No, you’re just irrelevant

Neither Hell nor women hath fury like a gamma male ignored:

Vox Day demonstrates I’m correct: 1)Xians are cowards waiting for someone else do to the work; show up after, say an everyone-gets-a-prize, and claim victory for their semitic god of hate. 2) Right Online is gossip-whoring for chump change from the gullible for feels and failure.

I occasionally get asked – and usually by the same two or three people – what I think about “propertarianism”. My answer is always the same: I don’t.

I read series of selections on his site a few  years ago at the recommendation of a reader. As a result, I’m even less interested in Doolittle’s ideas than I am in Mencius Moldbug’s. He’s just another verbose midwit caught up in self-delusions of secret king grandeur.

Neither the heart of Man nor the fallen World will ever be fixed by any magic ism. It is a category error to imagine – much less insist – otherwise. And Western civilization can no more survive the excision of Christianity than it can survive the elimination by adulteration of the European nations.

Framing Infowars

It looks like someone is really desperate to take down Alex Jones:

The FBI has informed Alex Jones someone planted child pornography on the servers for his Infowars website and on Friday the controversial radio host offered a $1 million reward for any information leading to an arrest.

Federal authorities have been conducting a child pornography investigation for several weeks after they reviewed emailed threats made against Jones that contained links to child pornography websites, according to his attorney Norm Pattis.

Pattis appeared on Jones’ show late Friday afternoon to discuss the incident. But before he did Jones went on a five-minute, profanity-laced rant announcing the reward for information leading to the arrest and prosecution of whoever infiltrated the his company’s servers.

Forget deep fakes. The real legal issue going forward will be criminal material that is planted in order to frame innocent people.

One thing that many readers here might not know is that one blog troll I’ve mentioned as having had investigated by police in the past was guilty of doing this, not to this blog, but to a forum he had been frequenting, which was one reason the police didn’t hesitate to act.

In this case, it looks as if it is likely someone who was aware of, if not actively involved in, the Sandy Hook lawsuit against Infowars.

My eyes are dry

Oh, the irony. The anklebiters who have been attacking Owen and I for creating Unauthorized have belatedly discovered why we created it in the first place.

Just to be clear, neither Owen nor I, nor any of our supporters, had anything whatsoever to do with their demonetization. We’ve just ignored them; the simple fact is that they fucked up, they trusted YouTube.

Build your own platforms.

UPDATE: Apparently some people are under the mistaken impression that I reported the anklebiters. I did not do so, and in fact, I have never, ever, reported any YouTube channel to anyone for anything. If I had reported their numerous copyright violations, they would have received three strikes and their channel would be terminated, not simply demonetized. As it happens, I had three videos deleted myself in the most recent YouTube purge.

Catholicism is not paganism

I have no idea who this “Red Pill Religion” moron is or what he is smoking with regards to my theological opinions:

Red Pill Religion
Vox Day, Rockin MrE, and others these days suggest Catholic Christianity is “Pagan.” Or even that the Trinity is “pagan.” Do those who make this suggestion know what they’re saying, especially when they try to defend “Western Civilization?”

All we know at this point is that he is both a) an acquaintance of John C. Wright and b) a shameless liar who is observably bearing false witness against me. At no point have I ever stated, suggested, or even implied that either Catholic Christianity or the concept of the Trinity is pagan. To the contrary, note that even the link provided to my blog contains a quote from Isaac Newton which states that the concept of the Trinity dates back to Athanasius, a 4th-century Christian.

Now to be clear, the Trinity is NOT a theological concept that appears explicitly in either the Nicene Creed or the Bible. Like the Rapture and the Immaculate Conception, the Trinity is non-Scriptural theological dogma that is historical conjecture based on what appears to me to be incorrect logic applied to Scripture. And I have made my position on these extra-Biblical traditions very clear:

I have no religious regard whatsoever for the various extra-Biblical traditions of the various Christian churches, although I do respect them in the same manner I respect many of the non-religious traditions of Man. But I consider Churchian dogma such as the Trinity, the Rapture, infant baptism, transubstantiation, purgatory, female pastors, bans on alchohol and dancing, Papal infallibility, and Bishop Ussher’s historical chronology to be no more theologically legitimate or Biblically supported than I do the sale of indulgences, Dante’s geography of Hell, or Milton’s history of Lucifer’s Fall.

The fact that I believe these various traditions to be erroneous does not mean that I believe them to be pagan or even materially detrimental to the faith. After all, are we not told that every Christian, beginning with the Apostle Paul, sees the truth as though through a glass, darkly? Furthermore, as I have noted previously, what most people incorrectly believe to be the Nicene Creed is not the Nicene Creed at all, but rather, a later declaration more accurately known as the Niceno-Constanopolitan Creed, which was adopted 56 years later by a council that did not even meet in Nicaea.

