Stone knows

Roger Stone is aware of the true nature of the enemy:

“I really do believe that those who are trying to undo this president, those who are trying to destroy me, trying to destroy Michael Flynn — who’s a very good man and great American patriot war hero — I do believe they’re satanic,” Stone tells Just The News in a podcast interview for The Pod’s Honest Truth. “I don’t believe that any of these people involved in my prosecution are really believers in God.” 

They are, quite literally, Satanic. The “god” they worship is “the god of this world” as opposed to the Creator, the Heavenly Father, who sent His son Jesus Christ to save Man.

The Prometheans are evil beyond anything the average individual can even comprehend. And Christianity is the only force that is capable of not only standing against them, but defeating them, which is why they are hell-bent on converging, diluting, and diverting Christians in every way possible.

The Left-Right ideological struggle is not real. Even the Nationalist-Globalist conflict is essentially a proxy for the real war, which is between Christian and Promethean, between the servants of the Creator God and the servants of the god of this world.

This cult is NOT new

Not being a Christian, the Z-Man doesn’t recognize the nature or the source of what he otherwise quite correctly perceives as a new cult of inclusion and social justice:

This cult we are seeing evolve in the empire is much more like the Cult of Reason, in that it has no gods and elevates abstract concepts like inclusion, diversity, cooperation and openness. When activist chant demands for justice, for example, they are not talking about legal justice or even moral justice. Justice is one of the many words to signify this collection of concepts at the center of the cult…. To the insider, a cult is a world where the internal rules and beliefs of the cult perfectly explain the world. To the outsider, the rules and beliefs of the cult seem amusing, bizarre or possibly dangerous. That’s what is happening in the empire. Most of us are outside this ruling class cult, so their chants, declarations and actions strike as strange and crazy. The destruction of the cities makes no sense. For the cult, these riots are purifying rituals. To outsiders, they are wanton destruction.

This may also explain the bizarre behavior over the Covid virus. It was obvious a long time ago that something other than science and a concern for public health was driving public officials to stoke the panic. The elaborate game of make believe has now been made plain. People are barred from Christian services, but BLM protests and homosexual parades are now permitted. The destruction of civil society from the top down was the elite’s version of the urban street riots.

What we may be seeing is this weird religion of inclusion and cooperation quickly morph into a suicide cult that seeks to level existing society. First the elites try to destroy society with the lock downs and elimination of personal freedom. Now the rank and file are doing their part by devastating the cities. The new faith will not rest until every trace of the old has been erased. That includes the people. Those who represent the old, with their white habits and white ideas must be destroyed.

Like those medieval peasants who woke up one day to learn their king was part of a strange new cult brought in by a couple of bald guys in dresses, normal people in the empire are seeing the mass conversion of their rulers. Just as Christianity could only tolerate the old ways for so long, this new faith is increasing intolerant of the old normal ways of American society. It now exists to expunge every trace of civil life. This cult has declared total war on the rest of us.

This cult is not new. It is a very old religion which has taken different names and forms over the centuries. It is the temple of social justice, it is the church of antiracism, it is the syncretic heresy of churchianity, holocaustianity, and judeochristianity. It is the cult of Babel, it is the religion of the Pharisees, of the Gnostics, and of the Prometheans. Jesus Christ called it the synagogue of Satan. And it all harkens back to the old promise of the snake in the Garden of Eden.

That is the very ancient lie that men will be as gods if they will only submit to the god of this world and worship him in the place of their Creator.

I can’t honestly criticize

China is cracking down on Roman Catholics:

China will enforce new restrictions on religious groups, organizations, meetings, and other related events starting on Feb 1. The country’s state-controlled media announced the new policy on Dec. 30, after Chinese authorities moved to further suppress Catholics in the Archdiocese of Fuzhou who are refusing to join the state-run Chinese Catholic Patriotic Association.

According to UCA News, the new “Administrative Measures for Religious Groups,” which consists of six sections and 41 articles, will control every aspect of religious activity within China, and will mandate that all religions and believers in China comply with regulations issued by the Chinese Communist Party, which must be acknowledged as the higher authority.

I don’t know that one can consider this a persecution of actual Christians, though. At this point, anyone who swears allegiance to the so-called Pope Francis is pretty damn suspect in my opinion. Whatever god it is that cult of grotesqueries worships, I’m fairly confident it isn’t God the Father, Jesus Christ of Nazareth, or even anything related to the Good, the Beautiful, and the True. Where is the Inquisition when you need it?

The good guys

I have to admit, I really don’t quite know where to start with the “hurr durr Vox thinks China are the good guys” crowd.

Let’s start with observing that the very formulation contains a category error. Nations and governments are not people. Therefore, they do not have friends, only interests. Nations and governments are also not moral agents. Therefore, they cannot be “good guys”, or, for that matter, “bad guys”.

This is why I detest the inevitably disastrous attempts of my intellectual inferiors to summarize my thinking.

