Of criticism and envy

Here is something you should probably consider before resorting to the same stupid equation of criticism with envy that I have literally witnessed a certain type of individual making here on this blog for 15 years. It tells everyone that envy is a particular weakness of your own. In fact, when you criticize someone, or when you accuse someone of something, you are betraying information about yourself that others can read very clearly.

For some reason, this always seems to escape the gammas and the alphas of the world.

The strange thing, from my perspective, is that if you follow the logic of some of my critics, I should never criticize anyone for anything. If I criticize someone who is less well-known, then I am engaged in bullying and directed social media mobbing. If I criticize someone who is better-known, then I am merely exhibiting envy and am inspired solely by jealousy.

Now, what sort of individual habitually tries to set up this “heads I win, tails you lose” scenario? The delusional secret kings, of course. The telling thing, of course, is that there is never any attempt to even consider if the criticism is correct, let alone justified, it’s always “do not pass go, do not collect $200, go direct to discredit and disqualify”. It is pure gamma rhetoric.

There is literally not a single individual I have criticized, from PZ Myers to John Scalzi to George RR Martin to Ben Shapiro to Sam Harris to Richard Dawkins to Richard Spencer, of whom I have not been immediately accused of being jealous or envious.

As one observer recently noted:

Interesting to see the litany of tactics they used to try to discredit you or trick you into making a mistake. They go to them because against the average person they work very well. They’re trying to bait you into something they can latch onto then discredit you.

But here is the thing. I’ve had different people attempting to use the same tactics for 15 years. They didn’t work then. They won’t work now. What these inept little anklebiters engaged on their never-ending crusade of futility do not grasp is that intellectual integrity is its own reward. To paraphrase Liam Neeson in Rob Roy, it is a man’s gift to himself.

I am not saying that I am innocent of envy. But you do not understand me if you think I envy any e-celebrity, media figure, popular author, or talking head. You do not understand me at all.

The fall of the academy

How very embarrassing! The bitter little gamma that I repeatedly corrected back in 2016 concerning his inability to correctly grasp Aristotelian rhetoric turns out to be a philosophy professor. That certainly explains why “he seems to have a basic knowledge of the technical aspects without understanding their basic purpose or how they can be utilized.”

Long-time Mad Genius Club readers are familiar with Camestros — often dubbed Cameltoe, by those who’ve dickered with the man in the comments sections of various libertarian and conservative SF/F author blogs — mainly for his outsized ego, and a penchant for assuming he is several orders of magnitude more intelligent than not only the host(s) of the blogs he trolls, but also the comment participants to boot.

Put simply, Felapton is the proverbial pouting basement genius — because the universe is not sufficiently moved by his Brobdingnagian intellect.

Small wonder, then, that Camestros Felapton is actually Toby Meadows, a philosophy-slash-humanities PhD presently employed at the University of Queensland, Australia. Also, Toby Meadows is the spouse of Australian SF/F gadfly and left-wing political activist Foz Meadows.

Foz Meadows is the woman who falsely accused me of being a National Socialist at Black Gate and then at Amazing Stories. Quite the pair of midwits, they are.

Oh dear. In addition to violating Facebook’s name policy, Camestros appears to have violated his university’s code of conduct. “Staff must not engage in conduct that amounts to or may be perceived as harassment.” He has certainly engaged in conduct that amounts to harassment with regards to me. Just look up his many, many references to “Vox Day” on either his blog or File 770. There are hundreds.

Camestros claims he is not Toby Meadows. Unfortunately, he lies far too often to simply take his word for it. Fortunately, there is an easy way to determine whether he is or not, which is to let the university investigate the truth of the matter.

Cuckservative racists

Why do cuckservatives who reflexively cringe in fear and wet themselves every time a man demands they call him a woman, and angrily denounce even the softest criticism of a Black as racist, a Jew as anti-semitic, and a woman as sexist somehow believe it is perfectly acceptable to mock and deny the ethnic heritage of American Indians?