In fact, it’s even possible that the later Trinitarian creed is fictitious and was produced more than a century after the original Nicene Creed. “A local council of Constantinople in 382 and the third ecumenical council (Ephesus, 431) made no mention of it, with the latter affirming the 325 creed of Nicaea as a valid statement of the faith… No extant document gives its text or makes explicit mention of it earlier than the fourth ecumenical council at Chalcedon in 451.”

Finally, anyone who is stupid enough to claim that my opinion has anything whatsoever to do with Arianism is either a liar or very, very stupid indeed, as the original Nicene Creed, the actual and only Nicene Creed, the Nicene Creed to which I subscribe, was adopted specifically in order to reject Arianism.

The Nicene Creed was adopted to resolve the Arian controversy, whose leader, Arius, a clergyman of Alexandria, “objected to Alexander’s (the bishop of the time) apparent carelessness in blurring the distinction of nature between the Father and the Son by his emphasis on eternal generation”. In reply, Alexander accused Arius of denying the divinity of the Son and also of being too “Jewish” and “Greek” in his thought. Alexander and his supporters created the Nicene Creed to clarify the key tenets of the Christian faith in response to the widespread adoption of Arius’ doctrine, which was henceforth marked as heresy.

Whoever runs the Red Pill Religion channel may or may not be a Christian, but he is obviously both ignorant and untruthful. As for defending Western civilization, it should be obvious that I know considerably more about its history than he does.

This is why moderation is required

In case you find yourself being a little irritated by way in which the institution of comment moderation here causes a delay in the appearance of your comments, don’t be. Be grateful instead. Because what you no longer see is the antics of all the angry gammas sperging out in hapless gamma rage at their rejection from the group here.

For example, the banned gamma who goes by the laughable name “spinoza” posted this comment 28 straight times today between 3:13 and 3:19 PM, as he apparently failed to realize that his comments go directly into spam now.

on Foreign investment
at 3:16 PM

This is nothing, in fact, it is two orders of magnitude less than the worst gamma tantrum we’ve witnessed here. And what you also probably don’t know is that every single gamma who is banned attempts to continue posting here after being told not to do so. That’s how reliable the socio-sexual hierarchy is. Although the level of persistence and the number of attempts vary, they exhibit the exact same patterns of behavior every single time.

Once you see how they respond to being rejected, you begin to understand why women react to them as if they are lethally radioactive cancer-causing agents.

Shutting the comments down

Andrew Spooner appears to be off his meds again, so I’m shutting the comments down tonight as I’m not interested in wasting my time or the moderators time on moderating them. You can look up Mr. Spooner and express your appreciation for this if you like. To be honest, I’m giving some serious thought to just leaving them off, as these days they too often serve as little more than gamma magnets. I can’t possibly express the full extent of my total lack of interest in those who somehow feel the need to share their psycho-dramas with everyone in public.

In the meantime, you might wish to check out the new Darkstream. It went over rather well.

UPDATE: The comments are on again.

Skepticism required here

As usual, expressing anything but perfect and unshakeable faith in the total accuracy of the U.S. government’s Official Story concerning the Apollo Program and the Moon landings has the Moonies out in full frothing force. I find this more than a little amusing, as many of the Moonies believe that the U.S. government lies about absolutely everything else, but not this, dammit!

Seriously, what are the chances that despite the various anomalies and falsehoods that have been exposed and uncovered concerning these events over the years, that what remains is the pure, unvarnished truth? That is simply ludicrous. It is theoretically possible, but given what we know about the vagaries of human nature, it is extremely improbable. Some of the responses to my post yesterday and the subsequent Darkstream connecting the false narrative being pushed concerning the Yellow Vest Protests and the Moon landing narrative were informative.

You are now Unfollowed from my Feedly. There will never be enough time to follow nutjobs, even if I live to 1,000,000.

Fine by me. I have no desire to be followed by unquestioning, credulous individuals who unquestioningly swallow everything they are told by an Authority. Jordan Peterson will doubtless be more your style.

Come on Vox, if anyone else but Owen Benjamin was proposing this you would dismiss him as a crank. If the moon landing was a hoax, you’d think there would have been something about it in the Soviet archives. 

Totally false. I wrote about my skepticism concerning the Official Story of the Moon landings 12 years ago. Now, I have not said that the Moon landings were a hoax, I have only observed that I do not believe the Official Story concerning them. I don’t know what people are lying about or the full extent of their lies and deception, I only know that the Official Story is not entirely true. That does not mean it is entirely false.

