Paper nationalists

If you weren’t certain that civic nationalism is intrinsically cuckservative, you know better now.

“We live in a land made of ideals, not blood and soil,” McCain said. “We have a moral obligation to continue in our just cause, and we would bring more than shame on ourselves if we don’t. We will not thrive in a world where our leadership and ideals are absent. We wouldn’t deserve to.”

Do you know where a land made of ideals can be found? In Plato’s Theory of Forms. Do you know where it cannot be found? On this planet.

Bush’s version: “Our identity as a nation, and unlike many other nations, is not determined by geography or ethnicity, by soil or blood. Being an American involves the embrace of high ideals and civic responsibility.”

How very strange, then, that so many US citizens do not embrace those ideals or accept any civic responsibility. Doesn’t that mean they are not Americans? If a nation’s identity is not determined by geography, ethnicity, soil, or blood, that does not make it special, it makes it nonexistent.

“Bigotry in any form is blasphemy.”
– George W. Bush

“The LORD trieth the righteous: but the wicked and him that loveth violence his soul hateth.”
– God

One wonders what god, exactly, is being blasphemed by bigotry.

Salon’s favorite conservatives

In case you’re looking for an official list of the 25 biggest cucks, this would appear to be it. The only real surprise is that Erick Ericksen and Ben Shapiro are missing from the list.

Liberals in shock over the the 2016 election were prescribed a heavy dose of reality. “Get out of your bubble,” the doctors note illegibly read. It was a hard truth for the American left. They found out the U.S. was not as progressive as originally thought. Their steady diet of MSNBC and left-wing op-eds only reinforced biases and preconceived beliefs. The country’s actual, collective tilt wholly evaded them.

One recommended solution: Search out opposing points of view. Turn on Fox News every once in a while; follow more conservative voices on Twitter. This would be an honorable endeavor for liberals, if it didn’t expose them to pure lunacy on a regular basis.

With every right-wing follow added on Twitter, liberals inched closer to the likes of Mike Cernovich and Jack Posobiec appearing on their “who to follow” suggestions. A few brave liberals likely made the leap and added Cernvovich and Posobeic to their timeline, only to find their feeds polluted by offensive nonsense.

But what if we told you there are 25 conservatives actually worth following on Twitter? What if we said that there are conservatives that not only dislike President Trump, but also engage in a level of ideological introspection that has surpassed most liberals and offer you a better look at their fellows on the right? Wouldn’t you have to check them out?

Well, here they are, the 25 must-follow conservatives on Twitter. And here are some reasons they like them.

  • an active voice on issues of race and inequality and has appropriately combated the white-nationalist movement fermenting on the right.
  • A former campaign staffer for Jeb Bush
  • An outspoken proponent of immigration and LGBT causes. She also believes in climate change.
  • a critic of right-wing media
  • a strategist for John McCain and John Kasich before becoming a CNN contributor
  • Jon Stewart notoriously relied on him for his analysis and commentary
  • an adviser for Mitt Romney

Kilgore Trout
Atticus Goldfinch
Tim Carlson
Tim Miller
Ana Navarro
Richard W. Painter
Jennifer Rubin
Ben Howe
Ken White, Popehat
Haley Byrd
Josh Jordan
Bill Kristol
John Weaver
Tom Nichols
Kat Timpf
Stuart Stevens
Noah Rothman
Jay Caruso
Rick Wilson
S.E. Cupp
John Podhoretz
David Frum
Stephen Hayes

Attention Dread Ilk

This strikes me as an opportunity to put some steel in the nonexistent spine of National Review.

We’re hiring! NR is looking to add a multi-talented individual to help build our social media presence. Apply here.

We’ve infiltrated Antifa and other left-wing organizations. I don’t see any reason why we shouldn’t do the same to the leading cuckservative organizations. If you’ve got the credentials, give it a whirl.

Conservatives simply won’t fight

For all their complaints about the cultural war, the conservative movement has repeatedly proven to be useless, totally useless, when it comes to fighting back against Hollywood, against the publishing industry, and against the entertainment media:

If conservative investors had any courage, this would be the time to make a hostile takeover of the movie business.  Unfortunately, they don’t. I know this from bitter personal experience. Wealthy conservatives are delighted to support the Philharmonic, but when it comes to popular culture they turn away, as if afraid to get their hands dirty.

That this is a huge mistake should be obvious.  They have abandoned the culture — and our children — to the creepiest people imaginable.

