Cheetos McCuck on the Alt-Right

Poor old Glenn Beck has absolutely no idea what is coming for him or how thoroughly his feeble cuckservatism has rendered itself irrelevant:

There are words that you may not have ever heard before or heard sparingly. But now all of a sudden, they are everywhere. And other terms and ideas that were not a conservative driving force — for instance, trade barriers. That’s not conservative. How come trade barriers are now suddenly so huge? There are ideas that were never conservative, but most of us just go, “Huh. I must have missed something. All of a sudden, this is everywhere. I don’t know what that is.” The way they’re describing things with new spins, the ideas might sound really good. We just dismiss and support them or accept them. If you repost (phonetic), one of the easiest wonders to know, you are now entering the world of the alt-right is the cuckservative. That word was nowhere. What the hell is a cuckservative? Right? How many times have you thought of that?

STU: This is a weird segment, man. We started out with masturbation shows, and now we’re on to cuckservatives.

GLENN: Right. This is an easy sign to see that the writer has either been deeply influenced without his knowledge or is a member of the alt-right.

PAT: What is a cuckservative? I don’t know what that is.

STU: Yeah. Cuckold.

GLENN: Yeah.

STU: It’s — eh. I mean, it’s not really stuff we can really talk about. But it’s basically — it started out as a racist slur, essentially.


STU: Saying that you don’t — you care so little, you’re giving up your wife to black people, is essentially the accusation. And when you are —

PAT: Oh, we’ve been cuckolded?

GLENN: Yes, yes.

PAT: Okay.

GLENN: But notice it has its roots in racism.

STU: Of course.

PAT: Uh-huh.

GLENN: So cuckservative is a cuckold and conservative put together.

PAT: Oh.

GLENN: This is a word specifically designed by the alt-right. So when you see that word, warning. That should be a warning sign. But most people are just like, “Yeah, I like that word, or what is that that word?” They either dismiss, it or they adopt it. Do not adopt it.

Cheetos McCuck doesn’t understand the Alt-Right, he doesn’t understand that the conservative movement is moribund, if not completely dead, and he doesn’t understand that he can see what a cuckservative is by looking in the bloody mirror.

Look at these morons still trying to make hay out of being less racist than thou at a time when, as per Alt-Right expectations, white identity in America and nationalism in Europe is aggressively on the rise. And yet, they are STILL more determined to fight the Alt-Right than the globalist enemy that has repeatedly and thoroughly vanquished them.

At least he got this part right: It is causing the alt-right to — to have a fan base because they’re the only ones saying, “We have to stop this.”

That’s why conservatives and cuckservatives alike are useless. Conservatives are too in love with their hypothetical propositions to be able to take a stand and cuckservatives are, above all, determined to avoid being called racist. Neither is in any shape to oppose the Alt-Right. They’ll roll over for us even faster than they do for the globalists. As David French has demonstrated, all it takes is a few Pepe and oven memes to send them running away crying for help from the Left.

Glenn, if you want your listeners to know what a cuckservative is, you should probably have them read the definitive book on the subject, CUCKSERVATIVE: How “Conservatives” Betrayed America. As a bonus, they’ll also understand why they find it increasingly hard to take anything you say seriously these days.

We as conservatives are for global trade. We are for — we’re not isolationists. We are not our country is better and your country sucks, so we should be able to destroy you. We should be proud of what we have, just like I’m proud of my country — my family. But that doesn’t make my family better than your family.

Globalist is now a term to describe anyone. Notice anyone who is for free trade, is now a globalist. People who were deep — deeply respected intellectual conservatives. Krauthammer, George Will, they’re now cuckservatives and globalists? Jonah Goldberg is now a globalist. I am now a globalist. That word is being thrown around everywhere. But it’s thrown around by people who are in the alt-right.

That’s because free trade IS globalism, you gurning, Cheetos-dusted equalitarian cuck. Free trade REQUIRES the free movement of people who aren’t any better or any different than anyone else and the total destruction of nations and national sovereignty to function.