Great. We send people here, people on the cusp of some important realizations and recognitions. We tell them “read, critically of course, but with an open mind.” And they come back and look at us pityingly and say “you mean read the guy who says the moon landings were faked?” As a strategy of separation, this is not going to yield the group you want.

This is written by someone who is clearly new here. If these people on the cusp of some important realizations are such inept readers as to somehow conclude that I am a guy “who says the moon landings are faked”, I definitely don’t want them here. Because that simply is not true. Agnosticism is not skepticism is not denial.

Damnit, Vox. Dread Ilk. You assholes. You’re going to drag out this topic. You’re going to question the fucking moon landing. I can’t believe this.  I love astronomy. Love space. Love space news. The Pluto flyby was awesome. The GAIA data is incredible. I can’t wait for the resulting image from the Event Horizon Telescope project. And now…you assholes are going to tell me the moon landing wasn’t real. But…I…I know. I can see how it is a lie. After seeing the government lie about monumental things throughout my life, I can see the pattern. I cannot deny this possibility. 

A lot of things can be faked, for one reason or another. But being surprised at habitual liars lying, well, that’s like being surprised every time you drop a ball and it hits the ground.

This is all HORRIBLE rhetoric for VD and Owen. I don’t know what the hell these guys are thinking. Not only does it make them look crazy to the normies AND the people with a science/engineering background, but it also shits all over the greatest achievement of European man, the one achievement that we know will have monuments lasting a million years. 

It’s not rhetoric, at least, not in my case. As usual, Vox’s First Law applies: any sufficiently advanced intelligence is indistinguishable from insanity. It would be impossible to exaggerate my lack of concern about how people with one-half to two-thirds of my IQ happen to regard me. That’s like being concerned about being informed that my son’s dog has doubts about my thoughts on free trade.

It’s also worth noting that VD didn’t say the landing didn’t happen. He said there are enough indicators to know that some aspect of the official narrative isn’t true which could or could not include the landing.

Exactly. It’s always intriguing to see people who literally can’t read or understand what I wrote puffing out their chests and loftily offering to explain to me how every single aspect of the Official Story of the Apollo program and the Moon landings is not only absolutely true, but utterly beyond the possibility of any questioning whatsoever.

With that in mind, watch this and listen to the unusual, carefully chosen language about “participating in an adventure… on and about the Moon.”

Now, I don’t know why three of the greatest heroes of humanity are behaving in such a deceptive and shady manner after accomplishing one of the greatest, if not the greatest feats in the recorded history of Man. I don’t know what they are hiding, or what it is that they are so obviously attempting to avoid saying. Owen Benjamin has proposed one potential explanation, others have provided a wide variety of other possibilities. I don’t even pretend to know which is correct; I am genuinely agnostic on the subject. But one thing I have observed through my studies of history is that the objective truth that holds up over time very often diverges from both the Official Story as well as the primary alternative theories posited by the skeptics.

And since I don’t believe the GDP figures that are released by the U.S. government on a regular basis, and I don’t accept any of the various justifications that are offered for its various foreign adventures, why would you ever expect me to believe everything the U.S. government says about its historical accomplishments?

2VS is lying. Again.

So Ethan van Sciver is now swearing up and down that he’s totally not at all connected to me or to ComicsGate, in any way, as he is desperately attempting to convince the SJWs at IndieGoGo not to shut down his account there.

Which, you will note, they already claim the right to do at any time, for any reason, no matter what, in their terms of use. They don’t even need a justification. So, what they should probably know is that old Two-Face is blatantly lying to them as well. By way of example, here is one of his invitations to me, which I had assumed was going to be a debate between us.


No, no, it’s just a conversation.  Google Hang Outs.  And it’s going to focus entirely on comic books and your relationship with them.  So I’ll ask you about when you discovered comics, maybe as a boy, if they were important to you and why, how superheroes influenced you to be who you are, maybe.  And then we’ll go into your current plans and ideas.  Talk about upcoming projects.

My audience will want you to prove to them that you respect and love comics.  That’s what they want to hear.  You can, of course, say anything you want and take the conversation wherever you’d like.  But I’ll be there with the goal of getting you to come off great to the crowd, and help you sell comic books to them.

After that there will be a Q and A from the viewers.


He was even a fan of the Darkstreams.

You’re bang on in your YouTube stuff.  I’m enjoying your Peterson insight.

Hope you’re well


Not only that, but Ethan occasionally forwarded me emails from his enemies in the industry, such as Rich Johnston of Bleeding Cool, and not at my request either. Ironically, for all that he obviously disagrees with me and dislikes me, Rich Johnston has treated me more politely and considerably more honestly than Ethan has, which is why I will respect his confidence here.

