The end of anti-racism

I’m not sure what is funnier, Day Above Ground’s song Asian Girlz or the hysterical reaction of the Huffington Post and all right-thinking anti-raciss individuals to it:

Today in horrible people doing horrible things: Day Above Ground released a song called “Asian Girlz,” and it’s about as bad way worse than you could possibly imagine. Judging by the reactions, “Asian Girlz” is either the most racist thing ever or just the most racist thing you’ll see all day.

Here’s what happens in the music video: The band is trapped in a bird cage while an Asian model strips out of a prim outfit to reveal lingerie and tattoos, while said band sings about things like fried rice and “buttf–king all night.” As Buzzfeed noted, the fourth verse is actually just a list of Asian stereotypes. While this is happening, every member of the band goes on a date with an Asian girl, nights chronicled in Polaroid snapshots. THEN, the model in question picks up the bird cage and takes it (and the band) to the bathroom where she — of course — draws a bubble bath and lets the miniature non-musicians out for a dive into the water….

Not only is there plenty of racist stuff to get one’s blood boiling, there’s also this actual lyric: “17 or 23, it doesn’t matter to me!”

Speaking as an East Asian Studies major, an Official Person of Color with an Asian grandfather, and a Japanese scientist, all I have to say is that the song is hilarious.  Especially the little pseudo-Chinese keyboard riff.  As for the stereotypes, they exist for a reason

It is observable that whites in general, and young white males in particular, are increasingly over the idea that racism is the worse of all possible evils.  And now that diversity is a central tenet of the establishment, it should come as no surprise that the young and rebellious fail to regard it as the holy of holies.

“Men have gone berserk”

Who could have possibly seen the likelihood of young men going berserk in a society where sex ratios are increasingly out of whack?

Ranjana Kumari of the Centre for Social Research think tank said there had been 127 rape cases registered in Delhi alone since the fatal December assault on the student.

“It is absolutely shocking and speaks volumes on how Indian society is treating women. The men have gone totally berserk. We’re feeling frustrated and in despair. What must we do to change their mentality? Women are becoming more vulnerable,” she said.

Women were being attacked even when they were with their husbands or male friends – and foreigners, previously regarded as less at risk, are also being targeted…. This latest gang rape is one of dozens reported in the Indian press since the December rape and murder shocked the nation and plunged it into a period of national soul searching.

It came just days after the Indian cabinet supported a new law to impose tougher sentences for rape and sexual assault, including the death penalty for cases where the victim dies or is left in a persistent vegetative state. 

Note that the problem in India is actually getting considerably worse despite the advance of sexual equality in Indian society that the feminists believe will solve everything.  As we’ve learned to expect, feminism wreaks societal devastation even in the process of supposedly offering a means of improvement.  In this case, it is the pro-abortion position that is leading to more rapes in India.

“According to the decennial Indian census, the sex ratio in the 0-6 age group in India went from 104.0 males per 100 females in 1981, to 105.8 in 1991, to 107.8 in 2001, to 109.4 in 2011. The ratio is significantly higher in certain states such as Punjab and Haryana (126.1 and 122.0, as of 2001).”

Anyone with more than half a brain has been expecting serious problems out of China and India since Western technology gave them abortion and the means of prenatal sex identification.  The world is quite fortunate that India’s excess male population appears to be inclined to occupy itself in pursuit of gang rape, considering that the more customary outlet is foreign invasion.

Of course, John Scalzi doesn’t rape due to sex ratios, John Scalzi rapes women, because, as he explains: “I will tell you one of the details about why I do it: I like to control women and, also and independently, I like to remind them how little control they have.”