The demographic conquest of America

In two pictures:

You may not see race. But race sees you. There is another, more accurate term for “proposition nation”. And that is “not-a-nation”.

Let reason and conservative principles shut the fuck up when observable consequences falsify their conclusions. People of color are not protecting America from fascism, they are turning Americans into ultras.

Meanwhile, in response to a previous post, a reader admits that a mixed-race background does not negate the historical patterns, it merely complicates their consequences:

Some hard truths in this one for me personally, but ones which have been demonstrated by own mixed Han/Caucasian family. Two adult children who can each pass for one race but not the other. They have sorted themselves accordingly with one moving to a Han-majority country and the other to a Caucasian-majority country. They each date exclusively from the race that matches their appearance. This was accomplished without any prodding from my wife or myself.

That’s what it means when they say “your skin is your uniform”. The problem is that as the level of ethnic strife rises, one’s ability to make these decisions is constricted by the willingness of groups to accept those on the margins. I expect there will be hundreds of thousands of families riven and ruined by their past racial indifference and virtue-signaling.

Tears of a Cuck

David French demonstrates that he definitely wasn’t the man for the job as he cries about how mean the Alt-Right is to NPR, of all places:

In September or mid-September of last year, I had noticed that Ann Coulter, who is a very prominent supporter of Donald Trump, was tweeting out a lot of thoughts that are common to this part of the right – even though I hate to even call them part of the right, they call themselves part of the right – called the alt-right that were explicitly white nationalist in their tone and tenor. And so I wrote in our group blog on National Review called The Corner that Ann Coulter was deliberately appealing to these people. And I – and basically and politely said this is something that’s inexcusable and it has no place in the conservative movement.

And then I had no idea what was about to happen next. My Twitter feed basically exploded. I have – did not have that many followers – in the thousands, certainly not like the more prominent folks in politics, but it was unbelievable. I began to see images, for example, of my youngest daughter, who we adopted from Ethiopia many years ago, who at the time was 7 years old – images of her in a gas chamber with a – Donald Trump in an SS uniform about to push the button to kill her. I saw images of her Photoshopped or, you know, artist’s rendering of her face in slave fields.

I was called all manner of unbelievable names, which is kind of par for the course for Twitter, but among them was this term that has gained currency in recent years called cuckservatives. Cuckservative is somebody who’s been cuckolded by the establishment, by the liberal elite. And then people began to refer to my wife as having sex with black men when I was deployed to Iraq in 2007, 2008. And it just descended from there. And that’s a side of Twitter I know that others had experienced, but I had certainly never experienced it before. And then it just got worse.

GROSS: So this was all because you criticized Ann Coulter?

FRENCH: Yes, it was because I – not just criticized Ann Coulter. I mean, that happens all the time. I mean, she’s a frequent target of criticism. It’s because I criticized this group called the alt-right. It’s – and for, you know, those who don’t know what the alt-right is, it’s a collection of mostly younger people who are rebelling against mainstream conservatism, rebelling against progressive liberalism and have really began to adopt white nationalism, white identity politics.

All I did was politely try to John Birch conservatism’s most popular writer out of conservatism! And then they were mean to me! They sent me pictures!

The horra, the horra…..

What all this whining indicates is that the ruthless, relentless meming of the Alt-Right is effective. When they cry racist, send them King Kong and field hand memes. When they cry anti-Semitism, send them swastika and oven memes. The reason they are attempting to ban memes from social media is because it is powerfully effective rhetoric. It is rhetoric that resonates and persuades.

White nationalism and white identity politics are the future for whites. The inescapable future. There is no future for “I don’t see color” posing anymore, because even if you want to pretend you don’t – and we all know you do, because you make such a particular point of your faux moral preening – every single black, Muslim, Jew, Japanese, Han, Mexican, and Pakistani most certainly does. They see more than color, they see culture and creed too. Even if you’re unwilling to accept that your color, culture, and creed is your uniform, all of those things will be their target.

And if we’re lucky, you will be what you’ll superficially pass for.

