Shaking the industry

I doubt we’ll ever know if the success of the Alt★Hero kickstarter helped galvanize Disney into replacing the head SJW at Marvel. But I, for one, will mourn the departure of Axel Alonso from Marvel before he had the chance to sink it even deeper.

Marvel Entertainment, the home of Captain America, Spider-Man and the X-Men, among other colorful heroes, is undergoing a change in leadership. The company released a statement Friday announcing the appointment of C. B. Cebulski as editor in chief. Mr. Cebulski is replacing Axel Alonso, who served in that role since 2011 and is leaving Marvel.

As one of the public faces for Marvel, Mr. Alonso sometimes found himself at the forefront of controversies. In April Marvel took a beating on social media after seeming to link poor sales to a lack of enthusiasm for newer characters who were female or had diverse backgrounds. In fact, it was a handful of retailers in a small subset of comic-shop owners who felt that way.

As well as the 20 percent of comics buyers who stopped buying comics over the last year. Sadly, we can’t count on Marvel continuing to implode, although it may well do so. Fortunately, Alonso’s co-conspirator, Brian Bendis, is now at DC Comics and we can be absolutely confident that he’ll be doing his best to sink DC in much the same way he helped sink Marvel.

Then again, upon further review, I think we can be confident that the more things change at Marvel, the more they stay the same.

But the biggest thing that Cebulski might be known to fans for directly, is editing the company’s sleeper hit series, Runaways. The series, written by Brian K. Vaughn (Y the Last Man, Saga) and drawn by Adrian Alphona, featured a diverse and compelling cast of teenage children of supervillains rebelling against bad guys and good guys alike.

Ah, how I do love the smell of convergence in a competitor! In any event, we are going to shake up the industry in ways that no one who is in it can presently imagine. I can’t say anything more about it now, but rest assured, we are going to be hitting them from sides they didn’t even realize they had.

I’ll be sending out emails soon to all the backers with the promised postcards and a few other digital bonuses, one of which you’re going to be able to see on Monday as part of my new monthly column on the culture war.

More convergence in comics

G.I. JOE IS BACK! In the wake of IDW’s Revolution crossover event, G.I. JOE’s mission has become a global one–they aren’t just Real American Heroes, they’re Real Earth Heroes.

I know the physical standards for the U.S. military have been relaxed, but that’s just ridiculous. GI Joe is now selling less than 5k copies per month. Quelle surprise. And on a not entirely related note:

Yesterday, Bleeding Cool reported that the DC Rebirth ongoing titles would be moving to a plot-art-script production system rather than the more common plot-script-art system, in order to give the lead artists on titles a greater control over storytelling. It is often known as the “Marvel Method” after its adoption by Stan Lee to speed his work in the sixties, even though it is hardly used at Marvel Comics anymore. A Marvel insider tells Bleeding Cool.

The Marvel method can actually be more time-consuming if you are not used to it. And given DC’s penchant for editorial input, makes changes harder as they will be caught later in the pencils.

It means there must be a level of trust between writer, artist and editor. Everyone needs to be on the same page going in. Lots of discussion beforehand. And once you commit to a plot, the editor knows that the artist will, of course, add their own interpretation to things. The editor has to be a little more free-wheeling, knowing there will be less time for corrections.

This was used in the 70s to push through stories they knew would be controversial. Turn it in at the last minute and no one has time to make corrections. They’ll have to publish as it is or miss shipping.

So, DC has not only hired Marvel’s leading SJW, but has switched to a system that is known for its utility in pushing through stories they know will be controversial. This disruption is not only going to be glorious, it is going to be at least an order of magnitude bigger than anyone is currently anticipating.

UPDATE: DC is in disarray and it promises to get worse:

In the wake of the Batman group not having had a group editor for some time now, the DC New Age Of Heroes line being significantly delayed, the Superman group losing its head with no obvious replacement, and the holidays upon us, something at DC Comics is going to give. I am told to expect delays, cancellations, postponements in waves.

