Hence the Library II

You don’t even own your own ebooks anymore.

Owners of Roald Dahl ebooks are having their libraries automatically updated with the new censored versions containing hundreds of changes to language related to weight, mental health, violence, gender and race.

This is one of the strongest arguments against copyright that I can imagine. What prevents Amazon or any other entity with access to your files from completely changing what was previously a copyright-protected text?

And how can the same copyright protect two entirely different texts?

It’s also why we’re providing the ebooks to those who buy our print editions from the direct store.


The Premier Fake Science Journal

The “science” published in this journal doesn’t even rise to the coin-flip level of professional peer-reviewed scientific publications:

Research scientists and doctors are always looking for grants. Not only so they have a job for themselves, but often can get funding for a place to live and transportation and if you string enough of them together from some very high end donors, you can live really well. The thing is those big donors all have pet causes, so you have to be able to match yourself with one of their causes and then make sure the big donor sees it. The donor wants to see that you have done the work. You also need to make sure your research fits what the donor wants to see to write the big check. Many times, the donor can be a big business who would like another business to be put out of business. If it can be done with some splashy research, that is scientifically backed and looks plausible, all the better. Then, the one big business can send out press releases talking about why some product is awful and then come in a week later with another press release about where consumers should go to spend their money.

The scientists and doctors need a publication that is willing to publish some really shaky science so the doctors can go to the donors and say look at this. We are published in this magazine that even you know. So, give us a bunch of money. The magazine has been around forever. It started as a magazine that just talked about general easy to digest science stuff for the general public and was sold on newsstands. Over the years, it has become more tailored to the scientific crowd. Most of you know the name of the magazine, especially if you were around when it came out and was sold everywhere. Now, it just takes huge amounts of money from businesses and scientists to publish poorly done research papers that most of the time are inherently flawed, but they make ten times what they ever did when it was just for sale as a regular magazine.

The magazine appears to be Scientific American, which rather like the old chestnut about the Holy Roman Empire, is neither scientific nor American these days. But it could just as easily be describing Popular Science, which is now equally devoid of genuine science. UPDATE: Or Nature, which also appears to be a candidate.

The New Atheists always failed to understand the relationship between religion and science. Not only is there no inherent conflict between religion and science, but increasingly, Christianity is proving to be an absolute requirement for science that can be successfully replicated.


Google is a Clown World Creation

Remember, literally EVERYTHING about Clown World is either fake, gay, or quite often, both.

Google “fundamentally started as a CIA project,” according to journalist and author of Propaganda in the Information Age, Alan MacLeod, who has warned that tech giants’ ties with intelligence agencies pose big problems for freedom of information as well as freedom of speech.

MacLeod, who has extensively researched the ties between the national security state and Big Tech, explained to journalist Whitney Webb on the Unlimited Hangout podcast how a prior investigation by Dr. Nafeez Ahmed found that the CIA and the National Security Agency (NSA) were “bankrolling” research by Sergey Brin at Stanford University, which “produced Google.”

“Not only that … but his supervisor there was a CIA person. So the CIA actually directly midwifed Google into existence. In fact, until 2005, the CIA actually held shares in Google and eventually sold them,” MacLeod told Webb.

Ahmed explained that Brin and his Google co-founder, Larry Page, developed “the core component of what eventually became Google’s search service” “with funding from the Digital Library Initiative (DLI),” a program of the National Science Foundation (NSF), NASA, and DARPA.

In addition, the intelligence community’s Massive Digital Data Systems (MDDS) initiative, a project sponsored by the NSA, CIA, and the Director of Central Intelligence, “essentially provided Brin seed-funding, which was supplemented by many other sources.”

Brin and Page “regularly” reported to Dr. Bhavani Thuraisingham and Dr. Rick Steinheiser, who were “representatives of a sensitive US intelligence community research programme on information security and data-mining,” Ahmed shared.

In his own research, MacLeod has found that the CIA’s ties with Google continue today, as “there are dozens and dozens of examples” of former CIA agents who now work at Google, “who had just been parachuted into these positions of extreme importance.”

