I wonder why?

It is indeed a mystery:

Charlie Nash @MrNashington
Not all “conservatives” are affected by Twitter’s new search result censorship, with Daily Wire Editor-in-Chief Ben Shapiro, the National Review’s David French, the Resurgent’s Erick Erickson, and Glenn Beck remaining unaffected…

It’s almost as if the Left wants to keep the cucks around and viable. After all, if they don’t have any Fake Opposition around, they might look like… fascists?

Reprisal is not hypocrisy

One of the nice things about being an ex-libertarian is that one no longer finds oneself lumped in with the professional cucks at Reason.

The Walt Disney Company has fired filmmaker James Gunn, director of the Marvel franchise Guardians of the Galaxy films, due to revelations that he—gasp—said some very offensive things on Twitter many years ago.

It’s no accident these tweets were suddenly discovered; right-wing bloggers including Mike Cernovich and Jack Posobiec (with an assist from Breitbart and The Daily Caller) went digging after Gunn made negative remarks about conservative writer Ben Shapiro on Twitter. Ironically, Gunn was actually offering a very qualified defense of liberal actor and director Mark Duplass for saying Ben Shapiro was someone the left should engage.

Gunn’s tweets reference violence and sexual assault against children. They are gross. But he says they were intended as jokes, and there’s really no reason to suspect otherwise. While many have implied that the tweets include a link to child pornography, this is false—the link in question is harmless.

Gunn said he was a very different person when he wrote those tweets, and had previously apologized.

“I viewed myself as a provocateur, making movies and telling jokes that were outrageous and taboo,” he said in a statement. “In the past, I have apologized for humor of mine that hurt people. I truly felt sorry and meant every word of my apologies.”

This really ought to have been enough. But we live in an era where both the left and the right are eager to collect the scalps of people who offend them. Conservatives who participated in the lynch mob against Gunn are hypocrites, since they have often scolded the left for doing this exact same thing.

Cuckservatives are very unhappy when anyone does anything more effective than protest in a feeble and futile manner. To the Left, an apology is nothing more than an admission of guilt and justification for prosecution, and their apologies should be treated accordingly. Cerno and Jack are doing exactly what everyone on the Right should be doing to the Left, and that is holding them accountable to their own rules.

If you want to win the cultural war, you have to fight. Feckless posturing about how “we should be better than that” is not fighting, it is surrendering.

The honorary Christian

A celebration in Colorado Springs!

COLORADO SPRINGS, CO—In a joyful ceremony, Christian leaders gathered to grant Jordan Peterson the status of honorary Christian. Though the Canadian professor has never identified as a Christian and does not attend any church, a vote was taken and the decision was made unanimously that Peterson had earned his salvation and could be drafted into heaven by popular vote.

“Most people are saved by grace,” said one of the pastors who presented the award, “Jordan Peterson isn’t most people.”

Though Peterson holds a number of highly controversial views such as that most societal problems are really complicated, men shouldn’t be deadbeats, speech should be free, and that becoming dogmatically ideological stunts intellectual and moral growth, the Christian leaders decided to overlook these grievous sins and still honor him with the award.

I still find it amazing that conservatives lionize Peterson and lambast Soros even though the two men share the same ideological perspective, possess the same messianic self-perception, and have the same long-term objectives for society.

Never listen to Trotskyites

Pat Buchanan observes that the failure of the neocons has been comprehensive:

The failures that killed the Bush party, and that represented departures from Reaganite traditionalism and conservatism, are:

First, the hubristic drive, despite the warnings of statesmen like George Kennan, to exploit our Cold War victory and pursue a policy of permanent containment of a Russia that had lost a third of its territory and half its people.

We moved NATO into Eastern Europe and the Baltic, onto her doorstep. We abrogated the ABM treaty Nixon had negotiated and moved defensive missiles into Poland. John McCain pushed to bring Ukraine and Georgia into NATO, and even to send U.S. forces to face off against Russian troops.

Thus we got a second Cold War that need never have begun and that our allies seem content to let us fight alone.

Europe today is not afraid of Vladimir Putin reaching the Rhine. Europe is afraid of Africa and the Middle East reaching the Danube.

Let the Americans, who relish playing empire, pay for NATO.

