They want you weak, small, and stupid

Now, only a complete madman – or more likely, madwoman – would voluntarily forgo eating meat in the first place, but it is downright evil to deny growing children the sustenance necessary for their full development. If a plant-based diet is inhibiting their height to this extent, imagine how much it is inhibiting their intellectual capacity.

Vegans cut out all animal products, including dairy, eggs and even honey. But there is little evidence on the potential damage this does to children’s health.

Lead author Professor Jonathan Wells, from UCL, said: ‘We know that people are increasingly being drawn to plant-based diets for several reasons, including promoting animal welfare and reducing our impact on the climate. 

‘Indeed, a global shift towards plant-based diets is now recognised to be crucial for preventing climate breakdown, and we strongly support this effort.

‘We also know that until now research into the health impact of these diets on children has been largely limited to assessments of height and weight and conducted only in vegetarian children. 

‘Our study provides a substantial insight into the health outcomes in children following vegetarian and vegan diets.’

The new study looked at 187 healthy five to ten-year-olds in Poland. Of these, 63 children were vegetarians, 52 vegans and 72 omnivores.

Children on vegan diets were on average three centimetres shorter. They also had four to six per cent lower bone mineral content and were more than three times more likely to be deficient in vitamin B-12 than omnivores.

For lunch today, I’ll be having pepper sausage and bufalo mozzerella, washed down by a good Spanish tempranillo. Just in case….

How COVID-19 was created

From: Adam Gaertner

Date: March 11, 2020 at 6:16 AM EDT

To: Fauci, Anthony (NIH/NIAID)

Subject: Coronavirus bioweapon production method

Hello Anthony,

This is how the virus was created.

Intervirion Fusion. HIV-luc(ACE2)(500 ng of p24) was mixed with 1,000 ng of p24 of HIV-gfp particles incorporating ASLV-A envelope, SARS-CoV S protein, or both envelopes in PBS at 4°C for 30 min to allow binding. Virions were adjusted to the desired pH with 0.1 M citric acid. PBS, TPCK-trypsin (final concentration 10 ng/ml), CTSL, cathespin B (CTSB) (final concentrations 2 ng/ml) or CTSL buffer alone was then added. Recombinant CTSL (R&D Systems) was preactivated by incubation for 15 min at 10 ng/ml in 50 mM Mes, pH 6.0, on ice. Recombinant CTSB (R&D Systems) was preactivated in 25 mM Mes, 5mM DTT, pH 5.0, for 30 min at 25°C. After a 10-min incubation at 25°C, proteolysis was halted by the addition of 300 nl of DMEM10 containing leupeptin (25 ng/ml) and STI (75ng/ml). Virions were then incubated at 37°C for 30 min to allow membrane fusion. 100 nl of the virion mixture was added in quadruplicate to HeLa-Tva cells pretrated for 1 h with leupeptin (20 ng/ml). The cells were spin-infected and incubated at 37°C for 5 h.

There is more at Karl Denninger’s.

UPDATE: The acceptance of the not-vaxx appears to be much lower than the media is reporting. It may be as low as 30 percent. This would explain the increasing desperation of the pushers and the ridiculous “incentives” being offered to take the death-marker.

Boomers are medical experts now

In which a Boomer educates his doctor. From SG:

Talking to patient today, boomer, he says since I saw you last I’ve been in hospital with a blood clot in my heart. I ask if he’s had the not-vax. He says yes 2 weeks prior, but it wasn’t to do with the not-vax! But then says my 38 Y. O. Son-in-law had a 3cm blood clot in his leg. I ask if he’s had the not-vax. Boomer says yes 2 weeks before but it wasn’t to do with the vax! Then he proceeds to complain about those who haven’t got the not-vax! 

Please catalogue this boomer stupidity near the top of list, historians.

I don’t know about you, but it’s comforting to know that we’ve got so many medical experts among us.

They lied to us

Karl Denninger observes that the lies about the lethal threat from COVID-19 are already unraveling:

We were all lied to about how “horrible” 2020 was going to be — and was — in terms of excess death.  Indeed this is the “justification” used for everything — ‘Warp Speed’ (despite the now-emerging risks of killing people wholesale), lockdowns, mask orders, destruction of businesses, ruining a full year of student education in the United States and more.

