Would this really surprise you?

The intel leaker is reported to be Sen. John McCain:

This could be the beginning of the end for embattled Sen. John McCain’s life in politics. According to White House officials, McCain is believed to have somehow gained access to the content of President Donald Trump’s private, classified telephone calls with world leaders. And he isn’t keeping quiet about what was talked about either.

An analysis of McCain’s recent public statements by White House officials, coupled with information from intelligence personnel working with the Trump administration, paints a disturbing picture for McCain — or any elected U.S. politician. Officials believe the senator has inside knowledge of a number of President Trump’s telephone conversations, including at least one conversation with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Even more alarming, officials believe McCain is secretly sharing this sensitive information with colleagues and his cabal of friendly mainstream media journalists in a dangerous clandestine campaign to damage Trump’s presidency even before it has a chance to succeed. Trump has been searching for media rats in the Beltway in recent weeks. White House aides are confident they have now outed one of the major leaks plaguing the early days of the Trump presidency. To everyone’s surprise, it is a senior senator supposedly belonging to the same side of the political aisle as the president.

Never trust a cuckservative. Never EVER trust a cuck. At least you can trust the Left to always shriek and attack you at every given opportunity. But a cuck will play Noble Sir while nobly opposing you on the basis of nobly going down to defeat on noble principle, all the while trying to sneak around and stab you in the back.

Cucks talk about nobility and honor and principle all the time for the same reason that Google talks about not being evil and Apple talks about the user experience.

On a tangential note:

Lt. Gen. Thomas Mcinerney weighed in on Devin Nunes’ bombshell revelations that said the Trump team were being spied on by the NSA/CIA — and it wasn’t Russia related. The whole cover for the surveillance was supposed to be because Trump had a bunch of Ivans working for him, but that simply wasn’t the case, or the concern, inside the Obama White House.

McInerney believes when all of the evidence comes out, Obama will rue the day he decided to spy on Trump. Moreover, he said the democrats are chimping out and fabricating a Russian spy novel in order to avoid Trump investigating the Clinton server and how both Hillary and Obama violated the espionage act, a crime punishable by heavy fines and up to 10 years in prison.

The sin of Denethor

The Atlantic is terrified by the inevitable rise of the Alt-Right in a post-Christian West:

For years, political commentators dreamed that the culture war over religious morality that began in the 1960s and ’70s would fade. It has. And the more secular, more ferociously national and racial culture war that has followed is worse.

So are cucks like Dreher and Douthat:

Read the whole thing. It’s important. It’s a confirmation of a line Ross Douthat had a year or so ago, telling the left that if they didn’t like the Religious Right, just wait until the see the Post-Religious Right. I’m getting anecdotal reports from readers and from acquaintances that young people with smartphones are not only streaming pornography, but also getting massive doses of political extremism on their devices. One source who sees the boys in his conservative Christian high school embracing white nationalism speculates that the megachurch Christianity of these high school seniors is not facing the reality of the world around us. If true, then the pastors and other religious authorities in these kids’ lives are simply not forming them as Christians to live in the post-Christian world that we have.

On that point, last night in DC, I talked with a senior official of a prominent Christian college, who told me that institutions like his are at Defcon 1 on religious liberty for institutions like his — and he is as baffled as I am why so many churches are silent. He spoke to me after my Benedict Option speech about the point I made in it re: pastors and religious leaders who aren’t preparing their congregations for hard times, even the possibility of persecution, are failing in their responsibilities. He said that’s true in his experience. We agreed that Christians in America aren’t going to know what hit them.

It’s amusing that Rod calls it “the Douthat scenario” when Douthat only picked upon the obvious a year ago. Years before that, nearly everyone on the alternative Right was warning the idiot cucks and Churchians that they had better embrace and join the nationalist Right or they will find themselves being steamrolled by the ultra-nationalists.

