Cultural enrichment in Sweden

That which cannot be sustained will not be sustained. I expect this woman is going to be considerably more open to voting for the Sweden Democrats than she was the day before. Repeat until the deportations begin.

Yet another example, as if there was every any doubt, that my take on immigration was correct. Immigration is rape culture.

Attack in Munich

Breaking news from Germany:

At least one person has died and another 10 people are injured after a lone gunman went on a shooting spree in a German shopping centre.

A major police operation is ongoing in Munich, around the city’s Olympic Park.

People were seen running from the shopping mall to get away from the incident after hearing gunshots.

The area around the Munich Olympia Shopping Centre in the district of Moosach has been sealed off as emergency services try to control the situation.

 Sounds like the Amish are getting out of control again.

UPDATE: Now reporting “several dead” and a possible second active shooter.

UPDATE: The shooting was at a McDonalds. So we can’t rule out Cheeseburger Rage.

UPDATE: Some sites are reporting the one shooter was white, but from the recorded verbal exchange, he sounds more like a second-generation Turk.

Man: “What makes you German?”

Gunman: “I was born here.”

That’s not how a German national would claim to be German, but it is how secondos often identify themselves. And in Germany, most secondos are Turkish.

Gunman: Ich bin Deutchscher

Man: Du bist ein Wixxer, bist du.

Gunman: Hort auf mich zu filmen!

Man: Was macht dich Deutsch?

Gunman: Ich bin hier geboren worden.

Man: Na und? 

Before he started shooting, the two other guys were calling him a Turkish shit and a scheissen Kanake. The latter term “is now usually used with an exclusively derogatory connotation against people of Turkish or Middle Eastern ancestry.”

UPDATE: Holy cats, a guy on Sky News is just blatantly lying, claiming that the GUNMAN was shouting the anti-immigrant epithets and stressing that he claimed to be a German born in Germany, but ignoring the obvious second-generation context. That being said, I tend to doubt that was an Islam-inspired attack, but more a case of a literally crazy immigrant.

Refugee axe attack in Germany

The Germans are going to welcome the Nazis with open arms again. And most of Europe isn’t going to blame them.

A 17-year-old Afghan refugee has been shot dead by police after attacking up to 15 people with an axe on a train in Germany. The teenager, who shouted ‘Allahu Akbar’ during the onslaught, was gunned down by armed police after fleeing from the scene near the city of Wurzburg in southern Germany.

As many as 15 people were injured while three of them are fighting for their lives after being attacked with ‘cutting and stabbing weapons’. Authorities say the attacker was an unaccompanied Afghan – but the motives for his attack are still unclear.

As I warned them, they should have sunk the damn boats. Apparently the actual number of wounded is 21, not 15.

Here is the thing. If you don’t like Nazis, then don’t encourage an immigrant invasion, or diversity, or globalism. Because every action leads to a reaction and that is exactly what you’re going to get.

Authorities have said the attacker entered Germany as an unaccompanied child refugee.
Bavarian media say the attacker had lived with a German foster family for two weeks. He had previously lived in a refugee camp.

Europe should not only refuse to accept any refugees, children or adult, it should send all of them back to their native lands. What happens to them there is not going to be as bad as what is going to happen to them in Germany and France, two nations not historically known for their gentle treatment of invaders.

A tale of two immigrations

An Englishman tells of his experience of immigrating to Provence, France:

More than a decade ago, long before we moved to the Loire region, my wife and I bought a 19th-century house in the heart of Carpentras, a Provencal market town with a population of 30,000, little more than a two-hour drive north of Nice.

The place had a rich history stretching back many centuries, the architectural legacy of which included a triumphal Roman arch and a magnificent gothic cathedral.

Our new home needed a lot of work, but the task seemed worth it because we could spend part of the year enjoying life in southern France. And at first our times in Carpentras seemed idyllic, wandering through market squares or sitting in a cafe under a cloudless blue sky.

But gradually, shadows began to creep across our retreat. What we had thought was a classic Provencal existence turned out to be something very different. Over the years, Carpentras underwent a dramatic change as the Muslim population grew and the town became ever more Islamified.

Although ethnic monitoring is illegal in France because it is seen as divisive and offends the concept of Gallic solidarity, it has been conservatively estimated there are at least 13,000 Muslims in the town, making up more than 40 per cent of the population.

Some have put the figure as high as 60 per cent. Two mosques, one of them a massive new block, have been established to meet the changing religious demographic. Inexorably, the streets were becoming filled with figures in Islamic dress, along with halal butchers and kebab shops.

In response to this transformation, the owner of the internet cafe opposite our house grew increasingly fervent in his support for the National Front, putting up large posters for Jean-Marie Le Pen in his windows, which were regularly smashed.

