No, you’re just irrelevant

Neither Hell nor women hath fury like a gamma male ignored:

Vox Day demonstrates I’m correct: 1)Xians are cowards waiting for someone else do to the work; show up after, say an everyone-gets-a-prize, and claim victory for their semitic god of hate. 2) Right Online is gossip-whoring for chump change from the gullible for feels and failure.

I occasionally get asked – and usually by the same two or three people – what I think about “propertarianism”. My answer is always the same: I don’t.

I read series of selections on his site a few  years ago at the recommendation of a reader. As a result, I’m even less interested in Doolittle’s ideas than I am in Mencius Moldbug’s. He’s just another verbose midwit caught up in self-delusions of secret king grandeur.

Neither the heart of Man nor the fallen World will ever be fixed by any magic ism. It is a category error to imagine – much less insist – otherwise. And Western civilization can no more survive the excision of Christianity than it can survive the elimination by adulteration of the European nations.