The Proxy War is Over

Russia makes it explicit: WWIII is now a direct war between Russia and Clown World:

Moscow’s special military operation in Ukraine is actually an armed conflict with the US-led collective West, Russian Defense Minister Andrey Belousov said at the opening ceremony of the Army 2024 forum.

“I welcome you all at the opening ceremony of the Army 2024 International Military-Technical Forum. As you know, the event is taking place amid the special military operation. In fact, it is an armed conflict between Russia and the collective West,” he pointed out.

According to Belousov, the armed confrontation “is driven by the desire of the US and its allies to maintain their dominance and prevent the construction of a new multipolar and equitable world order.”

“In this regard, the confrontation affects the interests of every country,” the Russian defense chief stressed.

This isn’t exactly news, but rather, confirmation of what we all assumed from the start. Everything that Russia has done, from relying heavily upon the separatist and various irregular forces to standing down its air forces to building up the anti-Clown alliance around the world, has been in preparation for direct conflict with the regular militaries of the US-led collective West, which includes Australia, Israel, Japan, and South Korea.

While the Second Front appears to be in the Middle East, don’t count out hostilities opening in Asia in the near future. Taiwan is not the only hot spot, as it could be the Philippines, it could be the Korean Peninsula, it could be an attempted color revolution in Indonesia or Vietnam, or it could be Japan shocking everyone by breaking with the USA and allying with China.

Regardless, it’s clear that Russia has given up on its attempts to keep the conflict localized. This change will likely have far-reaching implications, some of which may well prove surprising. As to why they’ve finally articulated the true scope of the war now, I presume it is to make it clear to those seeking a negotiated end to the Ukraine aspect of the conflict that not even peace in Ukraine will be sufficient to end the global conflict.


Clown World Never Rests

British doctors are ordered to ask men if they are pregnant:

British health authorities have instructed doctors performing X-ray, CT and MRI scans to ask men whether they are pregnant.

The “inclusive pregnancy status guidelines for ionizing radiation” were developed by the Society of Radiographers (SoR). According to The Telegraph, the guidance came in response to an incident in which a transgender man had a CT scan while pregnant. The decision was justified by the fact that the radiation from X-ray, CT and MRI scans can be harmful to unborn babies.

Doctors have therefore been told not to assume the gender identity of patients when performing all such procedures and inquiring of all people between the ages of 12 and 55 about pregnancy, including men, transgender, non-binary, and intersex patients.

I don’t want any medical services whatsoever from any doctor who doesn’t know the difference between men and women. Or from satanic globalists. It’s only a matter of time before they declare mandatory euthanasia is good for you.


The Migration Conspiracy

Simplicius notes the way in which mass migration into the UK was orchestrated by Clown World:

It was from the bowels of some shadowy think-tank called the Performance and Innovation Unit that the policy paper which birthed the new era of mass migration into the UK came about. The paper was released under Home Office head, Bilderberger, Jack Straw—who was Blair’s neocon-equivalent, and one of the key instigators of the Iraq War in the British government. It’s no surprise then that such deeply-rooted globalist comprador elite henchmen were instrumental in unleashing mass migration as a social weapon.

There are always multiple layers to the conspiracy in each country: the first veil was the lie about boosting the economy; the second was the lie about mass-migration being merely a way to rib Conservatives. But the true reason lays buried even beneath this hidden layer: mass-migration is the final weapon to destroy any ideological resistance to the globalist plan of centralizing power, to create, effectively, one world governance. By overrunning society with migrants and relegating native Brits to second class citizens, you disenfranchise and disinherit them to the point of torpor and impotence, clearing the way for total ideological subjugation allowing such madness as currently unfolding in the UK to reign.

There is nothing moral, civilized, or decent about mass migration. It is, as Martin van Creveld demonstrated, the flip-side of war. And in recent decades, it has been an effective form of asymmetric war on the British and American peoples.


