Ready for Round Two

It’s always good to know who regards you as the enemy:

Documents from an Ohio National Guard (ONG) training drill conducted last January reveal the details of a mock disaster where Second Amendment supporters with “anti-government” opinions were portrayed as domestic terrorists. The ONG 52nd Civil Support Team training scenario involved a plot from local school district employees to use biological weapons in order to advance their beliefs about “protecting Gun Rights and Second Amendment rights.”

Portsmouth Fire Chief Bill Raison told NBC 3 WSAZ-TV in Huntington, West Virginia that the drill accurately represented “the reality of the world we live in,” adding that such training “helps us all be prepared.” Internal ONG documents provided to Media Trackers after repeated delays provide further context to what WSAZ-TV reported last winter.

In the disaster-preparedness scenario, two Portsmouth Junior High School employees poisoned school lunches with mustard gas, acting on orders from white-nationalist leader William Pierce. The ONG team discovered biological weapons being produced in the school,
requiring activation of containment and decontamination procedures.

That’s a nice little Baphomet the 52nd Civil Support Team features on its unit logo. Things do appear to be getting uglier and uglier. It was recently reported that less than 15 percent of Connecticut citizens who own semi-automatic rifles registered them with the state authorities. No one in his right mind thinks it is wise to be disarmed at this late stage of American history, not when the barbarians have been permitted inside the gates and the next big war appears more likely to take place at home than abroad.

The wrong girl

It appears the gun manufacturers are finally beginning to understand their true growth market. If they want to comprehensively rout the gun grabbers, they need to win over a majority of white women. Although if they really want to sell more guns and properly scare them into thinking straight, they should be using a more statistically realistic bad guy.

Question: The redhead in the commercial is hot. But how much hotter does the Glock make her. I would say a half-point of SMV and two whole points of MMV.

Excellence in police marksmanship

Mike Williamson observes that the collateral damage produced by the sharpshooters in the NYPD make Graven Tower look downright solicitous by comparison:

As long as you ignore the fact that the shooting victims were innocent bystanders, hitting two people with three shots represents unusual excellence in marksmanship for the NYPD, matching another recent incident in which skilled NYPD officers were able to hit their target and nine bystanders with only 16 bullets. Overall the NYPD usually requires about 331 rounds to hit 54 targets, of which 14 will be innocent bystanders, 24 will be dogs, and 16 will be people the NYPD was actually aiming at. Statistically, if you aren’t a dog, it is slightly more dangerous to be the person the NYPD was shooting at than a bystander (16 people out of 331 shots for intended targets for a 4.8% hit rate vs. 14 people out of 331 shots for bystanders, a 4.2% hit rate.) NYPD has a better success rate for other weapons, and certain factors, like shooting unarmed people in the back, tend to increase hit rates.

When NYPD officers fire 331 shots, and hit 16 targeted people, 24 dogs, but also 14 bystanders, there is a problem.

If the gun control advocates were truly serious about wanting to reduce the amount of unnecessary harm caused by firearms, they’d be campaigning to disarm the police, not the American people.

I suppose we can be grateful that the NYPD doesn’t have rocket-armed aerovars or missile-armed drones at their disposal… uh, oh, wait a minute.

Arm the world

Considering the idea of a global Second Amendment:

Interpol Secretary General Ronald Noble said today the U.S. and the rest of the democratic world is at a security crossroads in the wake of last month’s deadly al-Shabab attack at a shopping mall in Nairobi, Kenya – and suggested an answer could be in arming civilians.

In an exclusive interview with ABC News, Noble said there are really only two choices for protecting open societies from attacks like the one on Westgate mall where so-called “soft targets” are hit: either create secure perimeters around the locations or allow civilians to carry their own guns to protect themselves.

“Societies have to think about how they’re going to approach the problem,” Noble said. “One is to say we want an armed citizenry; you can see the reason for that. Another is to say the enclaves are so secure that in order to get into the soft target you’re going to have to pass through extraordinary security.”

Call it the Freedom From Terror Treaty. National governments will agree to guarantee the provision of a concealable revolver, with a choice ranging from 9mm to .357 magnum to every adult male citizen and permanent resident.

Arms dealers will love it: more sales. Keynesian economists will love it: more government spending. Police will love it: less crime. And excluding the women will make the feminists furious about being left out, so they’ll endorse it once the treaty authors agree to modify it and include them. 

Everybody wins… except the terrorists.

VISA and the assault on self-defense

Apparently corporations are writing bans of “the sale of firearms or any similar product” into their terms of agreement.

The assault on the U.S. Constitution and the Second Amendment continues.

This time big business is getting into the mix and they’re aiming for gun stores right at the source of their revenues – their transaction processing facilities.

According to Larry Hyatt, owner of the largest gun brokerage firm in the United States,, which is a wholly owned subsidiary of Visa USA and one of the world’s largest credit card processing gateways, has terminated their relationship with the firm.

As usual, the Left shows how it works around the legal restrictions it puts in place. It tends to focus on effective bans rather than actual ones. Thus, a hotel that makes the mistake of not renting a room to a homosexual couple would do better to simply write a ban concerning “the possession of sexual lubricants or any similar product” into its terms of its room rental agreement.

Effective bans and selective enforcement is the tactic which gun owners can expect to see used against them. And the only response that will work is refusing to utilize the products sold by such corporations and rendering such attempts to dictate social behavior unprofitable.

