Manslaughter by not-vaccine

Italy is investigating the AstraZeneca not-vaccine:

Italian prosecutors have opened a manslaughter investigation today after a music teacher died on Sunday – a day after receiving AstraZeneca’s Covid vaccine. 

The judiciary in Biella, in northern Italy, opened a preliminary probe into the death of 57-year-old Sandro Tognatti, whose cause of death remains unknown. They stressed that there is no link to AstraZeneca’s vaccine at this stage and the probe is intended to establish whether anyone has a case to answer.

It came as Italians woke up to fresh lockdown restrictions today, with 13 of the country’s 21 regions now in a ‘red zone’ meaning schools, restaurants, shops and museums have to close, and people cannot leave their homes except for work, health or other essential reasons.

Another seven regions have been declared ‘orange zones’, meaning shops and beauticians can remain open except during a night-time curfew, while all other venues have to close and travel outside the local area is restricted. Just one region, Sardinia, is in a lockdown-free ‘white zone’. 

Italy also temporarily banned the use of all AstraZeneca vaccines amid fears it causes blood clots, with France and Germany also enacting bans and saying they are waiting for European regulators to give guidance…. It comes after Ireland, the Netherlands, Denmark, Norway, Iceland and Bulgaria also suspended the jabs. Austria, Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia have impounded one batch of vaccines thought to be linked to clots.

But it’s perfectly safe, paisan!  

The next best thing

 It would be better if they simply sunk the ships, but jailing the treasonous people and organizations that facilitated the invasion of Italy isn’t a bad first step:

After an investigation lasting almost four years, Italian prosecutors have charged dozens of rescuers, from charities including Save the Children and Médecins Sans Frontières, who were accused of collaborating with people smugglers after saving thousands of people from drowning in the Mediterranean.

Investigators in Trapani, Sicily, formally closed the inquiry on Monday and charged more than 20 people, including boat captains, heads of mission and legal representatives, with crimes carrying sentences of up to 20 years.

As reported by La Repubblica, at least three rescue boats are at the centre of the charges: Iuventa, a former fishing vessel run by the German NGO Jugend Rettet, Vos Hestia, operated by Save the Children, and Vos Prudence, run by MSF.

Prosecutors claim rescuers arranged a direct handover of the refugees and migrants from smugglers’ boats, returning the boats to be reused.

The entire concept of “refugees” needs to be rejected. The fact that you happen to be unfortunate enough to live under a government that hates or mistreats you is not grounds to permit you to invade another country. And, as history has made perfectly clear on many occasions, sometimes people are hated because their evil actions merit the hate. 

K is rising. Perhaps not soon enough to save most of today’s political entities, but it will save the nations.

Hitler and Napoleon must be kicking themselves in Hell. If only they’d simply thought to flood Great Britain with refugees, they could have won their wars without firing another shot after locking down the continent.

Google doubles down


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The YouTube Team

It’s on! This will not be an arbitration, as the YouTube terms mandate that if one lives in the European Economic Area, or Switzerland, the agreement will be governed by the laws of one’s country of residence, and legal proceedings may be brought in one’s local courts.

Discovery is certainly going to be interesting, given that we have loads of copies of their internal communications about me.

UPDATE: Please to stop with the retardery. I am completely aware that the channels are still up. That is not the point. It is the account access to them has been blocked by YouTube due to its false and defamatory accusation of “spam, scams or commercially deceptive content” having been previously broadcast. I am fairly confident that I know their grounds for the accusation, which is too monstrously stupid to even mention publicly because you would probably not believe it, but which you should be able to ascertain if you watch the most recent video.

Il papa arrestato?

Not merely huge, absolutely MASSIVE, if true:

VATICAN / ITALY – Pope Francis aka Jorge Mario Bergoglio was arrested Saturday in connection with an 80- count indictment of charges including possession of child pornography, human trafficking, incest, possession of drug paraphernalia and felony fraud. The Italian National Prosecutor’s Office confirmed it ordered the arrests, and filed the charges.

HOWEVER, there is literally NOTHING in the Italian media about this. Absolutely nothing at all. Nor have any of my contacts in Rome heard anything about this. And there is nothing about the Pope or the Vatican on the Ministero della Giustizia site either. That being said, (1) there was definitely a blackout at the Vatican last night, (2) it is true that St. Peter’s Square was empty this morning, and, (3) it is confirmed that the Pope did not say prayers in public at noon as previously scheduled. There simply isn’t any other information out there.

VERDICT: too soon to say. But if it turns out to be real, then we can be very highly confident that The Storm has begun and other significant arrests will follow.

Happy Rubicon Day!

UPDATE: If all the Smart Boys would please shut up and stop trying to demonstrate their Very Smart Knowledge of international law and the theoretical independence of the Vatican, that would be great. Perhaps they might recall that Iraq was an independent state and Saddam Hussein was a sovereign Head of State too, and that didn’t prevent him from being arrested, tried, and executed without ever being extradited anywhere.