I understand this is difficult to accept for those with mixed blood or mixed families. It doesn’t matter. Human nature has not changed. The patterns of history have not changed. Ethnic conflict and ethnic cleansing are going to happen in the United States just as they have happened in almost every other polity that allowed itself to become seriously mixed. Homogeneous societies do not appear ex nihilo, they are born from heterogeneous societies.

Guess how?

In fact, the primary reason the ethnic conflict now taking place in the USA is happening at a relatively low level is because the ethnic cleansing is still voluntary. We call it “white flight” and “Hispanization”, but the effect is still the same. Don’t delude yourself. The socio-political disintegration of the USA is already underway. By the time the mainstream notices and is willing to admit what it is and why it is happening, it will be far late to even slow the process down.

In the meantime, enjoy this confession:

I know journalist after journalist, writer after writer, public figure after public figure who literally dreads opening their Twitter app right now.

Give them the gift of fear. They deserve it, for they are the 999 lying mouths of the Devil.

Paul Ryan goes full-NeverTrump

It will be glorious when the Trumpslide upsets the applecarts of the GOP sellouts:

Speaker Paul Ryan told House Republicans on a conference call Monday morning that he’s done defending Donald Trump and will focus on maintaining his party’s increasingly imperiled House majority, according to sources on the call.The message amounted to a concession by the highest-ranking elected Republican that his nominee for president can’t win — and lawmakers should act accordingly to save themselves and preserve a Republican Congress to act as a check on Hillary Clinton.

I always told you they were the stupid faction of the bifactional Ruling Party. Now you know. Now everyone knows.

Cuckservatives signal their virtue

You know the GOP establishment cucks were just waiting for the opportunity to have an excuse to wash their hands of Donald Trump:

House Speaker Paul Ryan will not campaign with Donald Trump Saturday as he had previously planned. Ryan made the decision after Trump’s lewd comments about women were leaked Friday afternoon.

“I am sickened by what I heard today,” Ryan said in a statement Friday evening. “Women are to be championed and revered, not objectified. I hope Mr. Trump treats this situation with the seriousness it deserves and works to demonstrate to the country that he has greater respect for women than this clip suggests. In the meantime, he is no longer attending tomorrow’s event in Wisconsin.”

The House speaker’s staff said the event in Wisconsin was a Ryan event at Fall Fest at the Walworth County Fairgrounds, and that Trump was disinvited after the Washington Post published video of Trump talking on a hot microphone in 2005 about kissing and having sex with a woman, in which the GOP nominee can be heard saying that “when you’re a star, they let you do it.”

If you ever wanted to know why I’m not a conservative or a Republican, this craven pandering to women pretty much sums it up. I’m not sickened by Trump’s locker room talk. I’m sickened by the fact that weak little gamma males like Ryan and Erickson have any influence in Western society at all. The only correct response to this “scandal” should have been a single question: “so the fuck what?”

Never trust a moderate, a Churchian, or a cuckservative. Never. They will stab you in the back in order to virtue-signal every single time. Trump made a big mistake in trying to accommodate them and play nice with them rather than treating them with the contempt they deserve.

We’re getting ominously close to war with both Russia and China, and these idiots are preening and posturing over the fact that an Alpha male talked like an Alpha more than 10 years ago? At least we know one thing. If the USA does get into a war, it’s going to lose. I don’t care what its advantages in men and material might be. Leadership matters, and we don’t have it.

UPDATE: National Review is clutching at its pearls and collapsing on its collective fainting couch and the cucks are falling all over themselves to finger-wag and demand ever-more-abject apologies from Trump. He shouldn’t have even given the limited one he offered.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell issued a similarly terse statement. “These comments are repugnant, and unacceptable in any circumstance,” he said. “As the father of three daughters, I strongly believe that Trump needs to apologize directly to women and girls everywhere, and take full responsibility for the utter lack of respect for women shown in his comments on that tape.” Like Ryan, however, McConnell gave no suggestion of withdrawing his support for Trump. Republican National Committee chairman Reince Priebus offered his own brief rebuke: “No woman should ever be described in these terms or talked about in this manner. Ever.” And yet there is no question the party chairman will continue to back Trump — in fact, a statement from the nominee’s campaign late Friday night said Priebus would be joining him in New York on Saturday for debate prep. It’s not just the party leadership in Washington that’s showing no appetite for taking on Trump.