FFS, Cuckservative was published more than one year ago. But the cucks never want to admit that they are wrong, or point anyone in the direction of the truth. They need to try to maintain the utterly risible fiction that they are the only responsible predictors of the future, when in reality their game is to try to spot the parade and then leap in front of it to try to redirect it. Then surrender.

The feckless, cowardly, and non-confrontational Dreher calls, naturally, for a feckless, cowardly, and non-confrontational approach he calls “the Benedict Option”. The Christian Alt-Right, on the other hand, anticipates Revival, Repatriation, and Reconquista 2.0 throughout the West.

Stop whining. Stop crying. Stop complaining. Stop prophesying inevitable doom. Stop cowering and stop cucking. The constant defeatism among the civic nationalist Right is remarkable, especially when compared to the growing confidence of the Alt Right. Spanish Christians were conquered and ruled by Muslims for centuries and yet they still didn’t give up hope, much less prophesy doom and defeat when they were still the overwhelming majority.

The problem is not women, or immigrants, or the government, or the electorate, or anything else. The problem is you. Because you’re afraid and you would rather indulge yourself by giving in to despair than pray, fight, and win. It isn’t the West or the European nations that have been defeated, only the fake Civic Right who never intended on doing anything but surrendering from the start.

Read any of the so-called conservative writers of the Official Right™ and you get the impression that the world began in 1938. Every bad guy in the world is Hitler and any hesitation about rushing into war is appeasement. More important, they think the great intellectual tradition of the Right starts with the day Bill Buckley penned God and Man at Yale. Everything before that is fairy tales and mythology from a foreign people.

Of course, this is not an accident. Buckley conservatism was a break with the old traditional Right, if it was ever actually of the Right, which is debatable. George Will famously called Buckley’s Yale book “a lovers’ quarrel with his alma mater.” It was also a good way to describe the conservatism of Bill Buckley and his followers. It was and still is a lover’s quarrel with the Left. Put another way, it was the child admonishing the parent for not living up to the ideals the parent preached to their children.

To be fair, the Buckleyites borrowed some political objectives from traditional conservatives, along with some of the language of the Right, but it was essentially a Progressive heresy over the issue of communism. It’s why the Buckleyites had exactly zero wins in the culture war. They never bothered to fight it. Their singular reason to exist was opposition to communism, foreign and domestic. It’s why after the Cold War, they declared themselves Big Government Conservatives.

Just one man shocked their world. What will they do when there are not one, not one hundred, but 100,000 Breiviks taking action in the 4GW environment their actions have made inevitable?

Last weekend, a bunch of my students were waxing enthusiastic about the 4chan humiliation of Shia LaBeouf’s “He Will Not Divide Us” campaign. This barely made a ripple in the broader media, even in the traditional conservative media. But it was a major coup in the alt-Right media world, and my student knew about it within hours of it happening. The general consensus of my boys was “Do NOT mess with 4chan. They will wreck you for life.”

I was reminded of a recent post here about Islam being “the last bad-ass religion”. There’s nothing bad-ass about Christianity these days. I teach at a small Christian college that until just this year wouldn’t even let its faculty drink alcohol; I’m telling you now, there is no political action by a figure or organization on the old-style Christian Right, substantive or symbolic, that any of my students would care about — certainly not on the same level that they care about how 4chan is brilliantly messing with Shia LeBeouf. They know 4chan is a hot mess of racism and sexism; that came up in the conversation, without much push-back. But they just don’t care. The symbolic power of lowering that flag and raising a Trump hat was a shot in the arm in a way that anodyne calls for a more winsome Christian witness in the postmodern world can never be. I’ll take a 100-to-1 bet against ever hearing any of my students kibitzing passionately over the weekend about a David Brooks column, or a James K.A. Smith book. Or for that matter, a Rod Dreher book.