That is, these former CIA employees often cluster in “trust and safety” roles, which are hugely influential in their management of so-called “misinformation” and “hate speech.” Examples include Jacqueline Lopour, Ryan Fugit, and Nick Rossman.

Such hiring preferences suggest, MacLeod noted, that either Big Tech is “is actively recruiting from the intelligence services or that there is some sort of backroom deal between Silicon Valley and the national security state.”

This tends to raise an obvious question: what other great corporate successes were not organic?

Given the complete inability of Jeff Bezos to do or say anything of any consequence in the last 20 years despite his fame, success, and wealth, it would not be even remotely surprising to learn that Amazon, too, has been a Clown World enterprise from the start. The hokey story about Bezos and his ex-wife boxing books on the floor of their garage has always sounded a little bit too familiar and unoriginal. And then there’s this:

The company started in the humble garage of Jeff Bezos’ house at Northeast 28th Street in Bellevue, Washington…. The start was extremely difficult as it took a full year before the company had finally sold its very first book called “Fluid Concepts & Creative Analogies: Computer Models of the Fundamental Mechanisms of Thought.”

Do you know what sort of entity takes a full year to accomplish what dozens of similar operations manage to do in less than a week? A government contractor. And not to get all Miles Mathis on you, but the choice of the very first book sold strikes me as an inside joke.

It would appear that Brin and Page are frauds who are not primarily responsible for what are believed to be their own accomplishments, just like Bill Gates and many other famous “successful” entrepreneurs in the tech arena. It always puzzled me, back when I had access to various tech circles in the 80s and 90s, how vapid and observably not-particularly astute many of the most successful “businessmen” in tech were. The business history book In Search of Stupidity is a massive chronicle of the mistakes and intellectual shortcomings of the men who ran some of tech’s most impressive successes, as without the public knowledge of Clown World’s interventions, it’s hard to make much sense of many of the industry’s history.

Andy Grove of Intel was incredibly smart and insightful. Bill Gates struck me as clueless and evasive. They guy who founded Skype was entirely legitimate, while the Epic founders were less than entirely straightforward, to put it mildly. On the publishing side, the GT Interactive and Activision executives neither knew nor cared at all about games qua games. In fact, based on what we know about Google and about the post-Gamergate policing of the game space, it would be shocking to learn that the intelligence agencies haven’t been focusing on it and putting their collective thumb on the scale determining winners and losers since 2015 at the latest.

And the convergence of that space would help explain why more and more games aren’t even any fun to play any more.

Increasingly, what are believed to be the differences between “capitalism” and “communism” are proving to be nonexistent. The primary difference between the Chinese “communist” corpocracy and the US “capitalist” corpocracy appears to be that the Chinese openly utilize centralized command-and-control while the US hides its centralized command-and-control behind a false front of a darwinistic free market.


Convergence Literally Kills

I’ve always used the phrase “convergence kills” in a metaphorical sense. And while I knew Intel’s much-ballyhooed $300 million workplace diversity program launched in 2015 was going to prove disastrous, and even addressed it specifically in Corporate Cancer, I had no idea how lethal it would prove to be.

The bright future of well-funded diversity departments and their growing cost to corporate budgets can be anticipated by looking at what some of the most converged corporations in the United States are doing. In 2015, Intel announced a $300 million commitment to diversity, pledging to spend $60 million per year by 2020 in order to establish a $300 million fund to be used by 2020 to improve the diversity of the company’s work force.

This expensive program was supplemented by Intel Capital’s Diversity Initiative, which at $125 million, is “the largest venture capital resource ever created to focus on underrepresented entrepreneurs.”

Although these costs are relatively small, the primary problem with diversity departments is that they represent a one-hundred percent pure waste of corporate resources. They simply do not deliver even the most basic results that one might expect from them.

Corporate Cancer, Vox Day

The results delivered by diversity departments don’t necessarily deliver the results promised by those who encouraged the mass entry of vibrants into the corpocracy.

On Feb. 18, an Arizona man allegedly beat his coworker to death with a baseball bat in the cafeteria of an Intel building. According to the New York Post, 50-year-old Derrick Simmons was arrested after he attacked a coworker with a bat, knife, and hatchet at the Intel Ocotillo Campus cafeteria.