Let me be perfectly clear: I do not think China are “the good guys”. I am aware that it is a nation ruled by the Communist Party. I am familiar with Chinese history and I am cognizant of the fact that its current rulers are persecuting Christians.

You may recall, that I picked up an East Asian Studies major to go with my Economics degree while I was at university.

However, unlike my critics, I am also aware that the Chinese governments persecutes Christians with considerably less vigor than it persecutes Tibetans, Uighurs, and corrupt government officials. In fact, it is only ranked 23rd on the list of religious persecution, and is not known to have executed a single Christian in 2020. This hardly ranks with Diocletian or North Korea.

Furthermore, who could honestly condemn a nationalist government that persecutes Christians, at least so-called Christians of the sort who are actively aiding and abetting the ongoing invasion of the West? I’d very much like to see a dedicated persecution of those Churchians myself.

Finally, I invite my critics to contemplate this conundrum: a socialist system based upon a planned economy does not work because it is unable to allocate resources effectively due to the lack of price signals, as per Mises and The Contradictions of Socialist Economies. The Chinese economy features both price signals and effective resource allocation, as well as considerable economic growth.

Discuss amongst yourselves.

The Gates of Hell will not triumph

But he’s certainly going to try to impose The Mark of the Beast on a fallen world. And no one can reasonably claim they didn’t know:

You have GOT to be kidding me, chapter 837: The enzyme that is used in the Quantum Dot ID that Bill Gates will use for the Mark of the Beast fake vaccine is called… wait for it… Luciferase.

If, at this point, you’re not a Christian, you’re either devoted to evil, blinded by evil, or you’re simply not paying any attention at all. This level of purposeful revolt against God and His Creation, the intensity of this war against the Good, the Beautiful, and the True, simply cannot be mere happenstance.

The logic defies disbelief.

“Hurting your witness”

Any self-professed Christian who uses the term “hurting your witness” in an attempt to police the behavior of Christians is almost certainly worshipping something that is not Jesus Christ.

Sadly, Christians seem to be disproportionately fooled by conspiracy theories. I’ve also said before that when Christians spread lies, they need to repent of those lies. Sharing fake news makes us look foolish and harms our witness.

We saw this in the last election when some of the troll factories focused on conservative, evangelical Christians. Here we go again.

What now?

First, we need to speak up— particularly to those fooled yet again— and lovingly say, “You need to go to trusted sources.” Social media news feeds are not a trusted source. That’s why we created, to provide credible information for pastors. But, there are plenty of credible news sources— generally from outlets that do not have a track record of conspiracy peddling.

Second, God has not called us to be easily fooled. Gullibility is not a Christian virtue. Believing and sharing conspiracies does not honor the Lord. It may make you feel better, like you are in the know, but it can end up harming others and it can hurt your witness. 

I’m not saying this guy actually has small bodies buried in his garden or has visited Epstein’s island, but it wouldn’t surprise me in the slightest to learn that he is a massive fan of Star Trek. Christians are supposed to follow the truth, and if there is one thing that we have learned over the years, it is that the truth is one thing in which “credible news sources” absolutely do not traffic. They are, in fact,  the primary factories of fake news.

You can always tell the Churchian because his primary concern is to avoid looking foolish in the eyes of the world.

He is not here

After the Sabbath, at dawn on the first day of the week, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary went to look at the tomb. There was a violent earthquake, for an angel of the Lord came down from heaven and, going to the tomb, rolled back the stone and sat on it. His appearance was like lightning, and his clothes were white as snow. The guards were so afraid of him that they shook and became like dead men.

The angel said to the women, “Do not be afraid, for I know that you are looking for Jesus, who was crucified. He is not here; he has risen, just as he said. Come and see the place where he lay. Then go quickly and tell his disciples: ‘He has risen from the dead and is going ahead of you into Galilee. There you will see him.’ Now I have told you.”

So the women hurried away from the tomb, afraid yet filled with joy, and ran to tell his disciples.  Suddenly Jesus met them. “Greetings,” he said. They came to him, clasped his feet and worshiped him. Then Jesus said to them, “Do not be afraid. Go and tell my brothers to go to Galilee; there they will see me.”
– Matthew 28: 1-10

He is risen. Have a Happy Easter.

A ferocity and intensity

This crisis is not primarily one of disease. There is a very good reason why the spiritually sensitive around the world have been reporting an increase in demonic activity worldwide:

“A great heaviness has entered into my priesthood. This time has been the biggest test of my priesthood, and I guess of my life,” said the priest, known for his cheerfulness, work ethic and devotion to Our Lady. “I do think the Evil One is hitting the priests hardest now. His number one tool is his spirit of discouragement. His M.O. is to make it seem like we’re accomplishing nothing as a priest. Why pray? Why sit by the window [for outdoor confessions] when no one comes. Why make another [senseless] video on the need for prayer during COVID-19 when no one watches? It’s like his voice says, ‘You’re worthless now as a priest – you’re detached from your people, and they aren’t praying or paying attention anyway’….

I phoned an exorcist in Washington D.C. I asked if demonic activity had increased since the Eucharist had been held back and many church doors had been locked.