Second, in a reflexive response to 9/11, we invaded Afghanistan and Iraq, dumped over the regime in Libya, armed rebels to overthrow Bashar Assad in Syria, and backed Saudi intervention in a Yemeni civil war, creating a humanitarian crisis in that poorest of Arab countries that is exceeded in horrors only by the Syrian civil war.

Since Y2K, hundreds of thousands in the Middle East have perished, the ancient Christian community has all but ceased to exist, and the refugees now number in the millions. What are the gains for democracy from these wars, all backed enthusiastically by the Republican establishment?

Why are the people responsible for these wars still being listened to, rather than confessing their sins at second-thoughts conferences?

The GOP elite also played a crucial role in throwing open U.S. markets to China and ceding transnational corporations full freedom to move factories and jobs there and ship their Chinese-made goods back here, free of charge.

Result: In three decades, the U.S. has run up $12 trillion in merchandise trade deficits — $4 trillion with China — and Beijing’s revenue from the USA has more than covered China’s defense budget for most of those years.

The Trotskyites lost the Soviet Union, but gained the Republican Party. Now they’ve lost that, and all they’ve got is Max Boot, Ben Shapiro, Jordan Peterson, and the pathetic ideogicial non-movement that should rightfully have been christened the Idiotic Dork Web.

When civility is not the answer

Matthew Cochran explains that civility can be a category error for conservatives:

Because civility is not a moral absolute and its form is always adjusting along with culture, it’s requirements are determined primarily by social contract — the kind of behavior we all implicitly or explicitly agree to when interacting with one another. Historically, some of these contracts have been great blessings while others have been reprehensible, but all are, by nature, contracts.

The detail that conservatives tend to forget is that when one party violates a contract, the other party is no longer bound by all of its terms. If you sign a contract to buy a car, and the dealer refuses to turn it over you, you aren’t “sinking to their level” by refusing to hand over your money. If you contract an employee who never shows up for work, you aren’t “repaying evil for evil” by withholding his wages. The same is true when dealing with people who are deliberately uncivil to civil people — it fundamentally changes what the rest of society owes them.

To be sure, this doesn’t mean that we must recklessly abandon civility whenever we get angry at the latest atrocious behavior from liberals. Civility is extremely valuable and is never something that should be tossed aside lightly. You need only look at the social justice left to see the consequences of doing so. Their enemies are not limited to conservatives. They rail just as hard against common sense when they melt down over beliefs that were shared by virtually everyone who ever lived until last week. They even cannibalize the very leftists who carried them to term whenever they’re triggered. Accordingly, conservatives are quite right to try and conserve valuable social structures like courtesy — they prevent all manner of chaos and suffering.

That said, civility does not actually exist between two parties when even one of them is deliberately uncivil. The unfortunate reality is that we increasingly find ourselves in circumstances in which there is nothing left to conserve. We need to stop taking the lazy road of “be civil though the heavens fall” and begin being deliberate about when to be civil — and when not to be.

First things first. There are no style points being awarded when it comes to saving Western civilization. There is only success and failure.

The Billy and Benny Show

A transcript of the Littlest Chickenhawk’s appearance on Bill Maher

chief of the daily wire and host of the
nationally syndicated Westwood one radio
show and podcast the ben shapiro show
ben shapiro i appreciate it i always say
this the conservatives will come on our
show I’m a little jealous of their guts
because they’ve more guts than the
liberals liberals don’t go on
conservative shows they didn’t come on
this show sometimes so I appreciate cuz
you know the crowd is not with you I got
that impression yeah and but yeah we
should but we ran let’s be civil right
that’s the tone of the day and I’m the
fan okay so I’m a fit well let’s see if
I’m a fan see each other’s fan at the
end admire but I just want to say we
seem to be living in a time of utter
tribalism and I think you and I have a
few things in common besides we were
both uninvited at Berkeley but we’ve
been coy about our affiliation of like
I’ve never really wanted to say I was a
Democrat I always voted Democratic but
they disappointed me a lot
you know you’ve been coy about a you
were Republican you’re conservative or I
think right now I’m a Democrat and and
since all the Republicans are now
backing Trump except for the ones who
are leaving but he totally owns that
party now if you’re if you’re a
conservative aren’t you really team

