You are part of the problem

Larry Correia admits, on Facebook, that he is part of the problem:

Most of us who stay here do it because this is where we built an audience/community before the bait and switch. We feel stuck, and thus, we are part of the problem. I personally, am part of the problem. I stay here making content they profit off of, because this is where I’ve got the audience. I’ve been trying to move my audience elsewhere… only to discover that the company that runs my blog server and the company that processes my mailing list are willing to engage in the exact same behavior.

The Monster Hunter is right. And the only solution is to bite the bullet and take decisive action. Reject Satan in ALL his pomps. There is no better time to rip off the bandage. Because it’s not going to get any easier as time goes on. 

We have all been part of the problem. That’s exactly why I left Mailchimp last week.

UATV update


UATV will be down for updating to front end 1.1 starting at 7:15 PM EST. 10 minutes of darkness, which should not be confused with The Storm. If you joined UATV in the last two days, you should be receiving your access details and your SG invite in the next two hours.

SocialGalactic, of course, is running strong. Comms good.

UPDATE: The update is complete. Emails going out now.

UPDATE: Mods, the shills are going crazy. Don’t hesitate to spam them.

UPDATE by Markku: There are some signs of things moving very fast and I believe there is a real chance of the internet really going down soon. We have discussed how this would most likely be done with the Ilk techies already, and it would be incredibly risky for them to try doing it at the IP level. There are so many critical services depending on IP.

What is much more likely is poisoning the world’s DNS servers by Google, after which all the sites are still there, but you can’t see them, except ones that are specifically allowed by Google. The nice thing about this is that you can work around it, if you act before it happens. You need to store the necessary information locally, where Google can’t get at it.

There is just one step that you need to do right now, before the internet goes down. How to do it depends on your operating system.

If you are on Windows and you have never edited the file c:windowssystem32driversetchosts , things are easy. If you HAVE edited it, you will know you have, because this is advanced use of Windows.

You will need administrator rights to edit this folder in the file exporer. First, rename the old file called hosts, to hosts_backup. Then, put the file you download from the following link, as the new c:windowssystem32driversetchosts :

Note that some browsers may complain that the file is not “commonly downloaded and may be dangerous”. On Chrome, click the up arrow in the complaint, and then “keep”.

After that, you will be able to open the URL http://emergency.voxday and you will find further instructions there, in case you find that all other lines of communication have disappeared. Most importantly, there will be a new hosts file behind that link, that will then contain many more entries in it. For any site that has an entry, it will override what the system gets from the poisoned DNS entry. That will allow us to bring all our major services back. Also, if at any time in the future they pull this same trick, this will always be our response. So, you will probably want to keep the addition there. As long as it’s only that one additional line, it will not interfere with your normal internet usage. It will simply allow that URL to always be opened.

Currently there aren’t any instructions in the link. But if internet goes down, they will appear.

If you have edited the hosts file previously in Windows, or if you are a Linux or Mac user, then add the following line to the end of your existing file. Which on Linux and Mac is /etc/hosts . You will need root rights to modify the file. In most cases you gain them by adding “sudo” in front of the command. So, let’s say your editor is nano. You’d write “sudo nano /etc/hosts”. emergency.voxday

UPDATE: UATV mobile mode is now operative. Check it out!


If you’re getting deplatformed from Facebook or Twitter or YouTube at this point, don’t expect anyone to give even a fragment of a damn about your totally unexpected sob story that never ever happened to anyone before.

FACEBOOK has removed the #WalkAway Campaign and has BANNED ME and EVERY MEMBER of my team!!! Over half a million people in #WalkAway with hundreds of thousands of testimonial videos and stories is GONE. Facebook has banned everything related to #WalkAway.

It doesn’t matter how many times you warn people. As long as it happens to someone else, it’s no big deal. As soon as it happens to them, they’re screaming for help from the very politicians who haven’t done one single damn thing to rein in the converged tech companies in a decade. This appeal for help is so tone-deaf, it’s downright hilarious.