A whole host of Republican senators, including nearly all of those facing reelection next month, issued statements Friday night expressing outrage at the nominee’s remarks. They came from: Arizona’s John McCain; North Carolina’s Richard Burr; Pennsylvania’s Pat Toomey; New Hampshire’s Kelly Ayotte; and Ohio’s Rob Portman, among others. But not one of these senators announced any kind of opposition to Trump — whether by withdrawing their support or by calling on him to step down as the nominee.

A few Republicans, in fairness, did just that. Illinois Senator Mark Kirk, who’s facing certain defeat next month, tweeted: “.@realDonaldTrump should drop out. @GOP should engage rules for emergency replacement.” Utah Governor Gary Herbert tweeted: “Donald Trump’s statements are beyond offensive & despicable. While I cannot vote for Hillary Clinton, I will not vote for Trump.” Utah Senator Mike Lee posted a video calling on Trump to drop out. Another Utah Republican, House Oversight and Government Reform Committee chairman Jason Chaffetz, withdrew his support for Trump. And two House Republicans — Mike Coffman of Colorado and Barbara Comstock of Virginia — called on Trump to step down as the Republican nominee.

Is this going to change anything? For a few days of polling, perhaps. And then, once the virtue-signaling runs its course, everyone will remember that the alternative is letting Hillary Clinton start a war with Russia.

Mailvox: standing with atheists

An atheist explains his contempt for cuckservative Churchianity:

I am a man living in Alabama who has never believed in Santa Clause or God. My family and most of my peers are rabid evangelicals.

For 28 years I have been preached to in a desperate attempt to save me from hell. The only thing I have seen is a legion of cowards using soft rhetoric to make their ideas more palatable to the ignorant fools who begin throwing their money at the Church. The people who beg me to follow their creed are mocked by children with the most rudimentary logic as they abandon the commands of their God and whore themselves to anyone who will pay them.

I will never count myself among such feckless cowards.

This does not change my decision to stand by Christians and fight the filth this cesspool of a nation is surrendering itself to. I have one thing to offer my Christian brothers, I will die next to them inflicting this on this enemy: an animal hatred of of the trash you have allowed to undermine the country which has allowed me to live my life without repression.

If you do not succeed in your goal it will not only be me who perishes. You will cry out to your God as the evil you believed he would save you from brutally shows you what it is to be ruined.

I’d rather stand by an atheist like him than the Churchians who sell out their neighbors for worldly approbation in the name of a counterfeit Gospel. But he really should know better than to try to characterize Christian theology on our behalf. Jesus saves souls. He doesn’t save nations. If men want to save their nations, or their civilization, I expect they’ll have to do it on their own.

In such matters, God appears to be most inclined to help those who follow His laws and help themselves.

Setting the record straight

Michael Knowles writes an unfortunately inaccurate and misleading Actual Conservative’s Guide to the Alt-Right:

The white nationalist blogger better known by his pen name Vox Day, who counts as a central tenet of the Alt-Right that “we must secure the existence of white people and a future for white children,” which represents one half of the white nationalist, neo-Nazi numerical symbol 1488. (That phrase contains 14 words, while 8 refers to the eighth letter of the alphabet, H, which doubled represents “Heil Hitler.”)

First, while I support white nationalism and see it as a necessary aspect of preserving Western Civilization, I am neither a white nationalist nor am I entirely white. I am an American Indian and I am a red reservationist who sees no reason to believe that whites deserve sovereign nations any less than we Indians do.

Second, why would Mr. Knowles, or anyone else of any race who is not a monster, oppose securing a future for white children? There is a massive difference between the 14 words, which I fully support, and the 88 precepts, most of which I do not.

