no practical difference in effect between countries that locked down and those that didn’t. Or even shorter: whatever benefits lockdowns give are dwarfed by their enormous costs.

This study was complemented by Canadian infectious disease expert Dr. Ari Joffe in his study “COVID-19: Rethinking the Lockdown Groupthink” (November 2020). Here, he stated that “The costs of lockdowns are at least 10 times higher than the benefits. That is, lockdowns cause far more harm to population well-being than COVID-19 can.”

All the lockdowns should be ended immediately. They literally accomplish worse than nothing. The science, as they say, is settled.

“Imaginary and fictitious”

A clinical lab scientist tests 1,500 positive Covid-19 samples and finds nothing but common influenza viruses.

I’m a clinical lab scientist. I have a PhD in virology and immunology. I’m a clinical lab scientist and have tested 1500 “supposed” positive Covid 19 samples collected here in S. California. When my lab team and I did the testing through Koch’s postulates and observation under a SEM (scanning electron microscope), we found NO Covid in any of the 1500 samples.

What we found was that all of the 1500 samples were mostly Influenza A and some were influenza B, but not a single case of Covid, and we did not use the B.S. PCR test. We then sent the remainder of the samples to Stanford, Cornell, and a few of the University of California labs and they found the same results as we did, NO COVID. They found influenza A and B. 

All of us then spoke to the CDC and asked for viable samples of COVID, which CDC said they could not provide as they did not have any samples. We have now come to the firm conclusion through all our research and lab work, that the COVID 19 was imaginary and fictitious.

If it looks like a hoax, and it smells like a hoax, and 1,500 lab samples determine that it’s a hoax, then Occam’s Razor strongly suggests that it’s a great big hoax. 

I am no virologist, but as a competent logician, my inclination is to hypothesize that the C19 virus is a genetically modified version of the flu. This explanation would account for a) the unusual symptoms, b) the anomalies related to the viral samples, and c) the massive decline in conventional flu cases.

Adverse effects are good for you!

If I didn’t already have zero respect for the intellectual capacity of the 100-IQ crowd, it would be depressing to know that this absurd argument about the benefits of adverse vaccine reactions is actually going to work on those who are dumb enough to permit themselves to be injected with fake “vaccine” experimental gene modification in the first place:

A sore arm, headache, fatigue, nausea, dizzy spells, aching joints and sore muscles. These are the common side-effects reported by some of the 15 million NHS patients to get their first dose of a Covid-19 vaccine, as well as the 500,000 or so who have had their scheduled second dose.

But rather than being something to dread, they could show you the vaccine is actually working.

A study in December by Imperial College London found that almost a third of UK adults had concerns about Covid vaccine safety. Yet having these mild, temporary side-effects after the jab could be a good thing — a sign that the vaccine is already getting to work.

The Medicines & Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA), which monitors vaccine safety in the UK, says more than one vaccine recipient in ten experiences some of these adverse reactions when given either of the two jabs currently in use in the UK (Pfizer/BioNTech and AstraZeneca), but that they usually clear up on their own, or with over-the-counter pain medication such as paracetamol, in a few days.

As the Oxford Vaccine Group, the research body which helped to develop the AstraZeneca jab, says on its website: ‘Having these symptoms actually means your immune system is working as it should be.’

Only one-third of the UK population is smart enough to even harbor concerns about an untested substance that is being marketed as something that it isn’t as it marks you for potential targeting by bioweaponry. At this point, I don’t see why Big Pharma doesn’t simply say: “the vaccine could make you smarter, prettier, and more popular!” That would almost certainly work even better on the two-thirds of the populace that are mindless morons.

Vitamin D actually saves lives

While the so-called “vaccines” are actually killing hundreds, if not thousands of people. It’s not a mystery what is the real motivation behind pushing the shots, and it obviously isn’t “saving lives” or the governments would be mandating Vitamin D supplements for everyone instead of trying to modify their genes.

Vitamin D reduces Covid-19 deaths by 60 per cent, a study has found, as MP David Davis today called for the therapy to be rolled out in hospitals immediately to ‘save many thousands of lives.’ The study evaluated the effectiveness of calcifediol – a Vitamin D3 – on more than 550 people admitted to the Covid-19 wards of the Hospital del Mar in Barcelona, Spain. 

