They’ve been busy

It’s great to see how David Lambert and Alexandra Hollingshead, among others, have been so totally absorbed with reading all my books over the holidays….

It’s a good thing Goodreads banned the Rabid Puppies group or people might engage in an organized effort to attack authors by lowering their ratings!

This is why we need to establish non-converged cultural institutions and ruthlessly work to keep the SJWs out of them. SJWs will always stack the deck and do their very best to use whatever power they can obtain, be it petty or significant, in the interest of forcing social justice on society. And anyone who challenges their Narrative will not only be attacked, but silenced, and stripped of their ability to defend themselves or respond in kind, to the extent that the SJWs are able to do that.

“Society should treat all equally well who have deserved equally well of it, that is, who have deserved equally well absolutely. This is the highest abstract standard of social and distributive justice; towards which all institutions, and the efforts of all virtuous citizens should be made in the utmost degree to converge.”
 —John Stuart Mill, Utilitarianism, 1861

Fortunately, efforts on several fronts are already underway, and your help will be needed on some of them. We’ll be having the January Brainstorm as soon as I get a time and date from the panelist I’ve selected, and we’ll be discussing the current state of the project I’ve chosen as my top priority as well as the panelist’s upcoming project.

It’s going to be short notice, so be prepared for that.

UPDATE: By the way, note that for all their posturing, SJWs clearly hate it when you call out their reviews for the ideological trash that they are.

I do suspect you’re a fake profile, much like some of the other lice which crawled all over my reviews of Day’s stuff.

Always hit back twice as hard. Remember, they are fragile creatures of little accomplishment; in many cases these attack “reviews” are their only sources of pride.

Better than the story

Quite possibly longer as well. This is an epic review of “If You Were a Dinosaur, My Love”:

I thought it was cool that the girl narrator loves dinosaurs so much. I
mean, really, who doesn’t love dinosaurs? Especially the T-Rex. The
Biggest, Meanest Big Bad of the Big Bads. Awesome. Well, ok, a five foot
ten inch T-Rex. So not the biggest, but at least the meanest right? And
she feeds it live meat and it’s gory, so still cool, right?

the T-Rex starts singing lullabies, and performing musical theater.
Then it gets married. Whoa. What happened? That’s not the Biggest,
Meanest Big Bad of the Big Bads – that’s Hugh Jackman! Which would still
be cool if it was Wolverine Hugh Jackman, but it’s not. It’s The Boy from Oz
Hugh Jackman. The gay Hugh Jackman. Not that there’s anything wrong
with being gay. I love gay men. Well, I mean, not like that, I enjoy gay
– yes, people, gay people. They’re wonderful.

So just as my
attention starts to wander and I’m thinking about Hugh in all his tight
glitter clothes and sparkley man glory, well, then suddenly the story
twists into this awesome piece of violent dinosaur revenge porn! Just
like Man on Fire with Denzel, but toothier!

Now it’s
got me again, Hugo award for sure! Men soaked in gin and malice? Oh,
yeah, baby, bring me some of that! Ah, I mean, what a beautiful word
picture. Men, gin, malice… mmmm… beautiful. So now there is blood
everywhere, evil cackling laughter, widows and orphans – wooo! I’m out
of my seat cheering on the five foot ten inch T-Rex – and then she’s
back talking about a wedding again for gosh sakes. And it’s not even a
blood soaked Carrie kinda wedding, but a green chiffon wedding – does Hugh have green eyes? I guess I’ve never looked at his eyes.

we find out that the narrator actually hates her fiance because he’s a
pussy who can’t win a bar fight! In her imagination she loved this
awesome man mincing T-Rex that waded through pools of revenge blood but
in real life he was just… a disappointment. He wasn’t the bar fight
winning, beer drinking, tattooed, six foot six inch, 300 pound Hells
Angel alpha male she wanted, just some New York hipster in skinny jeans
who couldn’t take a pool cue across the face.

She wrote this
whole story to rip away the tiny bit of masculinity her fiance still
possessed. A masculinity wax job. That. Is. Cold. I mean, not every man
can be Wolverine Hugh Jackman, but please, why does she hate gay Hugh
Jackman so much?