Consider this. In just twelve days, Alt★Hero managed to reach the top one percent of all kickstarted campaigns ever, and it did so on a platform so new that it doesn’t even have some of the most basic user interface features yet. Other than Milo Yiannopoulos, Mike Cernovich, and Stefan Molyneux, how many of the conservative media figures who regularly lament the dire straits of culture and entertainment in America have bothered to even recognize its existence, much less recommend it to anyone?

Do you want to know why the Right is losing the culture wars? Because conservatives simply refuse to fight them. For all that they decry the French as cheese-eating surrender monkeys, the WWII-era French Army offered considerably more resistance after the Maginot Line was bypassed than the conservative movement does in the culture wars.

The last conservative redoubt

This is one of the main reasons I have an amount of intellectual contempt for conservatives: they always, always, ALWAYS retreat to deceit, despite their professed devotion to virtue and morality, whenever the subject is race. Every single time. And usually, the first person they attempt to deceive is themselves. Consider the following debate between commenters at John C. Wright’s blog. I’m not linking to it because John has nothing to do with this and it was merely a tangent from a different discussion, it merely happens to be where I caught a conservative blatantly lying – again – about my clearly expressed opinions.

Overgrown Hobbit
Vox Day has stated that homogeneous nation states are good, and forced conglomeration of disparate groups to serve lawless powerful governments are bad. The larger the state, the more likely the tyranny, the smaller, the more likely the people have of self-determination. Even if what they want for themselves is a short fast path to self-destruction. What is the wisest end for the Spaniards? I don’t know. But on this Vox Day’s foundational errors, that race trumps culture and intelligence determines virtue, do not appear to be in play.

Does Vox Day think intelligence determines virtue? Ability to sustain a functioning culture, yes. Ability to understand the consequences of decisions, yes. But virtue? I am not so sure about that.

Overgrown Hobbit
What makes a people capable of sustaining a functioning culture? Back to you, sir.

Zaklog the Deplorable
I would say that a people’s average IQ is a significant factor there. Not the only one, but significant. Another important factor would be a high degree of societal trust, which is much easier to attain in homogenous societies.

But I’ve never seen him say intelligence=virtue. Intelligence=more elaborate rationalizing.

Considering some of the criticisms he’s made on the limitations of intelligence on a personal level, I think you are right.

Zaklog the Deplorable
Yes, it is never a good sign for someone’s argument to me that they appear incapable of accurately representing their opponent’s beliefs, and on the subjects of race & IQ, most people who disagree with Vox Day appear to badly misrepresent what he says.

They reliably do, because they have to do so in order to avoid admitting the fatal weaknesses of their own positions. First, Overgrown Hobbit is demonstrably lying. I have not only never said, suggested, or implied that intelligence determines virtue, or even that it is a virtue, I have specifically stated the precise opposite.

“The fact that intelligence is not a virtue does not make it therefore fictional.”
– Vox Day, 14 September 2006

And in order to avoid giving her any wiggle room whatsoever, I will address her particular formulation. You can quote me on this: intelligence does not determine virtue. There are virtuous retards. There are profoundly evil geniuses. These things are entirely obvious to anyone who has paid even a modicum of attention to human history and human behavior. That “foundational error” simply does not exist.

Second, there are many things required to sustain a culture, and those things vary depending upon the nature of the culture. Virtue was not required to sustain the empire of the Aztecs, the conquering hordes of the Mongols, or the predatory roaming of the Arab tribes. But intelligence beyond a certain level is absolutely required to sustain a functioning culture that contains interior plumbing and electricity, among other desirable things.

Third, race does trump culture. It does not always do so on an individual basis, but it is more reliable than the Law of Supply and Demand on the macro level. This particular conservative failure is based on their stubborn determination  to rely on micro-level examples to determine the truth or falsehood of macro-societal concepts. Their opinions are not merely wrong, they are irrelevant, based as they are on inapplicable metrics, and from the scientific perspective, they are nonsensical.

Fourth, as Zaklog notes, and as I have previously observed, the argument for the Alt-Right is only strengthened by comparison with the feeble and dishonest nature of the arguments being made against it. The more they refuse to understand our case, or correctly characterize it, the more appeal it will hold for those who consider it honestly.

Fifth, note the tortuous way that Overgrown Hobbit reaches a conclusion that allows her to make a provably false statement. And finally, note that no matter how conservatives squawk, preen, posture, pose, and virtue-signal, they are still absolutely and utterly wrong about both race and immigration. Conservatism conserves nothing because it simply refuses to accept some of the less pleasant truths about the world.