The CDC paraded around their charts telling us repeatedly that people were dropping dead at a ridiculous rate and so did the media.  You know, people were dying but otherwise wouldn’t have?  This was the entire reason that politicians, businesses, schools and others gave us for all these “measures”; we had to do it because people were going to and did die at a wildly-excessive rate.  This was an awful pandemic, remember — the worst since 1918, dwarfing all recent experience.

What if I told you that was all a lie?

Fact: It was a lie.

2020 was not the worst excess death year since the 1918 pandemic.

It was second.

The worst year in recent memory was…. wait for it…… 2017.

That’s right — all of the screaming, the lockdowns, masks, development of stabs, all of it: We did it and are still doing it for, what we now know, was a complete and total load of bull****.

In 2017 the excess death rate was 14.7{cc08d85cfa54367952ab9c6bd910a003a6c2c0c101231e44cdffb103f39b73a6}, with 400,732 excess fatalities (more than in 2020) resulting in 13.0 million years of lost life and this was wildly higher than in 2020 because a very large percentage of those excess deaths in 2017 were in working-age people who had a lot of years left, on average, where in 2020 an enormous percentage of the deaths were in nursing homes where the average life expectancy at admission is SIX MONTHS.  How much worse was 2017?  Let me quote it for you:

The comparison is more striking when years of life lost is the measure used. Goldstein and Lee estimate that the mean loss of life years for a person dying from COVID-19 in the United States is 11.7 y. Multiplying 377,000 decedents by 11.7 years lost per decedent gives a total of 4.41 million years of life lost to COVID19 in 2020, only a third of the 13.02 million life years lost to excess mortality in the United States in 2017.

In terms of years of life lost due to excess mortality 2017 wasn’t just worse than 2020 — IT WAS THREE TIMES AS BAD and more people, by gross count, died in excess as well!

In short the media, Fauci, Birx, your Governor, your county and city Mayors and all the so-called experts lied through their teeth and rat****ed you, your employment, your social life and scared you to death over a disease that in fact resulted in less excess death by a factor of three in terms of years lost than an entirely-ordinary year three years prior during which nobody said a damned word.

We should use every means available, fair or foul, to shove this fact up the rectums of all government agencies and so-called “experts” that screwed us for what was not a record-breaking year in terms of excess deaths.  In short they lied; just three years earlier we had a worse year and yet not one peep was uttered nor a single action taken that harmed or destroyed a person, business or freedom.

Bet this won’t get into the public consciousness?  Like hell it won’t.

It’s already happening.

Got that? Fewer people died in 2020 than in 2017. So much for the dread “pandemic”. Early on, I wondered what the result would be when all of the dire predictions turned out to be baseless and false. What a pity that so many people chose to believe the liars and permitted their genes to be modified for fear of absolutely nothing. 

Fauci’s babbling about racism sounds a lot like a film studio’s marketing department attempting to establish SJW credentials in the hopes of inspiring NPCs to buy tickets in support of a movie that everyone knows is going to bomb.

Capitalists provide the rope

 In which it becomes apparent that Vladimir Lenin wasn’t entirely wrong about capitalism:

One-shot cures for diseases are not great for business—more specifically, they’re bad for longterm profits—Goldman Sachs analysts noted in an April 10 report for biotech clients, first reported by CNBC.

The investment banks’ report, titled “The Genome Revolution,” asks clients the touchy question: “Is curing patients a sustainable business model?” The answer may be “no,” according to follow-up information provided.

Analyst Salveen Richter and colleagues laid it out:

The potential to deliver “one shot cures” is one of the most attractive aspects of gene therapy, genetically engineered cell therapy, and gene editing. However, such treatments offer a very different outlook with regard to recurring revenue versus chronic therapies… While this proposition carries tremendous value for patients and society, it could represent a challenge for genome medicine developers looking for sustained cash flow.

For a real-world example, they pointed to Gilead Sciences, which markets treatments for hepatitis C that have cure rates exceeding 90 percent. In 2015, the company’s hepatitis C treatment sales peaked at $12.5 billion. But as more people were cured and there were fewer infected individuals to spread the disease, sales began to languish. Goldman Sachs analysts estimate that the treatments will bring in less than $4 billion this year.

