A portrait of a non-story

I know you’ll probably be shocked to learn this breaking news, but Republicucks who never supported President Trump are going to continue not supporting the God-Emperor:

Growing numbers of prominent Republicans are debating how far to go in revealing that they won’t back his reelection — or might even vote for Joe Biden, the presumptive Democratic nominee. They’re feeling a fresh urgency because of Trump’s incendiary response to the protests of police brutality, atop his mishandling of the coronavirus pandemic, according to people who spoke on the condition of anonymity to disclose private discussions.

Former President George W. Bush won’t support the reelection of Trump, and Jeb Bush isn’t sure how he’ll vote, say people familiar with their thinking. Senator Mitt Romney of Utah won’t back Trump and is deliberating whether to again write in his wife, Ann, or cast another ballot this November. And Cindy McCain, the widow of Senator John McCain, is almost certain to support Biden but is unsure how public to be about it because one of her sons is eyeing a run for office.

None of them voted for Trump in 2016, but the reproach of big Republican names carries a different weight when an incumbent president and his shared agenda with Senate leaders are on the line.

In related news, water is going to continue to be wet and Americans are going to continue not caring what George W. Bush, Jeb Bush, Mitt Romney, or Cindy McCain think, do, or say.

Please clap.

Extricate yourself

The Z-man has good advice for severing connections with people who are not, and will never be, on your side during the chaos that is to come:

If you really want to “own the libs” in your life right now, calmly and clearly disassociate yourself from them.

That’s hard for a lot of people to do. Generations of conditioning have designed the right-wing American to think their purpose in life is to squander their time trying to convince lefty of the errors in his ways. Just as every Mormon dreams of bringing a Jew or Muslim into the church as a convert, every conservative dreams of the day when that lefty in their life says, “You know what? You are right.” Even if that epiphany does not lead to conversion, to be right just once is the dream.

If that instinct is still with you, now is the time to put down the needle and begin the journey to political sobriety. The white people who instinctively side with the blacks against the whites, are not your people. They can never be your people, because they hate your people. Granted, what drives them is hatred of self, but it is not your job to heal them. These people are driven by the thought of your people living as hated minorities in their own lands. They cannot be saved.

I don’t bother trying to convince people of anything anymore. Anyone who believes in equality, or idea nations, or “judeochristianity” or thinks 400 years of involuntary exposure to civilization is an excuse for burning it down is nothing more than an enemy-programmed NPC.

You will have better luck trying to talk sense into your toaster. Just be done with them. Either events will sufficiently impact their emotions to suddenly convict them of the errors of their mindless ways or they won’t. Nothing you can say will make any difference whatsoever. Leave them behind to burn with the cities.

I’m not saying to make a big production of it, or to dramatically cut them dead when you happen to encounter them. Be polite and civil; act toward them just as you would act towards anyone else. What I’m talking about is emotionally extricating yourself from feeling any sense of responsibility for them. Because they have already violated the natural ties of blood, they must accept the consequences that naturally follow. As Jesus Christ himself advised, leave the dead to bury the dead.

CivNats are not on America’s side

Sarah Hoyt demonstrates why even those who appear to be more or less ideologically inclined to the Right are not genuinely on the side of America, Western civilization, or even the simple truth:

The good news is that we, as a society, have been wealthy enough for long enough to have raised a whole bunch of toddlers in adult bodies (most of which are the very white kiddies of antifa. Don’t let anyone tell you this is a race riot. This is a socialist riot. A series of them.)

Nothing, literally nothing, can stand in the way of the Paper American’s desperate need to believe that she isn’t Portuguese, she is a true, blue American, every bit as American as any Son or Daughter of the American Revolution. Because thanks to over a century of propaganda, most “conservatives” now believe that “America” isn’t an actual nation, it’s nothing more than an idea that anyone can claim.

Now, I grew up in Minnesota. I spent six years at, and graduated from, a Minneapolis school within walking distance of the epicenter of the riots at Hiawatha and Lake. I finished third in the 200m in the Region V (aka Minneapolis) championships behind a pair of sprinters from Minneapolis North, one of whom was a bona fide Disciple. I have very good friends who are living right smack dab in the middle of all this, fervently hoping that all the attacks on retail outlets and public institutions don’t turn into home invasions.

And it most certainly is a race riot. 

The fact that Antifa is taking advantage of the situation and is attempting to fan the flames of the local race riot into a national one does not change the fact that none of the chaos and destruction would have taken place if George Floyd had been Asian or if Derek Chauvin had been Black.