As for Hitler, he was a cretin, a lunatic, a fool, and almost certainly the worst German leader in history, with the possible exception of Angela Merkel. I am not a 1488er in any sense of the word.

The Alt-Right loves Christendom but rejects Christianity. The Alt-Right admires Christendom primarily for uniting the continent and forging white European identity. As such it also reveres European paganism, much like the Nazis did, and its synthesis within certain aspects of Christianity. But when it comes to faith, many Alt-Right thinkers describe themselves as atheists, agnostics, and lapsed Christians. published a feature on the movement and paganism in which Alt-Right writer Stephen McNallen explains, “I am a pagan because it is the only way I can be true to who, and what, I am. I am a pagan because the best things in our civilization come from pre-Christian Europe.” He goes on to describe his aversion to Christianity because it “lacks any roots in blood or soil” and consequently can “claim the allegiance of all the human race.”

Dark imagery runs rampant, from Yarvin’s philosophy to Vox Day’s preferred title “supreme dark lord.” All reject Christian egalitarianism and universalism. Ironically one of the few Alt-Right thinkers to proclaim his Christian faith, Vox Day, explicitly rejects spiritual equality among the races as a central tenet of Alt-Right philosophy, explaining, “Human equality does not exist in any observable scientific, legal, material, intellectual, sexual, or spiritual form.” [Italics added] But despite rejecting the substance of Christianity, the movement has spawned its own satirical religion around the meme culture that has come to typify the Alt-Right online.

This is simply an exaggeration, presumably meant to appeal to Churchians. While there is a strong pagan strain to the white nationalist elements of the Alt-Right, most of the Alt-Right, even within the Alt-White strain, respect Christianity and cherish Christendom. What the writer fails to grasp is that Christian doctrine rejects egalitarianism and universalism outside of the Church, and rejects egalitarianism even within the Church. Remember, no one ever cites the “all are equal in Christ Jesus verse to claim that there are no differences between men and women or support same-sex parody-marriage.

The Alt-Right wants to burn American politics to the ground. The Alt-Right most immediately opposes conservatism, as Youth for Western Civilization founder Kevin Deanna explained in his Taki’s Magazine and piece titled “The Impossibility of Conservatism.” The Alt-Right contains a who’s-who of right-wing voices that have been “purged” from the conservative movement by William F. Buckley and National Review, like Peter Brimelow and John Derbyshire, and Alt-Right leaders like Vox Day described the movement in an interview as “the heirs to those like the John Birch Society who were read out of the conservative movement.” Steve Bannon, who refashioned the website of conservative icon Andrew Breitbart into “the platform for the Alt-Right,” has encouraged activists to “turn on the hate” and “burn this bitch down.” But while conservatism is its most immediate target, the Alt-Right seeks to destroy a far older, more central American idea referenced frequently by Ronald Reagan and dating back beyond Abraham Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address and Alexis de Tocqueville’s Democracy In America to John Winthrop’s “City On A Hill” sermon: America as a proposition nation.

Well, that’s pretty much correct. American politics merit being burned to the ground, and in fact, are in the process of being radically transformed by the changing societal demographics. However, we are reliably informed by Ben Sanderson that I am “not a thought leader in the alt right”, and I’m sure we all recognize that Ben Sanderson is the definitive voice with regards to this matter. I mean, we’re talking about BEN SANDERSON!

But regardless of who is, or is not, a leader, the relevant point is that we are all very well aware that “America as a proposition nation”, a “melting pot”, and “a nation of immigrants” are 19th century myths pushed  on the public by 20th century immigrants.

And it has to be said that the Knowles article is considerably better than the attempted rebuttal of Jared Taylor by (((Ben Cohen))) in American Thinker, entitled “Mainstream Conservatives and the Alt-Right”, which declares that because Hawaii hasn’t devolved into Haiti yet, whites are unnecessary to American civilization:

Where Taylor goes wrong – very wrong, in fact – is in his unhealthy fixation on race. Taylor is correct that most of what we love about America was created by white people; he is wrong to believe that only white people can sustain American civilization.