Vox, here’s Bleeding Cool’s hit piece.  They sent me it in advance.  Probably hit tomorrow. What say you?

Sent from my iPad
Begin forwarded message:

From: Rich Johnston REDACTED

Date: February 1, 2018 at 11:47:23 AM EST

To: ComicArtistPro Secrets REDACTED

Subject: Re: Draft of Bleeding Cool article.

And lest you don’t believe me when I told you that it was Ethan’s idea that we should work together:

I’ll tell him but he likely won’t.  At this moment I do believe we should combine forces and resources/talents, tho.

Sent from my iPad

> On May 12, 2018, at 6:23 AM, Vox wrote:
> Hey Ethan,
> Tell Richard to get in touch if he needs a publisher. 

So, as you can plainly see, all of 2VS’s current posturing and repositioning and public disavowing is simply more two-faced false talk meant to spin his self-serving and increasingly unconvincing narrative. And he is STILL actively lying about me.

“He thinks he owns ComicsGate.”
– Ethan van Sciver, November 9, 2018

No, I don’t and I never have. This should more than suffice to make it clear who has been lying all along and who has not. As for the claim that I con people, about comics or anything else, that is nothing but textbook emotional projection on Ethan’s part.

The Crazy Christ’s cultists are unhappy

In less than 24 hours, there have already been over ten thousand views of the latest Voxiversity video. One early commenter correctly anticipated the calm and measured response of Jordan Peterson’s fans to it.

David. D
Great video Vox, now let’s wait for all the Peterson fanboys to tell us how jealous and bitter you are, without providing any good arguments to refute what you defend in the video.

He was not disappointed. Nor was he incorrect about their near-complete inability to even begin dealing with the substantive issues raised about Peterson’s lack of courage, character, and intellectual integrity. A representative collection of their comments follows the break:

Andris Falks
Cheap ad hominum attacks on people who have done in few years more to help wide variety of people then you will in your entire life is the low of your life Vox. Nobody is perfect, nobody can know everything that is written, what matters are results and JBP has some amazing results – he has helped possibly MILLIONS of people to get out of nihilism, postmodernism and find at least some resemblance of meaning in life. It seems to me you are in fact envious of JBP and feel deeply unappreciated in comparison to him. And trust me, there are many reasons for that and no cheap ad hominum attack videos will help you.

I don’t care if you agree with him or not, for a man who never tries to attack someone’s character, the editing and insulting takes down any real argument you have, regardless of religion being flat out baseless and without logic, when it comes to god isn’t it the Christian way to let people believe in what they believe in their own way, or do you need to be as authoritarian as possible, and before you call me some leftist soy boy or cuckservative I’m a centrist, with a long history of reading about the idea of religion and god, and while I don’t agree with everything Peterson says, he conducts himself with remarkable civility, try to learn about that.

ATurquoise Bolo
I don’t really agree with you here.  I don’t think you’ve actually listened to him on his purpose or intentions.   It would be like me saying this video is disingenuous on the basis that you’re jealous of his success and the ear he’s gained of the general public.  He’s trying to teach people to think for themselves and doesn’t encourage blind faith in what he’s said and what he thinks.  Honestly he’s the first psychologist I’ve found any helpful advice from when I watched his lectures prior to his incredible fame.  His goal is really to come up with an alternative to the corrupt universities.  I don’t think he’s ever said anything about not being a nationalist, and he literally stood up against infringement on freedom of speech, and he talks about the errors of Marxism and how he took the perspective of Orwell on them when he met more than just the leaders as a young man.  He wants to help people who genuinely need it, and he doesn’t want people to try to change the world without having an actual goal and the ability to manage their own lives.  He’s trying to get rid of mindless activists and mindless Marxists.  I’ve read his books, I’ve enjoyed them, and whether you understand it or not, my generation didn’t get the why of certain behaviors let alone the how.  Perhaps you’ve been out of the United States education system too long.  Whatever you may say, you didn’t give him a fair shake and it appears it’s only motivated by your need for a 100{de0369dfe3e4b53b642ec4c59899fbdd53f4c1f0d4d3d5766811416432dc2910} Christian who also wants to organize a fight against globalism.  Ironically, he agrees with you on Christianity being integral to western victimization and appears to want people to act as if God is real.  Believe it or not, that’s why I’m a Christian: because it is psychologically and empirically more beneficial to both myself and my family.  Believe it or not, that journey has been traveled by many before and after they listened to Peterson.  If you don’t like him justifying common sense through evidence and reason in his book then just read his essay on writing an essay and you might grasp some of the reasons he’s lecturing and touring.  But telling people that he’s like Soros simply because he’s taking his message international and asking people to think for themselves first and foremost is reprehensible and shows that you’re catering to an audience unwilling to hear anyone out after they’ve been ” discredited” by you.  If you watch his class lectures you’ll see him do exactly the same thing while communicating with his students, yet his years of lectures also communicate the same message, slightly changing over time to respond to current events.  Is it because you aren’t as smart or is it because your ideology doesn’t allow you to move and respond outside of a framework?  But more importantly, do you fail to understand the one flaw in his efforts that I agree with his lefty detractors on?  His ideas can be used for nationalism if it becomes a necessity.  He tells people to do what they can to improve their home, their community, their state, their country.  How does that stop them from being nationalist, and even identitarian in the end?  It doesn’t, it just tells them how to be better at it, and more thoughtful in their aims.

