A tale of two immigrations

An Englishman tells of his experience of immigrating to Provence, France:

More than a decade ago, long before we moved to the Loire region, my wife and I bought a 19th-century house in the heart of Carpentras, a Provencal market town with a population of 30,000, little more than a two-hour drive north of Nice.

The place had a rich history stretching back many centuries, the architectural legacy of which included a triumphal Roman arch and a magnificent gothic cathedral.

Our new home needed a lot of work, but the task seemed worth it because we could spend part of the year enjoying life in southern France. And at first our times in Carpentras seemed idyllic, wandering through market squares or sitting in a cafe under a cloudless blue sky.

But gradually, shadows began to creep across our retreat. What we had thought was a classic Provencal existence turned out to be something very different. Over the years, Carpentras underwent a dramatic change as the Muslim population grew and the town became ever more Islamified.

Although ethnic monitoring is illegal in France because it is seen as divisive and offends the concept of Gallic solidarity, it has been conservatively estimated there are at least 13,000 Muslims in the town, making up more than 40 per cent of the population.

Some have put the figure as high as 60 per cent. Two mosques, one of them a massive new block, have been established to meet the changing religious demographic. Inexorably, the streets were becoming filled with figures in Islamic dress, along with halal butchers and kebab shops.

In response to this transformation, the owner of the internet cafe opposite our house grew increasingly fervent in his support for the National Front, putting up large posters for Jean-Marie Le Pen in his windows, which were regularly smashed.

Throughout all this, we could sense that the gentleness of Provence, scented by grapes, lavender and sunflowers, was giving way to a mood of suspicion and latent threat.

One night I woke up to the smell of acrid smoke in the air. Looking out from my bedroom window, I saw to my astonishment that five cars had been set on fire in our street. On another occasion, while out in the countryside with my wife, I was menaced by a Muslim armed with scythe.

When, slightly shaken, I told this to a neighbour, who was a French army veteran, he recounted how a local Muslim had one day threatened to slit his throat.

There are now three options for France: surrender, mass deportation, and mass elimination. The French people can only choose one. Coexistence, which was their previous preference, is no longer on the table. And they will have to choose in the next ten years, because the window of opportunity for choosing is rapidly closing.

After that, there will be civil war regardless of what the French prefer, because Muslims reliably attempt to assume complete regional control once they reach a certain percentage of the population. See Nigeria for one example of that. The same thing may happen in London and several cities in the UK in the same time frame. It will also likely happen in the USA, as Americans are increasingly disinclined to repeat the French experiment with Islam and various forms of Muslim bans are already being openly discussed.

As for those who object that the mass deportations will lead to bigger government, well, it’s too late. The time to prevent that has passed, and you shouldn’t have been so blitheringly stupid as to champion mass immigration on the grounds of individual freedom of movement. Mass immigration will ALWAYS lead to bigger government one way or another, either because the immigrants demand it or because the natives demand it in response to being invaded.