Subjects were randomly assigned as either recipients of the calcifediol treatment or as controls on admission, before receiving five doses of the vitamin in increasing intervals of two, four, eight and 15 days. 

The research, published by the Social Science Research Network, found Covid-19 patients given doses of Vitamin D were 80 per cent less likely to require ICU treatment. Those from the University of Barcelona also concluded that ‘adjusted results showed a reduced mortality of more than 60 per cent’ for those who were given the calcifediol treatment. 

Now why do I suspect that those questioning this science – which is actual scientody as opposed to the scientistry of reading press releases from Big Pharma – aren’t going to find themselves banned from social media?

Stay out of the hospitals

As Karl Denninger and the South Koreans figured out more than a year ago, hospitals are the primary zone of viral transmission.

Up to 40 per cent of coronavirus infections in hospital patients during the first wave of the pandemic could have been caught on NHS wards, scientists have claimed in evidence presented to No10’s top advisers.

SAGE today released a document submitted to the panel that claimed stopping the spread of the virus in hospitals may have led to a ‘substantial’ reduction in the number of deaths in the first wave. 

And this nosocomial transmission — as it is medically called — meant the first phase of the UK’s coronavirus crisis was ‘prolonged, potentially by several weeks’, they said. 

The spread of the virus on wards has been a problem for the NHS throughout the crisis, with hospitals that have more Covid patients finding it harder to manage. Although staff must wear protective equipment at all times and Covid and non-Covid patients are segregated, the virus still spreads from people who don’t have any symptoms or who get false negative test results. 

The SAGE paper, published today, suggested that as many as 36,152 of around 90,000 people who were diagnosed with the virus in hospital between February and July 2020 had caught it in hospital.

Of course, this violates the narrative, because as the South Korean hospital study showed, the virus is not in the air. That’s why all the mask wearing doesn’t make any difference. The most effective way to avoid contact with it is to wash your hands a lot. 

Two shots and you’re out

Two Italian nurses, a doctor and a pharmacist, all in their 40s, have died of heart attacks after getting the at least one dose of the Pfizer Covid “vaccine”. A translated version can be read here:

Un altro giovane infermiere, Luigi Buttazzo, strumentista di sala operatoria presso il Policlinico Tor Vergata di Roma è morto nel sonno probabilmente stroncato da un infarto, come scrivono alcuni media, tra cui Repubblica.
L’infermiere, 42 anni, è deceduto alcuni giorni fa dopo la somministrazione della seconda dose del vaccino “Comirnaty” della Pfizer-Biontech, il cosiddetto richiamo. Probabilmente si tratta dell’ennesima “coincidenza”, così come “casuali” appaiono i tanti decessi e le gravi reazioni avverse che si stanno registrando in questi giorni sul personale sanitario vaccinato.
La morte dell’infermiere del policlinico romano non è un caso isolato. A metà gennaio è deceduta anche una giovane infermiera in servizio all’ospedale “Fabrizio Spaziani” di Frosinone, Elisabeth Durazzo, morta nel sonno anche lei probabilmente per un infarto. Anche lei aveva ricevuto il vaccino.
Un altro caso è quello della farmacista 49enne Miriam Gabriela Godoy, di Porto Corsini, località balneare sulla riviera romagnola. La farmacista si era sottoposta a vaccinazione il 14 gennaio. Il giorno dopo era andata in farmacia a lavorare e si è sentita male. Trasportata con urgenza all’ospedale Bufalini di Cesena, la signora è deceduta qualche giorno dopo, mercoledì 20 gennaio.
Un medico di 45 anni, Mauro Valeriano D’Auria, specialista gastroenterologo in servizio presso l’ospedale ‘Umberto I’ di Nocera Inferiore, è morto nei giorni scorsi pare anche lui stroncato da un arresto cardiaco dopo una partita a tennis. Il dottore si era da poco vaccinato contro il Covid, tanto che sui social ha postato una sua immagine con la scritta: “#Fatto, vaccinazione anticovid 19”

Like the lockdowns, these “vaccines” which are not actually vaccines in the technical sense are almost certainly going to turn out to be worse than the disease for everyone under the age of 70 even in the short term. And it will not be even remotely surprising if the long-term consequences turn out to be catastrophic. 

Meanwhile, the more conventional vaccines don’t appear to work as well as acquiring natural immunity.