well it depends on on what so what
I’ve called myself is sometimes Trump
okay there the people said there’s never
Trump and there’s always from sometimes
Trump meaning that when he does
something that I like I cheer and when
he does something that I hate which
happens then I boo and I’m blowing as
loudly as you are when he does something
that’s really bad but listen you’re very
upset about the Supreme Court nominee I
am very pleased about the Supreme Court
nominee as a conservative right he’s
doing a lot of things that I like in
terms of policy now that doesn’t mean
that I am cheering his character because
I think that it is very difficult to
cheer Donald Trump’s character nor do I
think it’s appropriate well what do you
like okay so I like the tax cuts I like
to tax it hurts me by the way in
California but I like it as a general

ladies he’s rich. okay okay but see I don’t even know what
the Republican beliefs are I mean you’re
a young guy but you certainly remember
two years back when they were beliefs
were completely the opposite of what
they are now when it’s free trade they
were giant deficit hawks yep the Tea
Party was all about we’re gonna solve
the deficit but they didn’t did that
well the Democrats ain’t can do it
either so I know but they didn’t say
they were right the Tea Party kept said
we have got to get this deficit down
this motherfucker has ran up a trillion
dollars in six months what what what
about Russia they used to be the enemy
what about free trade I mean how do you
turn on a dime so quickly in a couple of

