Shapiro replacing Savage

Convergence isn’t just for SJWs. The cuckservatives are getting into the game now and propping up the Littlest Chickenhawk on a national scale:

The voice of New York, come Jan. 7, may be no more.

That’s because WABC, one of the city’s premiere, preeminent stations, is poised to boot Michael Savage — to deplatform him, in broadcast-speak, said his attorney, Daniel Horowitz, in a telephone interview.

WABC isn’t saying such; in fact, a recent news release from the station indicates Savage will be moving into a new, fresher format designed to take advantage of emerging media, one that will see him do one hour of radio alongside one hour of podcast.

But the behind-the-scenes story is a bit different.

According to Horowitz, who said he’s seen “the emails back and forth” between his client, Savage, and the radio powers-who-be, “The Savage Nation” is actually poised to go dark on WABC on Jan. 7.

And not just on WABC: Horowitz said media powerhouses in Los Angeles, Chicago and Washington, D.C., are all giving the boot to Savage, as well.

Why? What’s going on?

Well, it’s not ratings, Horowitz said. And he’s right; the numbers bear the truth of Savage’s years-long radio dominance.

Take a look: “Michael Savage Proves a Ratings Tour-de-Force on Bay Area’s KSFO,” Newsmax blared in a headline in June of 2016, in a story on Savage’s domination in that West Coast market.

Then there’s this: In late 2017, Talk Stream Live listed Savage, with 14.8 million listeners, as the second most-listened to top talk radio voice in the nation, behind only Rush Limbaugh’s 16.5 million listeners — but far ahead of third place Laura Ingraham’s 6.8 million.

Meanwhile, Radio Insight reported in September that Westwood One was “shaking up its weekday afternoon Conservative Talk block” and that “Ben Shapiro To Go National As Michael Savage Cuts Back To One Hour.” The release went on to note that Cumulus just “launched Ben Shapiro on six stations in April including a live clearance on 770 WABC New York and delayed clearances on WMAL Washington DC, WLS Chicago, WYAY Atlanta and KABC Los Angeles.”

OK. So out with the old, in with the new?

Perhaps. Perhaps that’s how the radio gods might put it. But given Savage’s ratings and time-tested popularity with the people, that excuse doesn’t meet the smell test.

You can’t fool all, or even most, of the people all the time. But you can fool enough conservatives with a puppet repeating talking points long enough to make it worth your while.

When cucks cry

This is what it sounds like:

Russell Moore@drmoore
The shuttering of the @weeklystandard is a monumental and senseless loss to the intellectual and cultural life of this country. Thank you @BillKristol and co. for almost 25 years of a great magazine. I look forward to what’s next from all of you.

It’s not for me to judge. But I have to confess, when I picture the kind of “Christian” that God says He will spit out of His mouth, Russell Moore is precisely the sort of individual I would imagine suffering that fate.

A justifiable homicide

Jon Podhoretz whines about the long-overdue shuttering of a magazine that no one wanted, no one bought, never made any money, and was dedicated to the destruction of traditional America and the oppression of American Posterity.

The Weekly Standard will be no more. There is no real reason we are witnessing the magazine’s demise other than deep pettiness and a personal desire for bureaucratic revenge on the part of a penny-ante Machiavellian who works for its parent company.

There would at least be a larger meaning to the Standard’s end if it were being killed because it was hostile to Donald Trump. But I do not believe that is the case. Rather, I believe the fissures in the conservative movement and the Republican party that have opened up since Trump’s rise provided the company man with a convenient argument to make to the corporation’s owner, Philip Anschutz, that the company could perhaps harvest the Standard’s subscriber-base riches and then be done with it.

That this is an entirely hostile act is proved by the fact that he and Anschutz have refused to sell the Standard because they want to claim its circulation for another property of theirs. This is without precedent in my experience in publishing, and I’ve been a family observer of and active participant in the magazine business for half a century.