I get reports of increased stress, arguments, and an impending sense of doom within the company — tempered somewhat by the belief that DC did the right thing. There was plenty of objection towards Eddie internally within the company, as much as there were people who considered him a friend.

However, it may also be an opportunity for those who can to step up and prove themselves. Rebecca Taylor is now editing Metal rather than co-editing with Berganza, and no one doubts her ability to keep that event on the tracks. Others may seize upon the chance to show exactly what they can do, unburdened with the knowledge that certain creators won’t refuse to work for them.

Of course, if they were capable, they wouldn’t have needed old grabby hands to do the work for them in the first place.

DC spirals deeper into SJW Hell

DC Comics has been run by a serial sexual harasser for over a decade:

Liz Gehrlein Marsham had been working at DC Comics for less than three weeks when she said a veteran editor named Eddie Berganza cornered her, stuck his tongue in her mouth, and attempted to grope her.

For Marsham, who was 29 at the time, a foot in the door of DC had been a dream come true. “I was so excited,” she told BuzzFeed News. “I ran around the office the first week taking pictures of things and sending them to my parents.”

But the six years after that 2006 encounter were a “period of slow heartbreak,” Marsham said. Berganza’s actions and DC’s response would change the course of her career — and become fodder for the rumor mill surrounding Berganza and the increasingly open secret of his misconduct. Marsham would be forced to choose between working under Berganza, who she said made her feel profoundly unsafe, or avoiding him at the cost of advancing the career she’d been so proud to start at DC.

“By the time I left,” Marsham said, “I was really demoralized. I was physically ill from being stressed all the time and trying to hide it. I just felt like I needed to get out, however I could.”

Within an industry that has created some of the most influential American fiction serving as the basis for blockbuster films, TV shows, and video games, Berganza has become notorious for the contrast between his personal conduct and professional success. Professionally, he’s moved through the ranks at DC from group editor to executive editor and back again, shepherding properties like Superman and Wonder Woman — properties that grow more valuable by the day as superhero movies dominate box offices and define pop culture. Berganza has become a quintessential company man at a big company inside an even bigger company; DC Comics is part of DC Entertainment, which is owned by Warner Bros., part of Time Warner Inc.

While Berganza’s misconduct is alleged to have occurred years ago, with no fresh accusations suggesting he continues this behavior, the recent reckonings of powerful Hollywood figures like Harvey Weinstein and Kevin Spacey have emboldened more victims across more industries to tell their stories. Now, for the first time, three women who say Berganza targeted them in the past have come forward to BuzzFeed News. Five people, including two of those women, confirmed that they spoke to higher-ups at DC about Berganza’s behavior.

Among the women who reported Berganza to human resources, none still work for DC. None are even working at mainstream comics publishers anymore; they’ve largely put superheroes behind them.

DC released a statement last night:

DC Entertainment has immediately suspended Mr. Berganza and has removed him from performing his duties as Group Editor at DC Comics. There will be a prompt and yet careful review into next steps as it relates to the allegations against him, and the concerns our talent, employees and fans have shared. DC continues to be extremely committed to creating a safe and secure working environment for our employees and everyone involved in the creation of our comic books.

I have to say, I knew that Alt★Hero was going to shake up the comics industry. But I had no idea that SJWs were going to practically lay down the red carpet for us to do so before we even introduce our first books. Between Marvel’s collapsing sales, the SJW-convergence spreading into the movies and TV shows, Berganza’s forthcoming exit, and the metastasizing of the Bendis cancer to DC, the stars could hardly be aligning more flawlessly for the dramatic entrance of a new breed of hero.

And yes, SJWs really do always project. Courtesy of Silly But True, one guess who edited and published the following genuine panel from an actual Wonder Woman comic by DC.