 I’m asking for help PLEASE from @tedcruz, @SenTedCruz, @MarshaBlackburn, @MarshaSays, @SenTomCotton, @TomCottonAR, @HawleyMO, @SenHawleyPress, @seanhannity, TuckerCarlson, @PeteHegseth, @JudgeJeanine, @newsmax, @OANN, @ChanelRion, @JackPosobiec, @realDonaldTrump, @DonaldJTrumpJr, @RealJamesWoods

Yeah, I’m sure President Trump will get right on it. He doesn’t have anything better to do, after all. The answer is the same as it was five years ago. Build your own platforms. Support your own platforms. Stop supporting the enemy. And if you’ve got 500k people with you, then what are you doing asking anyone else for help?

Speaking of platforms, UATV will be improving its interface in the next two weeks or so. This is mostly an overdue back-end performance upgrade with some cosmetic improvements on the front end, so no new features yet, but I think viewers are really going to like it.

UPDATE: Speaking of deplatforming, Gen. Flynn, Sidney Powell, and CodeMonkeyZ were all just kicked off Twitter.

UPDATE: President Donald Trump was just kicked off Twitter. RED1 confirmed.

Stranger things have happened

A conversation on SocialGalactic:

SG1: Found one of my chickens dead in the coop this morning. They were good when I locked em up last night. No blood/signs of struggle. No idea what happened. Not a ventilation issue. Maybe she fell and broke her neck? Any ideas appreciated

SG2: Did any of your chickens have information that could lead to the arrest of Hilary Clinton?

St. Efan banned from Twitter

Unfortunately, this is what happens when you make it clear that you are not a hard out:

Stefan Molyneux has had his Twitter account suspended, just a week after he was banned from YouTube. His removal from the platform comes amid a growing debate over free speech on social media.

The ban came without warning, Molyneux claimed during a livestream in which he discussed the development. “It’s nice to see that Twitter is talking to tech journalists before they would talk to me,” he said. The popular right-wing pundit and intellectual suggested that he was removed from the platform after promoting a new essay that outlines his values and beliefs. “It’s not hard to understand why powerful people might not want you to read what I wrote below,” reads a note at the top of the essay, in which he announced his removal from Twitter.

Molyneux argued that the campaign to deplatform conservative voices has started to “energize” conservatives and that his ban demonstrates “who has the power and who doesn’t have the power.”

Twitter appears to dispute the notion that he was removed for ideological reasons. In a statement provided to CNN, the company said that Molyneux “was suspended for spam and platform manipulation, specifically operating fake accounts.”

Liberal journalists applauded Molyneux’s ban. Jared Holt, a reporter for Right Wing Watch, said the move was “overdue” and expressed curiosity about what finally motivated Twitter to pull the plug on his account.

As someone who was banned from Twitter long ago, and who voluntarily left Facebook, I don’t see any significant harm here. And it’s good for people to see even moderates are too extreme for the SJW-converged corporations. But it also underlines the fact that building one’s own platforms is the only way to proceed, as everyone who has tried to pass as innocuous has been banned anyway.

Mike Cernovich’s comment was both apt and amusing:

The Venn diagram of people who just signed that Against Cancel Culture letter and those who will mention Stefan Molyneux being banned will be two wholly non-intersecting circles.

Crypto.Fashion deplatformed

They were kicked off Shopify today. Watch this space for their inevitable revival with their own independent platform.

And if your business is still dependent upon a one-stop shop, it’s time to exit the platform and build your own. It doesn’t matter who you are or what you do, the crocodile is coming for you.

Parler may be a trap

While it’s possible that some of these restrictions are in place to deal with the inevitable SJW infiltrators and activists, I would not utilize it based on the dichotomy between its public free speech posturing and its Terms of Use. It’s founder’s statements about fighting badthink are also a significant red flag.

14. You agree to defend and indemnify Parler, as well as any of its o cers, directors, employees, and agents, from and against any and all claims, actions, damages, obligations, losses, liabilities, costs or debt, and expenses (including but not limited to all attorneys fees) arising from or relating to your access to and use of the Services. Parler will have the right to conduct its own defense, at your expense, in any action or proceeding covered by this indemnity.

Parler’s claim to be pro-free speech also appears to be somewhat overstated:

9. Parler may remove any content and terminate your access to the Services at anytime and for any reason or no reason, although Parler endeavors to allow all free speech that is lawful and does not infringe the legal rights of others. 

Don’t forget that Twitter and Facebook both used to cloak themselves in free speech rhetoric before unmasking their social justice faces. Parler also mandates AAA arbitration while banning group action, but lacks the California consumer protection laws.