“[Gilead]’s rapid rise and fall of its hepatitis C franchise highlights one of the dynamics of an effective drug that permanently cures a disease, resulting in a gradual exhaustion of the prevalent pool of patients,” the analysts wrote. The report noted that diseases such as common cancers—where the “incident pool remains stable”—are less risky for business.

Appalling, of course. But this will serve a useful reference example for explaining to mindless GDP idolaters that higher corporate profits and rising Gross Domestic Product are not the primary objectives of a civilized human society. 

The CDC isn’t getting vaxxed

 Let’s face it, if they’re publicly admitting that half the employees at the CDC and the FDA aren’t getting vaccinated, the actual number is almost certainly north of two-thirds:

When pressed by Sen. Richard Burr about the percentage of CDC and FDA employees who have elected to receive the COVID vaccine, Biden medical adviser Anthony Fauci and the FDA’s Peter Marks admitted that the number who have chosen not take the vaccine is close to half. CDC director Rochelle Walensky dodged the question.

“Okay, this question I’m gonna go to Dr. Fauci, Dr. Marks, and Dr. Walensky,” Burr said. “What percentage of employees in [Fauci’s] institute, [Walensky’s] Center, or [Mars’] agency, of your employees, has been vaccinated.”

“You know, I’m not a hundred percent sure, senator, but I think it’s probably a little bit more than half, probably around sixty percent,” Fauci said.

“I can’t tell you the exact number, but it’s probably in the same range, some people vaccinated at our facility, and others at, uh, outside of the facility,” Marks said.

When the same question was posed to Walensky, she replied, “We’re encouraging, um, our employees to get vaccinated, we’ve been doing town halls and education seminars, um, we have, our staff have the option to report their vaccination status but it’s you, un-understand [sic] the federal government is not requiring it so we do not know.”

In my opinion, only a complete and confirmed idiot would permit himself to be injected with an untested substance that is intended to interfere with the human immune system in order to protect himself against a disease with a very low mortality rate, especially when those who are selling it and urging people to get injected are a) immune to legal liability, and, b) are not being injected themselves.

And if you did, well, what can I say? There is no nice way to put this. You failed the stupid test. Congratulations? If you’re fortunate, there won’t be any significant long-term repercussions and you won’t fail the Darwin test too. We shall follow your future endeavors with interest.

I am genuinely curious, though. What sort of individual reads here regularly and still somehow manages to take ANYTHING the US government or the mainstream media asserts at face value?

You mandate it, you’re responsible

It’s really not a difficult concept, but it’s enough to make some virtue-signaling corporations rethink the wisdom of their decision to mandate vaccinations:

On April 20, OSHA released the new guidance in the frequently asked questions section of its website for COVID-19 safety compliance.  

The question asks whether an employer should record adverse reactions to COVID-19 vaccination if the employer requires the vaccine. OSHA states that if a vaccine is required, then any adverse reaction is considered work-related and therefore it must be recorded.

In response, several large contractors said they have changed or will change their vaccination policy to only recommend—not require—a vaccine.

“We, sadly, had to back off our (employee vaccination) mandate because OSHA did something I don’t understand at all,” said Bob Clark, founder and executive chairman of Clayco in a recent ENR Critical Path podcast. “I side with OSHA frequently, we’re in its VIP program, but on this they’re just wrong. It’s a terrible decision they’ve made and I think it’ll be overturned.”

Clark said Clayco, which participated in crafting the initial Centers for Disease Control guidance on construction site safety during the pandemic, would be communicating with OSHA through members of congress to seek changes to the guidance. A spokeswoman for OSHA did not immediately return messages asking for clarification of the new guidance. Construction industry groups universally panned the guidance and said it would hurt their efforts to encourage employees to get vaccinated.

The decision won’t be overturned. Because if you force something on your employees on the basis of them working for you, and then it goes wrong somehow, the problem is quite obviously “work-related”. 

Two weeks, two shots

Just two weeks to “flatten the curve”. Just two shots to “return to normal”. What else are the governments lying about with regards to “Covid-19”?

Everyone aged over 50 in Britain will be offered a third COVID-19 vaccination jab in the autumn in an attempt to eradicate the threat from the infection entirely by Christmas.

Trials of two options are under way, supervised by Chris Whitty, the chief medical officer for England. The first involves vaccines specifically modified to tackle new variants, while the second is for a third shot of one of the three versions already in use – Pfizer-BioNTech , Oxford-AstraZeneca or Moderna, The Times reported. 