Vaccine manufacturer Merck has abandoned development of two coronavirus vaccines, saying that after extensive research it was concluded that the shots offered less protection than just contracting the virus itself and developing antibodies. The company announced that the shots V590 and V591 were ‘well tolerated’ by test patients, however they generated an ‘inferior’ immune system response in comparison with natural infection. 

And the vaccine news just keeps getting better:

At least 36 people may have developed a rare blood disorder, known as immune thrombocytopenia (ITP), after taking either Pfizer and BioNTech or Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccines, according to a report. 

At this point, you’d have to be crazy to roll the dice with these vaccines rather than the virus if you’re not an obese 68-year old black man with asthma. If you’re old and in a high-risk group with comorbidities, sure, take your chances with the shots. Otherwise, it makes no sense. The complete inability of people to grasp the probabilities involved would be depressing if one wasn’t already aware how retarded they are on average.

Never trust “the science”

Don’t ever forget that trusting “the science” is less reliable than trusting a coin toss. Just wait a little while and there is about a three-in-five chance that what was dismissed as “dangerous conspiracy theory” that “costs lives” will become “peer-reviewed studies published in a prestigious science journal” and “mainstream consensus”.

Remember when science said HCQ was useless against Covid-19? Now science says it’s an effective early medical treatment that helped 67 percent of the people to whom it was prescribed. And yes, taking zinc will help stave it off.

Combination Antiviral Therapy

Rapid and amplified viral replication is the hallmark of most acute viral infections. By reducing the rate, quantity, or duration of viral replication, the degree of direct viral injury to the respiratory epithelium, vasculature, and organs may be lessened.16 Additionally, secondary processes that depend on viral stimulation, including the activation of inflammatory cells, cytokines, and coagulation, could potentially be lessened if viral replication is attenuated. Because no form of readily available medication has been designed specifically to inhibit SARS-CoV-2 replication, 2 or more of the nonspecific agents listed here can be entertained. None of the approaches listed have specific regulatory approved advertising labels for their manufacturers; thus all would be appropriately considered acceptable “off-label” use.17

 Zinc Lozenges and Zinc Sulfate

Zinc is a known inhibitor of coronavirus replication. Clinical trials of zinc lozenges in the common cold have demonstrated modest reductions in the duration and or severity of symptoms.18 By extension, this readily available nontoxic therapy could be deployed at the first signs of COVID-19.19 Zinc lozenges can be administered 5 times a day for up to 5 days and extended if needed if symptoms persist. The amount of elemental zinc lozenges is <25{3549d4179a0cbfd35266a886b325f66920645bb4445f165578a9e086cbc22d08} of that in a single 220-mg zinc sulfate daily tablet. This dose of zinc sulfate has been effectively used in combination with antimalarials in early treatment of high-risk outpatients with COVID-19.20


Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) is an antimalarial/anti-inflammatory drug that impairs endosomal transfer of virions within human cells. HCQ is also a zinc ionophore that conveys zinc intracellularly to block the SARS-CoV-2 RNA-dependent RNA polymerase, which is the core enzyme of the virus replication.21 The currently completed retrospective studies and randomized trials have generally shown these findings: 1) when started late in the hospital course and for short durations of time, antimalarials appear to be ineffective, 2) when started earlier in the hospital course, for progressively longer durations and in outpatients, antimalarials may reduce the progression of disease, prevent hospitalization, and are associated with reduced mortality.22,  23,  24,  25 In a retrospective inpatient study of 2541 patients hospitalized with COVID-19, therapy associated with an adjusted reduction in mortality was HCQ alone (hazard ratio [HR] = 0.34, 95{3549d4179a0cbfd35266a886b325f66920645bb4445f165578a9e086cbc22d08} confidence interval [CI] 0.25-0.46, P <0.001) and HCQ with azithromycin (HR = 0.29, 95{3549d4179a0cbfd35266a886b325f66920645bb4445f165578a9e086cbc22d08} CI 0.22-0.40, P <0.001).23 HCQ was approved by the US Food and Drug Administration in 1955, has been used by hundreds of millions of people worldwide since then, is sold over the counter in many countries, and has a well-characterized safety profile that should not raise undue alarm.25,26 Although asymptomatic QT prolongation is a well-recognized and infrequent (<1{3549d4179a0cbfd35266a886b325f66920645bb4445f165578a9e086cbc22d08}) complication of HCQ, it is possible that in the setting of acute illness symptomatic arrhythmias could develop. Data safety and monitoring boards have not declared safety concerns in any clinical trial published to date. Rare patients with a personal or family history of prolonged QT syndrome and those on additional QT prolonging, contraindicated drugs (eg, dofetilide, sotalol) should be treated with caution and a plan to monitor the QTc in the ambulatory setting. A typical HCQ regimen is 200 mg bid for 5 days and extended to 30 days for continued symptoms. A minimal sufficient dose of HCQ should be used, because in excessive doses the drug can interfere with early immune response to the virus.


