They Always Kill the Golden Goose

It’s truly amazing that more than 100 years after economists formally discovered the concept of declining marginal returns, the rulers of Clown World continue to insist on driving a nation’s most successful entrepreneurs out of the country.

Britain’s richest plumber has put his £12million London penthouse on the market as he prepares to flee Britain ahead of a mooted Labour tax raid. Charlie Mullins, who founded Pimlico Plumbers, has said he wants to have ‘no assets in the UK whatsoever’ and intends on not paying tax next year as he leaves the country.

The 71-year-old, who made £145million when he sold his firm in 2021, had moved into the property the same year after falling in love with the view over the River Thames. But now he wants to get rid of the flat, which neighbours an apartment owned by Tom Jones, insisting that his family would ‘go mad’ if they had to pay inheritance tax because of it.

The businessman said he is concerned the new chancellor Rachel Reeves will increase death taxes and is instead ploughing his money into property in Spain and Dubai… Henley & Partners, which helps wealthy investors to move overseas, estimates that Britain is on track to lose a record 9,500 millionaires this year

Of course, this seeming stupidity is probably much more accurately attributed to economically-informed malice. If destroying the nation is the objective, then impoverishing it and driving out the nation’s most successful entrepreneurs away is going to be viewed as a positive.


Clowns are Falling

Sweden’s Foreign Minister unexpectedly resigned on the same day that the Kiev regime fired what seems to be about half of its cabinet.

Tobias Billstrom, who oversaw Sweden’s accession to NATO, has announced his resignation as foreign minister and retirement from politics, offering no reason for the move. Billstrom, 50, was first elected to the Swedish parliament in 2002 and was appointed foreign minister in 2022… As his biggest achievement over the past two years, Billstrom listed Sweden’s abandonment of its 200-year neutrality to join NATO “after a long and sometimes challenging process.”

I suspect the reason for his sudden resignation is that more Swedish “instructors” were killed in the recent double-Iskander missile strike in Poltava than have been reported. The number of KIA is officially 41, but Ukrainian locals are reporting up to 760 bodies in the morgue. To go from 200 years of safe neutrality to losing dozens of military officers in a single Russian strike is a catastrophe that the leading advocate of abandoning neutrality would have to be held responsible.

One hopes that the utterly deluded Swiss politicians who are so desperate to follow Sweden’s lead will learn from Billstrom’s example and abandon their insane campaign to sign Switzerland up for the same sort of military and economic devastation that is facing the NATO slave-nations.


Clown World Knows No Law

The reason conservatives can never win or successfully resist Clown World is because they believe that the law is something real, and something material. Whereas, as literally every single lawyer will tell you, what the law actually is not the black letter words passed by the politicians or the policies of the regulatory agencies, it is whatever the judge of the relevant matter says it is.

Justice Alexandre de Moraes of the Supreme Court of Brazil has ordered the operations of X (formerly Twitter) to be “immediately suspended” and threatened draconian fines against anyone trying to sidestep the ban. De Moraes demanded that X censor several accounts that “spread disinformation” by criticizing him, but the platform’s owner Elon Musk refused.

On Friday, the judge ordered the platform banned in Brazil, giving Google and Apple five days to remove X from their app stores. He also threatened a fine of around 50,000 Brazilian real (approximately $8,874) a day for anyone using a virtual private network (VPN) to get around the ban.

On Thursday, de Moraes froze the accounts of Starlink, a subsidiary of Musk’s SpaceX, saying this was needed to ensure the payment of fines levied against X for failing to appoint a legal representative. Musk objected to the “absolutely illegal action” taken without any due process, pointing out that X and SpaceX are “two completely different companies with different shareholders.”

According to X’s Global Government Affairs team, de Moraes “threatened our Brazilian legal representative with imprisonment. Even after she resigned, he froze all of her bank accounts.”

We view this sort of thing as bad. But in Switzerland, the government broke multiple laws to prevent the failure of Credit Suisse from financially harming any of its account holders. Everyone, with the exception of a few shareholders and creditors who ended up getting the short end of the stick, thought this was a very good thing. But whether these things are considered good or bad is irrelevant, the point is that what everyone believes is “the law” is nothing more than a collection of general suggestions that the three branches of government will ignore in a heartbeat whenever they feel that doing so is desirable.