Witnesses told police in the court paperwork that after the night shift employees left, Simmons approached a man at the table and allegedly hit him multiple times with a baseball bat.

Chandler police found one person dead with fatal brutal force trauma injuries and another person injured. The second victim was injured after confronting Simmons.

Strangely enough, an increase in the number of employees being beaten to death by baseball-wielding vibrants was never listed among the benefits of increased diversity by corporate diversity advocates.


Organizational Assassinations

James O’Keefe is not the only effective leader who has recently been ejected from the organization he founded.

For years the Frontline Doctors have courageously stepped forward to protect Americans.
From our previous Gateway Pundit articles the Frontline Doctors spoke out to:
** Stop forced experimental vaccines
** Stop forced experimental vaccines on children
** Stop forced experimental drugs on commercial pilots
** Allow HCQ as permissible and effective treatment for COVID virus
** Stop the use of failed Ebola drup Remdesivir for treatment of COVID
** COVID vaccines can change the timing of the menstrual cycle

In a hostile takeover bid, the AFLDS Board of Directors is attempting to remove Dr. Simone Gold from the organization she founded and worked tirelessly for to defend medical freedom and civil rights.

It’s not just politics. Jack Nicklaus not only got ejected from the Nicklaus Companies, but is actually getting sued by his own company for trying to put his own name on his own work.

By hiring advisers to help sell a minority share (49%) of his companies, Nicklaus hoped to find a partner who would help the company grow beyond where Nicklaus had taken it… The deal would never be what Milstein or Nicklaus foresaw, and the finances of Nicklaus Companies would continually run below projections, which would require additional financing and eventually control of the company going from Nicklaus to Milstein.

Nicklaus had a year left on his original employment agreement he signed in 2007 and, with the poor fortunes of the company, was looking to terminate his employment and let his five-year noncompete run out so he could be free of the company by ’17.

“Howard subsequently asked me not to terminate my employment and instead give him the opportunity to turn the company around in the wake of the recession,” Nicklaus said. “I felt that was the right thing to do, so I agreed to accept what became known as the ‘Employment, Governance and Control Agreement.’”

The agreement changed Nicklaus’s compensation, tying it to the company’s revenue from design and marketing projects.

The new agreement also gave Emigrant Bank governance and control of the board of managers and made Milstein the board’s co-chairman.

It also gave Milstein the controlling vote of all major decisions.

Don’t take the money. Never take the money. Once you take the money, they own you, even if you think it is only “a minority share”. And almost as importantly, never, ever cut it close. When you try to get cute and cut things close, someone always finds a way to push the ball across the line, one way or another.


Where’s the Grit?

Boomer executives are bewildered by the younger generations’ unwillingness to continue accepting constant abuse by the corpocracy:

Americans are refusing to work weekends and are demanding pay raises en masse – emboldened by empowering self-help videos on TikTok and time spent at home during the pandemic.

The revelations, aired in a recent report by The Wall Street Journal, depict a rapidly changing corporate climate where staffers are more actively drawing a line between their work and personal lives.

With the pandemic serving as a catalyst, staffers at respected firms where extreme hours have been the norm are now demanding increased pay when asked to increase their workloads.

Accounts collected from white-collar workers from all age groups illustrate this waning ambition, as well as staffers’ reordered priorities over the past three years.

Some firms fed-up of staffers’ demands say they’ve begun outsourcing roles to India and Canada as a result, raising the specter of a jobs crisis should the long-predicted recession be a deep one.

As usual, the corpocracy’s reaction is to address a crisis by doubling down. One of the primary reasons employees are unwilling to work any harder than is absolutely necessary is because over the last 30 years, they have learned their employers have zero loyalty to them and will outsource their jobs and hand them to foreigners if the employers can save five cents an hour.

There isn’t a single firm that has “begun” outsourcing jobs to India, Canada, or anywhere else in response to this, because they’ve all been outsourcing for years, if not decades, already. This is perfectly rational behavior that is frankly long overdue. Generation X started the trend by opting out of the traditional career path after seeing how our advancement was blocked by Boomers – I haven’t worked in a corporate office for 32 years – but the Zoomers are taking it to the next level in this as in so many other things.