The creation of the Weekly Standard was my proudest professional moment. When Bill Kristol and I conceived the magazine at the end of 1994, our purpose was to create a publication that would help guide and keep honest the hard-charging Republican party that had scored its stunning lopsided victory over Bill Clinton’s Democrats. This putative magazine would not cheerlead for Newt Gingrich’s Republicans, but instead represent the best thinking about how to lead the country through a new conservative era. We were criticized for not being part of the team from the get-go. Indeed, after the first issue came out in September 1995, a wag at a weekly meeting in Washington chaired by Grover Norquist handed out a parody of the Standard based on the precept that we had already gone off the reservation and weren’t being properly supportive of the Gingrich era.

Note in particular how their purpose from the very start “was to create a publication that would help guide and keep honest the hard-charging Republican party.”

In other words, The Weekly Standard had precisely the same goals as Jordan Peterson and Ben Shapiro, which is to gatekeep the American Right and prevent it from becoming too Christian, too nationalist, and too devoted to American interests.

Good riddance.

Michael Knowles is a neocon fraud

When are conservatives going to stop falling for the fraudulent figureheads appointed by those who hate the European nations, hate America, and hate Christianity? I was asked about someone named Michael Knowles in last night’s Darkstream on the fake leaders of the parade, and a cursory examination quickly revealed that he is just another deceitful charlatan in the same vein as Ben Shapiro, Matt Walsh, William F. Buckley, Jennifer Rubin, and every other cuckservative fraud.

Other alt-right leaders include Sam Francis, the late syndicated columnist and forefather of the movement who famously called for a white racial consciousness. Theodore Beale, the blogger known as Vox Day, who in his manifesto what is the Alt Right cites the white nationalist motto “we must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children”, and Paul Ramsey, a white nationalist who produced and starred in a video entitled, “Is it wrong not to feel sad about the Holocaust.

Another area of agreement between the alt-right and the left is that both ultimately reject God. The Alt Right admires Christendom for uniting the European continent but rejects Christianity for its offer of salvation to all people irrespective of race. The movement’s favorite philosopher, just like the Nazis of yesteryear is Friedrich Nietzsche, who famously claimed God is dead.

This is a pack of lies from start to finish. I don’t reject God, but Ben Shapiro most certainly rejects both Jesus Christ and his Father. I regard Nietzsche with complete contempt and pay him no heed at all, but neocon favorite Jordan Peterson lauds him and mentions him no less than 43 times in 12 Rules for Life and 83 times in Maps of Meaning. And no one who deprecates Sam Francis can be considered a genuine conservative. So, in answer to those who asked me about Michael Knowles on the Darkstream, my answer is this: Knowles is a manufactured new media whore, he is a liar, and he is not on the side of truth, justice, or the American Way.

Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter.
– Isaiah 5:20

Once you catch one of these media whores in a lie, you know who and what they are, and whom they serve. FFS, stop falling for the “but he’s such an effective critic of the Left” headfake. The world is not binary, there are an abundancy of rival evils, and absolutely none of them are good.

That answers that question

In last night’s Darkstream, I was asked repeatedly about someone called “Michael Knowles”. I’ve never heard of the man, but I was immediately dubious because he was being praised because he “owns the libs”. It would appear my instincts were entirely correct:

The Daily Wire headquarters in Los Angeles, located on the second floor of a vaguely art deco building in Sherman Oaks, is more reminiscent of a high-end television studio than a dingy online start-up. The lobby is lined with monitors advertising Daily Wire shows, millennials chug La Croix in a well-appointed kitchen, and a full-time makeup artist is always on call. Each of the meticulously designed and personalized sets are stuffed with enough high-end cameras, soundproofing, and lighting equipment to rival the best cable-news studios—a significant investment for online shows. Currently, the site has four personalities that are promoted regularly: Andrew Klavan, an old crank they brought over from Truth Revolt; Michael Knowles, a dapper, lib-triggering troll; Matt Walsh, a dour, self-described “extremist” Christian raging against the crassness of pop-culture; and Shapiro himself. Once a month, Boreing hosts a live show in his office—an elegant man cave featuring studio lighting, a massive cigar humidor, and several overstuffed leather armchairs—where he, the crew, and a special guest smoke cigars and shoot the shit. Though the studios are Hollywood, the content is decidedly not: in one recent Daily Wire Backstage show, for instance, the hosts discussed Judeo-Christian theology, religious history, and the pathology of the sort of perpetually aggrieved liberal who thinks Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer is politically incorrect. (The War on Christmas is apparently alive and well in the San Fernando Valley.)