Civic Nationalists always lie, but one of the differences between them and SJWs is that the Civic Nationalist’s first victim is always himself. Or, in this case, herself. But regardless of her reasons, the fact is that Sarah Hoyt is a shameless liar.

Anonymous is a Red State cuckservative

Never, ever, trust a cuckservative, as the President has now learned:

Victoria Coates, an art history Ph.D. who served as an adviser to Ted Cruz’s 2016 presidential campaign, has been identified as “Anonymous,” administration sources tell RCP reporter Paul Sperry:

A protégé of Bush administration Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, Coates embedded with the U.S. military to cover the Iraq War for RedState.com, a blog run by Erick Erickson, an early critic of Trump but who has since modulated his opposition. She filed positive reports from Baghdad, while knocking down criticism that the war was a debacle.

NSC investigators put stock in the fact that Coates has a history of concealing her identity in her writings. For years she blogged anonymously for RedState.com. The site eventually revealed that Coates was the blogger writing under the pseudonym “Academic Elephant.”

They found her by one of my favorite means of distinguishing truth from falsehood, textual analysis:

The sources said that to crack the identity of the rogue Trump official,  investigators ran previously published works authored by Coates through forensic author identification programs, and they matched the prose style of Anonymous.

Investigators were able to profile the author of the op-ed and book by sentence structure, grammar, punctuation and syntax. They then compared that writing profile to Coates’. The stylistic traits synced up, sources said.

Researchers have found that authorship recognition tools can identify an author with a high level of accuracy when there are several thousand words of available content to analyze, as was the case with the sample size the White House analyzed. Coates’ own body of written work spans two decades and includes several books and dozens of columns, as well as policy papers, speeches and a doctoral thesis.

In short, the authors share the same punchy but at times breezy writing style, with pithy sentences punctuating a fluid narrative.

What’s more, the same manners of expression and phrases, such as “like-minded” and “clear-eyed,” kept turning up in the writings of both Coates and the secret Trump betrayer. The two also shared distinct vocabulary — such as the uncommon “sextant” — another linguistic fingerprint that pointed to the same authorship.

As we’ve observed here over the years, it is ridiculously easy to identify someone once you are sufficiently familiar with their literary style and habits. For example, I can quite often spot a banned troll on his first anonymous post-ban comment; no two people think or write exactly the same way. And it’s very easy to tell when news reports are concocting fake quotes from nonexistent people; if it sounds like it’s from a movie, it’s reliably fake.

Anyhow, it’s good that the treacherous infiltrator was exposed and removed.

Please clap

It’s remarkable that despite the obvious success of the god-emperor’s approach, the cucks of the world are still convinced that the winning approach is a firm handshake and an impeccably adjusted bowtie:

Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush told a Presidents’ Day audience of investors and money managers that it’s time for a return to civility in the nation’s politics. And the man who was ousted early from the Republican primaries of 2016 gave a decidedly mixed review of the first term of President Donald Trump, who bruised him often on the campaign trail.

Bush spoke Monday to an audience of several hundred investors in Hollywood at a conference sponsored by the financial firm Noble Capital Markets of Boca Raton.

What a shameless whore….

When Churchians church

It’s never all that difficult to distinguish the Churchians from the Christians, even when they are in the pulpit:

I finally got around to ordering Created To Be His Help Meet when my marriage seemed to be falling apart. I had really thought I was honoring God in my relationship toward my husband, yet I felt like I was living in prison, with him as my jailer. I couldn’t put the book down. It was just so liberating. I finally understood what God meant for me as a wife to be like, and I loved it….

Two Sundays later, our pastor stood in the pulpit and said that he was banning Created To Be His Help Meet from the church members, because it was too divisive. He said if we owned one, we were to throw it away. We were shocked. He has never banned church members from watching X- or R-rated movies. He has never banned anything, so why a simple marriage book?

After church, we asked our pastor what was in the book that was not right. He told us it was not because the book was not Scriptural, but because it was divisive, and therefore not good for the church body. My husband told him our marriage had been almost over, but because I had read Created To Be His Help Meet, we are more in love than we ever were.

Our pastor admitted he had not even read the book, but that several women had come to him insisting that he ban the book because it causes conflict. Are a few women going to decide what the rest of us are ALLOWED to read? If they don’t like it, we will not DEMAND that they read it, so why do they DEMAND that the rest of us not be ALLOWED to read it?