Remember, corporations are not capitalism. Corporations are state entities that primarily exist to protect the executive class from the consequences of its decisions and live large at the expense of the shareholders and employees, as well as to fence off intellectual property from individuals and the public domain. As such, they are amoral at best and evil on average, which is why anything that reduces their power or legal standing is desirable.


Why the Answer is Always No

James O’Keefe appears to be going the way of Milo Yiannopoulos, as the Project Veritas board is actively working toward ejecting the organization’s founder.

James O’Keefe, the founder and chairman of Project Veritas, has taken a paid leave from the conservative nonprofit media organization as its board considers whether to remove him from his leadership position, according to current and former employees of the organization.

An internal message sent to Project Veritas employees by the organization’s executive director, Daniel Strack, said that O’Keefe would be taking “a few weeks of well-deserved PTO.” An image of the message was shared by a source familiar with the organization’s internal operations, and its authenticity was confirmed by a current employee. When reached for comment on his personal cell phone, O’Keefe said nothing in response and did not respond to follow-up calls and text messages. Through a Project Veritas spokesman, Strack later released a statement on behalf of the organization. “Like all newsrooms at this stage, the Project Veritas Board of Directors and Management are constantly evaluating what the best path forward is for the organization,” the statement read in part…

A meeting of the Project Veritas board is scheduled for Friday, when O’Keefe’s potential removal is set to be discussed, according to one source familiar with the matter. The source said that Project Veritas was currently divided between a group of employees who are perceived to be loyal to O’Keefe, including his communications adviser, R.C. Maxwell, and the board, which has been dissatisfied with what it perceives as O’Keefe’s mismanagement.

We’ve had people contacting us out of the blue about “investing” in Castalia and pretty much every other project since 2014. In the early days, when I would answer their emails or take their calls, they would talk about how much we would be able to accomplish if only we had more resources at our disposal and so forth. And, for the most part, what they were saying was more or less credible. But I grew up in tech, the son of a very successful entrepreneur, and I personally witnessed how pretty much every single founder who accepted investment or got acquired by a larger company, was ejected, sooner or later, regardless of how successful he was. So I don’t even respond to anyone anymore.

And it’s only worse for organizations that touch on the media and political worlds. Milo’s “investors” had a clause buried in the fine print that gave them the ability to convert their “investment” into a loan that he had to repay any time they decided to pull out and cut his legs out from under him. Which, of course, is exactly what they did. It wouldn’t surprise me at all if the Project Veritas board was stacked with directors whose primary objective has always been to remove O’Keefe from the organization as soon as the investors deemed it to be the right time to take control.

AC explains how it works, as well as how the free content from the subsidized gatekeepers tends to strangle independent operations.

In comes the angelic benefactor who hates the libs too, and wants to help and make it a job and pay his bills. And now he has a board, and people who can fire him from his own organization, and he probably has to hire the people donors ask them to hire. It is tough. That money they can throw at so many frauds like Shapiro to give all that free bullshit is why our side has so few who are really honest. There is so much free, there is no reason to pay anything.

That’s why the cult of free is a game of attrition where he who has the access to the most free money always wins. And that’s why, whether you’re an angelic benefactor or a perfectly honest capitalist who sees an intriguing vision, a smart team, and a strong track record of delivering success, the answer will always be no, absolutely not.

UPDATE: I’m told that much the same thing happened with Glenn Greenwald and The Intercept.

UPDATE: There is no room for reasonable doubt that the attempt to unseat O’Keefe is a premeditated corporate hit. The guy who is leading the charge only came on board four months ago, but O’Keefe appears to have quickly identified him as a bad actor


Shakeups in Publishing

In the aftermath of the failed Simon & Schuster acquisition, Penguin Random House’s CEO has resigned only one month after her predecessor’s resignation:

Madeline McIntosh, one of the most powerful figures in American book publishing, is stepping down from her role as chief executive of Penguin Random House U.S., the company announced on Tuesday.