4chan’s pranks are a precursor. It doesn’t take a genius to conclude that their actions are unlikely to be limited to humiliating left-wing actors for long as the left gets increasingly violent and unhinged. People often get upset when I observe that by the time this is over in 100 years or so, there will very likely be statues honoring St. Anders erected all across Europe. They complain, correctly, that he is a murderer, a killer. That is most certainly true. But have a look at the statues in London, in Paris, in Rome, in Olso, in Madrid, and in Washington DC sometime. Many, if not most, you will observe, were erected in honor of men with blood on their hands.

Self-serving revisionism

Steve Sailer’s most recent column on Rep. Steve King’s outrageously truthful observation about demographic realities reads almost as if it was surgically excised from Cuckservative:

Seriously, American history has been so severely retconned over the past half century that it’s apparent that most of the people gasping at King’s heresy are only vaguely aware of how humorously deluded they have become.

Countless pundits sputtered in response to King that America has always been “a nation of immigrants,” without realizing that this phrase barely existed in American discourse until it was promoted by the Anti-Defamation League’s propaganda arm in the 1960s….

The reality is that human beings are naturally concerned with their ancestors and descendants. The “nation of immigrants” hype was the work of descendants of Ellis Island immigrants understandably fictionalizing the past to make their forefathers seem more crucial in the national story than they actually were.

Every. Single. Time. Anyhow, as I have repeatedly pointed out, civic nationalism is an intrinsically self-contradictory concept constructed upon a false, self-serving historical narrative. There is nothing true about it, absolutely nothing. Everyone who subscribes to it is either deceived, historically ignorant, or lying, which is why all of its rhetoric, high-minded and soaring as it so often is, is ultimately rooted in falsehoods.

Which, of course, is why it is so easily undermined by superior nationalist rhetoric that is rooted in truth and historical facts.

  • “We all bleed red” is trumped by “So do kangaroos and iguanas.”
  • “We’re a nation of immigrants” is trumped by “You have to go back.”
  • “Our Judeo-Christian values” is trumped by “Thus spake Judeo-Christ.”
  • “Equality” is trumped by “7.6 billion Americans.”
  • “My grandparents completely assimilated” is trumped by “Assimilation and integration are adulteration.” 

We know the nationalists will win in the end because the nationalists ALWAYS win in the end. If they didn’t, the nations wouldn’t exist. So stop clinging to your false narratives, your self-serving revisionist histories, your deceptive adjective-modified nouns, your Not-American Americans, and accept the truth.

Civic nationalism is no more nationalism than social justice is justice. It is just another stealth globalist attack on national identity and sovereignty.

The US belongs to all nations

Not to Americans, or to the natives of the land:

Iran’s former hard-line President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad sent a letter Sunday to President Donald Trump, striking a somewhat conciliatory tone while applauding immigration to America and saying it shows “the contemporary U.S. belongs to all nations.”

It isn’t the first dispatch sent by Ahmadinejad, who has counted U.S. Presidents George W. Bush and Barack Obama among his pen pals.

But this letter, weighing in at over 3,500 words, comes as criticism of Trump over his travel ban affecting seven Muslim-majority countries including Iran mounts in Tehran. It also may serve to burnish Ahmadinejad’s image domestically after the nation’s Supreme Leader warned him not to run in Iran’s upcoming May presidential election.

In the letter, published by Iranian media outlets, Ahmadinejad noted Trump won the election while he “truthfully described the U.S. political system and electoral structure as corrupt.”

Ahmadinejad decried U.S. “dominance” over the United Nations, as well as American meddling in the world that has brought “insecurity, war, division, killing and (the) displacement of nations.”

He also acknowledged the some 1 million people of Iranian descent living in America, saying that U.S. policies should “value respect toward the diversity of nations and races.”

“In other words, the contemporary U.S. belongs to all nations, including the natives of the land,” he wrote. “No one may consider themselves the owner and view others as guests or immigrants.”

One would think that the fact that foreigners from Portugal, Libya, and Iran, from Hoyt to Gaddafi to Ahmadinejad, so fervently endorse the concept of American civic nationalism, would give the American adherents of the Zeroth Amendment, Magic Dirt, the Melting Pot, Proposition Nationalism, and the sacred teachings of Judeo-Christ a moment’s pause.