Early findings from trials have raised hopes in the Government that the two approaches can nullify the threat from existing and new variants, it is understood. 

It is also believed that only higher risk Britons such as those over 50 and those with underlying health conditions will need a third jab. One possible way of administering the jab would be alongside the annual flu jab, with separate injections given in each arm. 

Remember, the one thing we know that isn’t true is what they are reporting…. At this point, allowing yourself to be injected with this nonsense isn’t just failing the stupid test, it’s rapidly approaching Darwin Award levels.

If you don’t eat GMO foods, why would you become a GMO person?

The Not-Vaxx increases your risk

Karl Denninger explains the science to those who are too slow to understand that being injected by the not-vaccine actually increases your risk of health problems:

There is a reason science is a process and until you understand something you should keep your ******ned mouth shut.

Especially when all you have against 40+ years of hard science is computer models.

Massssskss was one of them.  I warned early on that physics said masks could not work if the virus was in aerosols or transmitted in feces, no matter whether the feces were manually spread or through aerosols.  We knew this was virtually certain when a mass-spread event happened twice in Wuhan and Hong Kong in apartments on the same vertical drain stack where there were no P-traps; the people infected did not know each other and thus any other form of transmission other than through fecal aerosol was wildly improbable.  That was ignored.  We then had the German meatpacking plant where everyone was wearing masks and yet a huge outbreak took place across tens of feet, a claimed impossibility.  Yet it happened and was proved by RNA sequencing; the researchers were able to identify the index and daughter cases and thus conclusively prove that the infections happened in that plant via that route, despite masks.

Now MIT has weighed in and said the same thing. They try to sidestep the mask issue in their “research” but fail; nothing less than an N95, which is not a mask but rather a respirator, stops aerosols, and source control does not work even with N95s because when you exhale the positive pressure escapes around the edges and for aerosols goes right through the gaps.  Workplaces and airlines have banned N95s with exhaust valves which preserve the seal on your face and thus are the only ones that will provide protection for you against inhaling said aerosol.  Non-valved respirators repeatedly break said seal and thus render it ineffective within minutes.  Don’t believe me?  Put on an N95 without a valve and do some sanding where there’s lots of dust, when you take it off let me know what you find around the edges where the respirator used to be.  This is why you want the ones with a valve and why the ones I have for such work have a valve.

Pay attention to this paper folks and note its publication date, January 2021.  Nobody has paid any attention to it at all yet it is peer-reviewed in Nature, one of the “better” medical publications.  I will start right here with what you do not want to read, but you damn well should before you take the shots.

This T cell-mediated immune response is even more important as studies on humoral immunity to SARS-CoV-1 provided evidence that antibody responses are short-lived and can even cause or aggravate virus-associated lung pathology

Note that when you get the shot the first thing you get is antibodies; you may get a T-cell reaction.  This pre-existing knowledge, from SARS (CoV-1) entirely explains why people who just got vaccinated often get hammered by the virus and frequently end up in the hospital or die.  It marks the premise of attempting to vaccinate out of a pandemic where transmission is actively occurring as stupid.

You go get the shot.  Five days later you get the virus.  You have not yet developed immunity and the partial expression makes it worse.

You would have been better off, by far, taking the same infection straight up front.  It likely would have harmed you less.

The Covid Flu is a moderately serious flu, but it doesn’t pose a significant danger to anyone who is even moderately healthy. But the Not-Vaxx turns it into a more serious danger to everyone, including those who are young and healthy. 

Read the whole thing. It’s important, and it explains why more vaccinated than unvaccinated are dying in places like Israel, where a high percentage of the population is vaccinated.

Post-vaccine covid transmission

Spacebunny passed this on:

My husband and three of our adult kids work together. Their place of employment has only had a few positive cases here and there since this whole thing began. Now that several people there got vaccinated, there has been an explosion of cases. I posted a tweet yesterday asking for studies on this vaccine shedding, and someone who works with my husband messaged me and said that every department where someone got vaccinated now has multiple cases, including some of the vaccinated individuals. I think every single person in my husband’s department is out because of it.

The only thing more disastrous about the response to the Covid Flu than the lockdowns has been the not-vaccines. This promises to be one of those inexplicable disasters that future historians struggle to explain.