UPDATE: I am dubious too. But if you want to wait until three days after something has happened before even discussing the possibility of it, then go back to Facebook, CNN, and Fox News. You don’t belong here.

UPDATE: Lin Woods has now mentioned the story, but he appears to be citing the same source as everyone else. I remain dubious, but intrigued.

More peaceful beheadings in France

 Multiculturalism strikes again, this time in Nice:

At least three people have been killed – two of them beheaded – and several others stabbed in a terrorist knife attack at a cathedral in Nice.

The attack began around 9am just as Mass at the Notre Dame basilica – the largest Roman Catholic church in Nice – was getting underway. Two of those who were killed died inside the church, French media reported.

It’s time for another Crusade, albeit one to reclaim the West for Christianity. Multiculturalism isn’t just wrong, it is dyscivilizational evil. Which is why there will be no peace until the repatriations are complete. More political bleating about “not being divided” are stupid, pointless, and offensive. Divisions and borders exist for a reason.

The French fight back

While the French authorities are going to try to crush any French resistance to the Islamic invasion, even the French women are observably becoming militant:

Two Muslim women were ‘stabbed repeatedly’ under the Eiffel Tower amid rising tensions in Paris after the beheading of a teacher last week. French police have arrested two female suspects after an argument about dogs allegedly descended into violence and racist insults including the words ‘Dirty Arabs’. 

One of the Muslim women said the attackers had pulled out a knife after refusing to put their dogs on a leash and slashed her on the skull, arm and ribs. The victims of Sunday’s attacks have been identified as French women from an Algerian background named only as Kenza, 49, and Amel, who is a few years younger. 

Those in custody are described as being white women of ‘European appearance’, who now face ‘attempted murder’ charges, said city prosecutors after the alleged row about dogs – which are seen as unclean in Islam.

However, the government’s attempts to crack down on anti-invader violence are going to backfire, once it becomes clear that merely expressing one’s opinion will be met with essentially the same punishment as lethal mass violence. 

Meanwhile, in Great Britain, seven “British” citizens were arrested for attempting to kill a policeman:

Seven Britons were in custody in Paris today in connection with the attempted ‘hit and run’ murder of a police officer outside the Israeli Embassy in France.

The four men and three women have not been named but are said to be London residents of Pakistani origin, who were travelling in a Mercedes and a BMW with false number plates.Their vehicles were filmed threatening the policeman outside the hugely secure Embassy close to the Champs Elysée on Monday night.

‘They suddenly deviated from their direction of travel and rushed towards the officer, who narrowly escaped’ said an investigating source.

The lie of civnattery has got to die. The state is not the nation! There is literally no political philosophy, not even communism, that is more intrinsically statist than civic nationalism.

An important lesson in multiculturalism

I tend to doubt it was the lesson for the day that the teacher had in mind, but it will indubitably prove an indelible one.

A parent shouting Allahu Akbar and thought to be wearing an explosive vest has been shot dead by French police near Paris after allegedly beheading a school teacher with a knife.

The victim was said to have been a school teacher who had enraged parents by displaying cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed to pupils.

A source told Le Parisien: ‘The victim had recently given a lesson to his students on freedom of expression and had shown the caricatures of Muhammad’.

This led to an enraged parent confronting the teacher with a kitchen knife, and then cutting his head off, said the source.

The real tragedy, of course, would be if the students were to develop an unfortunate antipathy for Muslims as a result of their cultural enrichment. 

UPDATE: Of course, the feckless French surrender monkey who purports to “lead” the country is still pushing idiotic civnattery.

‘He said the attack should not divide France because that is what the extremists want. We must stand all together as citizens.’    

Civnattery is a fraud. Nationalism, genuine nationalism, is the only cure for the multicultural disease.

The gloves come off in Europe

In case you doubted the inevitable rise of nationalism, the fact that the EU states are resorting to legal charades and Soviet-style show trials to keep the nationalist opposition out of electoral office should suffice to prove otherwise.

Multiple European Union states are breaking with post-war liberal conventions and openly imprisoning prominent political opponents and intellectuals for ideological crimes.

The tactic being used by these governments is “rule through law,” as opposed to rule of law. The strategy is commonly deployed in nations like Saudi Arabia against journalists, intellectuals and opposition figures who are targeted for repression first, then selectively prosecuted using often vaguely defined existing laws after.


Earlier today a judge in Athens condemned almost all of Golden Dawn’s elected officials, including sitting European parliament member Ioannis Lagos, to years in prison. Nikos Michaloliakos, Golden Dawn’s General Secretary, was given 13 years for a RICO-style charge that alleged his patriotic Greek party, which until recently was the third most popular in the country, is a criminal organization.

Michaloliakos was not tied to any specific crime, but prosecutors used editions of his group’s magazine featuring articles about Germany during World War II from the 1980s and 90s to argue that their political ideas were a form of violence in and of themselves.