UPDATE: It appears Mr. Berganza is no longer employed by DC Comics:

Bleeding Cool has received word from multiple senior figures in the comic book industry that, as of today, DC Group Editor Eddie Berganza will not be returning to the comic book publisher.

Live by social justice, die by social justice.

SJW will not protect you

Not even relentless virtue-signaling is proving sufficient to save the alleged sexual harassers in comics:

I understand that Group Editor of the Superman comics Eddie Berganza has informed staffers at the DC offices that Buzzfeed is about to publish an expose feature all about him and allegations that have been made against him regarding sexual harassment.

In 2012, Bleeding Cool reported the story that such an incident was alleged to have taken place in a hotel lobby at WonderCon in Anaheim.

I received multiple reports that the subject of the original post was DC Comics then-Executive Editor Eddie Berganza and the woman was a comic book creator in her own right, a partner of a regular DC writer, and an occasional convention reporter for Bleeding Cool.

She did not want to be named back then – she was afraid it might damage her work prospects and wanted to move on, and we respected that. But a few weeks later Bleeding Cool was able to name Eddie Berganza as the man allegedly responsible.

We later learnt that a number of complaints against Berganza had been made over previous years, including this one. During this period, he was demoted from Executive Editor to Group Editor, and reportedly banned from attending comic conventions for DC.

Between the Marvel-destroying SJW Brian Bendis moving to DC and Berganza’s slow-motion departure, this is really shaping up to be a tremendous vacuum for Alt★Hero to begin filling next spring.

And whether the accusations are true or not, this insidious environment is merely one of the many reasons you are very unlikely to ever see me at a comic convention. Can you even imagine how many female SJWs would be lining up to go public with their claims that I killed them, dismembered them, and raped them with their own severed limbs if I was foolish enough to so much as let them shake my hand?

Meanwhile, SJW convergence continues to kill the comics.

Sales of comics and graphic novels to comic stores declined 11.12{666e5e86189a1fe5e2247551e7a4443f43206d2d8b82140cfc9efd38c8e16ed5} in October in comparison to the year ago period, according to information released by Diamond Comic Distributors.  Comic sales were the entire source of the decline; comic sales declined 15.74{666e5e86189a1fe5e2247551e7a4443f43206d2d8b82140cfc9efd38c8e16ed5}, while graphic novel sales were up 2.37{666e5e86189a1fe5e2247551e7a4443f43206d2d8b82140cfc9efd38c8e16ed5}. Year-to-date sales are down 10.12{666e5e86189a1fe5e2247551e7a4443f43206d2d8b82140cfc9efd38c8e16ed5}, overall, with comic sales down 9.93{666e5e86189a1fe5e2247551e7a4443f43206d2d8b82140cfc9efd38c8e16ed5} and graphic novel sales down 10.55{666e5e86189a1fe5e2247551e7a4443f43206d2d8b82140cfc9efd38c8e16ed5}.

Even more interesting, unit sales were down 20.27 percent year-on-year.

The cancer spreads in comics

This is MOST EXCELLENT news for the future prospects of  Alt★Hero.

Brian Michael Bendis, one of Marvel’s most prolific writers, is moving over to DC Comics. The news broke this morning via a tweet from DC Comics, which read, “We are beyond thrilled to welcome Brian Michael Bendis exclusively to the DC family with a multiyear, multifaceted deal.”

From Bleeding Cool:

The word is out and it hit with a bang. Brian Michael Bendis, who has been writing continuously for Marvel Comics since 2000 has signed an exclusive contract with DC Comics. But why. No doubt there will be PR-friendly soundbites with the words “challenge”, “fresh start”, or “a whole new universe of characters to play with” but from involved sources, Bleeding Cool has been able to put together this timeline. All of this is unofficial, of course.

Much of it was spurred by the Marvel Comics Writers Summit that occurred last month just before New York Comic-Con, which we dubbed Fear And Loathing Before NYCC 2017.