Churchians are to religion what cuckservatives are to politics. They will only ever shoot at that which is nominally on their own side, but is too “extreme” or “racist” or “divisive”. They are the original wolves in sheep’s clothing.

This church now knows everything it needs to know about their “pastor”. He is not fit for church leadership and should be removed from the pulpit and expelled from the congregation at the earliest opportunity.

Remember, Jesus came to cause conflict. Jesus explicitly said that he came to divide people. Anyone who opposes the very concept of conflict or divisiveness is obviously and observably on the other side.

The necessity of debt cancellation

An excellent interview with Michael Hudson, author of And Forgive Them Their Debts:

Rees Jeannotte: To think about a more sensible way to deal with a debt crisis. Maybe you can use the most recent example of a national debt cancellation, namely here in Germany.

Michael Hudson: That’s right. The German Economic Miracle was the Allied debt reforms of 1947/48. They essentially wiped out all debts except for what employers owed their employees – you know, the workers’ wages and minimum working balances at the banks. It was easy for the Allies to cancel the debts owed to German creditors. because the creditors were mainly Nazis. The whole idea was to wipe them out. They didn’t the want to leave the former Nazis with financial power to take over the economy again. They wanted a Clean Slate.

Canceling the debts created the German Economic Miracle. Because the economy was able to operate without personal debt, and without much public debt or corporate debt. It was able to take off. Today, essentially you’re dealing with a criminalized banking class that I think we should treat in the same way that the Allies treated the Nazis. If you don’t cancel the debts owed to them, the economy is going to shrink and shrink, and polarize. We’re going to have essentially a neo-feudalism controlled by the creditor class, like you had in Rome in the Dark Ages. Do you really want a new Dark Age?

Rees Jeannotte: No, not particularly. This leads us into the financial crisis of 2008, where you were among the few people to predict it accurately. It was largely based on a giant private debt bubble. Private debt is something that we don’t hear much about. I tried to look for the totals on private debt worldwide. You find out the debt to GDP ratio for public debt. For government debt, but it’s never about private debt.

Michael Hudson: That is because the right-wing politicians want to abolish government and the social services it provides. Apart from the money governments owe for military spending and NATO, they owe pensions and health care. The right-wing program in Germany and Europe is to get rid of pensions, to lower them, to financialize and privatize the pension system instead of Germany’s pay-as-you-go system, which is quite good. They want to get rid of social spending.

Also, they look at government debt as the adversary of private debt. For instance, in the United States, President Clinton finally ran a budget surplus in the last year of his rule. What happens when a government runs a surplus? That means that it doesn’t spend money into the economy. The economy has to rely on banks to get credit, because every economy needs credit to function and grow. Bankers realize that if the government doesn’t provide the economy with money – by spending deficits into the economy to promote employment – then people will have to borrow from the banks. But if they keep borrowing from the banks to buy homes rising in price and just to maintain their living standards, their families will end up looking like Greece or Argentina. They’re going to have to pay more of their income as interest. Bankers will end up with the houses, and with private industry. They will end up controlling everything, including the government.

For thousands of years the leading tension of civilization has been over who is going to dominate and plan society’s economy. Will it be democratic governments or wise rulers seeking stability and military security? Or, will it be a financial oligarchy that wants to get rich by impoverishing the rest of society?

He’s correct. The ultimate and mathematically certain outcome of the current financial system is that the owners of the banks own literally all the property and all of the people. This is not a question of right-wing vs left-wing, and it’s very important to remember that banks are not capitalism, corporations are not human beings, and usury is not freedom.

Quite the opposite, as it happens.

As usual, there are commenters at Unz who can be relied upon to produce the retarded “conservative” attack on debt cancellation. Make no mistake, if at this point you still oppose debt cancellation on the grounds of “personal responsibility”, you are economically retarded, by which I mean, you are so stupid, so shortsighted, and so unable to do the very simple math involved that if I had the ability to do so, I would forbid you to read this blog.

If it’s selective then people who made responsible economic decisions will be forced to subsidize the self-indulgent and/or foolish economic decisions of others. 

The inexorable math of usury and the way in which credit shifts the demand curve upward dictates that however “responsible” your economic decisions are, sooner or later you will be forced to not only “subsidize the self-indulgent and/or foolish economic decisions of others”, you will be forced to make equally foolish decisions yourself. The fiscal conservative’s belief in “responsible debt” is no different than the Churchian’s belief in Judeochristianity, and it stems from exactly the same evil source.