Interestingly, Taylor’s hypothesis has already been tested. In 1959, Congress admitted to the union a state that was overwhelmingly non-white. Has that state transformed into a third-world hell hole? A dictatorship? No.

By all measures Hawaii is doing pretty well. Hawaii’s residents enjoy the eighth-highest median income of any state in the Union, according to 2014 figures. Meanwhile, West Virginia which is almost exclusively white has the second lowest median house hold income in the United States. If you believe the key to keeping America great is keeping America white, it’s hard to explain why Hawaii is thriving and West Virginia is not.

Non-Hispanic whites compose roughly 40% of New Mexico’s population, with the rest being a mixture of Hispanics and American Indians. New Mexico isn’t rich, (43rd in median income), but it isn’t a “third-world hell hole.”

A similar argument could be made for California, which has the third-highest median income.

How very conservative. Notice that mainstream conservatism now not only denies America is a specific historical nation, but denies that the very nation who created a state for themselves are necessary for the state or their posterity! Because the “nation” is not a nation, but an idea and only an idea.

If these literally anti-American, anti-Constitution, and anti-white arguments are the best ones that mainstream conservatism can muster against the Alt-Right, conservatism is going to die out faster than I’d ever imagined.

“Self-righteous Churchian Pharisaism”

Scott Morefield annihilates the feeble anti-Trump arguments of the Republican Party’s Prince of Cucks, Erick Erickson on WND:

Erick doubles down on the insanity as the column devolves into self-righteous Churchian Pharisaism while ultimately rejecting both of the choices God Himself has obviously put before us.

And the logic he uses to do so is horribly, fatally flawed.

Erickson contrasts Clinton’s “tyranny of the minority” with Trump’s “tyranny of the majority” and his “corrupting the virtuous and fostering hatred, racism, and dangerous strains of nationalism.”

Since when, Erick, is putting America and Americans above globalist interests a “dangerous strain of nationalism”?

Trumpism, the movement Trump represents, can essentially be defined as taking our country back from foreign, globalist, corporate and establishment interests by securing our border and limiting immigration, establishing a fair, sensible trade policy that protects American jobs, and limiting foreign interventions overseas, among other things.

What could possibly be wrong with that?

By constantly bringing up the “racist” canard, people like Erickson not only lose credibility – because there is not one single shred of evidence that Donald Trump is a racist – but they insult, like Hillary Clinton did, the millions of Americans who passionately support Trump. It’s tired, old and increasingly ineffective, and yet just like the left, who see a “raaacist” behind every tree, hand-wringers like Erickson continue to deploy it to serve their rhetorical ends.

Further, the attacks on the supposed hypocrisy of prominent Christian theologian Wayne Grudem are beyond the pale, especially given the fact that Grudem made it clear that he did not support Trump in the primaries, just as he didn’t support Giuliani in 2012. However, he most certainly would have supported Giuliani over Obama had he won the primaries, just as he is supporting Trump now, with good reason.

Erickson uses the fact that a fellow parishioner at his church tried to make the argument for Trump based on other flawed men in the Bible God has used, like David, Abraham and Samson, as evidence that Trump has “poisoned” the church from within. He believes that while Clinton will do “long-term damage to the country,” Trump will “do far more damage to the church.”

Ironically, Erickson later writes of the church, “But Christ has already risen, so the true church is in no danger of falling. The gates of hell shall not prevail.”

So, which is it, Erick? If you believe that Christ will protect and keep His church, surely you aren’t worried about a mortal human like Donald Trump wrecking it, are you?

You see, unlike our country, the church IS, at root, a spiritual institution impervious to the machinations of man.

It’s really remarkable what a horrible, and horribly dishonest individual Erick Erickson is. It does not speak well of those Christians who insist on continuing to pay attention to the man and his incessant posturing.