5 Stars for awesome dinosaur revenge porn – minus 4 stars for the homophobia.

Kindle Monthly Deal

I’d meant to mention this on Monday, but I was a little distracted by putting the final editing touches on Cuckservative: How “Conservatives” Betrayed America, then by the San Bernardino Climate Change Event that had absolutely nothing to do with Islam, which, by the way, means “peace”. I think we can all agree that the recent Climate Change Events in Paris and San Bernardino only demonstrate the vital importance of the global climate accords in Paris.

But before the focus shifts to Cuckservative – and I’m confident it will, one early reviewer says “You hit this one out of the park” – I would be remiss if I failed to mention that Amazon selected SJWAL “for a Kindle Monthly Deal on both and, running 1-31 December.” So, if you’re in the UK or Australia, the price of the Kindle version has been significantly discounted.

However, despite SJWAL being pushed by Amazon, there may be some hinky business taking place with regards to whoever is overseeing the reviews:

A while back I wrote a five-star review of your book on Amazon. They
still haven’t ‘approved’ it. As a test, I wrote new one tonight for [another Amazon product] I had bought. It was approved within minutes.

Regardless, you penned a wonderful book and I enjoyed it immensely. It
really opened my eyes and changed my attitude…which had largely been
defeatist toward the SJWs.

Two other detailed reviews have been posted recently, one by J.D. Bentley:

I knew nothing about Vox Day a couple weeks ago when his book, SJWs Always Lie: Taking Down the Thought Police, was recommended to me by Amazon. The title of the book caught my attention, but the cover even more so: an innocent, amiable smiley face bearing a forked tongue, incredibly suitable symbolism for SJWs who bully with their venomous pseudo-compassion, and insatiable thirst for the glow of self-righteousness and moral superiority. 

It’s always good to know which covers are effective and which are not. And there is also a review by Death Metal Underground; apparently the metal scene is also undergoing an entryist attack by SJWs:

The information in this book will be useful to metal band members and concert organizers who are the targets of SJW attacks. Vox demonstrates, using numerous examples of attacks, that the worst thing these targets can do is apologise, as doing so simply hands the attackers “a confession to bolster their indictment.” In fact, if one learns only a single thing from this book, it should be that SJWs can’t be reasoned with at all: do not engage them in good faith, do not expect them to be honest in any way, and just plain do not take them seriously. This should come naturally to members of an artistic movement fascinated with aggression and violence. And yet, #metalgate has shown us that heavy metal is in the SJWs’ crosshairs.

Both reviews demonstrate the importance of continuing to review, tweet, and talk about books like SJWAL and Cuckservative, because a) one never knows how the word is going to leap from one insular community to the next, and b) they have practical applications in those other communities that are beyond anyone’s ability to readily foresee. For example, it doesn’t surprise me that OSS leaders like Robert Rosario and esr would find SJWAL to be useful because I know the OSS communities are under attack. But heavy metal? North Heights Lutheran Church?

It’s one thing to say any community is potentially vulnerable to SJW entryism, and another to actually see the vast extent of it. In any event, the recent reappearance of more one-star fake reviews is a good sign that it is beginning to penetrate new circles.

Speaking of the upcoming new release, if you want in on the bonus books (one of which, I will warn you, is a spectacularly and hilariously vulgar anarcho-libertarian spin on the music industry), be sure to sign up for the mailing list on the left sidebar.

Book Review: Danger & Play: Essays on Embracing Masculinity

Mike Cernovich is an interesting man. He combines the energy and up-with-people positivity of a perma-smiling pro seminar presenter with a laid-back personality of a California surfer. He’s both a lawyer and ex-military, but it’s hard to detect even the smallest sign of either aspect of his background. I met him for the first time in Paris this summer, as we co-hosted the GGinParis event with Milo, who at the time was the common link between us. (One thing people often don’t realize about Milo is that he excels at putting people in touch with each other.) Mike and I hit it off right away; it didn’t hurt that his fiance Shauna also happened to hit it off well with Spacebunny. And while I was aware of his health-and-fitness thing – the man is not only big, but he is an inveterate walker as well – I hadn’t actually read his blog. And since I never listen to podcasts, I wasn’t familiar with his popular Danger & Play podcast either.

