Chicago Typewriter: Gold Logo edition

Chicago Typewriter is now in print and is already available from Castalia Books Direct! It is 60 pages and printed in Dark Legion’s premium 10×7 format, and retails for $7.99. If you buy one of the first 2,500 copies, you will receive a Gold Logo edition, as shown on the image here.

In 1920s Chicago, the criminal underworld is more than vice, racketeering, and bootlegging.

During a brutal territory dispute with the Chicago Outfit, Emilio Enzo and his associates discovered just how deeply involved the criminal underworld is in the occult and supernatural. Using hidden pathways to our world, forces of pure evil have worked in secret to maintain their dark stronghold on the city. Now those forces are back to take their revenge on the one man willing to challenge their reign by stealing the soul of his girlfriend Kat.

While visiting an old shop full of oddities, Emilio comes across an antique ribbon for a typewriter with an unusual history. And after bringing the strange red ribbon home and spooling it into his machine, he is startled when it begins to communicate with him at night….

1920s Prohibition-era Chicago collides with the hidden world in this debut graphic novel from Brandon Fiadino.

You can see all four Arkhaven and Dark Legion Comics currently available in print here. The gold Logo edition of Chicago Typewriter should be available via Amazon soon.

DARK LEGION: Chicago Typewriter

Dark Legion Comics is very pleased to announce the release of a new graphic novel, a stand-alone story entitled CHICAGO TYPEWRITER: The Red Ribbon by Brandon Fiadino.

In 1920s Chicago, the criminal underworld is more than vice, racketeering, and bootlegging.

During a brutal territory dispute with the Chicago Outfit, Emilio Enzo and his associates discovered just how deeply involved the criminal underworld is in the occult and supernatural. Using hidden pathways to our world, forces of pure evil have worked in secret to maintain their dark stronghold on Chicago. Now those forces are back to take their revenge on the one man willing to challenge their reign by stealing the soul of his girlfriend Kat.

While visiting an old shop full of oddities, Emilio comes across an antique ribbon for a typewriter with an unusual history. And after bringing the strange red ribbon home and spooling it into his machine, he is startled when it begins to communicate with him at night….

1920s Prohibition-era Chicago collides with the hidden world in this debut graphic novel from Brandon Fiadino.

The graphic novel has an interesting history behind it. It is not based on the Korean television series of the same name, to the contrary, the name and core concept of the television series is believed to have been taken without permission from the author’s site when it was a work in progress. I also understand that the illustrator has since gone on to work on the new Wolverine for Marvel, so you’ll definitely want to check out the artwork you can see if you Look Inside.

CHICAGO TYPEWRITER is available for Kindle and KU. A print edition in 10×7 format will be published by Dark Legion Comics in April.

An early review from the forums:

  • Well worth it: Fiadino’s story is exotic and imaginative; Djibril Morissette-Phan’s line work is mature, assured and very attractive; the colors are lovely and very effective. There’s a wonderful two-page splash that evokes Prohibition era Chicago from a unique angle. The storytelling is way above the standard current Marvel or DC offering … and just very, very odd. I won’t spoil the plot here, but it’s as clever and quirky as you’ll find. Glad they have found a home for it with Dark Legion, and I’m very much looking forward to the print edition.

Print editions: the verdict

The early reviews of the first Arkhaven comics are very good. This comes as a relief, because I’m not talking about the art, the characters, the writing, or the story, but about the physical production quality, which was the one element that was a known unknown from the very start of the entire project. We have taken a very aggressive pricing strategy, which combined with the 6.14 x 9.21 royal octavo size and the help of Ingram has enabled us to hit a $3.00 retail price with a full regular distribution discount.

Just got my Jeeves and QM today. Vox, these things are gorgeous. A little smaller than I had calculated, but absolutely beautiful. I don’t think upsizing is worth it, given that this is a lovely product as is. And the coloring is amazing. That background in one panel on page 10 of Right Ho #1 is major league. Fantastic work.
– E Deploribus Unum

I received my QM and Jeeves yesterday. The artwork is well done, with background detail to sustain the story (and in Jeeves case, add more hilarity to the upper class tweaking). The color palettes work very well for both. Dialogues boxes are good, with nice size on the “tell” boxes needed for story background. Nothing looks compressed or stretched out of shape. The smaller size (about 6 x 9 inches) is easier to pack and take places, but still large enough to handle read easily. The heavy cover is amazing – no smudges, deformation, hard to tear. Great idea. Now, about the Hildy poster … any complaints about sexism halt at the muzzle of her weapon. She would be nearly as popular as Dynamique or Rebel.
– SilentDraco