I mean obviously it’s been very
frustrating to me watch so many
Republicans do exactly that I’ve been
incredibly critical of Republicans who
have suddenly become fans of Vladimir
Putin or have suddenly become fans of
tariffs I think all of that is idiocy
but again I think that with regard to
judges with regard to taxes with regard
to Middle Eastern policy particularly
Iran in Israel I’m much more of a fan of
President Trump than I certainly would
have been of Hillary Clinton or Barack
Obama and by the way I didn’t vote for
president from the last election because
of my concerns about him okay so you
would not vote for a Democrat under any
circumstance or some circumstance I mean
I would say some circumstance but the
Democratic Party would have to stop
being insane meaning that they would
actually have to approach something like
moderation in terms of policy and also
present a face that doesn’t look like
people shouting down people at gas
stations or entering restaurants and
trying to throw them out okay well if
you’re talking about the civility thing
why don’t we start with the Republicans
stop saying lock her up you don’t think
that’s a worse a bridge winter
just lock her up he talked about locking
co me up he talks about locking
journalists up there’s a guy who said
locked tim kaine up how about we stop
the lock them up shouldn’t disability
arguments start there before we care
about who gets their entree well it
isn’t just about who gets their entree
I’m not gonna make excuses for which is
more important well I think that all of
it is important if you’re going to ask
me is bad across the board yes but you
can’t be advisors that we’re only
imposed okay you’re only opposed to
incivility when it’s Donald Trump
inclusive but but suddenly Maxine Waters
auntie Maxine because Ben you can’t walk
into a Roman tea an elephant in a mouse
and not know which one is bigger but
it’s not no offense any Mouse it’s two
years really yes threatening to walk six
hundred officers to protect me at
Berkeley yes it’s an elephant and an
elephant yes it’s an elephant an
elephant a trilobite in 2010 Romney that
he’s gonna put y’all back in Chains
about black people this stuff
pre-existed that productive is terrible
didn’t come from the president at
Berkeley it came from the vice president
when he was saying Mitt Romney the
cleanest person ever okay was a guy
who’s gonna put y’all back and change to
pretend in civility started with Donald
Trump not instability at the level to
which it’s at were your time great you
do you really think Donald Trump
respects the rule of law I mean if
somebody no and I think the Constitution
itself is a pretty damn durable document
thank God I’ve read your tweets like
about Kamala Harris yeah I have some
problems with her too but you would vote
for Trump over her yes tell me why okay
so the reason I’d vote for Trump over
her is because I agree with him a lot
more on policy and I actually believe a
lot of the damage that he has done to
the country in terms of social fabric
has already occurred so I said I didn’t
vote for him in 2016 the reason I didn’t
vote for him in 2016 is because I feared
the damage he would do to the social
fabric and I also didn’t think he was
going to govern conservative because I
didn’t see a lot of indicators of that
he’s government a lot more conservative
than I thought he was going to and as
far as the damage to the social fabric
if he’s already done it I’m not actually
mitigating against the damage to the
social fabric by not voting from in 2020
can I read your here’s something where
we sort of agree and then I’ll show you
where we don’t this is Kamala Harris
tweeted children are our nation’s future
we must listen to them about what they
care about and give them a voice in our
and you wrote ridiculous I’m with you
their children they don’t get a voice
and I think I know what she meant but
it’s poorly worded and you wrote
children should not have a voice in our
government their children and you’re
right this is where the left drives me
crazy but then you wrote about children
they are also incapable of fully
rational thought
thoroughly uncivilized and completely
driven by immediate emotional response I
can’t think of a here more perfect
description of Donald Trump you didn’t
see the irony when you wrote that tweet
and described children that way you did
it didn’t never entered your mind that
Donald Trump fit that perfectly well I
don’t believe that Donald Trump is a
person whose views are leading in in my
in my imagination where the country
ought to go I mean I don’t look to
Donald Trump’s a thought leader I would
look to a child’s thought leader I don’t
look to those it’s not leader so are you
talking about he’s the president says
he’s not the thought leader nope
couldn’t he have some thought I don’t
know Kenny
you tell me I don’t know well it seems
like his only thoughts to me are to work
with Vladimir Putin to make Russia great
again and I what I don’t understand
Obama was but harsher on Putin you got
in terms of his rhetoric his actions his
armed his armed the people of Ukraine
with deadly weaponry which Obama would
not do 200 Russian soldiers were killed
in Syria by US forces under Donald Trump
not under Barack Obama Barack Obama who
sang to Dmitry Medvedev that he wanted
to bribed him with flexibility in 2012
it Crimea was annexed under Barack Obama
Wow this reminds me of when people
Hitchin just to come on the show and and
try to convince me that Saddam Hussein
was you know a radical Islamist when he
was actually a secularist you have to go
a long way to make that argument I mean
he tweeted yesterday defending Putin
against what our own agency say that he
said Russia says again they did in metal
not election what a lot of crappy stuff
why a lot of wood why have there been 19
indictments and six conviction so far in
the mullah ring Creek why so many
lies about so many meetings with so many
Russians so many attempts to have
back-channel sources what actually think
that Donald Trump collude admitting yes
I do not because I watched that campaign
I don’t think that Donald Trump could
collude with his own left foot well I
don’t think he did it but his you know
his son did it his the people who and
when the evidence comes out I’m happy to
go for the indictments I’m fine okay
criminal activities criminal act but you
see didn’t do but wearing his to
ignorance who have done it well
he’s not too ignorant he’s not too
ignorant to be a criminalist all life
into the Trump Defender here but is he a
doofus or is he an evil genius you gotta
pick one okay actually you don’t you
don’t have to pick one really look I’m
not saying he’s like Hitler here is I
marry bud Hitler was crazy and he was a
genius at what he did which was lie and
manipulate people so you can be both
y but let’s get back to Russia
because I first of all why a nice Jewish
boy like you wants to be on Team treason
I have no idea
dude I’m happy to wait for the Muller
indictments and come down and they
target Trump I’m happy to see them
impeach work that I need to see evidence
but you know that the Republican
Congress we saw it this week with
Rosenstein on the at Congress they are
trying to impeach Rosenstein so they can
get rid of him so they can so we don’t
ever see they don’t want us ever to see
it they know there’s something probably
a thousand things in there that are
incredibly damning okay you don’t think
that if they impeach Rosenstein yes some
presento line for you i don’t know it’s
the final line because there’s still
another step that has to happen Rosen
scene has to be replaced by somebody who
then fires Muller so frozen Steen is
fired and Muller is left to his own
devices which is basically by the way
what happened with this investigation
when Comey was fired then I don’t see
where the line is Muller is the one who
matters here not report goes to the
Deputy Attorney General and if Trump
puts Scott Baio in that position
he can just throw it in the trash and if
he throws it in the trash or quashes the
muller investigation then yes
impeachment should be on the table Thank
You Ben I want to do it again I
appreciate you coming by I know Friday
night’s a tough one for you all right
Ben Shapiro I’ll give him the hands

Hey, as long as it’s LEGAL

It should be interesting to see what all the conservative morons who have been mindlessly chanting “it’s not the IMMIGRATION, it’s the ILLEGALITY that is the problem” since the 1980s make of this:

Mexican presidential candidate Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) called for mass immigration to the United States during a speech Thursday, declaring it a “human right” for all North Americans. “And soon, very soon — after the victory of our movement — we will defend all the migrants in the American continent and all the migrants in the world,” Obrador said, adding that immigrants “must leave their towns and find a life in the United States.”