Formerly “the most Republican county in America,” Orange County, California voted Democrat in 2016, after decades of immigration.

A philosophy of defeat

Cataline Sergius‏ @ReactionaryTime
Conservatives, Jonah Goldberg, David French, and Jay Nordlinger are now on the #TakeTheKnee side of things. #ConservatismIsDead

I’ve been too busy to pay any attention to what the cuckservatives have been up to, and nothing these guys do shocks me anymore, but I am modestly surprised. It’s rather remarkable how the NRO crowd manages to put themselves on the wrong side of almost every issue these days.

Conservatism conserves nothing. A philosophy of defense is a philosophy of defeat.

That’s not encouraging

Sebastien Gorka tries to tell the anti-immigration Right to settle down about DACA, but in doing so, illustrates that neither he nor the President truly grasp its position.

Gorka: “Take a deep breath, and wait a day.” Sure enough, less than a day, nine hours later, we have the counterpoint from the press secretary and from the President himself. Look, having worked for the man, let me tell you that it’s neither of the options that you, or scenarios that you have painted. He knows, he knows why he is the president. He knows that the first policy issue that catapulted him into preeminence as a presidential candidate was the border, was immigration. He knows that when Jeff Sessions put on that hat, Jeff Sessions was bringing his stance on illegal immigration to his campaign to set him apart from the 16 other hackneyed establishment candidates the GOP had arrayed against him. The president’s not gonna go back.

The other scenario is also fallacious. I love reading how we have these uber-Trumpsters… Look, I’m here to support the president inside the White House or outside the White House. If I read another article on how the president is doing 48-dimensional chess…

Buskirk: Right.

Gorka: It’s just, no, he doesn’t do that. He’s not some kind of uber-Machiavellian operator. He is an instinctual actor, a masterful … But he’s not plotting a … Steve Bannon is the fifth dimensional Vulcan, OK? That’s how Steve Bannon operates. He is the super strategist. The president, and that’s why Steve and the president work so well together, the president, as we’ve discussed, is this present, natural, instinctual actor. He goes into these meetings in ways that the swamp doesn’t. Of course, they tweeted the second they got out of the Oval, because they’re politicians and they want to get reelected. The president doesn’t think like that. He’s thinking about the American interest, and at the end of the day, he is not going to sell us up the river, I tell you that.

Buskirk: Okay, so look, that’s extremely helpful. That’s why I really wanted to talk to you. You know the president as well as anybody, way better than most. What’s your understanding of what happened? What do you think is the right way to think about it?

Gorka: Okay, so two things are important. The way I explain what’s happened in the last seven days is the following. Number one, the original response to DACA from the president is quintessential Donald Trump. He said, “Look, this is un-American because it’s unconstitutional.” President Obama behaved like an emperor when he created DACA. He has no right to legislate from the Oval Office, and that’s why he told to the attorney general, “End it now.” That’s why AG Sessions said, “DACA is over.”

However, Donald Trump, if you’ve read anything about him, to get his own books, read the real books not the tag jobs, the real books about him. He is one of the most charitable, kind-hearted men you’ll ever meet. He doesn’t wear it on his sleeve, he’s very quiet about it, but he is a very warm-hearted individual. He is not prepared to see young men and women who have not committed any crime of their own doing, be deported from this nation. He said to Congress, “Guys, let’s work this out.” Criminals, we get rid of them, and he’s absolutely adamant. You’re a member of MS-13, you’re a Dreamer who’s killed somebody, as has happened, you are going to be imprisoned or be deported. End of story. For those people who have not committed any crime beyond being brought here as a child by their parents, we’ve got to find a solution that comports with our Judeo-Christian charitable basis. Those are the things we have to understand about what the president is doing.

This is why philosophical coherence, and intellectual precision, are so important. Because when you don’t have the guidance offered by those tools, you will have a tendency to make decisions based on your emotions. First, there is no “Judeo-Christian charitable basis”, so the entire premise is false. There is no need to find a solution that comports with something that does not exist; the Good Samaritan did not adopt and take into his house the children of the man he found beaten by the roadside.

Second, if Donald Trump is not prepared to see young men and women who have not committed any crime of their own doing be deported, he is not psychogically suited to be President. The law is clear, the principle is settled, the American people have been burned by such amnesties before and they are not going to accept another one, no matter how many sob stories about “Dreamers” are waved like red flags before the public.

However, if there is one thing that is clear about Donald Trump, it is that he is capable of learning from his mistakes. His base needs to be very clear about the fact that failing to keep his word on DACA is not acceptable.