But after having the chance to hang out with Mike and Shauna again in Spain, then reading Mike’s Gorilla Mindset and discovering the inspirational, if literally bone-chilling magic of the contrast shower, I was looking forward to reading his new book of essays, Danger & Play: Essays on Embracing Masculinity, which are largely taken from his blog posts. They were entirely new to me, and I was, frankly, surprised to discover that it was in many ways more directly relevant to me and my objectives than Gorilla Mindset. This makes sense, actually, since mindset has never been a problem or a challenge for me, whereas a number of the issues that Mike addresses in the new book have been one or the other.

In fact, I found myself repeatedly highlighting various passages in the book as I was reading it in the gym, including the following:

  • If you’re a momentum type, your brashness and boldness creates opportunity but also leads to costly mistakes.

  • Unless I bow down to the SJWs I will always be under attack. I’ll always be a “bad” person. Only the complete and total surrender of your soul will placate the SJWs who went after Matt Taylor. That’s not going to happen.

  • Cast aside any aspirations of mainstream acceptance, unless you’re willing to crawl on your knees before Gawker.

  • Making money ethically is a sure sign that you are delivering value and goodwill to the world.

  • learn how to focus on vision rather than on what you’re afraid of.

  • The little people, the flunkies, the peons: they are the ones that want to cut you down. The big guys, they respect the audacity.

  • Think like no one else thinks by noticing what no one else notices.

Now, one might be tempted to dismiss the book as a collection of cheerleading platitudes, except for the fact that the platitudes are the direct conclusions drawn from the experiences that Mike is recounting. He isn’t blithely quoting someone when he cites “Patton or some Prussian general” in advising audacity; he clearly doesn’t even know where the quote originates! Instead, and more importantly, he is summarizing what he learned from the various experiences recounted and what you can therefore apply to your own life.

(As it happens, the famous aphorism was coined by Georges Danton, the French revolutionary: De l’audace, encore de l’audace, toujours de l’audace. Mike was fortunate to avoid citing him as an example, however, considering that Danton was eventually beheaded by the Jacobins.)

Far from being a criticism, though, this is actually an example of the book’s fundamental strength. It is focused on deeds, not words, action, not reflection, practice, not plans. It doesn’t matter in the least who said what when, the point is that the reader needs to learn to be audacious in the way Patton and Rommel and Mike himself succeeded by being audacious. For those who are given to spending all their time planning, wishing, and dreaming instead of doing, this book should act as a direct shot of adrenaline.

Mike’s literary persona is not an intellectual one. It is, rather, that of a big brother, telling his little brother to stop being such a jackass, stop uselessly spinning his wheels, and do what big brother’s experience suggests will work for him instead. If self-help writers were NFL coaches, Mike Cernovich would be Bill Belichick. Do your job. Don’t worry about the other guy. Just focus and do your fucking job!

Which leads me to the one weakness of the book: the language. It’s not a book you would necessarily want to give to a young man under the age of 18. The saltiness and worldliness of the book is not inappropriate, nor is it particularly offensive by modern standards, but it does tend to preclude giving it to teenagers or putting it in your local school library. I didn’t hesitate to have my son read Gorilla Mindset, I would probably wait until he was 18 or 19 to have him read Danger & Play: Essays on Embracing Masculinity.

Nevertheless, I will definitely have him read it when the time comes because the lessons it contains are that important. I firmly believe that if I had read it at 18, I would have avoided several significant mistakes, including the single biggest one of my life, which was not dropping out of college after my third semester there. Because if there is one lesson the reader learns from the book, it is that doing things simply because everyone else does them that way is the most certain path to mediocrity, frustration, and failure.

It burns! It burns!

SJWs are very, very unhappy about the fact that people are being exposed to SJWs ALWAYS LIE:

ByNome D. Gerron October 29, 2015
0 of 1 people found this review helpful

this is a scree of vindictiveness and self promotion. Somehow, probably in a manner akin to the almost success in awarding himself a people’s s/f trophy, this time waster appears in too many (and too many completely unrelated) categories of kindle recommendations. for example, just today, this book was pimped to me three times: in Moro history, in adaptionics and in economics. Motivated by apparent personal animosity, this book is gaming kindle.

There is is. Third law of SJW: SJWs Always Project.

It is interesting, though. We know for a fact that there are SJWs inside Amazon; it is another asymmetric battlefield where the rules are interpreted against us. But perhaps it is not quite as entirely enemy-controlled ground as we assumed.