Why the Media Hates Aaron Rodgers

The man doesn’t merely throw bombs, he drops them in public:

How many Jeffrey Epstein type people are out there? And who is pulling the strings on that? Ghislaine Maxwell has a lot of ties to the Mossad. That would make sense. I mean Jeffrey didn’t seem to get some of the appointments based on merit, someone was putting him in the right spots. I don’t think he’s the only one. I think there is a weird bizarre problem that has a sex component with the elites. There’s a pedophile component to it as well which is really sick…

I would like that to be exposed. Jeffrey Epstein had the goods on everybody. There’s a lot of people that didn’t want him to be alive. The wild story around multiple people being asleep, him not being watched at the time. I just don’t believe in that many coincidences.

The Ghislaine Maxwell trial had next to no coverage. Trafficked to nobody. She is indicted for trafficking kids and nobody who she was trafficking kids to got indicted or named. And all the files still haven’t been released. Super prominent names on the flight log. I’ve seen some interesting things. Been around some interesting parties and gatherings that are strange. Not anything like Diddy party. Even at an Oscar party seeing how some of these people act, a little strange. Parties within the party that always kind of weirded me out a little bit. Getting into conspiracy stuff.

Then you know about secret society stuff the Bohemian Grove. The secrecy around that. That’s not the only secret society. The Skull and Bones at Yale which has produced all those Presidents. And the Freemasonry at its highest level. There is a sexual component to a lot of that. Obviously with Epstein, it was blackmail to get them to do what they want.

How many people are compromised by that that are in positions of power today? You are naive to think it’s none.

It’s a lot. No wonder even the sportswriters are always looking for ways to bring him down and to play up how he takes crazy drugs in the desert, while ignoring everything he says, even when doing so leads directly to their own demise.

It’s easy to see who belongs to Clown World and who doesn’t. Because athletes become successful almost entirely through their own talent and efforts, they aren’t as easily controlled by Clown World as the actors and writers, who can be manufactured and then controlled. And, if necessary, protected when their wrongdoings come to light, as we’re currently witnessing in the case of Neil Gaiman.


A Carthaginian Counterattack

Simplicius posits that the devastation of the West is the revenge of the Carthaginian remnant on the heirs of Rome:

Why do current Western leaders seem to be intent on destroying their own countries? One strong possibility is that the fanatical messianic leaders of Israel view all of the West as the descendants of Rome. Recall that Rome was the last great enemy of the Jews, having destroyed their Second Temple and exiled them, not to mention creating the off-shoot Christian religion.

If you study the history of Rome’s collapse, you’ll note it can be argued that it never truly collapsed but rather lives on in today’s Western society. Roman elite and royal families merely transitioned to a large extent into the new Vatican church which began to rule the world for the next millennium. Most of Europe held allegiance to the Church, and was in some offshoot or another just an extension of the Roman Empire and civilization—for instance, the Holy Roman Empire which existed through most of the Middle Ages.

Israeli cult leaders secretly view the Western world—that is, Europe and the U.S.—as basically New Rome, and thus believe they are exacting their ‘revenge’ on the old Romans for what they did to the Jews. It’s perfectly understandable to an extent, wouldn’t you hold the same view, and want some form of retribution?

Thus, this ‘cult’ has no qualms about installing leaders to subvert and destroy all of Rome, err…Europe—just look at Macron, ex-banker at Rothschild Group:

It has, however, always puzzled me why Rothschild would be fine with his native England being destroyed. After all, I have seen an interview with Jacob himself where he said despite his love for Israel, and his family’s role in its creation, his ultimate love and allegiance remained to the UK—and I don’t think he’s lying, after all, he doesn’t choose to live in Israel, does he?