But, of course, it doesn’t. Because what passes for the civic nationalist’s reasoning has absolutely nothing to do with reason, much less the copious and well-documented facts of history. The basis for the civic nationalist’s civic nationalism is nothing more than wanting to believe that they are a good person, as defined by their adherence to the false historical propaganda of self-serving foreigners. And that submission to the false historical narrative is their gateway drug to the complete abandonment of the truth that is social justice convergence.

What was Gaius Julius Caesar but a Celt born in Rome, after all?

“We all bleed red,” the President, himself a civic nationalist, says. But kangaroos and buffalo also bleed red, which makes it a nonsensical metric for defining marsupials, mammals, or Americans. It is, of course, nothing more than rhetoric designed to appeal to the unthinking civic nationalists and make them feel good.

When Ahmadinejad says that “the contemporary US belongs to all nations”, he is stating openly that there is no American nation. Interestingly enough, and unlike most civic nationalists, he is precise enough to distinguish between America 1.0 and America 3.0. But the reason that he, and various other enemies of America, have so eagerly adopted the universalist idea of “everyone is an American” is because it harms the actual American nation, which is already fragmented and unable to  clearly distinguish between itself and the rest of the world.

The 100-year psychological destruction of the American nation is one of the greatest psychological operations in history, and if you are a civic nationalist, then you need to know that you are an active participant in the destruction of the very nation and the very society that you claim to love.

A cannot be Not-A. American can never be Not-American. That is reason. That is logic. That is historical fact. To claim otherwise is to take the first step into the illogic that leads to madness, habitual dishonesty, and self-delusion.

Germany has Magic Dirt too

Angela Merkel announces that standing on German ground is sufficient to make one a member of the Volk:

German Chancellor Angela Merkel is facing heavy criticism for claiming the German people, or Volk, are comprised of anyone currently living in Germany regardless of their background.

The word “Volk”, or people, in German (pronounced “folk”), is a somewhat controversial term in Germany and like many German phrases has no exact English equivalent. Chancellor Merkel is now facing opposition from many, including within her own party, for claiming that anyone living in Germany is part of the Volk, which amounts to saying that all migrants are German by virtue of living in the country, Tag 24 reports.

Merkel made the comments in her home region of Mecklenburg-West Pomerania as she received the formal nomination from her party, the Christian Democratic Union (CDU), to lead the party in this year’s federal election. 95 per cent of the roughly 140 delegates voted for Merkel who ran for the nomination unopposed.

“There is no justification that small groups of our society presume to define who the Volk are, the Volk is everyone who lives in this country,” Merkel said.

These luanatics are making the historical National Socialists look sane and reasonable by comparison. The Nazis merely regarded their ethnicity to be ideal. Merkel is openly disavowing science, history, and philosophy.

The Teutonic edition of Magic Dirt theory is no more credible or convincing than the American version. Indeed, if we are to take it seriously, we will be entirely unable to make any sense of history whatsoever. I mean, who sacked Rome? It couldn’t have been the Visigoths, because the Gothic people who crossed the Danube became Romans as soon as they settled inside the borders of the Eastern Roman Empire, regardless of their background.

Therefore, Alaric the Roman sacked Rome in 410 AD, with the assistance of tens of thousands of other Romans, for no apparent reason.

Civic nationalists who understand that Magic Dirt theory is completely insane when applied to Germany or Great Britain should be able to grasp that their logic is just as insane, and and just as false historically, when applied to the United States of America. At this point, one has to be either borderline retarded or stubbornly self-deluded to remain a civic nationalist rather than a nationalist proper. A dog living in a human household remains a dog, even if it has lived there its whole life. This is hardly a revelation. A can never be Not A.

There is no such thing as a “proposition nation” any more than there is a “proposition animal” or “proposition element”. A “proposition nation” is no more a nation than “social justice” is justice. It is the same damnable deception by redefinition in which the Left habitually engages.