But first, what was going on with Bendis at Marvel? He was writing Jessica Jones, Guardians Of The Galaxy, Defenders, Spider-Man, Spider-Men II, Invincible Iron Man and Infamous Iron Man. He had written the Civil War II crossover event. But he deliberately stayed well away from Secret Empire. His books didn’t crossover with the big event, and Guardians only did when he left.

However his books weren’t getting the big numbers like they used to. And a number of them were subject to being later than usual. His contract was up, the likelihood of getting a raise was low. The Marvel Comics Creative Committee of which he played a strong part no longer had any influence on the films, after Kevin Feige at Marvel Studios stopped reporting to Ike Perlmutter but to Disney instead. Bendis, who wrote the first of the Marvel end credit scenes with Samuel Jackson as Nick Fury in Iron Man, was no longer a part of that mix. Bendis had written pretty much every Marvel character he was interested in – and there was no chance of Marvel publishing a Fantastic Four comic now.

So, the Marvel Comics Writers Summit, before New York Comic Con. We mentioned how the issue of increased diversity of Marvel Comics and how to deal with negative reaction towards that, was a significant aspect. I am told that Brian Bendis, creator of Miles Morales and Riri Williams, had quite the disagreement with David Gabriel, whose interview with Miles Griepp for ICV2 regarding diversity at the publisher needed repeated clarifications.

That there was a decision made to give the title called simply Spider-Man to the Peter Parker iteration of the character in 2018, rather than the current Miles Morales, which would become Miles Morales: Spider-Man again, a battle Bendis thought he had previously won for Marvel Legacy.

That Gabriel told Bendis that diversity doesn’t sell. The counter to that being, what does at Marvel aside from Dan Slott’s Amazing Spider-Man and Star Wars?

We’re thrilled too. If Bendis succeeds in doing for DC Comics what he did for Marvel, the resulting vacuum is going to create an even bigger opportunity for alternative comics than we had previously imagined. Consider some of the comments by comics fans there.

  • Hope that Bendis won’t destroy DC like he did Marvel.
  • Most of what I’ve picked up from dc over the past two years has been a worthwhile read. But I’d given up on marvel, in part because of how many series they’ve let bendis ruin. I’m really hoping dc doesn’t pick the trash from marvel and end with the same bad books and terrible sales numbers.
  • DC went crazy! Bendis sucks!!!
  • Marvel is on a downward spiral, and Bendis doesn’t want to be caught up in it. That, and he just doesn’t have the pull he once had.

Jon Mollison has some related thoughts at Castalia House:

The flailing death throes of Marvel Comics represents only the latest softening of the permafrost. The phenomenal success of Alt★Hero represents the most obvious green shoot, but the most important sign of the coming spring is the reaction of fans to both events. No longer content to turn their backs on the cold and sterile offerings, comic book fans are turning up the heat and demanding better.

With the vast array of forces aligned against the common man, it is more important than ever that fans step back and reassess the history of the medium. Pushing back against the winds of winter and preparing the ground for the coming planting season takes some thought and effort, to be sure. But the rewards are well worth the effort. To that end, let’s turn the weapon of deconstruction around and use it against those who would replace genuine virtue in comics with the empty simulacrum of Diversity Uber Alles.

The community’s cameo

It’s nice to see more Alt★Hero fan art being created.

As I promised during the campaign, we’re granting one cameo to be decided upon by all the backers, so we need FIVE nominees that the backers can vote on.

So, who do you want to see making a cameo in one of the volumes? Make your case for your candidate here in the comments.

Alt★Hero press release

This was sent out to over 200 journalists. I very much doubt any of them will actually do anything with it, but it might inspire an angry tweet or two like the last one did.

Alt★Hero Celebrates Record Crowdfunding

After reaching its initial funding goal in only four hours, a new right-wing comics series, Alt★Hero, concluded its historic crowdfunding campaign by reaching the $245,000 mark. 2,190 backers signed on to help the alternative superhero series wage cultural war on the social justice-converged comic duopoly of Marvel and DC Comics.