Nothing can be repaired or restored by so-called legal means when the authorities harbor absolutely no respect for what passes for the law. Any policy or distinction that depends upon “legality”, such as immigration or limits on legal speech, doesn’t exist in a practical sense so long as one is government by a government of men, not laws.

Nancy Pelosi just told Bill Maher that she plans to grant citizenship to every illegal immigrant and give them free housing.

See how easy it is to deal with a problem of illegality? One stroke of the pen, one judge’s order, and the problem is magically solved!


30 and Counting

The Anti-Clown World Alliance is growing rapidly:

BRICS—originally made up of just Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa—is going to need a new name. After not adding any new members for 13 years, the non-Western international group welcomed Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates last August. The floodgates have since been opened: In February, South African Foreign Minister Naledi Pandor claimed that over 30 nations now want to join the international group.

Malaysian Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim has been vocal about wanting to join the bloc, lobbying Russian, Chinese, and just this week, Indian officials about Malaysia’s application. Thailand also submitted a formal application to join the bloc last June, and officials hope that the Southeast Asian country will be able to join the BRICS summit in Russia this October.

BRICS, which traces its name to a Goldman Sachs report in 2001, has long struggled to find an economic or geopolitical purpose, as its member countries have little in common besides being large and non-Western. But in recent years, the bloc is increasingly trying to position itself as the voice of the so-called Global South, a term used to describe postcolonial developing economies. It’s an argument that’s picked up steam since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in 2022, which brought geopolitics back to the fore and highlighted the power of the U.S. in the global economic system.

“For some countries, BRICS can be a counterweight against U.S. economic hegemony,” Rahman Yaacob, a research fellow in the Southeast Asia program at the Lowy Institute, says. Joining the bloc could also be a way to hedge politically, as the intensifying rivalry between Washington and Beijing risks splitting the world into two opposing groups.

Think about how awful the neo-liberal world order has obviously become, that dozens of nations around the globe are finding mutual purpose in helping each other resist its influence and control. The promises of “freedom” and “democracy” and “open societies” have turned out to be shamelessly satanic lies.


Liberalism is Dead

All of its supposedly good points that justified it have been proven to be false. The so-called neoliberal world order turned out to be Clown World:

What remains of the supposed upsides of liberalism?

Human rights? You aren’t a Somali rapist facing deportation, you don’t have human rights

Freedom? Tell it to Sam Melia

Democracy? 20% of the electorate delivered Labour the 4th largest parliamentary majority in history.

And let’s not even get started on so-called “free speech”, which was nothing more than an attempt to replace Christian blasphemy laws with satanic blasphemy laws. It turns out that all of the supposed economic benefits of an open society were nothing more than the short-term benefits of a long-term debt bubble based on usury.

There is truly nothing new under the sun.


Empire of Lies = Not the Good Guys

Andrew Anglin explains why he believes the Chinese – yes, the terrible Chi-Coms – are observably the good guys at this current juncture in the space-time continuum:

The Chinese are the good guys, but it’s important to note that they are not the good guys because they want to do charity for the world out of some spirit of niceness. It is a uniquely Western idea that a government would go around the world trying to help people out of the kindness of their hearts.

And we can all see that while the people in the US and EU are constantly talking about how good and moral they are and how they are on a mission to bring “democracy” and “human rights” to everyone on earth, the actual results are endless war and ridiculous poverty. They also bully people, because they claim they have established a universal moral order (based on nothing, by the way).

We can see, pretty clearly, that while some people might be stupid enough to believe that the Western governments are on a mission of love, this stance of “we are the most moral people in the world” is just a cover for corruption and violence.

Personal charity is a good thing and it’s actually a Christian moral directive. It’s good to help people when you can. It’s good to give a bit of money to someone who is struggling, if they’re not just going to buy drugs with it.