“Exorcists and those gifted individuals with insights into the spiritual realm have seen more intense demonic activity now. There has been a definite uptick,” he said, “Satan’s taken advantage of this crisis to meet his own ends, It seems demons have been given a free hand now.”

I called a layperson active in the deliverance ministry, who wished to remain anonymous.

“The intensity of the suffering has increased. It’s the spirit and voice of condescension that speaks loudly now,” the individual said. “At the same time, the call to prayer is like a tsunami now. I feel like I don’t need to sleep. I just want to pray throughout the night – this seems to be the same experience of the priests I’ve been working with. There is a ferocity and intensity about what they are seeing now in the spiritual realm.”

But there is no need for despair. Is it not conflict that confirms our purpose? The more the face of evil is revealed, the more it underlines the reality, indeed, the absolute necessity, for our faith in Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

It is not those who are devoted to the Good, the Beautiful, and the True who are breaking down and crying on air. It is not those who worship at the Cross who are cracking under the strain. The demons are raging because they, their master, and his human slaves are all being defeated.

The ticket sale

Tanith Lee, the late, great dark fantasy writer, rather succinctly describes the putative appeal of the ticket to those who take it in Le Livre Safran:

“It is Lucifer, Lord Satan, who rules the world,” said the priest. “To survive here, we’re bound to worship him.”

He showed them a drawing on parchment, a rose transfixed by a dagger.

“Remember this sign. We meet here, under the old church. You will be obliged to render passwords. In time, who knows what riches and power we shall accumulate, through the favour of our Master. I myself,” he said, “survived the plague. That was his sign to me. God smote me, but Satan raised me to do his work and glorify him. You’re an artist of the City. Who spoke to you of this secret society?”

“Several,” said the young man. “But Motius the Artisan was once my tutor.”

“The magician? Yes. His house was burned up and flaming fiends carried him to Hell. You understand, there’s no escape at last. It ends in fire.”

“Hah. Yes.” The young man smiled.

“But meanwhile, a life of wishes fulfilled. His servants he never cheats. All the joys of the flesh, full dominion over others. The end is horror, but you may have three hundred years of pleasures before that payment comes due.”

Of course, even when the prince of this world purports to be telling the truth, he deceives. He ALWAYS cheats his servants; indeed, they are the only souls over whom he has total power to use and abuse as he sees fit. And when a servant ceases to be useful, he is, like Hawkins in The Dark is Rising or Harvey Weinstein in Hollywood, hurled from the Black Rider’s high horse to break upon the ground.

This is the primary danger of atheism and nihilism. These false philosophies render one susceptible to the illusion that one trades nothing for something of value when one is offered the ticket. But the reverse is considerably more close to being true.

No worries, it was destined to be

The following exchange with my old friend Jamsco amused me. Mostly because I was pretty sure we’d been over this before. Keep in mind we’ve known each other since we were children and he is one of the two early Selenoth readers, so we are pretty straightforward with each other.

VD: It’s always easy to detect the inversionists. They cannot tell the truth because, knowingly or not, they serve the Father of Lies. Piper’s words directly belie the words of Jesus Christ himself. That tells you everything you need to know about the man and his teachings.

JS: I suspect, Vox, that if you actually read Piper’s devotional you’d (1) agree with 85{de336c7190f620554615b98f51c6a13b1cc922a472176e2638084251692035b3} of it, and (2) see that the above description is whole inaccurate and deceptive.

VD: Every single thing of Piper’s I’ve read to date has not only been materially wrong, but egregiously so to the point of being insulting to the intelligence. I still haven’t forgotten how tornadoes are the murderous fingers of the Jesus Christ as he slays the innocent and the wicked alike as per God’s perfect plan.

JS: I see you haven’t forgotten it, nor did you learn it from him. He said nothing of the sort. Read it again. Confirmation bias is real.

VD: You claimed that Piper “said nothing of the sort”, Jamsco. That may or may not be true. But he certainly WROTE it.

“Why would God reach down his hand and drag his fierce fingers across rural America, killing at least 38 people with 90 tornadoes in 12 states, and leaving some small towns with scarcely a building standing, including churches?

“God alone has the last say in where and how the wind blows. If a tornado twists at 175 miles an hour and stays on the ground like a massive lawnmower for 50 miles, God gave the command.

“Jesus rules the wind. The tornadoes were his.

“But before Jesus took any life in rural America, he gave his own on the rugged cross.”

JS: I didn’t know he’d written this. Obviously I agree with what he says here (and I think it’s biblical), but you’re correct – he wrote it.

Just to be fair to Jamsco, I will point out that the fact that I previously posted on the subject doesn’t mean that he read that post. Also, I have not read the referenced devotional, and so it is possible that the description to which I reacted is inaccurate and deceptive. I tend to doubt it on the basis of every previous reading of his writings, but I admit that it is possible.

And no, I’m not going to bother to check, because I was neither created nor destined to take the man seriously. I am content to leave it up to you, gentle readers, to adjudicate the truth of the matter.