In a public statement published to the Golden Dawn website Michaloliakos blamed the court’s ruling on Golden Dawn’s sudden electoral rise in 2013, stating “They say we are a criminal Nazi organization. [If that’s true] why did they wait 30 years to charge us?”

He accurately pointed out that Golden Dawn was never accused of being a criminal organization since its founding in the 1980s. It was only after May 2012, when the party achieved 7{5c1a0fb425e4d1363f644252322efd648e1c42835b2836cd8f67071ddd0ad0e3} of the vote, that the Greek state decided it was time to arrest them in 2013.

All that the neoliberals will accomplish is to reveal their own fascism and democratic illegitimacy. These are acts of desperation and fear, they are indications that the neoliberals know the end of their era is rapidly approaching.

The net is closing in

The European Union, like California, is starting to rein in the ability of the digital platforms to do whatever they want, to whomever they want, for any reason:

New EU regulation came into play at the start of the week that applies to digital storefronts, most notably Apple and Google’s for mobile devices. With the new regulations significantly strengthen the rights of those selling through such marketplaces.

The rules, which you can see here in full if you’re happy to fight through them, or as discussed here by the EGDF’s Jari-Pekka Kaleva on GI.Biz, cover a wide range of ongoing issues that developers have with stores.

Platforms will have to provide 30 days notice to publishers before removing content from stores, allowing them time to appeal or make changes to their software. So no immediate and opaque bans (article 4).

The regulations (in article 5) will force stores to be more transparent in how their ranking systems work, letting publishers understand how ‘trending’ apps are being chosen for instance.

Article 7 follows similar themes, with storefronts having to disclose any ‘differentiated treatment’ it may give one seller of goods over another, which should put paid to any real (or imagined) preferential treatment for larger publishers – or at least make it clear to everyone how and when the playing field isn’t even.

Also, that information, and all the information that publishers receive will have to be written in terms that you can understand. With all terms and conditions to be drafted in ‘plain and intelligible language’.

Armchair lawyers and real lawyers have been discussing various deplatformings as well as the 72 Bears vs Patreon situation. One thing they have repeatedly failed to grasp, however, is that the very clear trend of the legislators is strongly pro-consumer and anti-platform.

Some have questioned why I’m not banned from various platforms when less controversial figures have been. But there is no reason for suspicion as the reason is very straightforward: I live in Europe and any sensible US-based company is very, very hesitant to put itself at the mercy of an anti-US European court given the enthusiasm European courts have repeatedly demonstrated for saddling US tech companies with massive fines.

Never let it be said that the ideological Left is all bad. Their instinctive opposition to corpocracy is the one thing they have on the ideological Right.

The end of the EU is in sight

The Germans have decided that their law takes precedence over what passes for EU “law”:

A ruling by Germany’s constitutional court has sparked serious fears of the unravelling of the European Union.

It’s a delayed judgment from an old fight that has hit the EU at its most vulnerable. A group of German academics, including a former leader of the far-right party Alternative für Deutschland, Bernd Lucke, took a case in 2015 to challenge the bond-buying programme of the European Central Bank (ECB).

They hardly hoped to win, but thought they could make a political point. During the euro zone crisis, as now, the ECB was buying the debt of economically weaker EU countries to bid down their borrowing costs and rescue them from the threat of a debt spiral, and directing national central banks to do likewise.

This is an emergency measure taken to hold the euro zone together when its economic imbalances threaten to tear it apart, but it has long been hated by German conservatives who believe it harms savers and pension funds.

Last week, the German constitutional court unexpectedly sided with them. It ruled that the ECB failed to conduct a “proportionality” analysis of the effect of its bond-buying policies on “public debt, personal savings, pension and retirement schemes, real estate prices and the keeping afloat of economically unviable companies”.

In a pithy 110-page judgment, the court ordered the German central bank to stop buying bonds if the ECB failed to produce such an assessment within three months. This immediately raised fears it could jeopardise current bond-buying efforts, and cause a run on Italian debt.

This is perilous to the euro zone, but not as damaging to the EU as another part of the ruling, which has tugged at a thread that some fear may lead to the unravelling of its very order.

The German court stated that it was free to ignore an earlier ruling from the European Court of Justice (ECJ) on the issue because “the Court of Justice of the European Union exceeds its judicial mandate”. This is contrary to the concept of the primacy of EU law. Under this precept, if laws of a member state are in conflict with EU law, EU law takes precedence, and the ECJ is the final authority to adjudicate on it. For the European Commission, agreeing to this is what it means to be a member state.

The Germans have effectively declared the EU to be nothing more than a treaty that nation-states can ignore at will. It’s a bit of a surprise, as I would have expected the Italians to be the next to leave the would-be Fourth Reich, with the Hungarians and Poles as dark horses.

The nations are rising at last.