This behavior is really reprehensible on the part of Capn Cuckings, who is projecting as shamelessly as any SJW ever has.

Vox is an American Indian. I’m sure he will be amused to learn that Capn Cummings thinks he is a white nationalist.

Capn Cummings
Yeah, he’s 12{97fd97520de31cde0b26d0c2f59922f7376b6ca8a53cb12ed2e4a6df0b8f3453} Cherokee

You know, we really don’t need proposed allies like these. No one does. First, that one comment would be enough to get him fired from Marvel or DC, or Short Fuse, for that matter, and I am reliably informed that there is No Place for such Behavior in the Comics Industry. Second, I am not Cherokee. Third, I am unquestionably an American Indian by both DNA and genealogy, as everyone who has ever met my family or even seen pictures of it can confirm. Have you ever noticed that absolutely none of my friends, family, or acquaintances have ever surfaced to contest anything I have ever said on the subject? Fourth, African-Americans are not pure Black and Ashkenazim are not pure Jews, so does he similarly deny their ethnic identities? And fifth, in what organization is this “Capn” a captain, the race police?

We live in a very strange time when we are supposed to unquestionably accept that a man is a woman just because he wears a skirt, a human female is a Yellow-Scaled Wingless Dragonkin just because she says so, two men, three women, or six goldfish are “married” just because five justices say so, but nevertheless feel free to insist that a mixed-race American Indian is not an Indian at all even when all the genetic science, legal precedents and genealogical documents support the assertion.

But it is more than reprehensible, it is downright tragic to see Americans mock mixed-race American Indians and deny the existence of their Indian heritage when their own country has been under mass invasion by the Third World for more than 50 years and is already not much more than half-white. Note that just three generations will be sufficient for Capn Cuckings’s great-grandchildren to be as little “white” as he claims that I am “Cherokee”.

Pretty sure it won’t be

Ethan Van Sciver’s fourth video and counting about QUANTUM MORTIS A Man Disrupted #1: By the Book and me. Which, by the way, is still the #2 New Release in Kindle Comics & Graphics, just behind Marvel’s Darth Vader #10. I have no idea what he’s going on about now, as I didn’t bother watching it. But perhaps it will prove entertaining if this sort of thing amuses you.

The good news is that due to the unexpected success of our first release, I can announce that BOTH of Arkhaven’s first two digital comics will be released on a monthly schedule for the foreseeable future. RIGHT HO, JEEVES #1: A Binge at Brinkley will be out later this month and QUANTUM MORTIS A Man Disrupted #2: Zero Zero Tango, will be out in February. The first print editions are still expected to appear in February.

We will also be making an announcement about a second comics imprint soon. And about the ability to preorder the following.

They really don’t know who you are

The Internet is a big place. A very big place. So big, in fact, that you can go repeatedly through multiple rounds of “don’t they know… no, I guess they really don’t” no matter how much traffic you happen to build up the years.

And the one thing that I would point out here is that all those people named have HUGE platforms. IDK if Vox has a different avenue besides his bog, but only roughly 1000 people seem to read it, based off the number on the side.  That made me think that maybe he was alt right.  I understand the point tho.
– Capn Cummings

Yeah, that number on the side is just a little misleading. The actual pageviews today: 100,387. The actual pageviews yesterday: 105,373. That will work out to be about 2.8 million for the month, which is pretty much the new normal.

Never trust a moderate

They aren’t on your side and the Arab logic of “the enemy of my enemy is my friend” does not apply to them, because they are not truly the enemy of the Left. They are the Left’s lapdogs and they absolutely love to signal their virtue by attacking anyone seen by others as being “on their side.”

I wish I could say it was surprising. Ever since I created Alt★Hero, people were telling me that I should get in touch with the Diversity & Comics guy, that he was “really good on SJWs” and so forth. I was dubious but I followed him on Twitter and sent him an email about the Freestartr campaign, and it soon became evident that he was as useless as Mitch McConnell. Sure enough, he eventually revealed his true moderate colors.

