Complete Detachment From Reality

A French regulator has ruled that since unborn children are not “living beings” it is forbidden to state that abortion can be a cause of death on the airwaves. Even though abortion is observably the world’s leading cause of death among homo sapiens sapiens.

The French media regulator has fined the conservative channel CNews €100,000 for, during a Catholic programme, saying that abortion is the world’s leading cause of death. The episode reveals the extent to which the debate on abortion is deadlocked in France.

In February 2024, presenter Aymeric Pourbaix, during the Catholic programme “En quête d’esprit,” broadcast every Sunday on the conservative channel CNews, showed an infographic on the causes of death, ranking abortion as the leading cause, with 73 million deaths each year worldwide. That translates to 52% of annual deaths, far ahead of cancer (10 million) and smoking (6.2 million).

The journalist’s comments sparked a wave of indignation in the mainstream press, on the grounds that abortion cannot be considered a “cause of death” because the foetus should not be considered a living being… In the weekly magazine Valeurs Actuelles, Jean-Marie Le Méné, head of the Fondation Jérôme Lejeune, denounced the totalitarian nature of this decision, which proves the denial of reality that surrounds the practice of abortion in France:

Arcom writes: “Abortion cannot be presented as a cause of death.” Equating an aborted child with a dead person would make abortion a homicidal act. So that abortion can be carried out with a clear conscience, it is forbidden to say that abortion takes away life. Otherwise the keystone of the system collapses. But who believes this fiction?

He adds: “Abortion, the leading cause of death in the world, is unfortunately a fact, not an opinion.”

This decision demonstrates Clown World’s complete detachment from science, medicine, law, and reality. If unborn children were not “living beings” then no doctor would ever tell a woman that her pre-natal child had died in the womb. In fact, it would be impossible for any baby to die in the womb if the pre-natal baby was not a living being.

Never buy into the false dichotomy of something being EITHER evil or stupid. In most cases, evil is stupid, because it is intrinsically detached from, and actively opposed to, God, Nature, scientage, logic, reason, and observable reality.

The fact that abortion is undeniably the current leading cause of death for human beings is why I describe feminism as one of the very worst ideologies in human history, worse than Communism, worse than fascism, and worse than National Socialism. Those who have supported feminism in any way should reflect about the fact that future generations will regard them as having been more evil, and more horrifically stupid, than they now regard those who supported the historical Communists, fascists, and Nazis.


Zelensky on the Way Out

Simplicius notes that the mainstream Narrative is now preparing the ground for the removal of Zelensky as the puppet-in-chief of the Kiev regime.

Just a day after we wrote about the ‘rumored’ new plan for the US to hold Ukrainian elections next year to give intransigent Zelensky the boot, The Economist made it semi-official by acknowledging that, ‘suddenly’, Zelensky is facing a ‘power struggle’ at home. It’s in line with how Biden’s advanced dementia was just “abruptly” discovered by figures and organs of the establishment, only after becoming convenient and politically expedient enough for them to make it public. Similarly here, as soon as the memo-from-above’s arrival, The Economist sprang into pre-conditioning the ground to sell the narrative that Zelensky’s regime is now on uncertain footing; they would have never been allowed to even suggest that Zelensky faced danger at home until it became necessary to do so…

A ‘dignified bow out’ just like the same establishment forces asked of Zelensky’s fateful partner-in-crime Joe Biden. Remember, it’s either the “easy way” or the “hard way”, as Pelosi said; the same stands for Zelensky. Take your free trip to Tel Aviv or we can begin raising the level of ‘encouragement’. After all, recall Zaluzhny was directed to step down from his role as general for a long time, and it was only after his direct subordinates began to be assassinated did he heed the warning and do as he was told.

Sooner or later, every ticket-taker ceases to be useful and is thrown from the high horse.

One of the best reasons to follow the alternative media, in either blog or video form, is that you will reliably have some idea what is going on long before the mainstream media is allowed to cover it. Biden’s dementia was recognized and discussed in the alternative media long before the mainstream journalists dared to observe the obvious, and in like manner, the inevitable outcome of the war in Ukraine was pointed out more than two years before the media stopped blathering about Russia running out of men and ammunition in two weeks, or a popular groundswell driving President Putin from power.

Isn’t it informative how a single defeat or embarrassment is supposedly sufficient to force someone the media hates out of office, but 32 straight months of one defeat after another have proved insufficient to destabilize media favorite Zelensky’s position despite his cancellation of elections and present illegitimate status?

Anyhow, now that Clown World’s favor has officially been withdrawn from their puppet in Kiev, it’s only a matter of time before he is removed from the scene one way or another. This will be the sign that negotiations with Russia to end the special military operation are being pursued; whether Russia is feeling magnanimous in victory or not is another matter entirely.

And it’s no wonder that the Europeans are all panicking about Trump’s election. Russia is making it clear that its demands will include the withdrawal of NATO to the German border, and Trump will know that’s a good deal that’s worth taking.