My shipment arrived today. Couldn’t be more pleased. Beautiful work. The top trim on Jeeves was a little tight (though well within industry standards and not worth carping about), and QM was perfect. Colors, paper, binding – everything is wonderful. Bravo! You guys need to be patting yourselves on the back for hitting it out of the park this early in the game. I do notice the smaller size, but the product is definitely nicer than the average comic, and I’d be really surprised if anyone will care. It does not seem worth it to me to upsize it at greater cost. It will still rack in the comic stores just fine. Frankly, I can’t believe you can sell this for $3.00.
– AP

If you haven’t picked up a copy or two yet, you can do so in the Arkhaven section of the Castalia Direct Store. Our next two print editions will be premium Dark Legion projects that will be 10×7 and priced at $6.99 for the 40-page Rebel Dead Revenge teaser and $9.99 for the 64-page Chicago Typewriter. After that, we’ll get Right Ho, Jeeves #2 and Quantum Mortis: A Man Disrupted #2 out.

All four of these will be Gold Logo editions. The next two after that will be Alt★Hero #1: Crackdown and Chuck Dixon’s Avalon #1: Conscience of the King, both of which will be 10×7 and $3.99. And since everyone loves Rebel, here is a panel from her behind the wheel of her Mustang from Alt★Hero #2: Falls the Hammer.

A Typewriter for the Legion

1920s Chicago, where the criminal underworld is more than just vice, racketeering, and bootlegging.

Emilio Enzo and his associates have just emerged victorious out of a brutal territory dispute with The Skarface and his gang, the Chicago Outfit. Amidst the conflict, Emilio and his group have discovered just how entrenched the criminal underworld is in the occult and supernatural. Using hidden pathways to our world, forces of pure evil have worked in secret to maintain their stronghold on Chicago. Now they are back to take revenge on the one man willing to challenge their reign by stealing the soul of his girlfriend, Katherine “Kat” Allen.

While visiting an old shop full of oddities, Emilio comes across a centuries old ribbon for a typewriter with a strange backstory. After bringing the ribbon home and spooling it into his machine, it begins to communicate with Emilio at night.

What link does the original owner of this ribbon have to the disappearance of Kat? Who is Remì Geroux? Emilio Enzo will see just how far he will have to go into the unknown to get back the soul of his lost love. 1920s Prohibition era Chicago collides with the bizarre in this debut graphic novel from Brandon Fiadino.

We’re very pleased to announce that Dark Legion Comics has signed Brandon Fiardino’s Chicago Typewriter: The Red Ribbon. A digital release is anticipated in March, followed by a print release in April. It was the basis for the 2017 Korean movie of the same name.

Will Caligan’s Comic: results

I am pleased to announce that after more than 400 votes were cast, the following books were chosen to serve as the basis for the graphic novels by the backers.

  1. The Green Knight’s Squire (31.3{f34b2ed14022567e3962d98ceb517f14c2acb643b80147bdb11c1357fe49acc6})
  2. The Stars Came Back (17.2{f34b2ed14022567e3962d98ceb517f14c2acb643b80147bdb11c1357fe49acc6} )

This means that the first 12 issues will be based on the John C. Wright trilogy, which will be known as Saga of the Swan Knight and collected in two graphic novels, Swan Knight’s Son and Swan Knight’s Sword. The next 6 issues will be based on the Rolf Nelson novel and will be collected into a single graphic novel called The Stars Came Back. John and Rolf will be working with Chuck Dixon and me to adapt their works to the graphic format.

Thanks to all the authors who contributed their works to the campaign and thanks to all of the backers, both those who voted and those who didn’t. We’ve put a very good team together to support Will in creating these graphic novels, and we believe the end results are going to be something that everyone involved will be proud to have been a part of.

In other comics-related news, we are very pleased to announce the release of the digital edition of the first Dark Legion Comics book. Rebel Dead Revenge #1: Stonewall’s Arm by Savage Sword of Conan artist Gary Kwapisz is now available on Amazon and in Kindle Unlimited.

O Death, where is thy general?

Confederate general Stonewall Jackson has fallen, mortally wounded at the Battle of Chancellorsville. Taken from the battlefield to his deathbed, he is not afraid to die, but Satan has different plans for him.

Playing on the vanity of an aged voodoo priestess, the Devil decides to raise Stonewall from the grave and place the greatest tactical commander of the Civil War at the head of an evil army of angry dead.

The South rises again in REBEL DEAD REVENGE!

Rebel Dead Revenge #1: Stonewall’s Arm $3.99, 43 pages. Be sure to Look Inside at the sample pages because the art is really good.