They’re bad. Really, really bad.

The Zman is unimpressed by the edgy edgertons of conservatism posturing as if the Left is, or ever was, even remotely threatened by them:

So-called Movement Conservatism is a zombie movement, shuffling along until someone has the decency to put it out of its misery. That does not mean the army of people who have made a living peddling it over the last few decades are going to retire. They are looking for some way to weasel their way into the new thing. They look over at the cool kids raising hell on-line, building their own thing and the old guys of Conservative Inc are naturally jealous and want to be a part of it.

This is not an easy task. Buckley Conservatism was revealed to be nothing more than the candy coating to the Progressive nut inside the prevailing orthodoxy, when they went all in on the NeverTrump nonsense. It’s not that the cool kids will not forgive them. It is that there is no point to it. These are yesterday men with nothing to offer. National Review is one of those abandoned houses in Detroit. It’s only purpose is as a reminder of past mistakes. Otherwise, it can be plowed under and not one will care.

The current relationship of this new thing on the Right to the old conservative movement is a lot like what David Horowitz described as the relationship between the New Left and the old reds from the previous generation. When the New Left got going in the 60’s and people noticed it, suddenly every old commie in the country was trying to get in on the act. They were rejected not because they were old, but because they had nothing to offer.

The Movement Conservatives took over the Reagan Revolution and the Tea Party because neither of those movements had a strong philosophical core, which permitted the cucks and cons and neocons to run their usual scams. The reason the Alt-Right will not be taken over by them is because our nationalism and historical realism is utterly anathema to them; they would rather make common cause with the Left with whom they share a common utopianism.

As always, it comes down to Plato against Aristotle. If you are willing to ignore the world and embrace the ideal in its stead, you will sooner or later side with Plato. If you are willing to accept the world unflinchingly, you will eventually come down on the side of Aristotle.

The Alt-Right is the only Aristotelian alternative at this point in time. All the other Rights, from neoconnery to constitutionalism and civic nationalism, are riddled with Platonic accommodations. All the other Rights require you to knowingly profess falsehoods.

CUCK, CPAC cucked, cuckingly

CPAC conservatives are going to beat the Left by fighting the Alt-Right.

In a hard-hitting speech, the head of a major conservative organization argued that the so-called “alt-right” is actually just a cover for a “hate-filled left-wing fascist group” seeking to undermine conservatism.

Speaking at the annual Conservative Political Action Conference just outside Washington, D.C., American Conservative Union Executive Director Dan Schneider sought to cast the loosely organized movement with ties to white nationalists that played a role in last year’s elections out of the conservative coalition.

“There is a sinister organization that is trying to worm its way into our ranks and we must not be duped,” he told thousands of grassroots conservatives. “Just a few years ago, this hate-filled left-wing fascist group hijacked the very term ‘alt-right.’ That term has been used for a long time in a very good and normal way.”

The speech was the latest salvo in an ongoing war among conservatives about what to do about the alt-right, which was galvanized by President Trump’s populist campaign for the White House. Some members of the American Conservative Union’s board, including President Matt Schlapp, rallied around Trump despite concerns about his breaks from conservative ideology.

Seriously, who listens to these idiots anymore? We’re not trying to worm our way into their ranks. We reject conservativism and we reject conservatives just as we reject noble defeat, futility, and failure. Do you know how to confirm that Milo truly isn’t Alt-Right? Because he agreed to speak at CPAC. I’d no more agree to speak there than to a meeting of Whigs or Popolares.

Conservatism is mortally wounded. It is conceptually cancer-stricken. It clings desperately to its pseudo-ideology in a world of identity. It is an outdated and irrelevant posture, nothing more.

UPDATE: Did a Darkstream on Periscope about the cucks and cons attacking the Alt-Right. Longest, best-attended one yet! The replay is here.