The Flight 93 election, revisited

Publius Decius Mus is taking a considerable amount of flak from conservatives because he is directly over the target, which is the staunchly pusillanimous way in which they have betrayed America and Americans for at least 50 years, and the way some of them are still trying to do so:

Conservatives have shouted since the beginning of Trump’s improbable rise: He’s not one of us! He is not conservative! And, indeed, in many ways, Trump is downright liberal. You might think that would make him more acceptable to the Left. But no. As “compassionate conservatism” did nothing to blunt leftist hatred of George W. Bush, neither do Trump’s quasi-liberal economic positions. In fact, they hate Trump much more. Trump is not conservative enough for the conservatives but way too conservative for the Left, yet somehow they find common cause. Earlier I posited that the reason is Trump’s position on immigration. Let me add two others.

The first is simply that Trump might win. He is not playing his assigned role of gentlemanly loser the way McCain and Romney did, and may well have tapped into some previously untapped sentiment that he can ride to victory. This is a problem for both the Right and the Left. The professional Right (correctly) fears that a Trump victory will finally make their irrelevance undeniable. The Left knows that so long as Republicans kept playing by the same rules and appealing to the same dwindling base of voters, there was no danger. Even if one of the old breed had won, nothing much would have changed, since their positions on the most decisive issues were effectively the same as the Democrats and because they posed no serious challenge to the administrative state.

Which points to the far more important reason. I urge readers to go back through John Marini’s argument, to which I cannot do anything close to full justice. Suffice to say here, the current governing arrangement of the United States is rule by a transnational managerial class in conjunction with the administrative state. To the extent that the parties are adversarial at the national level, it is merely to determine who gets to run the administrative state for four years. Challenging the administrative state is out of the question. The Democrats are united on this point. The Republicans are at least nominally divided. But those nominally opposed (to the extent that they even understand the problem, which is: not much) are unwilling or unable to actually do anything about it. Are challenges to the administrative state allowed only if they are guaranteed to be ineffectual? If so, the current conservative movement is tailor-made for the task. Meanwhile, the much stronger Ryan wing of the Party actively abets the administrative state and works to further the managerial class agenda.

Trump is the first candidate since Reagan to threaten this arrangement. To again oversimplify Marini (and Aristotle), the question here is: who rules? The many or the few? The people or the oligarchs? Our Constitution says: the people are sovereign, and their rule is mediated through representative institutions, limited by written Constitutional norms. The administrative state says: experts must rule because various advances (the march of history) have made governing too complicated for public deliberation, and besides, the unwise people often lack knowledge of their own best interests even on rudimentary matters. When the people want something that they shouldn’t want or mustn’t have, the administrative state prevents it, no matter what the people vote for. When the people don’t want something that the administrative state sees as salutary or necessary, it is simply imposed by fiat.

Don’t want more immigration? Too bad, we know what’s best. Think bathrooms should be reserved for the two biological sexes? Too bad, we rule. And so on and on.

To all the “conservatives” yammering about my supposed opposition to Constitutional principle (more on that below) and who hate Trump, I say: Trump is mounting the first serious national-political defense of the Constitution in a generation. He may not see himself in those terms. I believe he sees himself as a straightforward patriot who just wants to do what is best for his country and its people. Whatever the case, he is asserting the right of the sovereign people to make their government do what they want it to do, and not do things they don’t want it to do, in the teeth of determined opposition from a managerial class and administrative state that want not merely different policies but above all to perpetuate their own rule.

If the Constitution has any force or meaning, then “We the People” get to decide not merely who gets to run the administrative state—which, whatever the outcome, will always continue on the same path—more fundamentally, we get to decide what policies we want and which we don’t.

Conservatism as we have known it since Reagan is dead. Whether the Alt Right or NeoTrumpism or something else will ascend in its place is presently unknown, but we can be fairly certain that conservatives will never win another national election, thanks to the demographic transformation they supported, and, in many cases, still support.

Shed no tears and spare no pity for them. Like every ideology that stands in opposition to observable reality, their eventual irrelevance is assured, it is merely a question of time.