Alt★Hero is being written by prolific Marvel and DC Comics veteran writer Chuck Dixon and six-time Hugo Award Finalist Vox Day. It will be published by Castalia House, Finland’s leading independent publisher.

The series is the creation of game designer Day, who is best known for being a member of GamerGate and publishing the political philosophy bestsellers SJWs Always Lie and SJWs Always Double Down. Alt★Hero features unconventional villains such as Captain Europa of the Global Justice Initiative and controversial heroes such as Michael Martel, a vigilante who drops off criminal undocumented immigrants at the local Immigration and Customs Enforcement office, and Rebel, an Southern girl whose superhero outfit incorporates the Confederate battle flag.

The breakout star of the campaign, however, has been Dynamique, a chain-smoking French model whose indifference to current events is only surpassed by her pragmatism.

“This is only the beginning,” said Alt★Hero creator Vox Day, who is writing six volumes of the series as well as co-designing the role-playing game. “Fans and retailers alike despise how Marvel and DC are trashing characters they have cherished for generations. That is why it’s not going to be too long before you’re going to start seeing Alt★Hero games, and eventually, movies.”

“I have an entire year’s worth of continuity funded to build a cast of characters in a brand new universe. Very inspiring, Very exciting,” said industry legend Chuck Dixon, the longtime Batman writer and co-creator of Bane, who is writing the first six volumes of the Alt★Hero series Avalon as well as a standalone novel entitled Avalon: Vendetta. “The city of Avalon is already a very real place in my mind. I think readers are going to enjoy visiting.”

“Astonishing demand,” added journalist Mike Cernovich on Twitter in response to the news that Alt★Hero had shattered the previous record for a new comic being crowdfunded.

In reaching 978 percent of its original $25,000 goal, the Alt★Hero crowdfunding campaign was the most successful in history for a new comics launch, and is the 22nd most-funded of the 10,553 historic comics-related crowdfunding campaigns.

Thanks again to all of you who made this possible. It really is just the beginning of a cultural revolution.

UPDATE: Who said there was no media coverage? The Springfield Daily has the honor of being the first mainstream media organization to cover Alt★Hero.

Time’s up!

This is exactly the sort of insidious social justice preaching you will not be seeing in Alt★Hero. The campaign officially ends at six seconds after midnight GMT time (8 PM Eastern), so this is your last chance to acquire the backer’s edition hardcovers or be able to say that you were one of the original backers.


Thanks to all 2,191 of you who backed the Alt★Hero launch. This is merely the beginning. The final number will actually be modestly higher, as Freestartr support goes through its emails and we also have two “incoming” backers that were previously arranged, but I would say that reaching 978 percent of the original goal is, as Mike Cernovich observed, “astounding demand.” We will do our best to exceed your expectations as you have exceeded ours.

If you are an existing backer, and, for some reason, would like to increase your backing, you can do so by contacting Freestartr support tonight. They’re still making the modifications requested by email, which is why the final number keeps changing slightly. However, we cannot accept any new backers.

The death cult in comics

The estimable John C. Wright explains why Marvel and DC Comics are pursuing their present course:

What is happening is that the leaders at SJW Marvel would prefer to put Politically Correct nonsense and crap into bookstores for sale than real stories penned by good writers about heroic topics.

They do not know why. To them it looks like financial suicide.

I submit to your candid judgment that if you look at a man’s financial motives, you are not seeing the whole man. Man seeks money to buy bread, but man does not live by bread alone. No culture in the history of the world ever existed without rites and rituals and sacrifice to hidden powers greater than human life. For the communist East, that power was the material dialectic of history, a sort of science flavored goddess, who demanded the bloody sacrifice of world wars, gulags, mass starvation, and endless executions. In the democratic West, the greater power was God, and, to a lesser degree, the ideals of freedom. God demands righteousness; democracy demands civic virtue and the self sacrifice of soldiers and sailors.