 w reed
Pathetic attempt to spear Dr. Peterson. Sure he is a bit old school but at least he is honest. You sir are not honest and you know it!

Let me guess, your actually just upset he doesn’t believe in your dogmatic Christian beliefs? Therefore, he’s deserving of whatever pseudo-intellectual smear you can throw his way. You claim “Most of his fans haven’t even read his stuff, but I have.” Also, you’re bitterness and snarky undertone in your passive aggressive rhetoric shines light on the fact that your simply offended he has strong arguments which threaten your own. You can disagree with Peterson without vilifying him. However, your video is a reflection of your inability to recognize this fact as well as a manifestation of your insecurity of your own beliefs. In other words, your simply not as intelligent as you seem to think you are.

jonathan spencer
I understand Peterson’s ideas  quite well. I understand his conception of God/divinity and truth. I think the Jungian approach, which,at least partially, describes his metaphysics is extremely coherent and needs to be contended with by serious thinkers. This video is simplistic, disingenuous and is high on rhetoric. It takes Petersons output out of  context. Chooses a few low hanging fruit and puts all its energies into discrediting Peterson. It’s pulp. It’s uses ad hominem tactics (a bankrupt tactic of the left ).Many ideas JP has aren’t from the man himself, they’re based on deep wells of truth which we don’t understand very well now. It’s easy to get him and his ideas all wrong. The truth is all this JP aversion is pure politics, and from the far left that means the truth is irrelevant, it’s all about using any trick in the book to win the day. For a student of ideas, it’s just boring. But it’s a necessary fight unfortunately. When people like Peterson are called Nazis, I guess real Nazis must be thin on the ground.

Fair Discussion
I think you have a wall of ignorance to pass. I think you’re too smart for you’re own good. If I could, I’d suggest getting much deeper into the study of ‘intelligence capacity’, and ‘evolutionary psychology’. I think some of the concepts might open  your mind.  Jordan isn’t a god among men, nor a prophet of some form. He never claims to be. What he claims to be, is someone who is attempting to progress humanity altruistically. Now whilst you might have a problem yourself coming to grips the fact in purity that multiple forms of ultimate realities are reprovingly correct. Quantum Physics. ‘Historical’ Jesus. Sub-Consciousness. Undoubtedly, you don’t have to see him as a god, to see how hard he works to actually create progress. He is one of the most widely known names right now, because he worked for it, he spent time educating himself, challenging and conditioning himself, and then marketing himself. To be ignorant of that, is to be ignorant of one of the greatest attempts to progress humanity, whether wrong or not, how about you help, instead of create tension, and ignorance for others? You’re obviously smart enough to understand the concept, that a YouTube video will inspire some to think something out of trust. You are very well educated, and versed in philosophy and rhetoric, that is obvious. Though I’d like to ask you to step out of that mindset before making such large accusations against someone whom is just trying to make the world better. If you really care, reach out to him, have a discussion. Help progress this world together. Let me tell you though, as much as it is an opinion. Watching such intelligent people attack each other is becoming more disgusting to watch. Speak to each other, work for the progress of humanity. Stop doubting, and criticizing one another, then wondering why the world is progressing in such a slow manner. Every body has to talk about someone else’s ignorance. Get involved in the larger picture, not your own picture.

Greg Gustin
This video is mostly false statements.  Not tiny incorrect statements, but false statements that are 180 degrees off.  I don’t know what could be worse, the fact that someone did this video in good faith, but had an IQ that was so low they completely mis-characterized everything out of sheer stupidity, or that they were malicious enough to put this together as a hit piece to target the most brilliant man many of us have had the pleasure to listen to.  Either way, shame on you, this is garbage!