But since this fake review is an open attempt at gaming Amazon, you know what to do.

Free delivery worldwide

“The most dangerous book in America”, SJWs Always Lie, is now available at BookDepository.

In case you’re still on the fence about reading it, it is also reviewed at Kairos:

The book was originally conceived as a polemic, but the end result is
more like a field guide to navigating the SJW-riddled minefields of
Western academia, business, and media. Vox shares accounts of people who
lost their employment and reputations to social justice witch hunts,
walks the reader through a step by step analysis of the SJW attack
sequence, and offers actionable advice for what to do when you come
under fire for alleged violations of ever-shifting social justice

In reading SJWAL, it fascinated me how much SJWs’ elitist, polarizing, and unaccountable attitudes resemble those of a cult.
This observation is consistent with the fact that all malignant
ideologies now threatening Western civilization are Christian heresies
to some degree.

Heresy isn’t simply untruth. It’s a truth unhinged from other balancing
truths and exaggerated out of proportion. Pelagianism was the
overemphasis on human will to the exclusion of grace. Arianism focused
on Christ’s divine Sonship to the point of denying His divinity.
Similarly, the SJW cult absolutizes social justice while rejecting the
immutable nature from which human rights are derived.

The mental state required to embrace such a self-contradictory worldview
is responsible for Vox’s First Law of SJWs and the title of his book.
Because they believe that adopting an irrational ideology makes them
morally superior to everyone else, SJWs have no qualms about lying to
advance their goals. This includes smearing, libeling, and falsely accusing others.

SJWAL‘s most valuable public service has been sounding a wake-up
call to ordinary people whose well-meant misconception that SJWs could
be reasoned or compromised with allowed their witch hunts to gain so
much traction.

Meanwhile, having been roundly trounced on the rhetorical front, SJWs are trying to think of what they can call us. Presumably besides “racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, bigot hater”.

The Most Dangerous Book in America

A new book review of SJWs Always Lie:

It begins with a primer on the forces of intolerance and thought control that are currently active in today’s society, and provides a revealing look at the hearts and minds of those at the forefront of shutting down open and honest debate. It uses the on-going saga of GamerGate to provide an in-depth analysis of one front in the culture war, and to illustrate the standard playbook of those who prosecute the modern day Salem Witch Trials. The book then segues into effective counter-strategies that can be used against them. Generally the counter-strategies are defensive in nature, but if practiced on a wide-spread scale by individuals and small groups, they result in a powerful offensive strategy capable of pushing back against the totalitarians in our midst.

While the background and tactical studies portions of the book are worth the cover price, the real value of this book lies in its clarion call to like-minded individuals who have long been silenced by the insidious tactics of those who would outlaw dissent. The seemingly endless string of successes by those who support destructive public policies can often lead to feelings of resignation and cynicism among those who oppose the modern day tyranny of censorship, but this book underlain by an energizing message of hope and optimism meant to inspire the reader to fight the good fight, and by that measure it is a wild success.

It may not directly inspire an earth-shaking demonstration that single-handedly changes the world, but it is easy to imagine “SJWs Always Lie” inspiring countless acts of quiet resistance that together add up to a powerful and undeniable pushback against the entire culture of thought-crimes. In that way, this book helps serve as a bellows heating up the spark of freedom that still lurks in the hearts of all men, which – if we are lucky – will fan the flames of an honest debate between those who hold a defense of truth, real justice, and the American way against those who believe the spread of lies, false justice, and slavery are virtues.

Book club invite

The Goy Luck Club is reading SJWs Always Lie and has invited VP members to take part in the discussions if anyone is interested:

Vox Day, The Supreme Dark Lord of the Evil Legion of Evil, has been is a science fiction writer for Castalia House, and was purged by the Science Fiction Writers of America by SJW’s for having naughty thoughts (sound familiar?). Since then, he has devoted part of his blogging to fighting back against the SJW’s in the Hugo Awards and in the Culture War. By organizing some of his readership, which he calls the Evil Legion of Evil, he is successfully getting SJW’s to burn down the Hugo Awards, a group that has been infested with SJW’s for 20+ years. He has accomplished this by getting them to vote for “No Award” for the various book awards, so the books he and his supporters nominate (The Sad Puppies slate) will not win the awards.