Ethan Van Scriver
Some Alt Right individuals are condemning me for helping to create so many “diverse” characters while also seeming to be against SJW comics. Well, dudes, quiet down. I believe in creating representative characters. They simply need to be good. Mine are. So Pbbbbblt!

Seth Englehardt
I remember arguing against one of those. Dude thought that the Alt-Hero Kickstarter was precisely what I wanted from comics. No, we don’t want political propaganda from ANY side.

Ethan Van Scriver
Alt Hero is a mess. Dude raised so much money from people wanting less Far Left Wing politics in comics and he wants to spend it to create Far Right Wing comics? How about just good comics?? Why does everything have to be aggressively agitating?

Diversity & Comics

They’re such quality critics, they don’t even need to wait for anything to be released in order to criticize it. And to think people wonder why I simply ignore everything these type of people advise. (Before you say something patently absurd, please understand that people often email things to me. I’ve never even heard of the other two guys.)

As for the “representative characters” argument, that’s one of the proto-SJW arguments. It’s so old that I remember it being used by early SJWs to justify statistically improbable appearances by minorities in college yearbooks back in the 1990s. The best example of this was when the University of Wisconsin-Madison actually photoshopped a black student into a photograph used in their application materials back in 2000; they wanted an image that would be “representative.”

But speaking of comics, we will have not one, not two, but THREE related announcements later today. Which is to say, if you are a Castalia House Book Club member, check your email… but don’t discuss it here.

Plagiarism is plagiarism

Toddy-Cat isn’t quite sure that the Zman is a plagiarist.

“I’m not sure that not citing a source in a response to a blog comment actually rises to the dignity of ‘plagiarism’”.

That degree of uncertainty is fair, especially if you haven’t actually read the source yourself, as I have not. But, as Tublecane demonstrates, once you look at Stove’s actual words and compare them to the Zman’s words, you are forced to conclude there is nothing to be uncertain about:

I thought of the paraphrasing defense, but that doesn’t hold up. It’s not that Z-man comes off sounding like Stove because uses the same general form of argument, borrowing a phrase or two…. I believe it was deliberate. Compare:

thezman: “Much more is known now about the natural world, than was known fifty years ago…”

Scientific Irrationalism by David Stove, (p.1) “Much more is known now than was known fifty years ago…”

thezman: “…and much more was known then than in 1580.”

Stove: “…and much more was known then than in 1580.”

thezman: “So there has been a great accumulation or growth of knowledge in the last four hundred years.”

Stove: “So there has been a great accumulation or growth of knowledge in the last four hundred years.”

thezman: “This is an extremely well-known fact.”

Stove: “This is an extremely well-known fact…”

thezman: “Let’s call this (A).”

Stove: “…which I will refer to as (A).”

thezman: “A person, who did not know (A), would be uncommonly ignorant.”

Stove: “A philosopher, in particular, who did not know it, would be uncommonly ignorant.”

The remainder of the post veers away from Stove’s text, though I wouldn’t be surprised if it were stolen from somewhere else. Now, whether such a thing as plagiarism exists in internet comment sections, that’s a different matter. I say yes, because it’s publicly passing off someone else’s writing as your own.

Tublecane is correct. The Zman clearly attempted to pass off David Stove’s writing and ideas as his own in order to try to place himself in an intellectually superior position from which he could then pass judgment. It’s not merely a question of what he did, but why he did it in that particular manner. He is observably a plagiarist. This observation is further supported by the fact that the Zman didn’t understand the argument that Stove was making about Karl Popper, nor does he understand Popper’s positions, nor does he even understand the fundamental differences between a) logic, b) math, and c) science, let alone the current need for the etymological division of “science” into its three aspects of scientody, scientage, and scientistry.

Ogre agrees. “It’s absolutely plagiarism in the sense of “presenting the words of another as your own.” And that’s really the only kind of plagiarism we care about here. Whether it could be considered academic plagiarism (I don’t know) or copyright infringement (its not), its still a dishonest and unethical thing to do. Especially given the context in which it was presented. It’s just more evidence of his posturing–passing off another’s arguments and expressions as his own in order to bolster his perceived intelligence.”