Hey, if you’re born American in Nicaragua or Honduras, then obviously you’re entitled to live in the USA and collect welfare. Borders are just arbitrary lines on a map, after all, and there is just one race, the human race. And ALL men are created equal, so obviously no one is created a Peruvian or an American, therefore everyone on Earth should be given U.S. citizenship.


Cucks complain about media SJWs

Specifically, they complain about the media SJWs treating them and the moderate leftists they admire the way that they treat everyone to their Right.

Jordan Peterson has become so effective a messenger—and not just in Canada—that it was inevitable that the MSM, the left, and academics (but I repeat myself) would put forth effort to discredit and discount him. So if you’ve been paying attention you’ll have noticed a recent spate of articles and statements saying just where he went so grievously wrong, how he draws his support from bigots and alt-righters (and/or is one himself), and fails to understand this or that or the other thing on which the critic/writer is an expert. Here’s a recent example of the latter (hat tip commenter Artfldgr), and there are plenty more of the former as well such as this one from NBC.

Watch that last video; it’s less than two minutes long, and it’s instructive—not about Peterson, but about the way the MSM approaches the topic of “explaining” him. Most of these hit pieces are relatively subtle, as is this one (“Who is Jordan Peterson, favorite figure of the alt-right”), which hardly talks about what Peterson actually says, gets some of that wrong when it does (beginning with saying he refuses to be pigeonholed and then offering as an example of that him speaking about an entirely different subject, his refusal to automatically use left-dictated pronouns for transgendered people), but quickly delivers its main message of “bigots love him, therefore he’s tainted.”

The goal is quite clearly to make him persona non grata to people who’ve never watched a video of his or read anything he’s written, making him so toxic that they will pigeonhole him (“alt-right bigot”) and never indulge whatever curiosity they might have by going to the source, Peterson. These pieces are not meant to actually inform; they’re meant to block any desire the listener might have to inform him/herself. After all, life is short, we have a finite amount of time here, and why waste it listening to a bigot or a figure beloved by bigots?

It’s particularly funny to see how the readers of this “neo-neocon” promptly make use of the very same tactics to try to make me persona non grata when someone points out that I have shown Jordan Peterson to be an evil left-wing globalist charlatan.

Johnny Ray:
Vox Day a true altrighty debunks JP on his blog as a fraud

Oh noes, not Vox Day! As if Jordon Peterson has ever claimed to be of the alt-right. The left says it over and over, but saying a thing doesn’t make it so.

Vox Day’s extreme jealousy of Peterson is transparent, vile and disgusting. He shows his true colors as an envious mental midget who is in love with only his own vapors. Basically, like the rotted pulp stuff he cranks out, he’s a comic book.

First, the point isn’t that Jordan Peterson isn’t of the alt-right. He’s not. The point is that he’s not of the Right at all, his philosophy is evil, his logic is incoherent, and his advice is bad. As for the constant accusations of envy, I am no more jealous of the haunted, suicidal, godless, mentally unbalanced Peterson than I was of Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris, PZ Myers, or that little doughball Scalzi. Those who believe all criticism is rooted in jealousy always reveal more than they realize about themselves.

I was lucky enough to see JBP in Nashville at the Ryman last week, and luckier still to meet him (I couldn’t afford a VIP ticket, but waiting outside the theater for a long time afterwards paid off!). He really IS everything that you would hope and expect him to be. His gaze is so intense when he makes eye contact with you, and you can really see the genuine warmth and compassion in his eyes. Truly a great man.

These idiots genuinely deserve everything they are going to eventually experience. Sweet St. Darwin, but they are dumber than the dodos were. Because greatness truly depends upon the perception of compassion in one’s eyes.