Organized charity, however, is virtually always a gigantic scam. I’ve written in some detail about the foreign adoption scam, where these groups (usually branded as evangelical Christians) go around the Third World buying babies from their mothers to sell for a profit in the US. There are a few good books on this (I recommend “The Child Catchers: Rescue, Trafficking, and the New Gospel of Adoption” by Kathryn Joyce, if anyone is interested in the topic – it’s sort of fascinating). Christian “adoption” agencies being literal human trafficking rackets is one of the more extreme examples of charity organizations being a scam, but they’re all basically like this, including the environmentalist groups.

When you have national governments claiming that their purpose is organized international charity, that is really obviously a scam. We know it’s a scam because we can see all these people do is start wars and sanction countries into oblivion. “Foreign aid” is a bribery scheme to pay off a group of criminals in a foreign government so they serve the interests of the US Empire. These interests include both military interests as well as agreements to sell off a nation’s natural resources to Western companies. No country’s economy has ever gotten better because they received foreign aid any more than a junkie has ever gotten clean because the government gave him clean needles.

China does not claim to be doing any of this for charity purposes. They don’t make claims to be ultra moral people going around saving the world from itself. The basic Chinese premise is that both war and interfering in another country’s domestic affairs through other means are both bad for business.

The Chinese vision of the future is one where peace is based on trade rather than enforced through violence. It’s also a future where a nation-state can make its own decisions about its internal affairs, because meddling in other people’s affairs is destabilizing and ultimately a form of warfare that often or even usually leads to violent warfare. The Ukraine is the perfect example: the US/Europe went in and did a revolution to overthrow the elected government in 2014, and this eventually led to a war. The Chinese policy is “everyone just relax, we’re going to sell you high-quality products at reasonable prices.”

The last time China was involved in a war was in 1979 when they sent troops to Cambodia to protect the Cambodians from a Vietnamese invasion. Think about that. How many wars and interventions has the US done since 1979?

When one contemplates the observable facts, it’s very, very difficult to dispute Anglin’s conclusion. There is absolutely no possibility anymore to attempt to claim that the USA, the US government, the US military, or even the US citizenry, are a force for good on the planet.

Even from my very limited personal perspective, I have to admit that the Chinese government has been courteous and respectful to me, while the US government and its proxy corporations have relentlessly persecuted my family members and put considerable effort into suppressing me as well as dozens of my acquaintances. I’m not banned from Tik-Tok, but I’m banned from YouTube. Chinese publishers are happy to work with me, while I’m blacklisted by US and UK publishers. US journalists write hit pieces about me, while Chinese state television welcomes my opinion on economic matters.

And it’s not the Chinese who are causing banks all around the world, including in the UK, to refuse to accept US clients. It’s long past time for US citizens to ask themselves, like that hypothetical SS officer in the comedy sketch, “are we the baddies?”

Now, obviously, not being a binary thinker, I don’t believe there are any good guys in the global geopolitical scenario. Not the Chinese, not the Russians, and not what passes for the various establishment Christian churches. But as should be completely and obviously clear to everyone by now, there are some particularly and especially and historically very bad guys who are active today, and regardless of whatever name one prefers to recognize them by, they have to be stopped by absolutely everyone who isn’t subject to them.

Whether we are good guys or not. Which, apparently, I am not, because, you know, skulls…


Clown World Still in Denial

Foreign Affairs attempts to put a pro-Clown World spin on the way China’s support for Russia is supposedly weakening the world’s largest economy vis-a-vis the West:

A substantially more sanguine outlook dominates the discourse of China’s experts. They have noted that the Western response to the war has not produced the most catastrophic outcomes that many had predicted. The “most intense wave of sanctions [in] history,” scholars at Renmin University’s Chongyang Institute for Financial Studies concluded in a February 2024 report, “did not achieve the expected results, but instead brought a backlash and counter-sanctions” as Russia found lifelines for its currency and trade with China and other countries. Many Chinese analysts also contended that Putin has evaded truly damaging diplomatic isolation, citing his recent state visits to North Korea and Vietnam and that in July, he hosted Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi in Moscow. As a headline from the Chinese edition of the Global Times trumpeted after Putin’s trip to Hanoi: “The West’s Isolation of Russia Has Been Broken.”