The announcement comes during a time of great turbulence for Penguin Random House, by far the country’s largest book publisher. Markus Dohle, who was the chief executive of Penguin Random House, and McIntosh’s boss, resigned from his position in December.

The company also lost a bid last year to buy Simon & Schuster, a large rival publishing house, after the government successfully sued to stop the deal on antitrust grounds. The deal’s collapse cost Penguin Random House a $200 million termination fee, in addition to enormous legal costs. Dohle had overseen the attempted acquisition.

McIntosh has been the head of Penguin Random House U.S. since 2018. Before that, she held a variety of roles at the company, which she first joined almost 30 years ago. She also worked briefly at Amazon.

This is going to have some major fallout in both companies. Expect sizeable layoffs in the industry.

In other news, it’s safe to anticipate that TOR Books is going to be acquired, probably by the same Chinese-funded Astra startup that acquired DAW Books. How long Chinese money is going to support the 白左 aka baizuo, which literally means “white left”, that run these publishing companies should be interesting to watch.

It appears Baen Books has undergone a reverse-revolution, as Toni is back, having unseated her erstwhile successor who proved to be a complete SJW. Precisely how the purchase of TOR will affect them is unknown, but TOR owns a substantial share of Baen, so they will be affected to at least some degree.

On the Castalia front, we have set up our own warehousing and shipping in the USA, which should go a long way toward addressing our longtime customer service issues and prevent us from becoming dependent upon Amazon. This service will begin in March. We also expect to be able to offer shipping services to independent authors and other publishers who want to sell their books directly to their readers, as well as eventually providing an Arktoons-to-print service for our comics creators.


Another New Platform

When I advocated building our own platforms, I really didn’t think we were going to have to recreate freaking Amazon. But that’s the post-capitalistic Gamma World in which we find ourselves, so please bear with us as we construct a new way to purchase books directly from Castalia House, Arkhaven, and quite possibly other publishers.

Dear Shopper,

It has been our pleasure to help stores like this one set up their digital footprint and grow into a budding business. Unfortunately, as it stands, Aerio is no longer able to support eCommerce moving forward, but you can!

Though this Aerio store may no longer exist, we encourage you to continue buying directly from them at their new platform or site. Thank you for your past support of our Aerio booksellers and your continued support wherever their new store finds a home.

Our goal was to help bloggers, authors, publishers, and small bookstores expand their reach, and we encourage you to continue supporting this store however you can.


The Aerio Team

Aerio never really quite worked the way it should have. They were always operating on a shoestring, and, in fact, we came very close to taking it over a few years ago after their first two attempts to get it operational failed. And even when they finally did get it working, they never addressed the two issues that they repeatedly promised to address, namely, a) providing free shipping and b) providing shipping to the UK and EU markets.

It could literally be a chapter in a business book on why corporate forays into new markets need to be walled-off from the primary business. So, it’s not a big surprise that it’s been shut down. However, this creates a very real opportunity for us, and one we intend to pursue, basically because it would be not only remiss, but retarded, to fail to do so.

In the meantime, there’s always Amazon, until there isn’t.


Pfizer’s Non-Denial

Robert Malone observes a few salient facts about the Project Veritas bust of a Pfizer director admitting gain-of-function research on the coronavirus.

1) Pfizer lawyers did not throw their Director of R&D Operations and Scientific Planning under the bus. 2) there is no denial of what he said. 3) No denial that he is Pfizer staff. 4) Swapping new spike sequences into original Wuhan-1 is technically gain of function research. The press release from Pfizer only addresses the company’s own actions and statements regarding gain of function and directed evolution research. It does not specifically mention any contractors or partners that the company may be working with.

We all knew they’d be doing it. And YouTube, Google, and every other tech/media company wouldn’t be aggressively attacking the Project Veritas expose if it wasn’t real.

First the responsible parties release the disease, then they release the actual bioweapon as a purported cure. That’s what villains do, and the global depopulationists do it because they are very wicked people who are genuine villains seeking to reduce the human population. This isn’t a movie, this is the sort of reality that movies are based upon.