The Kremlin is again saying that Russia is only interested in those negotiations that will ensure the fulfillment of all tasks in the context of Ukraine and Ryabkov’s 2021 ultimatum about NATO’s withdrawal to the border of Germany. Everything else is of no concern, as is the change of faces in the White House. There will be no deal.


Confessions of a Clown 2

Over 140 viewers tuned into last night’s political reaction stream. And tonight we’ll wrap up part two of the UATV-exclusive commentary on the Global Realist Faction’s Jeffrey Sachs explanation of why the Neo-Liberal Rules-Based World Order has failed and who was really responsible for the war in Ukraine. If you haven’t subscribed yet, please do so and join us tonight at 7 PM Eastern!

And we’ll also debut a new technometal mix of FOUR MORE YEARS.


An Intriguing Metric

Some might see this as a black pill. I see it more as an intriguing and potentially informative metric for the near-future.

THE SHADOW GOVERNMENT: In 2018 it was already decided to remove President Trump from the White House. Trump will never be allowed to win the 2024 Election. The Biden Administration is under the control of the Shadow Government. Facebook owned by U.S. Government. Covid-19 planned.

The Shadow Government is the Committee of 300 and Bill Gates is one of the current members of the Committee of 300 which controls all the affairs of the world except for Russia and China. The Committee of 300 also controls the Pedophile systems around the world and all the major human trafficking networks which involve 8 million innocent children a year who are raped, tortured and murdered.

There will never be fair elections in the United States and around the world until the Committee of 300 is removed from our society. They will not let President Trump or Robert F. Kennedy Jr. become President of the United States in 2024.

I don’t disagree with the central assumption that the Committee of 300 is somehow involved in the leadership of Clown World, that it was involved in the election fraud of 2020, or that it will not willingly permit President Trump to become President of the USA again in 2024.

But, as we have seen in Ukraine and the Middle East over the last two years, the Committee of 300 does not appear to be as in control of events as it was in the past. And so, if Donald Trump is elected President in a few weeks and is subsequently sworn into office, this will be a very good sign that the power of the Committee, and of Clown World, has been broken.


BRICS to Expand by 13

13 countries received the status of BRICS partner country at the 2024 BRICS summit. They are Turkey, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Algeria, Belarus, Bolivia, Cuba, Indonesia, Malaysia, Nigeria, Thailand, Uganda and Vietnam. BRICS partner country status is a mandatory step before full membership.

The 13 new partner countries, at least 10 of which will become full BRICS members in a year or so, effectively add 840,276,082 people to the economic alliance, which alone is more than the USA, the UK, the EU, and Israel combined. Their coming addition will also make BRICS the global majority. The key additions are current NATO member Türkiye, Southeast Asian giant Indonesia, African giant Nigeria, and Asian military power Vietnam. Clown World has been desperate to keep both Türkiye and Vietnam on its side, but it now appears to have lost both.

At this point, it should be clear that Russia has comprehensively defeated Clown World, not only militarily and economically, but diplomatically as well. To paraphrase Rorshach, Clown World hasn’t locked Russia in solitary, but Clown World is locked in with itself.

Note to the Finnish, Swedish, and Swiss governments: You all chose poorly in selecting this particular moment in time to abandon your historic neutralities. Very, very poorly indeed. There isn’t a single BRICS nation, or even BRICS partner country, that is as small as any of you. Not only is the USA totally incapable of “protecting” you from Russia or any other military threat, but you’re actively doing harm to your ability to engage economically with more than half of the globe and counting.

You would do well to re-establish your neutrality, and do it fast.


Moldova Rejects EU

This may mark the death knell for the EU. Once every Central and Eastern European state was desperate to join. Now, a number of existing members want out and formerly-prospective members no longer see any benefit to joining:

Voters in Moldova have rejected the government-backed proposal to enshrine eventual integration with the EU in the former Soviet country’s constitution. During Sunday’s referendum, held simultaneously with a presidential election, voters were asked whether the constitution should be amended to reflect the “irreversible European course” of the country and affirm the “integration into the European Union as a strategic objective” of the nation.

With more than 86% of the ballots counted, 54.55% voted against the proposal, while 45.45% voted in favor, according to the preliminary results cited by the news channel TVR.

BRICS is the smarter bet anyhow. But staying out of the EU is paramount. Never trust anyone who wants you to sign on to something “irreversible”. It’s almost as obvious as requiring you to sign in blood.

UPDATE: And now it looks as if this “vote” is about as legitimate as the faked 2020 US Presidential election. The referendum was suddenly turned around at the last minute with a flood of YES votes being found in the final hours. Democracy is increasingly nothing more than a flat-out fraud that inverts the genuine will of the people.

Potrivit rezultatelor preliminare, după prelucrarea a 98,74% din buletinele de vot din cadrul Referendumului constituțional 50,24% au votat DA și 49,76% au votat NU.

This probably means that Russia will have to invade Moldova sooner or later to free its people from Clown World.