When the cat is away

Ed Driscoll will post links to Ben Shapiro on an hourly basis. Sorry, make that BEN SHAPIRO. From Instapundit:

As Ben Shapiro noted, during the Tony Awards on Sunday, “alleged comedian Michael Ian Black tweeted out a bumper sticker that could easily be taken as the slogan for the modern Left: ‘Theater is political. Sports is political. Life is political. Be political.’”
Posted at 1:22 pm by Ed Driscoll 

BEN SHAPIRO: No, Star Wars Isn’t Failing Because Of Hateful Trolls. It’s Failing Because Kathleen Kennedy Has Done A Garbage Job.
Posted at 12:32 pm by Ed Driscoll

BEN SHAPIRO INTERVIEWS JONAH GOLDBERG (Video): “When does nationalism go too far? Is the ‘Never Trump’ movement still alive? Jonah Goldberg joins Ben Shapiro this week to discuss the first 18 months of Trump’s presidency, and how he’s shifted the culture since the election.” Plus plenty of discussion on Jonah’s new book, The Suicide of the West, a great read.
Posted at 9:14 pm by Ed Driscoll 

The Littlest Chickenhawk’s masters must be paying Driscoll by the link.

Conservative purges: TAC edition

Ron Unz describes how he was purged from The American Conservative in 2013:

On June 12th, 2013 I was having an unusually lengthy phone conversation with Daniel McCarthy, editor of The American Conservative (TAC). I live in Silicon Valley, three thousand miles away from DC, and despite holding the nominal title of publisher my involvement with TAC business operations had usually been negligible, amounting to just a few minutes a week on the phone. But I had grown alarmed over the lack of any major new donations since January, and had begun urging McCarthy to make the cuts in expenses necessary for the publication’s survival, while lobbying the board on the same subject. Web traffic had also been sharply declining for six or seven months, suggesting the need for a change in editorial focus. And several months earlier, TAC had cut its print frequency in half to just six issues a year while doubling the annual subscription rate to $60, thus quadrupling the per issue cost to an unreasonable $10, a pricing decision I’d strongly questioned at the time and now believed we needed to reverse.

Despite my tradition of operational disengagement, I felt comfortable pressing these points. Since late 2006 I had provided some 70{434e4795edb8718426f2262f16bc350bda72304c69f2c22d1de5754882bdf177} of TAC’s total funding, and even after converting the publication into a non-profit in 2010, I had still remained TAC’s largest donor during 2012, while also serving as chairman. TAC had come close to shutting down on a couple of previous occasions and I wanted to avoid taking such a risk again, especially since over the last year or two I had begun regularly publishing some of my own articles in the magazine.

Finally, at the end of the call I asked McCarthy whether he’d yet had a chance to prepare a redlined edit copy of the new article I’d submitted a couple of weeks earlier and on which he’d previously suggested one or two minor changes that I had subsequently made. To my enormous surprise, he informed me that he’d decided to flatly reject the entire piece—an analytical study of American urban crime rates—as representing the sort of racially-inflammatory material that had no place in a quality magazine such as TAC. He instead suggested that a more appropriate venue for my article would be one of the webzines categorized as White Nationalist hate-sites by the Southern Poverty Law Center.

After a few stunned words on my part, I hung up the phone and almost immediately received an emailing McCarthy had sent out to his undisclosed distribution list, harshly criticizing my behavior while repeating his same charges in more measured terms, describing the subject of my article as “a distraction from TAC’s mission” and something that would “fatally detract” from TAC’s advocacy of “the case for noninterventionism and restricting executive power.” I soon discovered that my TAC blogging privileges had also been terminated, banning me from the website. Later, my access to TAC’s ongoing website traffic information was eliminated. So more than six years after becoming TAC’s publisher, I had been summarily purged.

For several weeks I made frustrating attempts to gain support from the other members of TAC’s governing board. But they had spent years just as totally disengaged as myself from TAC’s operations and had absolutely no desire to involve themselves in what they perceived as some sort of rancorous personal dispute. During this period I did my best to avoid publicizing my situation, partly because I found it so humiliating, but finally in late July National Review learned of this simmering controversy and solicited an interview. Initially I hesitated, but seeing that TAC—after rejecting my article as “a distraction”—had covered its homepage for several days straight with articles about British rock bands, zombies, giant robots, and cartoon characters, I became angry enough to provide my side of the story to the media. Three days after NR ran its short he said-she said item, TAC’s board convened in a special Sunday phone session to remove me, formalizing what had already occurred.

No wonder conservatives never get anywhere, not with opinion leaders like these.