Operation Destroy Milo

In case you didn’t realize that the concerted effort to take down Milo was a designated media hit that is aimed to divide and conquer Republicans. From /pol/ yesterday. Note the timestamp.

FYI the MSM has a huge fucking media onslaught that is set to go live Monday to scorch earth Milo and destroy him via the pedophile label.

I’m part of a mailing list (not giving my real name or the name of the list for the sake of protecting my ass from retaliation) but they have been sitting on the story for a while, because they thought Milo was small fries and wanted to wait until he got big enough a thread to go nuclear on.

The journalists are pissed the fuck off Maher put him on the air and more so, pissed off his book deal had not been revoked (and some are pissed that Milo got a book deal from the same publisher who dropped Zoe Quinn’s book, along with a larger signing bonus than most of the publisher’s social justice authors).

There are also those who want to hurt him simply as a proxy to hurt Steve Bannon/Breitbart. since their attempts to attack Bannon have largely failed. Not to mention people on the left being pissed off that most people sided with Milo over the rioters. Rioters, that were paid for by Soros through a variety of fronts and laundered through companies that can’t be traced back to him.

Expect a steady drumbeat of “Milo is a pedophile” and “Milo must be dropped from CPAC”. The later is especially important, in terms of the divide and conquer long game the press is playing: the press wants a civil war with the McCain/Graham wing of the GOP and the Trump/Ryan wing so as to weaken the Republicans in 2018. The overall plan is to make the Republicans fear social shaming from the media and the left more than they do their actual constituents who love Trump, in hopes of regaining the House and enough Senate seats to pull off an impeachment of Trump.

They are particularly frightened of the Alt-Right, of course, because only the Alt-Right has the courage to actually attack them instead of cowering dutifully before them like cucks or going gracefully down to noble defeat like conservatives.

It matters in so far as it’s an attempt to go after anyone connected with the alt-right silenced and destroyed publicly.

Case in point, there are a couple of journalists sitting on some nasty shit Gavin McInnes did when he was with Vice. Stuff Shane Smith personally helped said reporters gather (since Shane hates Gavin and would gladly backstab in a heart beat).

Also know they have been soliciting shit on Steve Crowder, Laura Southern, Ann Coulter, along with trying to get their grubby hands on as much anti-PC footage and audio they can gather to take down Anthony Cumia, since Cumia keeps surviving every hit they try on him. They are going the long view angle.

The right are at a crossroads in that a younger generation has risen and going conservative, which kills their plan for a never-ending wave of kids being born and each generation being SJW types.

The media in particular, has started to notice as well that after years of ignoring the internet, that the libertarian wing of the GOP have started colonizing their own segment of the internet that grows stronger every day. They blame Bannon for this; Bannon was the one who saw the need (one that Breitbart himself ignored) that you need to make conservativism sexy and young; Fox News may have served a purpose, but it’s too tied to older folks and more so, bound to the old axis of religious right/big business, that Trump’s election and the youthquake shattered with Trump’s ascension.

Milo, Southern, McInnes, Crowder, Compound Media are basically the right’s version of MSNBC/Vice/Daily Show/Colbert Report. I’d also toss in Alex Jones, but Jones is considered a whole other beast in than the others in a lot of ways, by my fellow journalists so I’m leaving him out.

Them being on the internet also puts them beyond the traditional media’s reach to silence them. And they are bringing in the young conservatives and converting jaded, pissed off liberals to the right.

They want them dead, now while they are still on the brink of mainstream acceptance, because the left is TERRIFIED of the right having their own version of John Stewart/Stephen Colbert/Samantha Bee/John Oliver types and the mainstream media definitely wants to kneecap the right claiming any significant internet territory to rival the left’s control over most of the internet.

Keep that in mind if you feel inclined to wax indignant and turn your back in huffy righteousness on Milo, Gavin, Steve, Laura, Ann, or Anthony. Or, eventually, Mike Cernovich, Stefan Molyneux, and me. You are being played by the Left. You are, quite literally, serving their interests.