The Second Phase of WWIII

Didactic Mind explains the significance of the BRICS Pay card announced last week:

Each individual BRICS+ nation is at a different stage of development along the path of having a proper banking system. Therefore, trying to create a unified messaging and money transfer platform, is COLOSSALLY difficult. The back-end infrastructure of global payment systems IS NOT easy to build – take my word for it on this – and nor is it a trivial matter to get different national payment systems to work together. I have barely even begun to describe the problems involved, and I am by no means a deep-knowledge subject matter expert on the issue.

But… we are now seeing the beginnings of a new financial order coming together. And that BRICS payment card prototype, is the first demonstration of the front-end technology. Whether the back-end is fully operational, is very much open to question – but it does seem to be getting there.

The importance of this development cannot be overstated. If the architects of the Western financial system are paying any attention whatsoever to the upcoming BRICS summit in Kazan’, which starts very soon – in fact, the BRICS Business Forum wrapped up just today – then they should be sweating bullets.

The advent of a true globally scalable, secure, stable, and reliable BRICS+ payment system will allow for rapid digital settlements between BRICS+ central banks. That was one of the original ideas behind this system – to use some sort of digital currency backbone to settle in national currencies between different countries. I had heard many different idea proposed, ranging from a stablecoin of some kind, to a gold-backed and metals-backed currency, to a new currency built on a basket of currencies, like the old “bancor” idea that John Maynard Keynes proposed as the fundamental unit of exchange within the old Bretton Woods system, or the Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) that the IMF has the ability to issue.

If, or rather, in my opinion, WHEN, this becomes a reality – in whatever form it takes – the dominance of the dollar is DONE.

This is not hyperbole. Think about it. Why would anyone want to use SWIFT, and pay the (quite exorbitant, in relative terms) fees to send money through a literal cartel of correspondent banks to transfer money overseas, when they could go through a digital system with far lower fees, and transact directly in local currencies, with local exchange rates? And if people can do this peer-to-peer, or business-to-business… what need is there for the dollar?

I think this is why we’re seeing the Clown World provocations heating up everywhere from the Korean Peninsula to Ukraine. The end of military supremacy is bad enough, but the direct undermining of the international dollar system spells out the end of Clown World. And desperate people accept very low-probability odds…


Satanist Confirmed

HEADLINE: Kamala Harris tells Rally-Goers Yelling ‘Jesus is Lord’ They’re ‘At Wrong Rally’.

Indeed. The god they serve is the god of this world. There is a reason they’re described as “global satanists” because that’s precisely what they are. Pizzagate, Epstein, and P-Diddy are only the very tip of the iceberg; once even a significant fraction of the truth is revealed there will be no mercy for them.

Which, of course, is why they are so desperate to cling to power across the West. But I don’t see how anything is going to save Clown World now.

UPDATE: More Satanists confirmed.

Christians must understand that for Jews the cross is a symbol of oppression.
– Giles Fraser

Oh, we know. That’s why we display it, as a reminder to those who worship the god of this world that we don’t belong to them or their master.


They Hate You

They REALLY hate you. For decades, I’ve been telling everyone that the USA hates America and heritage Americans. $35.7 billion for the Kiev and Tel Aviv regimes this year alone, and less than nothing for Americans in need. And only now are some people starting to believe me.

From SG: Remember that this is malice, not stupidity. It is evil, not incompetence. They hate Heritage America on a fundamental level.


Satanists Confirmed

The evils of the Hellmouth are no secret to anyone who reads this site. But it’s remarkable to see individuals with direct and extensive experience of Hollywood confirming what everyone here already knows.

Hercules actor Kevin Sorbo dropped a massive bombshell Tuesday, claiming he left the entertainment industry because of a proliferation of pedophilia.

I didn’t get “blacklisted” from Hollywood, I left because they’re all pedos.
— Kevin Sorbo (@ksorbs) October 1, 2024

It was previously believed the Hercules: The Legendary Journeys actor had left or was pushed out of Hollywood over his conservative views and Christian beliefs; however, his new commentary sheds light on the real reasons he left the industry.

The Satanists of the Hellmouth hide behind the protection provided to them by Holocaustianity. They are not evil because they are of any particular genetic heritage – to the best of our current understanding, anyhow – they are evil because they quite literally worship Satan and are consciously at war with God Almighty, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ of Nazareth, and heritage America. Deviant sexual practices are a significant element of their wicked rites, which includes the systematic sexual abuse of children.

Ben Hirsch, the cofounder of Survivors for Justice, an organization that advocates for victims of sexual abuse in Orthodox communities, suggested that the rate of abuse could exceed 50 percent for boys within Hasidic enclaves.

As the growing P. Diddy scandal shows, it’s not about race or nationality, but religion. Specifically, about the secret satanic religion behind Clown World that promises earthly success in lieu of eternal salvation. While the authorities are no doubt doing their utmost to contain the damage being caused by the Sean Combs revelations, the truth is gradually being exposed, drop by drop. And it is good, in fact, it is declared, that we will hate the wicked, just as they hate us. We are fortunate that they make it so very easy for us to do so by their abominable practices. The only “god” by whom they are chosen is the god of this world.

The just abhor the wicked man: and the wicked loathe them that are in the right way.
— Proverbs 29:27