This video really exposes its author as a charlatan. If you are going to attempt to expose one of the worlds leading intellectuals, with thousands of hours of lectures online, 2 published, bestselling books and (if my memory serves me well) over 700 citations on published Psychology papers, in the top 0.1 percentile of clinical psychologists on the planet you’re gonna need more than a 14 minute video :’)  You talk like he’s just some dipshit with absolutely no idea what he’s talking about. That requires a comical level of arrogance :’)

Steve Eaton
A video which sets out to expose hypocrisy and poor arguments turns out to be hypocritical and poorly argued.  Leaving aside the ridiculous childish voice and video changing tools – firstly, at 4:13 you say that Peterson’s thoughts “are not too advanced for ordinary people to follow”. That’s precisely why he’s so popular. If your definition of genius is someone you don’t understand, then go interact with the intellectually disabled, because they, too, can make little sense. Does this make them genius?  I’m also not sure how you can say someone with two Bachelor degrees, a PhD, and who has authored over a hundred academic papers is poorly educated. By definition Peterson is well-educated, whether you agree with him or not.

5:15 – why does he need to have read the whole bible before talking about it? You can’t talk about one episode in a box set before the entire season is finished?
5:23 – ‘The readily observable fact is…’ Readily observable? What kind of phrase is that? How is the reading habits of Peterson’s fans observable by just about anyone? What makes this statement – that Peterson’s fans haven’t read his work, a fact? You never actually say.
5:47 – Why does Maps of Meaning have to reference the people you decide it should reference? A book isn’t credible unless it references specific philosophers according to an anonymous vlogger?

I could continue ripping your little video to shreds, half minute by half minute, but it should be obvious to all that you’re using Peterson’s name to bring people in so you can increase your viewing figures and brag to people you’ll never meet. You’ve read these books, clearly Peterson hasn’t. You’ve read Peterson’s books, clearly Peterson’s fans haven’t. Yeah, yeah, well aren’t you a special little boy oh learned one. If you don’t like Peterson it’s interesting you’d dedicate so much of your time to reading his work. Since you’re okay to post character assassinations online, here’s one for you – this post was fueled by your jealousy; you desperately want the world to consider you intelligent (which they don’t) and struggle with the notion that despite the hours you’ve spent holding philosophy books in coffee shops, hoping in vain that people are actually noticing you and your reading matter even though the book is open at an arbitrary page carrying text you can’t understand, nobody thinks you’re anything special. You’re the kind of wannabe intellectual that makes people groan inwardly when you enter a room. You probably make a big deal about being an atheist or, even better, an agnostic. That way you can always start a dire debate with someone. Bore off. Let me ask you this – If you’re so smart, why haven’t you figured out that if you don’t like Peterson’s perspectives, you can just ignore him?

Phil Kesler
Disagree with Peterson on religion and morality, as well as his redefining of ‘truth’, but this video is pure propaganda. Mostly out of context quotes followed by vague strawman’s and manipulative editing. The video creator fails to contend with Peterson’s arguments in any substantive manner while demonstrating a lack of intelligence.

Freddie de Giles
This might have been interesting, but all the flashy editing and mocking of JP leads me to assume you’re arguments have no solid content. Because if they did, you’d just have used solid arguments, instead of trying razzle dazzle us. What was the purpose of the slowed down voices, images of him crying etc.?

The Cargo Cultists respond

A Jordan Peterson fan responds to my apology to Jordan Peterson:

Vox Day is an arrogant creep who thinks he’s the burning bush and everyone else is stupid. If you met him in real life, or ever tried to correspond with him in any serious way, you would know that. He’s also envious of anyone who achieves more success and notoriety than him, or even threatens to achieve more of a following.

In short, this is not a good person who is the least bit interested in anything approaching unity on the alt-right or new right or whatever you want to call it. He is only interested in his own self promotion and achieving some level of fame and fortune by hawking his own books and maybe latching on to some of his own sycophants if he thinks they can sell some books on his label too, so he can make more money off people he views as his intellectual inferiors and does not really view as a threat.

Basically he’s a failed musicians who tries to give you this impression that he is on Jordan Peterson’s level as an intellectual, with these phony claims about his supposed genius IQ, and BTW it wouldn’t even matter if that were true because it doesn’t make you a good person, and he’s not. Lastly, Jordan Peterson was raised in a tough place around tough men, and that teaches you things like humility and respect for others, cause the alternative could be a punch in the face. Vox Day, OTOH, grew up with a silver spoon in his mouth, around other effeminate male who were no threat to him physically, and it shows in his demeanor. Thats why he’s such an arrogant pr*ck with a smart mouth.