I have to say that I’m very pleased with both the Dread Ilk and the Castalia House authors. Very few of the former, and absolutely none of the latter, were foolish enough to be taken in by it, and more than a few contacted me to let me know of their support for Milo.

The winning spreads

Argentina follows the God-Emperor’s lead in restricting immigration and preparing for repatriations

Argentina is so used to celebrating immigration as a cornerstone of society that a 19th-century saying — to govern is to populate — remains in use to this day. But in an abrupt shift coinciding with the immigration restrictions put in place by the Trump administration, President Mauricio Macri has issued a decree curbing immigration to Argentina, with his government declaring that newcomers from poorer countries in Latin America bring crime.

The measures announced by Mr. Macri in recent days made it much easier to deport immigrants and restrict their entry, prompting irate comparisons to President Trump and igniting a fierce debate over immigration.

“A decree like this scares people,” said Arfang Diedhiou, 33, a Senegalese immigrant who runs his own clothing store here in the capital, Buenos Aires. “It came out just after what Trump did, a coincidence that seems very strange to me.”

Argentina’s president, the son of an immigrant, has echoed some of Mr. Trump’s “America First” theme, making it clear that his “first concern” should be “caring for Argentines, caring for ourselves. We cannot continue to allow criminals to keep choosing Argentina as a place to commit offenses,” Mr. Macri said during a news conference…. But opinion polls in Argentina showed widespread support for limiting immigration, and some say the new decree does not go far enough.

Meanwhile, wormtongue David Brooks mourns for the lost greatness of a nonexistent “nation” while declaring that the real America is Russian. Or German. Or Nazi. Whatever it is, he doesn’t like it.

That American myth was embraced and lived out by everybody from Washington to Lincoln to Roosevelt to Reagan. It was wrestled with by John Winthrop and Walt Whitman. It gave America a mission in the world — to spread democracy and freedom. It gave us an attitude of welcome and graciousness, to embrace the huddled masses yearning to breathe free and to give them the scope by which to realize their powers.

But now the myth has been battered. It’s been bruised by an educational system that doesn’t teach civilizational history or real American history but instead a shapeless multiculturalism. It’s been bruised by an intellectual culture that can’t imagine providence. It’s been bruised by people on the left who are uncomfortable with patriotism and people on the right who are uncomfortable with the federal government that is necessary to lead our project.

The myth has been bruised, too, by the humiliations of Iraq and the financial crisis. By a cultural elite that ignored the plight of the working class and thus broke faith with the basic solidarity that binds a nation.

And so along come men like Donald Trump and Stephen Bannon with a countermyth. Their myth is an alien myth, frankly a Russian myth. It holds, as Russian reactionaries hold, that deep in the heartland are the pure folk who embody the pure soul of the country — who endure the suffering and make the bread. But the pure peasant soul is threatened. It is threatened by the cosmopolitan elites and by the corruption of foreign influence.

The true American myth is dynamic and universal — embracing strangers and seizing possibilities. The Russian myth that Trump and Bannon have injected into the national bloodstream is static and insular. It is about building walls, staying put. Their country is bound by its nostalgia, not its common future.

The odd thing is that the Trump-Bannon myth is winning. The policies that emanate from it are surprisingly popular. The refugee ban has a lot of support. Closing off trade is popular. Building the wall is a winning issue.

There is nothing odd about it, because there is nothing mythical about it. David Brooks is, to put it mildly, a total fucking liar. A Russian myth? WTF? He sounds like a lunatic Jew who has read The Melting Pot too many times and is now terrified of Tsars and Cossacks and pogroms. Who listens to these morons? How did anyone ever take these wormtongues seriously?

As I said in my debate with Jack Murphy last night, the Proposition Nation is total bullshit. It’s utterly false. There is absolutely NOTHING truthful about it. And all you need to know that is to listen to its lunatic proponents try to defend it, usually by waxing lyrical with feeble rhetoric that wouldn’t convince a brain-damaged chimpanzee.