Now, no honest Christian would burn a pinch of incense to Caesar, and call him a god, for any amount of money. Not even the threat of death stirs the heart of the martyr.

SJW Marvel look at themselves as martyrs.

They think their goddess, history, will reward them with victory over their enemies, the conservatives, who are the sole source of all greed and evil in the world. All they need do is burn, degrade, and insult the beloved heroes of comics, and turn them all into minorities. The loss of review means nothing to them. They do not want our money.

They want the reward of righteousness without being righteous. They want to be martyrs without paying the cost in blood. Political correctness allows them to do this. All they need do it take an industry and ruin it in the name of PC.

The destruction is deliberate. They regard it as a sacrifice. This is a death cult.

The retailers, on the other hand, signed up for no such sacred mission and they are extremely unhappy with it.

An exchange between direct market retailers and Marvel Comics editors became heated in the closing minutes of Marvel’s Retailer-Only panel at New York Comic Con 2017, starting after a unidentified retailer expressed concern about Marvel’s lenticular variants not selling well in his store.

Marvel executive editors Tom Brevoort and Nick Lowe fielded the question, thanking the obviously upset retailer for his feedback. However, the retailer cut Lowe short to express his distaste for Marvel’s recent trend of replacing or altering its existing characters.

The retailer specifically cited examples such as characters that don’t reflect the ethnicity, gender, or sexuality of their predecessors – specifically expressing his distaste for Iceman “kissing other men,” and Thor “becoming a woman.” The retailer’s complaints sparked an outcry among the other retailers present in the room, some echoing his frustration, with multiple attendees raising their voices to speak over each other.

The original speaker called for “creating new characters and not messing with the old guys. The old guys are solid,” while a second said that Marvel has “never replaced its characters like this.”

Lowe pointed out that the changing nature of the identities of characters was engrained in Marvel’s history, pointing out examples from James Rhodes to Frog Thor. The retailer responded that Marvel has “never replaced them all at once before,” going on to say that he has had Marvel Cinematic Universe fans come into his store to find Avengers comic books only to leave “when they see that Thor is a woman and Captain America is a black man.”

And what’s more, the social justice cancer has spread to the Marvel movies now.

The rot of Marvel Comics has finally crept into the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Not just the rot of Social Justice — the rot of mediocrity.

On paper the movie sounds awesome. Thor, the God of Thunder, must defend Asgard and the Nine Realms from Hela, the all-powerful Goddess of Death. However, he is stranded on the planet of Sakaar on the other side of the galaxy. Surviving a brutal gladiatorial arena, Thor gathers allies and makes his way home to prevent Ragnarok, the prophesized destruction of Asgard.

In execution, it was as stale as week-old popcorn. With a basic plot, forgettable dialogue and limp characters, I struggled to remain engaged with the movie, much less care about the story. The heart of the problem lies with the movie’s poor craftsmanship and its rejection of the mythic.

Well, that’s certainly interesting, don’t you think? I don’t know about you, but I love the smell of opportunity in the morning.


Thank you all. I can now confirm that the campaign is officially over $200k. We already have a very strong cosplay candidate in mind and I’m informed she is definitely interested. Also, Freestartr has added the last two draft pages we intend to post for the campaign, so you’ll want to check them out.

For those who are curious, the other members of the Global Justice Initiative who appear in the scene there are Shade, Agualonia, Dr. Nano, and Redshift.

UPDATE: Well, I thought that 0 days left meant the campaign was over. I should probably ask Freestartr what’s up.

UPDATE: Apparently we all misunderstood the developer’s timer plug-in. 0 days left does not mean the campaign is over, it means there are less than 24 hours left. So if you’re feeling like you missed out, it seems you’ve been granted a reprieve. Freestartr has confirmed that the official campaign end is 8 PM Eastern on October 30.

In the meantime, here is a new image of Ryu no Seishin. You won’t like her when she’s in Dragon Mode.