Throughout all this, we could sense that the gentleness of Provence, scented by grapes, lavender and sunflowers, was giving way to a mood of suspicion and latent threat.

One night I woke up to the smell of acrid smoke in the air. Looking out from my bedroom window, I saw to my astonishment that five cars had been set on fire in our street. On another occasion, while out in the countryside with my wife, I was menaced by a Muslim armed with scythe.

When, slightly shaken, I told this to a neighbour, who was a French army veteran, he recounted how a local Muslim had one day threatened to slit his throat.

There are now three options for France: surrender, mass deportation, and mass elimination. The French people can only choose one. Coexistence, which was their previous preference, is no longer on the table. And they will have to choose in the next ten years, because the window of opportunity for choosing is rapidly closing.

After that, there will be civil war regardless of what the French prefer, because Muslims reliably attempt to assume complete regional control once they reach a certain percentage of the population. See Nigeria for one example of that. The same thing may happen in London and several cities in the UK in the same time frame. It will also likely happen in the USA, as Americans are increasingly disinclined to repeat the French experiment with Islam and various forms of Muslim bans are already being openly discussed.

As for those who object that the mass deportations will lead to bigger government, well, it’s too late. The time to prevent that has passed, and you shouldn’t have been so blitheringly stupid as to champion mass immigration on the grounds of individual freedom of movement. Mass immigration will ALWAYS lead to bigger government one way or another, either because the immigrants demand it or because the natives demand it in response to being invaded.

France needs a new revolution

“We are in a new era and France has to live with terrorism. We have to show solidarity and show our calm…. The only response is one of dignity and responsibility.”
– French Prime Minister Manuel Valls

No, that is neither the only response nor the correct one.

There are 10 dead children in Nice, murdered because the French government is too enamored with globalism and multiculturalism to address a lethal and existential threat to the people of France. Do the French not remember the words of La Marseillais, their own national anthem?

Aux armes, citoyens…

Tremblez, tyrans et vous perfides
L’opprobre de tous les partis,
Tremblez! vos projets parricides

Patrick Calvar, chief of the Directorate General of Internal Security, told members of the French parliamentary commission that thanks to the increasing frequency of sexual assaults by islamic migrants, “Extremism is growing everywhere… We are on the brink of civil war.” 

That was reported on July 13, the day before the mass slaughter in Nice. That sound you hear in the distance is Charles Martel sharpening his sword.

The Great Rebellion

Joel Kotkin tries to explain why the world is rebelling against the experts claiming the right to lead it:

The Great Rebellion is on and where it leads nobody knows.

Its expressions range from Brexit to the Trump phenomena and includes neo-nationalist and unconventional insurgent movement around the world. It shares no single leader, party or ideology. Its very incoherence, combined with the blindness of its elite opposition, has made it hard for the established parties across what’s left of the democratic world to contain it.

What holds the rebels together is a single idea: the rejection of the neo-liberal crony capitalist order that has arisen since the fall of the Soviet Union. For two decades, this new ruling class could boast of great successes: rising living standards, limited warfare, rapid technological change and an optimism about the future spread of liberal democracy. Now, that’s all fading or failing.

Living standards are stagnating, vicious wars raging, poverty-stricken migrants pouring across borders and class chasms growing. Amidst this, the crony capitalists and their bureaucratic allies have only grown more arrogant and demanding. But the failures of those who occupy what Lenin called “the commanding heights” are obvious to most of the citizens on whose behalf they claim to speak and act.

The Great Rebellion draws on five disparate and sometimes contradictory causes that find common ground in frustration with the steady bureaucratic erosion of democratic self-governance: class resentment, racial concerns, geographic disparities, nationalism, cultural identity. Each of these strains appeals to different constituencies, but together they are creating a political Molotov cocktail.

It’s moderately amusing that Kotkin first asserts that nobody knows where the Great Rebellion is leading before promptly explaining where it is going to go. He doesn’t know. No one does, but the idea that someone whose sympathies clearly lie with the dishonest, predatory elite that has met with such a visceral rejection from widely disparate people suggests that he will no more be able to anticipate its direction than he was able to see it coming in the first place.

Another day, another bomb

We’re beginning to learn what life was like during the anarchist bombings of the late 19th and early 20th century:

Turkish newspaper Hurriyet is reporting that two explosions have occurred at Istanbul’s Atatürk Airport. The mayor of Istanbul has confirmed 28 deaths and 50 injuries.

Officials have confirmed that three attackers orchestrated the attack. At least one opened fire with an AK-47 firearm before detonating a suicide bomb he was wearing. Two other attackers committed suicide attacks on other areas of the airport.