Brooks sounds as if he’s ready to fight with his Muslim brothers against Old America.

We are in the midst of a great war of national identity. We thought we were in an ideological battle against radical Islam, but we are really fighting the national myths spread by Trump, Bannon, Putin, Le Pen and Farage.

There is no “we”, David. You are not American. You are not Russian. You are not French. You are not British. You are not us.

The cucking intensifies

Rod Dreher does not disappoint as he wrings his hands over the God-Emperor’s surprisingly restrained rule:

The astonishing audacity and recklessness with which Trump has begun his presidency is a bad sign. For me, it is not so much what he has done (though I do object to some of it) as it is the reckless manner in which he has done it. As every well-raised Southern child knows, manners express morality. Yes, manners are artificial, but they embody a social code that governs the conduct of people who live under it. True, it is always better to do the right thing than to work unrighteousness under the cover of minding one’s manners. But as Brooks points out, there’s something crude and vicious about the way Trump goes out of his way to provoke, to rub the noses of his opponents in the exercise of his power. In Trump’s case, manners express the man.

In other words, we know what kind of president Trump is going to be by the way he has carried out his executive actions so far. He does not consider himself bound by law or custom. He is a law unto himself. That doesn’t make him wrong about everything, but it does serve as fair warning to Republicans and conservatives, both on Capitol Hill and out in the country: sooner or later, he’s going to make us take sides. In the moment of testing, you will only be able to make the right call then if you have prepared your conscience, and exercised it by being more faithful to the Truth than to your president.

Demonstrating, as always, that for the moderate, it’s not what you do, it’s the genteel manner with which you do it.

Moderate: Okay, gentlemen… take 5 paces, then turn and shoot. SJW has won the coin toss and will shoot first. Understood?
Conservative: Yes.
SJW: Whatever.
Moderate: One…
SJW: turns and points pistol, hand trembling in terror
Moderate: looks at SJW scornfully Two…
SJW: CHECK YOUR PRIVILEGE! shoots in Conservative’s general direction… misses horribly
Conservative: What the deuce? turns around You bastard!
SJW: How dare you turn around! You’re not a gentleman!
Moderate: Conservative! You must take three more paces before you may turn around!
Conservative: That coward shot at me after two!
Moderate: Do not lower yourself to his level! Death before dishonor!
Conservative: That doesn’t mean what you think it does! aims at SJW
SJW: EEK! cowers
Moderate: How dare you! draws pistol on Conservative If you do not turn around this instant, I shall shoot you myself, you dishonorable cur!

Ross Douthat, meanwhile, claims populism is always doomed to failure and assumes both incompetence and an inability to learn on the part of a man who not only specializes in A/B testing, but went through THREE campaign managers in his successful campaign for the White House.

The great fear among Trump-fearers is that he will deal with this elite opposition by effectively crushing it — purging the deep state, taming the media, remaking the judiciary as his pawn, and routing or co-opting the Democrats. This is the scenario where a surging populism, its progress balked through normal channels, turns authoritarian and dictatorial, ending in the sort of American Putinism that David Frum describes darkly in the latest issue of The Atlantic.

But nothing about Trumpian populism to date suggests that it has either the political skill or the popularity required to grind its opposition down. In which case, instead of Putin, the more relevant case study might be former President Mohamed Morsi of Egypt, the Muslim Brotherhood leader whose brief tenure was defined both by chronic self-sabotage and by the active resistance of the Egyptian bureaucracy and intelligentsia, which rendered governance effectively impossible.

The Egyptian deep state’s sabotage of Morsi culminated in a coup. This is not my prediction for the Trump era. But what we’ve watched unfold with refugee policy suggests that chaos and incompetence are much more likely to define this administration than any kind of ruthless strength.

I, on the other hand, observe that the God-Emperor is simply starting small and testing the waters. I don’t think we’ve seen anything at all as yet. But if the best he can do is to burn down the entire edifice, well, that’s just fine too.