In this view, China has avoided paying any significant economic or diplomatic price for propping up Putin’s war efforts. Indeed, the war has created trends that may redound to China’s benefit. The Russian economy’s ability to weather Western sanctions has impressed many Chinese scholars. After a visit to Moscow in February 2024, Xu Poling, an expert on the Russian economy, remarked that the war in Ukraine “has injected a steroid shot into the lethargic Russian economy, making it stronger and more vigorous.” He even speculated that Putin “is not exactly in a hurry to end the conflict.” Other analysts have marveled at how the war has reanimated Russia’s languishing military-industrial complex, which, a Global Times analysis concluded, had been “in a state of insufficient investment and production.” Since February 2022, the analysis observed, it has “accelerated the acceptance of state investment and increased production capacity,” leading to a “comprehensive recovery of Russian military-industrial enterprises” and “significant progress” in the production of new tactical missiles, armored vehicles, and drones.

As the war drags on, Chinese analysts also believe that the West’s unity is fracturing. As Democrats and Republicans fight “fiercely against each other and as the [U.S. presidential] election approaches, [the] situation is getting more and more unfavorable for Ukraine,” the prominent Eurasian Studies expert Ding Xiaoxing wrote in February. Jin Canrong, a hawkish international relations scholar, predicted that a public “backlash” against support for Ukraine in European countries and the United States would eventually doom Kyiv’s ability to defend itself.

Many of these Chinese experts’ analyses are fair, even astute. But missing from the public-facing discussion in China is a true recognition of the costs Beijing has assumed as a result of its support for Putin’s war. Experts’ early assessments lingered on dramatic potential damage to China; now, they tend to ignore or underappreciate the serious costs Beijing has incurred. China’s relations with most European countries have degenerated, probably irrevocably. In the declaration following its July summit, NATO included an unprecedentedly sharp denunciation of Beijing’s behavior, calling China a “decisive enabler” of Russia’s war effort—language that would have been unthinkable before February 2022.

Frustration with China is not limited to European policymakers. Europeans who were recently very bullish on Chinese-European relations—especially those with business interests in China—now hold a much dimmer view. A May survey of European CEOs by the European Round Table for Industry found that only seven percent believed that Europe’s relations with China would improve in the next three years. More than 50 percent saw future deterioration. In a July survey by the European Council on Foreign Relations that polled nearly 20,000 people, 65 percent of respondents in 15 European countries agreed that China has played a “rather negative” or “very negative” role in the ongoing war in Ukraine.

Although Western sanctions have not broken the Russian economy, the war in Ukraine has spurred further global economic fragmentation. For decades, Beijing has worked to build economic self-sufficiency; Chinese government planners stepped up these efforts around 2018 as they sought to prepare China for the splintering of globalization and the fracturing of supply chains. But China was not ready for the degree to which the war in Ukraine—coupled with growing national security concerns in many countries about technological dependence on China—hastened this fragmentation, prompting U.S. and European governments, companies, and investors to reallocate capital away from China and other geopolitically exposed markets. Russia’s invasion of Ukraine intensified foreign investors’ concerns about the Chinese market as it raised fears that Beijing could also face sanctions or economic repercussions because of its alignment with Moscow and its saber rattling toward Taiwan.

The war in Ukraine, and particularly Beijing’s decision to strengthen its strategic partnership with Russia, is also exacerbating the rifts in an already fractious U.S.-Chinese relationship. The Biden administration has repeatedly warned Beijing that the economic, technological, and diplomatic lifeline China is extending to Moscow works at cross-purposes with its stated desire for a stable bilateral relationship with the United States. But Beijing has continued to double down on its Russian gamble, including by launching a recent joint patrol with Russian bombers in the airspace just off the Alaskan coast. In May, Washington sanctioned over a dozen Chinese companies for their direct support of Moscow’s war effort. More sanctions are likely to come irrespective of the outcome of the upcoming U.S. presidential election.