The rotten fruit of National Review

Crazy Days and Nights retro-outs William F. Buckley:

This deceased writer/publisher of a well known magazine that still runs was also known for having a television show. His manner and speaking style were mocked on sketch comedy shows many times.

He preferred sexual relations with men rather than with women but like a lot of men of his generation he could not acknowledge this and so married and had children. In addition, the audience he cultivated would not have accepted this.

He spent a lot of time with homosexual prostitutes from a specific procurer.  He would often tell his favorites that he would refer to them on his TV show by assigning them an obscure word, Latin or old English, and then use the word on his show that week.

The “intellectual force behind the modern conservative movement” was always a complete fraud. It may interest you to know that while I was signed by Universal Press Syndicate with the idea that I was the young right-wing writer most capable of filling in for his supposedly formidable shoes, I never thought that either his columns or his novels were very good.

In fact, I found both of them to be borderline unreadable, the columns in particular being masterpieces in sounding educated and intellectual without ever saying much of anything at all. So, it shouldn’t be a surprise that modern conservatism went nowhere and accomplished nothing, as it is the rotten fruit of an inverted tree.

The bowties dither

I tend to suspect these rumors may be true, simply because it reminds me of all the conservative morons who are more afraid of winning the wrong way than continuing to lose:

BREAKING: DEVELOPING (RUMINT) D.C. @GOP supposedly have some extremely salacious pictures of @RepAdamSchiff that were recovered when the @FBI served search warrants on Ed Buck’s drug den in Los Angeles. There is debate on whether these obscene pictures should be publicly leaked.

This isn’t even remotely hard. Let the light shine. Let the American people know the truth, whatever it is, about their so-called “leaders”.

It doesn’t matter if winning knocks your damned bowtie askew or not. Damn the bowties and their idiotic obsession with grace and style. If you’re not willing to fight, if you’re not willing to take a punch or two, and especially if you’re not willing to punch your opponent in the face as many times as it takes, then stay the hell out of the ring and get the hell out of our way.

Starting nothing is good. But finishing everything is the point.

Conservatives wave the white flag… again

Rod Dreher does what conservatives do best, surrender. Now they’re waving the white flag in the culture war:

Chick-fil-A proved that no matter what nasty things your enemies said about you, if you held your head high and continued doing good work, you would succeed. With so many American businesses and institutions capitulating to the woke mob, Chick-fil-A’s quiet, lonely resistance was inspiring.

It all came crashing down in mid-November, when the company quietly announced it was changing its giving priorities. No longer would it donate to the Salvation Army and the Fellowship of Christian Athletes, two charities that activists slammed as gay-haters. Chick-fil-A did not say outright that it was cutting off ‘anti-LGBT’ charities, but for anyone half-literate in reading public relations statements, it was clear they were doing exactly that.

It’s hard to overstate the symbolic importance of this move. For one, Chick-fil-A’s white flag meant that it accepted the vicious slander that the venerable Salvation Army, of all organizations, is a hate group. More importantly, Chick-fil-A was not pressured by financial losses to back down. It did so from a position of strength — hence the stunning demoralization of conservatives. If even one of the great financial success stories in American retailing would not hold out against leftist campaigners, what hope do the rest of us have to thrive in a highly ideologized public square?

Mind you, Chick-fil-A’s opening toward armistice will not buy it peace. The fast-food giant will now be shaken down so hard by gay groups seeking ‘reparations’ that its corporate teeth will rattle — and that still won’t be enough. LGBT activists will not rest until they have strangled the last Evangelical wedding-cake baker with the entrails of the last homophobic farm fowl.

However, in US culture war terms, Chick-fil-A’s surrender really is a Germans-marching-down-the-Champs-Élysées moment for the right. The conflict, which roughly dates from the late 1960s, has moved from a combat phase to a life-under-occupation period. Though the craven capitulation of a Christian-run corporation as successful as Chick-fil-A must shatter the delusions of the most ardent dead-enders, in truth the culture war was definitively lost five years ago.

What a total load of nonsense. Not only are we not surrendering, we are taking the offensive! The Promethean forces have been reeling since 2016, weakened from within and from without, under assault from the god-emperor, from China, from Russia, and from the Men of the West.

Never pay any heed to a conservative. They are cowards, cucks, and capitulants.

And never forget. All we need is twelve.