Back to the Jungle?

I think perhaps the Littlest Chickenhawk is taking this whole Israel First thing a little too far. Kind of racist too, isn’t it?

But at least he’s willing to stand up for his right not to fight for his country.

Conservatives move rightward

Thomas Jefferson calls out the hypocrisy of his fellow conservatives:

Even though I’m a Christian, I tended to lean classically liberal and libertarian politically for years. But as NeoMarxism surfaced more and more on the left, it pushed me further right into conservatism. I enjoyed the ‘straight-talk’ of conservative personalities like Ben Shapiro and Steven Crowder. I enjoyed that they challenged the narratives of the left with facts and statistics. “Facts don’t care about your feelings”, Ben Shapiro’s famous motto, fit my personality very well. It was refreshing to hear people buck political correctness and state the facts. The pursuit of truth in spite of anyone’s emotions or political agendas should be paramount.
However, since the AltRight became more prominent in the past two years, and the subject of ethnicity had surfaced as a topic of discussion and debate in the right-wing, I began to notice a level of hypocrisy among my fellow conservatives.
Personalities like Shapiro, Crowder and Michael J.Knowles, who love to shame the left for their denial of statistical, scientific and observable differences between the sexes, suddenly would not give the same credence to the subject of statistical, scientific, and observable differences between ethnicities. They consistently demonize or dismiss members of the AltRight or others who would talk extensively on these subjects like Jared Taylor and Charles Murray. They would apply the leftist technique of ‘guilt by association’ to other conservatives who attended rallies where AltRight members happened to be, or who referenced studies by Taylor or Murray, even though these conservatives didn’t espouse their political views.
They attribute all verifiable differences between ethnicities as a cultural/environmental issue, which is a perfectly valid position, but they won’t even entertain the studies, facts, and statistics that support a potential genetic component. And then try to arrogantly shame people for exploring these interesting theories. Isn’t it the sign of a true intellectual to entertain ideas without dismissing or espousing them? Where is the intellectualism here? Is ethnic genetic differences the last true taboo?

There is considerably more there, so read the whole thing. He’s right about the fact that conservatives are, understandably enough, very, very reluctant to give up on their civic nationalism and accept the reality of identity politics. But they will do so, they are doing so, because they have no other choice unless they are to follow Bill Kristol’s lead and openly acknowledge their own leftism.

Republicans for Antifa

The Republican establishment has gone openly pro-Communist:

As James Bond’s nemesis Auric Goldfinger famously observed, “Once is happenstance, twice is coincidence. The third time is enemy action.” On Tuesday evening, three prominent Republicans — Senator John McCain, Senator Marco Rubio, and 2012 presidential candidate Mitt Romney — endorsed the left-wing media’s preferred narrative and embraced the masked thugs of Antifa as heroes.
McCain and Romney used almost identical language, bending their knees to the media narrative that only two factions were present in Charlottesville during the awful events of last weekend: white supremacist Nazis and “Americans standing up to defy hate and bigotry.”
Mitt Romney ✔ @MittRomney
No, not the same. One side is racist, bigoted, Nazi. The other opposes racism and bigotry. Morally different universes.
John McCain ✔ @SenJohnMcCain
There’s no moral equivalency between racists & Americans standing up to defy hate& bigotry. The President of the United States should say so
Neither of these gentlemen can claim ignorance of Antifa; the reason both of them piped up is that President Donald Trump mentioned them in his Tuesday press conference. Left-wing politicians and media personalities responded by thundering “there is only one side” for all right-thinking Americans to be on, because there was only one squad of villains on the ground in Charlottesville.
McCain and Romney obediently bent the knee to this narrative. At the very least, they’re agreeing Antifa should be invisible, accepting the incredibly stupid idea that calling out their violence somehow dilutes criticism of the Tiki Torch Terror. Mentioning Antifa is damned under the left’s new doctrine of “Whataboutism,” which originally held that history began with the inauguration of President Trump and all prior Democrat sins were absolved, but has mutated into an unlimited free pass for the #Resistance to do whatever it takes to bring down the Trump administration without a peep of protest from tame Republicans.
Senator Marco Rubio went much, much further. He launched a brief tweetstorm that completely absolved Antifa of all responsibility for its actions in Charlottesville, blaming all violence “one hundred percent” on those who organized the events leading to the “Charlottesville terrorist attack”.

A photo from the Communist 3rd International. Notice the Antifa flag at the center. This is what the Republican establishment now supports. This is why the Alt-Right is not only inevitable, it is the only real Right that remains.