The true recognition of the costs? What costs? To the contrary, China, like Russia and a number of other countries both in and out of BRICS, are beginning to recognize the true costs of engagement with Clown World. They see the degeneracy, they observe the material decline in morals, wealth, native birth rates, average IQ, and population demographics, and they rightly don’t want any part of it. What Clown World calls “freedom” and “democracy” is actually a slow-motion societal suicide. No matter what economic costs they might face, or foreign investments they might lose, no price is too high in exchange for removing themselves from the baleful influence of the Clown World cancer.

It’s not China that is in denial, but rather, the clowns of Clown World.


Defending Freedom in Deutschland

The appeal of the “rights” and “freedoms” being “defended” by the “Democracies” is rapidly vanishing on an almost weekly basis:

The German Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA) may soon be allowed to secretly enter and search homes, according to a draft reform proposal seen by Der Spiegel and RND. According to the document, police would also have the power to install spyware on suspects’ computers or smartphones, in addition to conducting covert searches of their homes. These powers would supposedly only be used in exceptional circumstances.

The Interior Ministry has defended the initiative, claiming that the BKA plays a central role in countering international terrorism threats. A spokesperson refused to discuss details of the proposal, which is still at a very early stage, but told Der Spiegel on Wednesday that security agencies must have the necessary powers to effectively counter evolving threats.

Critics have voiced concerns that such far-reaching interventions could undermine the rule of law, as the inviolability of the home is enshrined in Article 13 of the German constitution.

You know, I’m really beginning to suspect that this whole Patriot Act thing may not have actually had as much to do with defending Americans and their rights as we were told it did. Clown World is transforming into a twisted parody of itself.

Vee are here to defend your freedomz by spying on you!


The Proxy War is Over

Russia makes it explicit: WWIII is now a direct war between Russia and Clown World:

Moscow’s special military operation in Ukraine is actually an armed conflict with the US-led collective West, Russian Defense Minister Andrey Belousov said at the opening ceremony of the Army 2024 forum.

“I welcome you all at the opening ceremony of the Army 2024 International Military-Technical Forum. As you know, the event is taking place amid the special military operation. In fact, it is an armed conflict between Russia and the collective West,” he pointed out.

According to Belousov, the armed confrontation “is driven by the desire of the US and its allies to maintain their dominance and prevent the construction of a new multipolar and equitable world order.”

“In this regard, the confrontation affects the interests of every country,” the Russian defense chief stressed.

This isn’t exactly news, but rather, confirmation of what we all assumed from the start. Everything that Russia has done, from relying heavily upon the separatist and various irregular forces to standing down its air forces to building up the anti-Clown alliance around the world, has been in preparation for direct conflict with the regular militaries of the US-led collective West, which includes Australia, Israel, Japan, and South Korea.

While the Second Front appears to be in the Middle East, don’t count out hostilities opening in Asia in the near future. Taiwan is not the only hot spot, as it could be the Philippines, it could be the Korean Peninsula, it could be an attempted color revolution in Indonesia or Vietnam, or it could be Japan shocking everyone by breaking with the USA and allying with China.

Regardless, it’s clear that Russia has given up on its attempts to keep the conflict localized. This change will likely have far-reaching implications, some of which may well prove surprising. As to why they’ve finally articulated the true scope of the war now, I presume it is to make it clear to those seeking a negotiated end to the Ukraine aspect of the conflict that not even peace in Ukraine will be sufficient to end the global conflict.


Clown World Never Rests

British doctors are ordered to ask men if they are pregnant:

British health authorities have instructed doctors performing X-ray, CT and MRI scans to ask men whether they are pregnant.

The “inclusive pregnancy status guidelines for ionizing radiation” were developed by the Society of Radiographers (SoR). According to The Telegraph, the guidance came in response to an incident in which a transgender man had a CT scan while pregnant. The decision was justified by the fact that the radiation from X-ray, CT and MRI scans can be harmful to unborn babies.

Doctors have therefore been told not to assume the gender identity of patients when performing all such procedures and inquiring of all people between the ages of 12 and 55 about pregnancy, including men, transgender, non-binary, and intersex patients.

I don’t want any medical services whatsoever from any doctor who doesn’t know the difference between men and women. Or from satanic globalists. It’s only a matter of time before they declare mandatory euthanasia is good for you.