I’m not saying this because we intend SG to compete with the likes of Twitter, Parler, and Gab – we don’t. At best, Parler is for the cons and civnats who are being banished from the SJWsphere. It strikes me as the Breitbart of social media, a gatekeeping action meant to keep conservatives in the corral and ineffectual.

The core problem is that mass social media is now little more than an involuntary resignation machine.

UATV 2.0

All Annual and Premium subscribers have now been invited to the new Unauthorized site, which I am delighted to say is Legion-made from the custom server and database to the front end and the content administrator. Please share your thoughts and experiences here, particularly as related to current performance and desired features for the future. We’ll be inviting the Creator subscribers next, beginning with The Legend and Gardening subscriptions. We currently have about 100 videos there, with more being added every day.

If you’re seeing slow video responses, please be sure to let us know if you are in the USA or not, as slower initial responses from Europe and Asia are anticipated. The bug with the 0:00:00 time on the more recent videos is known and we are in the process of addressing it. UPDATE: The video time display bug is fixed.

Please note that the black circle spinning in the center of the video does NOT necessarily indicate a slow playback issue, but rather, indicates that the buffering of the entire video is still ongoing. We are currently addressing that as well.

UPDATE: Good news from Asia.

Just dropping a note to let you know that the new UATV site works from China. Still a bit slow (probably due to throttling by the Great Firewall), but much, much better than before.

UPDATE: It would appear the audio-stripping function is working properly too.

Listened to an audio only stream today. Worked great. 

Approved opposition and the fake speech platforms

An Idka commenter is dubious about the new “free speech” social media sites:

Just saw a video with the Parler CEO. Only watched a few minutes because it feels off enough to be uncomfortable and the pattern is so clear. There is a lot of wizardry here – the weird hypnotic rhythm, the micro-expressions not really matching the surface conversation, the selective framing, Alex Jones going too far at times… This would be the Turning Point wing of the fake right – the prominence of Candace Owens isn’t subtle.

It looks targeted to whatever is left of “traditional” civnat conservatism. Mostly Boomers at this point, I’d assume. The fake framing is that “the system” is real, the base problem is “censorship”, “the left” has gone too far, and we need to get back to what America looked like on t.v. in the Reagan era. It’s basically discourse in the fake academic sense as fly paper. Incidentally, I’d never really noticed the crazy eyes/oversized mandible that is common on deranged globohomo women.

The most disappointing thing about it is how obviously inverted it is. Right down to the veiled decadence of the homosexual host. It’s like there was an Owen sketch called The Cuck and the Sodomite, only not funny.

He’s right to be dubious. Parler and Thinkspot are exactly analogical to the Intellectual Dark Web. They are fake opposition to the mainstream, approved alternatives created to allow those who are shaky in their loyalties to the Narrative to feel as if they are standing against it without actually doing so.

Notice, in particular, the way these “upstart new platforms” are being treated very, very differently than the likes of genuine alternative platforms such as BitChute, Gab, Fediway, Mastodon, and Infogalactic.

Breitbart News recently spoke with the CEO of upstart social media platform Parler about the company’s plans and what makes Parler different from Big Tech’s social media platforms. Breitbart News will begin actively posting on its official Parler account in the near future.

Paypal deplatforms BitChute

It doesn’t matter how neutral or moderate you attempt to present yourself, if you have not submitted to the SJW narrative, you WILL be targeted and deplatformed:

A few hours ago BitChute received a notice that our PayPal account has been permanently limited, with immediate effect, and that we will no longer be able to accept or send payments.

The notice included the following information: “The User Agreement for PayPal Service states that PayPal, at its sole discretion, reserves the right to limit an account for any violation of the User Agreement, including the Acceptable Use Policy.” This decision seems to be final although we will try to appeal.

BitChute has had a Paypal account since 2016, we have used it to settle payments and to receive subscription payments from supporters along with other discretionary payments. It’s our belief that it is our stand against the current trend in censorship that has resulted in this action.

I suspect that BitChute was deplatformed because they offer an alternative to Paypal’s SJW ally YouTube. In the end, everyone to the right of CNN will be deplatformed by Paypal. You must take the Mark of the Beast if you wish to buy or sell, after all.

This is wrong, of course. But from an economic point of view, it is disastrous. Far from being the pathway to the future, the Internet economy has become an unpredictable, unreliable Third World economy.