Update 6:25PM EST: Authorities are now placing the death toll at closer to 50, according to the Associated Press. The AP also notes that senior Turkish officials are leaning toward the Islamic State as the possible culprits of the attack.

Imagine what it will be like if the EU grants the free movement of peoples to Turkey. Britain was wise to vote out when they did.

Go with your gut

Looks like my first instinct was correct and the Orlando shooting appears to have been gay-on-gay:

Omar Mateen, the gunman who murdered 49 people in an Orlando gay club early Sunday morning, was a gay man himself according to multiple people who knew and had met the man.

A gay man who attended the police academy in 2006 with Mateen said that the pair went out to gay bars and that at one point Mateen told the man he wanted to pursue a relationship.

Meanwhile, multiple people are now coming forward to say that they had spoken with Mateen on gay hookup apps including Grindr and Jack’d.  

The attack, which many assumed was an act of Islamic extremism, now appears to possibly be tied to Mateen’s own shame over his sexuality and investigators are now looking into this internal conflict as a possibly motive. 

The shooter’s father, Seddique Mateen, made his beliefs on gay people very clear in a video he posted to Facebook on Monday saying ‘homosexuals will be punished by God.’

ISIS meanwhile, the terrorist group some believe Mateen killed in the name of, executes gay men on a daily basis in horrific fashions.

‘He’s a homosexual and he was trying to pick up men,’ said Jim Van Horn, who called Mateen a Pulse ‘regular’ and described his approach to chatting with people in the club.

Of course, this doesn’t negate Islam as an additional motive; human beings are complicated creatures and seldom do anything for one and only one reason. But there is a genuine problem with the Muslim motive, as the Saker observes:

While most of us have now heard that Omar Mateen was a Muslim and that he had pledged allegiance to Daesh. It now turns out that he did pledged allegiance to both ISIS and Hezbollah! It might be useful to repeat here that while nominally both ISIS and Hezbollah are “Muslim”, the ISIS Takfiris consider Shia as kufars, as apostates, who betrayed true Islam and turned to idolatry. They also consider them “Iranian agents”. As for Hezbollah, they are The Number One (all in caps) enemy of Daesh/ISIS gang and they refer to these Takfiri maniacs as “devils” (shaitan). What this means is simple and leaves only a few options:

1) Either Omar Mateen knew nothing about Islam

2) Or Omar Mateen was coerced into making this statement and he deliberately made it absurd

3) Or Omar Mateen never said any such thing

Pick your favorite hypothesis, but what is darn certain is that the contents of his alleged statement leave the “Islamic theory” shattered into pieces. There is simply absolutely no way any real Muslim would simultaneously pledged allegiance to ISIS and Hezbollah at the same time.

Well, I suspect you might if you’re an unbalanced, self-hating Muslim homosexual who knows considerably less about Islamic political theology than about the bathrooms of the Orlando gay clubs. Furthermore, the Saker clearly doesn’t know much about the cruel reality of gay life, as he admits he doesn’t “believe that homosexuals are more likely to commit violent crime than heterosexuals.”

However, not only are gays more likely to commit violent crime, but when the violence of a murder is particularly over the top, the police and profilers usually assume, correctly, that the perpetrator is gay.

And all of this assumes, of course, that the Official Story is a reasonable approximation of the truth, which one can no longer reasonably assume these days.

Irreconcilable conflict

West must remain West, declares Pat Buchanan:

“East is East and West is West, and never the twain shall meet, Till Earth and Sky stand presently at God’s great Judgment Seat.”

So wrote Kipling. Islam, not only in its extremist forms but in its pure form, is incompatible with modern Western democracy.

And the conflict appears irreconcilable.

The policy that should result from this reality is that while we fight side-by-side to annihilate our common enemies, ISIS and al-Qaida, the West should give up the idea of democratization and secularization of the Islamic world.

And those who believe Islam is the one true faith, to which all of mankind must eventually submit, should be told that they are welcome as visitors — but not as immigrants. For that would ensure endless conflict.

The more Islamic the West becomes, the less it remains the West.

And really, the West could doesn’t need the visitors either. The outcome is either West becomes East, or Reconquesta 2.0. The sooner the West realizes this, the less violent it will be.

More Islam, more peace

Another Islamic shooter reported in Texas:

The Amarillo Police Department have confirmed an active shooter situation at the Walmart on I-27 and Georgia.
Police are asking the public to stay away from the area so officers can focus on the scene instead of traffic.
APD and other agencies, including the DPS helicopter, are on the scene.
Witnesses have stated that the shooter was an employee that took another employee hostage

Remember, immigrants are good for the economy!