The book we will be reading is called SJW’s Always Lie.

For the first reading starting today (10/16/15) and ending next Friday (10/23/15), we will be reading chapters 1-5.

I will also be doing a closed Brainstorm event after the reading for those who take part and will be taking questions from readers about the book. And yes, speaking of a reading group, I do need to finish up the quizzes for A History of Strategy. And speaking of SJWs Always Lie, this review from M-Zed is both characteristic and extremely complimentary, considering:

Even Despite Our Differences, A Strong Book
By Michael Z. Williamson on October 15, 2015

I review this as an ardent anti-Voxxer, who has argued with him many times. The man is a troll, a self-aggrandizing narcissist, and woefully ignorant of science.

However, in the field of philosophy and debate, there are few better in this market. He understands clearly the tactical use of dialectic and rhetoric, and that arguing facts against someone who refuses to accept them is pointless.

The key to arguing with such people is to recognize, evade, and turn their own tactics upon themselves, so they are forced into their own corners. And, may I suggest, it’s very useful for dealing with annoying exes who attempt to obfuscate at every opportunity.

It is well worth the money to learn how to debate with the unreasonable.

It’s wonderful to have fans and supporters, but there are few compliments more sincere or satisfying than one from a dedicated foe. Obviously M-Zed and I have our differences, a considerable quantity of differences, but what I like about him is that he’s not afraid to speak his mind, for better or for worse.

Appendix N: conclusions

Jeffro has completed the initial pass of his quixotic masterpiece. Some of his conclusions:

  • Tolkien’s ascendancy was not inevitable. It’s really a fluke that he even became the template for the modern fantasy epic.
  • A half dozen authors would have easily been considered on par with Tolkien in the seventies.
  • Our concept of “Tolkienesque” fantasy has little to do with Tolkien’s actual work. Likewise, the “Lovecraftian” stories and games of today have little to do with what Lovecraft actually wrote. Our concepts of swords and sorcery have had the “weird” elements removed from them for the most part. Next to the giants of the thirties, just about everything looks tamed and watered down.
  • Entire genres have been all but eliminated. The majority of the Appendix N list falls under either planetary romance, science fantasy, or weird fiction. Most people’s readings of AD&D and OD&D are done without a familiarity of these genres.
  • Science fiction and fantasy were much more related up through the seventies. Several Appendix N authors did top notch work in both genres. Some did work that could be classified as neither.
  • It used to be normal for science fiction and fantasy fans to read books that were published between 1910 and 1977. There was a sense of canon in the seventies that has since been obliterated.
  • Modern fandom is now divorced from its past in a way that would be completely alien to game designers in the seventies. They had no problem synthesizing elements from classics, grandmasters of the thirties, and new wave authors.
  • Ideological diversity in science fiction and fantasy was a given in the seventies. We are hopelessly homogenistic in comparison to them.
  • The program of political correctness of the past several decades has made even writers like Ray Bradbury and C. L. Moore all but unreadable to an entire generation. The conditioning is so strong, some people have almost physical reactions to the older stories now.

And at Castalia House, Jeffro has posted a not-unrelated retrospective on the topic of Tolkien’s influence on Dungeons & Dragons:

This list has been held up as conclusive evidence of Tolkien’s
influence on the formation of original D&D.² Taking all of the
game’s influences into account it’s just not that convincing, however.
Certainly, players of this rule set would have been able to recreate The
Battle of Five Armies and The Battle of the Morannon. And unlike
anything you’d see in the coming D&D rule sets, Bard the Hunter’s
ability to take out a flying dragon with a single shot is accounted for
here. But while wraiths here are clearly inspired by the Nazgul, raising
the morale of their allies, causing their foes to make morale checks,
and paralyzing men with fear, these special abilities also failed
to survive the transition from miniatures supplement to role-playing