In closing, I’ll guarantee you Peterson is the kind of guy you would want to have a few drinks and laughs with, whereas Vox Day wouldn’t give you the time of day, unless he thought you could help advance his career and perhaps make him some money. I know his fan-club will jump all over me for this, but I’ve encountered the man and he is NOT a nice guy, he’s only not nearly as smart as he wants you to believe that he is. In that respect he is not even in Jordan Peterson’s league.

Far from being upset by these imprecations, I find these retreats to attempted rebuttal by ad hominem to be very satisfying indeed. They make it very clear to all and sundry that Peterson’s most enthusiastic defenders have no way to even begin trying to defend his evil philosophy, his inept syllogisms, or his insane mission.

After all, what possible reason could anyone have for questioning the intellectual and philosophical legitimacy of a man who has already done so much good for the world and only wishes to do even more by eliminating group identification, war, and evil.

  1. It’s very strange that no one believes I am envious of Jensen Huang, NN Taleb, John Carmack, Richard Garriott, or Neal Stephenson, the men of talent I admire who happen to have considerably more success than the individuals I criticize. It’s downright inexplicable that no one ever accuses me of envying Milo, Mike Cernovich, Jack Posobiec, or Stefan Molyneux despite the fact that they all have much larger followings than I do.
  2. If I was primarily interested in self-promotion, then why do I turn down 99 percent of the interviews and media appearances that are offered to me? All one has to do is ask anyone who has tried to get me on their show or podcast, or interview me for their newspaper or magazine or television show, to learn how interested in self-promotion I am. I don’t have an agent, I don’t send out press releases and I don’t ask to appear on anyone’s show. Not even my friends’ shows when I have a new book out. I don’t think people understand how often the media contacts me for various reasons; I literally just got off the phone with my friend James Delingpole from Breitbart and The Spectator after he called me with some questions about a piece he is working on. It’s not about me and it may not even mention me.
  3. The band I founded, Psykosonik, had four Billboard Top 40 Club Chart hits, (three of which I co-wrote), beat out Prince for Best Dance Record at the Minnesota Music Awards, had our music featured in movies and Nintendo games, played live at First Avenue and Glam Slam, and was invited to play at the second Lollapalooza. I do not consider that to be a failure.
  4. Jordan Peterson is, by his own admission, a physical coward who literally ran from fights in his school days. I spent six years in the best mixed martial arts school in the state, have sparred with several national Tang Soo Do and Karate champions, have won school fights, street fights, and ring fights, and was given the name “Berserker” by a nationally respected sensei. The reason I don’t fear being punched in the mouth isn’t because I am surrounded by effeminate males, but because I know for a fact that I can take a punch and I can give it back with interest.
  5. I have no idea who this “Whiskey Slick” is. I suspect our “encounters” are limited to him reading my blog.

Another cargo cultist can’t believe that Peterson claimed human thought was fundamentally different as little as five centuries ago.

Yeah…….where in the world did you read JBP say men 500 years ago thought differently? One of JBP’s arguments is that a significant part of our behvior and thought processes are older than trees…

In Maps of Meaning, by Jordan Peterson.

  1. Prior to the time of Descartes, Bacon and Newton, man lived in an animated, spiritual world, saturated with meaning, imbued with moral purpose. The nature of this purpose was revealed in the stories people told each other—stories about the structure of the cosmos and the place of man. But now we think empirically (at least we think we think empirically), and the spirits that once inhabited the universe have vanished.
  2. The consequence of exploration that allows for emotional regulation (that generates security, essentially) is not objective description, as the scientist might have it, but categorization of the implications of an unexpected occurrence for specification of means and ends. Such categorization is what an object “is,” from the perspective of archaic affect and subjective experience. The orienting reflex, and the exploratory behavior following its manifestation, also allows for the differentiation of the unknown into the familiar categories of objective reality. However, this ability is a late development, emerging only four hundred years ago, and cannot be considered basic to “thinking.” Specification of the collectively apprehensible sensory qualities of something—generally considered, in the modern world, as the essential aspect of the description of reality—merely serves as an aid to the more fundamental process of evaluation, determining the precise nature of relevant or potentially relevant phenomena.
  3. The distance between the idea and the action has widened within the course of recent evolutionary history. Medieval people, unused to rhetorical speech, were easily seized emotionally or inspired to action by passionate words.

Perhaps he doesn’t realize that the furthest back we can place that reference to Descartes, Bacon, and Newton is 1561 AD, when Francis Bacon was born. And then we have this double-team:

So the argument from this guy is that because he doesn’t understand Dr. Peterson, that Peterson must be crazy? Isn’t that called Dunning-Kreuger effect?