These guys are all well-funded frauds. Think about this: why do these nobodies and non-entities keep popping up? Who is funding their Facebook and YouTube placement? Who is buying their Twitter followers. Why do they inevitably oppose nationalism and Donald Trump? Why do they constantly lie about “Judeo-Christianity”.

None of it – literally none of it – is organic or natural. Ben Shapiro is still trying to act as if he’s all about ideas, well, read his columns or his books! They are qualitatively little different from the Republican talking point columns he used to write at WND when he was a teenage political prodigy. There are no new ideas there, to the contrary, it’s been the same boilerplate for nearly 20 years.

What Vanity Fair is trying to do here is the same thing that the New York Times tried to do with the “Intellectual Dark Web”. They’re attempting to anoint their approved opposition, they are trying to choose the roster of the Washington Generals.

Fake (((conservatives)))

They can’t even manage a halfway-convincing charade any longer:

The Washington Post’s Jennifer Rubin had just finished speaking on a panel about the “Lessons Learned” from the 2016 election Tuesday morning when this reporter joined the line of well-wishers who were handing her business cards and asking for coffee dates.

Rubin, who has been criticized by a number of conservatives for not actually espousing conservative ideas and principles, spoke on a panel sponsored by the Niskanen Center in Washington DC about how those on the Right have “wildly exaggerated” the problems with U.S. immigration. She also said the Republican Party exhibits a “blind spot towards race,” and that it “needs a new base” after it was infiltrated by Dixiecrats with the rise of Donald Trump. Rubin was joined by Bill Kristol and Peter Wehner, who agreed the right has been corrupted by Trump primarily because of the fringe racists who became mainstream within the GOP….

After the panel discussion had ended, I asked Rubin if she still considers herself to be conservative, to which she replied: “Yes, but I think the rest of the party has gone insane.”

When I tried to ask her what conservative principles she holds, she said that she “had to run” and turned away from me to continue walking down the aisle to greet other attendees.

Rubin and Kristol should be awarded their Intellectual Dark Web jumpsuits. They’ve already got the “incessantly gossiping to each other about people who aren’t there” routine down pat.

If only he had cucked

Why, oh why, didn’t Gavin McInnes just try cucking and virtue-signaling and disavowing? Then surely he would not have been SJW-swarmed and banned from YouTube, right?

Alt-right commentator and Proud Boys founder Gavin McInnes is now banned from YouTube for “multiple third-party claims of copyright infringement,” according to the company. At the time of the ban, McInnes, who also co-founded Vice Media in 1994 prior to his involvement with numerous nationalist causes, had over 200,000 subscribers. It is not clear which videos on McInnes’ channel led to the ban, but YouTube confirmed that the channel had exceeded the threshold for copyright strikes, leading to a “repeat offender” ban.

Oh, wait….

Everyone is over Bill Kristol and the neocons

Even civic nationalist immigrants like Dinesh D’Souza no longer have any use for “neoconservativism” or its evil defenders:

Bill Kristol
A friend called my attention to this tweet, and distasteful though it is, I’m glad. It reinforces my determination, for what it’s worth, to try to save conservatism from the alt-right and to advance a conservatism that “gives to bigotry no sanction, to persecution no assistance.”

Dinesh D’Souza
Maybe the owners of the @weeklystandard should hire some Vietnamese guys to run the mag. This would fulfill @BillKristol ‘s own prophecy that when native-born Americans become stupid, lazy, decadent & overpaid they can be replaced by more industrious immigrants.

Trotsky was not a conservative. Neo-bolshevist world revolution is not conservatism. Bill Kristol’s Israel First neo-bolshevism is not only bigotry in itself, it is, quite literally, persecution. Notice that the neocons call for government-imposed international sanctions on Iran, but have successfully lobbied for the banning of the free speech of Americans who call for private boycotts of Israel.

If I was an Israeli government official, the first thing I would do is disown all of these corrupt, parasitical creatures. They are much more likely to eventually convince Americans to declare war on Israel than continue to financially and militarily support it. Everyone absolutely should hate Bill Kristol and the neocons, they are the most grotesquely dishonest, and evil people in the United States.