As has been the case every single time I have exposed the pretenses and posturings of someone who has fans, some of those fans are attempting to change the subject away from the failings of that particular individual to my theoretical motivations in destroying that individual’s intellectual reputation. To those fans, I will simply point out that my motivations are irrelevant, the facts are readily observable to everyone, and that this is what I do every time anyone comes at me, be they friend or foe.

The Zman and his would-be defenders can dance and defend and distract and theorize all they like. It won’t make any difference. The point is that he’s not particularly smart, he’s not very well-read – it wouldn’t surprise me to learn he hasn’t actually read much of the Stove book past the first page since he clearly didn’t understand it – and most importantly, he’s not very honest. And his moral and intellectual failings have nothing to do with me, as I am merely one of the many people who has happened to observe them.

The main difference between me and most of those who wish to somehow minimize my influence or discredit me is not that I am at least a standard deviation more intelligent than they are, although that is often true. The main difference is that for 16 years I have had tens of thousands of opponents poring over my every word written in column, blog post, comment, tweet, and book, looking for every possible mistake they can exploit, and most of my critics have not.

So, even if I lacked both confidence in my own words and personal integrity, I know better than to ever make the sort of stupid, obvious, dishonest, and self-discrediting mistake that the Zman did in plagiarizing David Stove’s words and attempting to pass off Stove’s ideas as his own. At the end of the day, a man must decide whether he values his integrity or he values the opinions of others. My decision should be obvious from my mantra: MPAI.

Mailvox: It is none of your business

Non-Hollywood Reporter finally manages to be on-topic.

Vox, your greatest mate who you said you’d stand by forever said he attended several Hollywood parties where he witnessed “very young” boys being raped. You knew this at the time.

Your best friend who you stand by also said he wouldn’t name the rapists because it would be “indiscreet”.

Have you asked your best friend Milo to name these pedophiles publicly, or at least make a statement to the police?

If not, why not?

Why do you keep deleting these questions and never answering them?

Do you think you can delete them forever?

First, Non-Hollywood Reporter is lying and has been banned and spammed for spamming unrelated topics in a monomaniacal manner. Milo is my friend. Milo is not my best friend. Second, it is absolutely none of Non-Hollywood Reporter’s business what I have discussed with Milo or anyone else. Nor is it anyone else’s business. One of the reasons even people who don’t particularly like me tend to trust me is because I am demonstrably capable of keeping things in confidence. Third, I do not owe any answer to the Non-Hollywood Reporter or anyone else for someone else’s decisions and behavior, be they ally, friend, or foe.

I will never permit anyone to use me to put additional public pressure on a friend or ally. Go ahead and try to attack me on the basis of questions I will not answer if you like. You will do so in vain. My track record on this particular issue more than speaks for itself and will continue to do so in a very material way. So, for that matter, does Milo’s, as he has publicly identified three more pedophiles than virtually every journalist and reporter who has condemned him for not doing more than he has.

I have outed THREE pedophiles in my career as a journalist. That’s three more than any of my critics and a peculiar strategy for a supposed pedophile apologist.
(a) Luke Bozier, former business partner of Louise Mensch
(b) Nicholas Nyberg, anti-GamerGate activist who self-described as a pedophile and white nationalist
(c) Chris Leydon, a London photographer who has a rape trial starting March 13 thanks to my reporting.

I have never defended and would never defend child abusers, as my reporting history shows.

I kept deleting the questions because they were a) off-topic, b) obviously rhetorical, and c) primarily intended to discredit and disqualify me and others. I certainly can delete them forever if I so choose; the moderators and I will simply prevent any comment by Non-Hollywood Reporter from even appearing momentarily on this blog. However, I chose to address them today to make several points.