The answer is that I don’t believe all the elements of this global hydra are one monolithic mechanism. They work in conjunction on overlapping interests, and watch out for one another when they can, but do not necessarily subscribe to all of each other’s pursuits. There are many ‘emergent’ properties to the whole mechanism, though it’s not all one or the other. Jacob himself likely truly believed bringing migrants to his ‘beloved’ UK would somehow benefit it, because other more cleverly devious men convinced him of that. But the true apex of the pyramid—the fanatical cultists who may, as David Icke claims, be Sabbatean Frankists—are probably steering this play with a much more direct intent, as described earlier. One thing is certain, while the moneyed powers get all the shine for being global ‘rulers’, the true ‘hand’ behind them must necessarily be the fanatical religious faction. Whether it’s the Jesuits, the Vatican, the Sabbateans—whatever you choose to believe—it can only logically be a spiritual fanaticism capable of such rigorous devotion to total dominion of the earth.

That’s part of the deeper historical truth, to be sure. Clown World bears remarkable similarity to Carthage and other past irruptions of evil. But the rest of it boils down to Satanists seeking to destroy Christendom. And those at the top aren’t merely fanatic, they’re not even human. It is, in the end the same spiritual war that is waged for every human soul.


100% Pure Hopium

Supposedly there are active federal investigations into Clown World’s cabal in the USA:

The bottom line is there has apparently been an anti-American globalist scheme operating, in the background, for decades. The plan was apparently set in motion to control the judges, legislators, and governors around the United States under one central system operating outside The United States of America. This seems to explain why there are so many bad judges and prosecutors in place, all over the country at this time, and why nobody in any position of power seems willing to fix things by removing the corrupt individuals from power.

How could this happen?

My outside sources tell me that the nation-wide, ongoing investigations have focused on the funding of the scheme, and it involves some corporate entities and other well-known names that you will recognize, including: the Open Society Foundations, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, other corporate entities such as Google, Apple, Walmart, and The World Bank, and a number of other domestic and foreign malign actors, as defined by the FBI.

The investigators around the country have it all, and soon the public will know. This is because the investigators who are outside of Massachusetts are furious about what has been happening, and they are not nearly as tolerant of corruption as the public officials in Massachusetts appear to be and allegedly are.

We will soon get control of our country once the corrupt public officials among us, and beyond, are publicly exposed and punished under the law.

I know, I know. I’m thinking exactly the same thing. “Trust the plan…” But let’s keep in mind that hope is a virtue, and it’s a damned sight better than despair. And there certainly is an increase in the amount of weirdness in high places of late.

Reject the Olympics

And all its wicked pomps. But, as Owen Benjamin observers, the Christian Right is always more interested in complaining about what the wicked do than they are in either eliminating the wickedness or establishing an alternative to it.

Christians are targeted for mockery with the Olympics because marketing research says they’ll tweet about it with outrage but still watch. Which means free advertisement with no drop in viewers. In fact more will probably tune in to join in on the rage.

It’s actually smart. Most other demographics would then not watch. White Christian’s will not only watch but send it to everyone they know with a “we are under attack” or “disgusting.” As they watch and share. And when the Christian’s share all of these clips but never share local community projects or anything inspiring, the people that enjoy seeing Christianity mocked because of their upbringing will see it and remember to watch the Olympics.

Hope that helps! And you can pretend that I’m attacking Christianity but I’m not, just telling you the truth as to why corporations and politicians love to troll you. They just had an obese woman as Jesus in the last supper and a bunch of trans as apostles. And every right wing grifter is promoting it furiously.

Well, that’s one reason Christians are targeted for mockery. The other, more important reason is because Clown World is quite literally satanic, the people who produce big Clown World events like the Olympics, the Oscars, the Grammys, and the Gotthard Tunnel opening ceremony are satanic servants of Clown World, and the events are used as part of their “revelation of the method” rituals, which is why the 2012 London Olympics hinted at the 2020 pandemic and why the “white rider” that appeared riding over the waters of the Seine likely presages a future depopulation program.

Don’t complain about these things. Just recognize them for what they are and turn them off. Of course, there’s nothing wrong with the sports themselves. But at the very least, skip the opening and closing ceremonies. Let them wallow in their filth. We focus on the Good, the Beautiful, and the True.


China Calls Out Clown World

It’s intriguing to see China officially adopting the rhetoric of Putin and other nationalists. This isn’t a mere coincidence.