Other staples of the D&D zeitgeist are in evidence even at this
early juncture: the chromatic dragons are out in force, along with the
chlorine gas breathing variety from the de Camp and Pratt’s The Roaring Trumpet.
The clearest example of Tolkien’s diluted authority in Gygax’s views
would be in the matter of Trolls. “What are generally referred to as
Trolls are more properly Ogres,” he explains. To Gygax, “true Trolls”
are more in line with the one in Poul Anderson’s Three Hearts and Three Lions.
Similarly, the wizards of the Chainmail Fantasy Supplement are unlike
anything from Tolkien’s corpus; they unleash “Cloudkill” on enemy
armies, create hallucinatory terrain, “haste” friendly units while
“slowing” enemies, and disrupt the opposing force’s command and control
with “confuse”. Tolkien’s stark contrasts between good and evil are
replaced with Poul Anderson’s and Michael Moorcock’s Law to Chaos
alignment spectrum, with the most surprising implication of this
system being that the question of whether Elves will come in on the side
of Halflings or Wraiths is determined entirely by the roll of the dice!

It’s very easy for wargamers to see the wargaming roots that underlie all role-playing games, but rather less easy for non-wargamers to recognize them. This is actually something I cover in my game development course; the students tend to be very fascinated to see how one can trace the developmental lineage of some of today’s biggest games all the way back to the arcade games of the 1980s. As for literature, I always find it amusing when people assert that Warhammer was an influence on Selenoth because I don’t play Warhammer or any miniatures games nor have I ever read even a single book from the Black Library. The influences they think they are seeing actually stem from board-and-counter games that influenced both Games Workshop and me.

Selenoth began life as a wargame called “Warleader” which was my attempt to write rules for Fantasy Advanced Squad Leader. Perhaps one day I’ll return to it.

Speaking of Castalia House, we are looking for some more high-quality writers to join Jeffro, Morgan, and Daniel there, but we are only interested in potential contributors who already have a blog and a track record. If you’re a book reviewer or a game writer interested in expanding your audience, touch base.

    Fourmilog review

    John Walker reviews SJWs Always Lie at None Dare Call It Reason:

    This book is a superbly written history of GamerGate and the revolt against SJWs in science fiction and fantasy writers’ associations and fandom, but also provides deep insight into the seriously dysfunctional world of the SJW and advice about how to deal with them and what to do if you find yourself a target. The tactics of the SJWs are laid bare, and practical advice is given as to how to identify SJWs before they enter your organisation and how to get rid of them if they’re already hired. (And get rid of them you must; they’re like communists in the 1930s–1950s: once in place they will hire others and promote their kind within the organisation. You have to do your homework, and the Internet is your friend—the most innocuous co-worker or prospective employee may have a long digital trail you can find quickly with a search engine.)

    There is no compromising with these people. That has been the key mistake of those who have found themselves targeted by SJWs. Any apology will be immediately trumpeted as an admission of culpability, and nothing less than the complete destruction of the career and life of the target will suffice. They are not well-meaning adversaries; they are enemies, and you must, if they attack you, seek to destroy them just as they seek to destroy you. Read Alinsky; they have. I’m not suggesting you call in SWAT raids on their residences, dig up and release damaging personal information on them, or make anonymous bomb threats when they gather. But be aware that they have used these tactics repeatedly against their opponents.

    You must also learn that SJWs have no concern for objective facts. You can neither persuade nor dissuade them from advancing their arguments by citing facts that falsify their claims. They will repeat their objectively false talking points until they tire you out or drown out your voice. You are engaging in dialectic while they are employing rhetoric. To defeat them, you must counter their rhetoric with your own rhetoric, even when the facts are on your side.

    The word is spreading. I appreciate the efforts some of you have been making to bring the book to the attention of those with platforms to reach potential readers that I cannot.

    And an Amazon reviewer asked a question that merited a response:

    Very funny, but why get embroiled in fights with crazy people in the first place? You can’t win, they are not open to logic, and nobody benefits one way or the other. Some SJWs will grow up and realize their silliness, but others, like the hags of N.O.W., never change or advance. The general public is oblivious, and always will be.

    Why? Because you can’t avoid them. They are on the Long March through the institutions and organizations of the West and they will attack everyone who does not submit to the Narrative. They are not open to logic, but you can win and I am living proof that you can benefit from standing up to them and defeating them.

    And while the general public is oblivious, it will not always be. There is absolutely no reason for defeatism when until recently, most of us didn’t even realize they have been attacking and undermining Western civilization for over 150 years. We not only CAN win, we WILL win because reality always reimposes itself in the end.