  1. No commenter will ever succeed in pressuring me to do anything. Even the attempt to do so is sufficient grounds for banning and spamming. /pol/ is not your private army. Neither am I, my VFM, or the Dread Ilk.
  2. I do not even betray the confidences of my enemies. I absolutely do not betray the confidences of my friends and allies.
  3. Your ignorance of my actions is not evidence of the non-existence of my actions.
  4. I am not perfect. I am as fallible as any man. But as those who know me and work with me can attest, I am consistent.
  5. I do not answer to anyone but my Lord and Savior, and His Father.

Mailvox: it’s an ECHO CHAMBER

Phat Rephat, whoever that is, complains that excessive moderation is turning VP into “an echo chamber”:

VD, I’ve been following you for quite a while and appreciate your viewpoint and the information shared. Of late, however, it seems you’re shifting to the echo chamber model. I agree with your desire to keeping on-topic and without profanity. But not allowing contradicting views or the calling out of the GE when he appears to be losing focus, is not of value to any of us; concern trolls aside.

Well, obviously I am terrified of VP being called an echo chamber. I mean, what could be worse than an Alt-Right echo chamber? Where else will people be able to find conservative, or liberal, or mainstream media views being expressed?

Clearly we must act! I will take his well-considered advice.

Trolls, defeatists, anklebiters, have at it. Comment as you see fit. Be defeatist. Be despondent. Share your contradicting views. Call out the God-Emperor. Insult your fellow commenters. I’m not going to moderate anything at all. Moderators, stand down and let the commenters comment freely, as they obviously desire.

I will also unspam every spam comment that catches previous trolls.

It’s certainly less work and time-investment on my part. I look forward to seeing precisely how much the comments are going to improve and how much value is going to be added to everyone.

UPDATE: Four hours and 47 minutes later:

Hello VD:

It’s Phat Repat; I get your point.

PS This is a Mea Culpa. 😉

Point? What point could that possibly be? I’m just astounded by all the added value!

Who is Mike Cernovitch

The New York Times helpfully tells you how to think about its current bête noire:

Mr. Cernovich is a blogger, author of books, YouTube personality and filmmaker with a far-right social media following. Much of his online persona is driven by two mottos: “conflict is attention” and “attention is influence.”

He told The New Yorker, “I use trolling tactics to build my brand.”

Before this week, he was perhaps best known for promoting false claims that Hillary Clinton was part of a pedophile ring located in the basement of a pizzeria. He describes himself as an “American nationalist” and has been involved in shaping alt-right messages on social media, according to The New Yorker. But he has denied being part of the alt-right movement, calling it “too obsessed with gossip and drama for my tastes” in a blog post….

During his YouTube broadcast on Tuesday, Mr. Cernovich denied accusations from critics that he is a misogynist, a rape apologist or a white nationalist. He said his past statements had been taken out of context and called some of them “obvious satire” that had been misinterpreted in bad faith.

“Nobody tells you how to be famous,” he said.

Later, shortly before appearing on a talk show hosted by Alex Jones, another far-right conspiracy theorist, Mr. Cernovich said he did not care if the media portrayed him positively or not.

“Look at me,” he said, speaking into the camera. “I did this to Susan Rice. I did this to Hillary Clinton. I’m doing real journalism. I’m destroying your fake news outlets. Look at me. Look at my face. I’m the media now.”

I know I feel much better informed now that I have been given permission to hate hate hate the evil Mikhael Chernobylich, who is obviously a liar, a misogynist, a rape apologist, an alt-right white nationalist and a far-right conspiracy theorist who will be devastated by this thoughtful, informative article by a trustworthy news source.

I also like the way they grabbed images from YouTube rather than risk using an excessively flattering professional photo. See, this is why you don’t talk to them. The fact that they couldn’t get access to him just makes them look like anklebiters.

UPDATE: The would-be hit piece by the cucks at National Review is inadvertently hilarious.

The White House Should Not Be Promoting Mike Cernovich
The testosterone-obsessed conspiracist makes an unsavory social-media warrior for the White House.

Translation: We have neither balls nor spine and we will go down to noble defeat in only the most graceful and decorous manner. Please to permit us to surrender on your behalf.