The US long ago became an “empire of lies” as it continues to push false narratives about China and other countries to secure its position globally, Zhang Xiaogang, spokesman for the Defense Ministry in Beijing, has said.

Last month, the US Marine Corps released an unclassified version of an official doctrine titled Deception, which provides insight into the tactics it employs to gain an advantage over a perceived adversary and mitigate risks by relying on “deliberate distortion of reality.”

Speaking to reporters on Thursday, Zhang remarked that Washington’s “deceptive behavior” has gone far beyond the confines of military affairs and “has actually penetrated deeply into its bones.” The US “dares to invent falsehoods for its own selfish interests and has long become a veritable ‘empire of lies,’” he added.

It’s becoming ever more clear that while China rejected its opportunity to serve as the next seat of the Empire, and Ukraine is no longer an option, that India is plan C. Only I don’t think any of the clowns are particularly excited about relocating to Mumbai or New Dehli.


Speaking of Cancellations

The Japanese are not at all happy with a gaijin who appears to be attempting to reinvent Japanese history by taking a page from the Mary Beard “everyone was Black” school of history. After all, if both England and Sweden can be “nations of immigrants”, why shouldn’t Japan be too? To top it all off, he’s not even a historian at Nihon University, he’s just an English teacher.

On Thursday, Variety revealed that JoAnn M. Hunter, the choreographer of “School of Rock” and “Bad Cinderella,” has been hired to direct the upcoming musical “Yasuke: The Black Samurai,” which is expected to open in 2026. With few historical documents on Yasuke, the story is likely to be chiefly based on the words of Thomas Lockley. An associate professor at Nihon University, he co-authored the first book in the world about Yasuke in 2019. But how much of what he wrote about the man dubbed the first non-Japanese samurai is true? Not a lot, according to netizens.

The English author has received widespread criticism, particularly in the past few days, and has reportedly deleted his Facebook page. The biggest backlash has been against his claim that several feudal lords in Japan were happy to make use of Black slaves. There have been close to 200,000 posts on the subject. “The rumor that black slaves were popular among Japanese daimyo needs to be properly refuted and stamped out, otherwise it could cause big problems later,” tweeted one user. There have also been allegations that Lockley edited Yasuke’s Wikipedia page under the name Tottoritom.

There are also reports that Lockley has been fired from Nihon University, which are unconfirmed, but a petition to fire him has already been signed by 20,000 Japanese people.

Interestingly enough, the only article about Lockley on Japan Today was marked “expired, no longer available”. He would be well-advised to leave Japan; Meiji-era radicals would literally behead him for this sort of insult to Japanese history and culture.


Corrupt Like a Commissioner

We’re going to have to update the old simile, because US Senators haven’t got anything on EU Commissioners when it comes to corruption. Senators at least have to face elections from time to time, and they come much cheaper than anyone would imagine.

The EU Commission concealed details of multibillion-euro Covid vaccine deals with pharma giants Pfizer and AstraZeneca without legitimate reason to do, the European Union’s second highest judicial body has found.

The ruling by the bloc’s General Court covers purchase agreements struck by the EU Commission in 2020 and 2021, at the height of the pandemic, and worth “approximately €2.7 billion” ($2.95 billion), according to the court’s statement published on Wednesday.

In 2021, MEPs requested access to the documents detailing the terms of the deals to make sure that the public interest was protected and the members of the EU negotiating team had no personal conflict of interest. Brussels bosses only provided them with partial access to redacted documents and refused to reveal the identities of the negotiating team’s members.

Brussels promptly reacted to the judgement, which came just two days before a European Parliament vote on Ursula von der Leyen’s bid for a second term as the EU Commission head. She has controversially claimed she deleted key SMS messages between her and Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla, and will be the subject of a European Court of Justice ruling on the matter expected this year.

It’s always fascinating to see how the biggest champions of “our democracy” are unelected elites whose number one priority is thwarting the genuine will of the people and taking advantage of their position to enrich themselves and their masters. Once more, we see the inversion that is always redolent of satanry.