Gun control: the dichotomy

Obama wants to take Americans’ guns because Sandy Hook while distributing advanced weaponry to the Islamic jihad:

According to State Department and military sources,
dozens of highly armored vehicles called GMV’s, provided by the United
States, are now missing. The vehicles feature GPS navigation as well as
various sets of weapon mounts and can be outfitted with smoke-grenade
launchers. U.S. Special Forces undergo significant training to operate
these vehicles. Fox News is told the vehicles provided to the Libyans
are now gone.

Along with the GMV’s, hundreds of weapons are now
missing, including roughly 100 Glock pistols and more than 100 M4
rifles. More disturbing, according to the sources, is that it seems
almost every set of night-vision goggles has also been taken. This is
advanced technology that gives very few war fighters an advantage on the

Missing. Right. You know, Obama would probably be a lot more popular if he’d stick to giving out free Glocks and NV goggles to Americans.

The fundamental human right of self-defense

It is long past time for gun owners and human rights activists go on the offensive and proactively demand global recognition of the basic human right to own and carry firearms everywhere for self-defense:

After World War II, the “international community” determined that the most important goal of the new international system created for the post-war era would be the prevention of genocide. “Never again,” we were told, and nations signed the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide in large numbers.

Among the nations who signed were Cambodia (1950), the Congo (1962) and Rwanda (1975), though Rwanda was originally covered by Belgium’s agreement in 1952, when Rwanda was a Trust Territory administered by Belgium. These three nations, of course, went on to become the greatest sites of genocide in the second half of the 20th century. (China’s mass murders and starvation under Mao are more properly called “democide,” as they did not single out a particular group or culture.)

In every case, the “international community” stood aside while the genocide took place unimpeded by the parchment barriers of international agreement….

It seems to me that the human rights community has things exactly
backward. Given that the efforts of the international community to
prevent and punish genocide over the past several decades have been, to
put it politely, a dismal failure, perhaps it is time to try a new
approach. International human rights law is supposed to be a “living”
body of law that changes with the needs of the times in order to secure
important goals — chief among which is the prevention of genocide.
Given that the traditional approaches of conventions and tribunals have
failed miserably, the human rights community should be prepared to
endorse a new international human right: the right of law-abiding
citizens to be armed.

I didn’t realize who wrote this until I reached the bottom. It may be the single most important thing Instapundit has ever written. This is the difference between the conservative and the libertarian. The conservative is always on the defensive. The libertarian, on the other hand, is capable of proactively demanding the expansion of human liberty.

In this day of massive and intrusive government prone to false flags, global spying, and gargantuan financial fraud, it is a human rights campaign on par with the historical campaign against the slave trade. The right to bear arms isn’t only for Americans. Bearing arms is a basic human right.

Never again

In light of the recent calls for gun control in light of yesterday’s lethal shootings in yet another gun-free zone, I thought it was important to remember this particular fact of history:

The official phase of Nazi Germany’s anti-Jewish campaign was opened today with a law forbidding Jews to possess firearms or other weapons.

This law was the first of a series designed to effect a “permanent solution” of the Jewish problem.

It forbids Jews to buy, own, or carry guns, ammunition or weapons designed for striking or thrusting. Jews now possessing such weapons must deliver them to the police at once under pain of fine or imprisonment up to five years. Foreign Jews may be exempted at the discretion of the minister of the interior.

It was announced that all Jewish business and professional activity had been “permanently” closed at Munich, birthplace of the Nazi party and fourth city of Germany.

Adolf Wagner, Nazi storm troop leader for Bavaria, in making this announcement at Munich, disclosed also that the thousands of Jews arrested throughout Germany Thursday were held as hostages.

He also said Jewish owned art objects in Munich were being confiscated.

Eight thousand Jews were arrested in Berlin alone, it was estimated.

– Middelsboro Daily News, Nov 12, 1938

Those who are trying to disarm you are planning to kill you.  Never forget that.  Never permit that. Never give the gun-grabbers so much as an inch, no matter how “reasonable” their suggested restrictions are.


Meanwhile, Karl Denninger points out that effective gun control necessarily means disarming the police and the military too, as that is where the criminal elements will obtain their weapons if need be.

“The suspected gunman appeared to have seized firearms from two of
his victims as he moved through the building along the Anacostia River
in southeast Washington, where 3,000 Navy employees go to work each day,
many of them carrying authorized firearms.”

If the government’s desires for gun control are legitimate, then it can begin by disarming the police and the military first.

Adios, gun-grabbing bastards

Two Colorado gun grabbers are booted out of office in recall elections:

Two Colorado Democrats who provided crucial support for a slate of tough new gun-control laws were voted out of office on Tuesday in a recall vote widely seen as a test of popular support for gun restrictions after mass shootings in a Colorado movie theater and a Connecticut elementary school.

The election, which came five months after the United States Senate defeated several
gun restrictions, handed another loss to gun-control supporters. It
also gave moderate lawmakers across the country a warning about the
political risks of voting for tougher gun laws.

The recall elections ousted two Democratic state senators, John Morse
and Angela Giron, and replaced them with Republicans. Both defeats were
painful for Democrats – Mr. Morse’s because he had been Senate
president, and Ms. Giron’s because she represented a heavily Democratic,
working-class slice of southern Colorado.

Molon labe, motherfuckers. Every politician who even THINKS about voting for a gun control law, no matter how “reasonable” should be booted out of office. Then tried for treason.

And note that in a two-page article, the New York Times neglected to mention the actual vote totals, probably because they weren’t all that close.  The Senate president Morse lost 51 to 49 percent and Giron was defeated 56 to 44 percent.