Notice that evil always, always, always reveals itself in its corruption of the truth, beginning with the perverse redefinition of words that already have a clear and coherent meaning.

Weinstein won’t debate Stefan

Harvey, Bret, whatever. They’re all just intellectual cowards who hold exactly the same positions for exactly the same reason… while publicly deploring identity politics for Americans, Europeans, and soon, Han Chinese.

Stefan Molyneux@StefanMolyneux
From 800 BC to 1950 AD, 97{f58ffdc504f80bac68191b5fd37702d6450abd7e1b4a7df1cf9b5dab55667e79} of the world’s scientific advancements occurred in Europe and North America.

98{f58ffdc504f80bac68191b5fd37702d6450abd7e1b4a7df1cf9b5dab55667e79} of the significant figures were male.

No white males, no modern world.


I’m grateful.

Are you?

End the hate.

Aspire to admire, whatever the race.

Bret Weinstein@BretWeinstein
This is a modern creation myth, delivered as if it were an analysis. It is as inaccurate and self-serving the intersectionalist’s claim that all disparities arise from oppression. Those pushing these stories persuade through flattery. Don’t be fooled. Don’t take the bait.
Lauren Southern@Lauren_Southern
Don’t take the bait? How about have a productive debate and convince people of your position. I’d love to hear this discussion! I’m sure @RubinReport or someone…

Bret Weinstein@BretWeinstein
Not interested in debating it. Here’s why: @StefanMolyneux is not stupid, but his stated position is. That suggests his purpose is not an analytical one.The logic is straightforward. His position is nuts. But he might well advance his agenda, and I want no part of that.

Stefan Molyneux@StefanMolyneux
Can’t find an argument anywhere here, can you? People should just be honest and admit that they are afraid to discuss the scientific reality of human biodiversity because it might get them in trouble. That’s what Jordan Peterson did.

Stefan Molyneux@StefanMolyneux
The “intellectual dark web” is well-paid to keep certain essential facts at bay

What, precisely, is nuts and stupid about Stefan’s statement? To observe the fact that 97 percent of the world’s scientific advancements before 1950 occurred in Europe and North America? To observe the fact that 98 percent of the significant figures involved were men? These are either facts and therefore true or false assertions. Or are we to take this as evidence that Weinstein now publicly accepts Jordan Peterson’s contention that facts are not necessarily true?

The Ineffectual Dork Weasels are cowardly fourth-rate academics and talking heads who have been appointed to be gatekeepers for the Right by the New York Times and are being propped up by the global Satanists in order to try to slow down the growing trend towards nationalism and Christianity in the West.

They are going to fail abysmally due to their cowardice, as Ben Shapiro has run from debates with me and Milo, Jordan Peterson has run from debates with Marxists despite publicly claiming that Marxists are afraid to debate him, and now Bret Weinstein is running away from debate with Stefan Molyneux. Everyone can see the pattern. They have literally no ability to defend their own positions and little more capacity for offering substantive criticism of anything except a nebulous bogeyman of “the Radical Left” that they somehow cannot define correctly.

There is a very good reason these ineffectual losers only talk to each other, as talking to anyone who is both honest and capable of seeing through them will expose them almost instantly. They can’t afford to engage with Stefan, or Milo, or me, because they know perfectly well that their positions are false and they know that we know their positions are false too.

All that anyone needs to do to publicly discredit these weasels is precisely what I’ve done in Jordanetics, which is to quote their own words extensively and show people exactly what they are saying in the correct context. Even their tweets, when compared over time, are damning, because their core positions are intrinsically hypocritical, incoherent, and deceptive.

Cucks Inc

I don’t know what CRTV stood for, but I assume it meant Cuckservative Republican TV.

The Blaze and CRTV announced on Monday that they were merging to create Blaze Media. Both say the move will allow the new conservative entity to reach 165 million people via television, online and on social media. Financial terms of the deal were not disclosed.

The Blaze was founded by former Fox News host Glenn Beck in 2011, not long after he parted ways with the network, while CRTV was founded in 2014 by current Fox News host Mark Levin, who also hosts a nationally syndicated radio program.

This is supposed to be the alternative to ABCNNBCBS? They might as well have called it Gatekeeper Media and given Jordan Peterson a show.