Azithromycin is a commonly used macrolide antibiotic that has antiviral properties mainly attributed to reduced endosomal transfer of virions as well as established anti-inflammatory effects.27 It has been commonly used in COVID-19 studies initially based on French reports demonstrating markedly reduced durations of viral shedding, fewer hospitalizations, and reduced mortality combination with HCQ as compared to those untreated.28,29 In the large inpatient study (n = 2451) discussed previously, those who received azithromycin alone had an adjusted HR for mortality of 1.05, 95{3549d4179a0cbfd35266a886b325f66920645bb4445f165578a9e086cbc22d08} CI 0.68-1.62, and P = 0.83.23 The combination of HCQ and azithromycin has been used as standard of care in other contexts as a standard of care in more than 300,000 older adults with multiple comorbidities.30 This agent is well-tolerated and like HCQ can prolong the QTc in <1{3549d4179a0cbfd35266a886b325f66920645bb4445f165578a9e086cbc22d08} of patients. The same safety precautions for HCQ listed previously could be extended to azithromycin with or without HCQ. Azithromycin provides additional coverage of bacterial upper respiratory pathogens that could potentially play a role in concurrent or secondary infection. Thus, this agent can serve as a safety net for patients with COVID-19 against clinical failure of the bacterial component of community-acquired pneumonia.31,32 The same safety precautions for HCQ could be extended to azithromycin with or without HCQ. Because both HCQ and azithromycin have small but potentially additive risks of QTc prolongation, patients with known or suspected arrhythmias or taking contraindicated medications or should have more thorough workup (eg, review of baseline electrocardiogram, imaging studies, etc.) before receiving these 2 together. One of many dosing schemes is 250 mg po bid for 5 days and may extend to 30 days for persistent symptoms or evidence of bacterial superinfection.

Trust engineers. They actually know what they’re doing. Don’t ever trust science or scientists. 

Based Deutschland

From SB on SocialGalactic: A German company stands firmly against the poison shots:

The management of a German construction company sent out a message to employees as follows:

“If an employee of our company is vaccinated, then his dismissal will be announced immediately! Whoever introduces unreliable vaccines, condemned by many experts around the world, jeopardizes the stability of our work processes at the enterprise! We are responsible for all employees, as well as reliable sales, timely wages and so on! We refuse to experiment with the effectiveness of our company in favor of the pharmaceutical industry! Our employees will be instructed and warned about it!

We are one team!

We have a task, the task of our company is to sustainably support the family, including our employees, and lead them through the economic crisis! Anyone who does not understand this should look for work elsewhere!

Thanks for attention!

As with the GameStop uprising, economic pressure is finally beginning to work against the Fake Elite. People are finally beginning to see that all that “free speech” and “open borders” and “free trade” and “equal opportunity” and “financial capitalism” nonsense was nothing but a Promethean attack on the foundations of the Christian West.

Why would they fake it?

Well, here is one possible reason:

Less than a week after Joe Biden’s inauguration, California Governor Gavin Newsom is expected to lift the state’s stay-at-home order Monday “based on ICU projections for the next four weeks,” according to media reports out of the state. Dropping the stay-at-home order will allow outdoor dining and indoor services such as barbershops, hair salons and tattoo parlors to return to business, KSEE’s Alexan Balekian reports.

Counties are expected to return to a colored tier system with most returning to a purple level, the top risk level as set by the state health department. In a statement released by the California Restaurant Association, the group said it expects Newsom to make the announcement Monday.

“Late this evening, senior officials in the Newsom administration informed us that the Governor will announce tomorrow that the stay-at-home order will be lifted in all regions of the state,” the release reads…. Friday, Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer announced her state will reopen indoor dining starting February 1.

I’m not saying that it is the case, I’m merely observing what is happening in response to “the Biden inauguration”.