Vox Day frequently discusses the 30 IQ point communication gap. If this Peterson affair has taught me nothing else, it has driven this point home. Dr Peterson is rumored to have an IQ of 158 btw. I’ve kept a close eye on Vox’s commentary at the blog. The “arguments” made against Peterson there are no more substantive there than they are here–at least to someone who refrains from using the term “Dark Lord”.

To the contrary, it is because, unlike nearly all of his fans, I do understand what Jordan Peterson is writing that I say he is crazy. It seems strange that this is in any way debatable, considering that the man is open about being prescribed medication for his mental illness. And if the arguments I have presented here are not real, actual, of a considerable amount quantity, or having practical effect, then obviously I shall have to continue to dig deeper and present even more substantial evidence and arguments against Dr. Peterson.

I note that this implication that all the combined arguments presented in the videos and on the blog are not substantive was made just yesterday. And then, there are a fair collection of comments like these.

You are a master at double speak! and very snide. People need to watch out for sophists like you. You try to look intelligent with your leather bound books but your thinking is as shallow as a paddling pool.

Always nice to hear from the rhetoricals. But this comment probably takes the cake.

Alright….. Just stepping into the war-room you have going against Jordan Peterson here…. How’s it going, guys? Just pouring myself some coffee, don’t mind me…. Okay…. We’ve got the map over the table, the radar-reports coming in, the jeeps rolling by…. The choppers thundering overhead…. Cool cool cool! Good to see us all making progress, hey? At this rate, our forces will be in Toronto by as early as NEXT WEEK! Ahh, yes! There’s Admiral-Lieutenant-Commander mastermind, Vox Day I see entering the headquaters tent…. TEN HUTT!!! …..Say, Vox, like…. What’s the VICTORY CONDITION here anyway? Assuming you do win this rather sad and autistic deathstruggle you have going against Peterson and his people…. (Ohh, and I’m sure it’s ALL VERY EPIC AND AWESOME AND THOROUGHLY PLANNED OUT TO THE LAST ACT, DUDE! -Stop looking at me like that, Vox! Stop looking at me like I’m some spy sent from the Enemy to sabotage your incredible efforts here! I’m just a neutral observer from a Foriegn Power taking notes, alright? Don’t mind me!) Like…. What do you hope to GAIN, by helping Peterson’s enemies, even if you DO manage to win and take the guy down, huh Vox? A kiss from Kathy Newman? Is THAT what you’re looking for? How about a handjob from Yvette Flarka? Have a thing for Mrs. Flarka, Vox? Is THAT what this anti-Peterson crusade of your’s is about? How about an endorsement from Black Lives Matter? Maybe a gold star awarded to you from King Richard Spencer to cherish and show your family when you get home from this war? I’m sure THAT fake-ass “Conservative” race-pimp Sociaoist creep would like to see Peterson out of the way as well! Maybe, uhhh….. Hillary Clinton might spend a little more time with you, Vox? Gain you some of that noteriety you seem desperate for? Yeah- I’m sure praise from the Clintons or the Treudeaus for taking out an annoying rival of their’s will be JUST THE KIND OF GOOD PR you need, huh boy? Look, what I’m getting at here, Vox Day, is that you can tell a hell of alot from a man by the enemies he makes, can’t you? All the characters I mentioned above really would be quite pleased if you took Jordan Peterson down for them, believe me they would! What the fuck do you think you’re trying to accomplish here, Vox? Seriously? My own people would like to know…. Who’s side are you REALLY on? You and the halfbrained fools who kiss YOUR ass for a pat on the head? Antifa, Vox? Are you some Antifa pig in disguise? I’m wondering about that, you know? I mean, just recently, these last two weeks, you certainly have decided that you are MIGHTY THREATENED by the likes of Jordan Peterson, and that the time has come to mobilize against him. I’m telling you, Vox- if you ever needed a way to commit politocal suicide for you, your website and your publishing company, this is it, right here! I’d laugh at how ridiculous you are being about this, if I didn’t suspect some other plot you have cooking is up, and that taking down Peterson is only the tip of the iceberg. It’s gotta be something hidden and Machiavellian like that, because, Vox- honestly- I KNOW you’re not a fucking moron, dude….. There MUST be an actual reason you want Peterson off the board! 

It’s utterly bizarre to me to see how Peterson fans like these still believe that Jordan Peterson isn’t on the same team as Hillary Clinton, George Soros, Jacob Zuma, John Podesta and all the other globalists and eminent persons. As I mentioned to the Peterson die-hard Rick Flair, Peterson isn’t opposed to globalism, the United Nations, or utopianism. He’s trying to FIX globalism by creating a dynamic utopianism that works because he is aware that the static utopianism of the 20th Century variety doesn’t.