Excursions in Alpha

I suppose I am definitionally obliged to assume that you’re all going to be fascinated by the news that I am reportedly a narcissist.

A more disputable question is whether the quantity inelasticity of female demand is a better way of explaining the inapplicability of the conventional demand curve to the supply of available men or if ALPHA and BETA men should simply be regarded as two fundamentally different markets. Color me extremely dubious about the latter; a Ferrari may be vastly more desirable than a Hyundai, but at the end of the day, they’re still both cars being sold in the automotive market.

And finally, there is a cursory examination of what some have observed to be the phenomenon of divorced mothers with limited custody losing interest in their children, and how fathers facing divorce might be able to feed and take advantage of it in order to raise their children.

Excursions in Alpha

I haven’t really bothered keeping up with the weekly summaries here as the Alpha Game blog has effectively taken on a life of its own. However, there are still occasionally posts there which I suspect may be of some interest to those here who don’t regularly follow it, so here are a few of the potentially more interesting ones.

1. Addressing the No-Win Game by deriving chaos out of order.

2. An observation that the marital commitment made by men and the marital commitment made by women are substantively and materially different and conclusions therefrom.

3. Answering a reader’s question concerning the wisdom of returning to the scene of past romantic defeats.

4. Explaining why female Facebook stalkers tend to hail from the lower end of the attractivity spectrum.

5. The increasingly misnamed Omega lays out his path forward as he steadily climbs the ladder of the socio-sexual hiearchy.

6. An explanation of how a woman can tell if the man in whom she is interested is sexually experienced or not.

The Week in Alpha

We are reliably informed that women really do want to tear men down.

Susan Walsh warns young women that the Grim Beeper strikes much sooner at their reproductive capabilities than most of them believe.

It is noted that even Le Chateau asserts that the universality of Game renders its utility much broader than its primary usage as a pick-up artist’s tool.

The academic success of young women is not translating well to the work environment.

Is there a link between slender women who maintain their figures and negative personalities? And if so, why don’t men prefer butterballs?

Is Game a tool or a philosophy of life? It is explained why the latter notion is not only incorrect, but a basic category error.

The Week in Alpha

Music and emotional resonance, otherwise known as sexual counterpush.

An Epic Gamma Fail which has to be read to be believed.

Answering a question regarding what came first, the socio-sexual rank or the temperament.

Addressing yet another critic’s take on the supposedly lack of need for a socio-sexual hierarchy in light of Roissy’s sexual hierarchy.

And finally, an intriguing post from Alpha Game’s resident Omega, who is demonstrating in real time how even the lowliest of the low can, with ambition aforethought, make his way up the socio-sexual hierarchy. He’s not yet a player, but he is no longer outside the Game.

UPDATE: The average British woman is heavier than you think. And she’s still 10 pounds lighter than the average American woman.

The week in Alpha

Science has spoken and demonstrated that ALPHAS are merely selfless men bringing health and wellness benefits to the opposite sex.

We already know the answer to why a 10 percent shortfall in the number of female physical science and math degrees is a problem but an eight percent shortfall in the number of male biology degrees is not.

Athol adeptly translates a song into Spielsprache and Vox suggests that being able to do what you want all the time is not necessarily the worst fate in the world.

Vox does his best Pat Moynihan impression and deduces that black statistical canaries are suggesting 50 percent of white college women today will not marry by the age of 40.

Game in Libya suggests that women help choose what sort of society they will live in by influencing young men to pursue careers as builders or destroyers.

The week in Alpha

Monday: A method for distinguishing the gamma from the superficially sentimental player courtesy of the greatest rock band of all space and time.

Tuesday: Women often fall for liars, but are liars appealing or are women simply unable to distinguish between men who are lying from men who are telling the truth?

Wednesday: The nice guys write a letter.

Thursday: Which do women find less sexually appealing, decapitation and post-mortem sex or gooey gamma romantic gestures? It’s a tough call.

Friday: Short hair is the equivalent of 30 extra pounds on a woman.

The week in alpha

This week’s round-up of posts at Alpha Game

Stalking the Virgin: Yohami’s amusing glossary of approaches plus the Sigma approach.

It’s not her fault. It’s not her fault: In which we are informed that 80% of women involved in car crashes are not responsible. At least, if you ask them.

The Orbital Leapfrog: A tactic to enable gamma orbiters to land on the planet. It will usually involve crashing and burning, of course, but even that’s better than remaining in perma-orbit.

Don’t talk to single women: An explanation of why volunteering conversation is usually counterproductive for the interested man and why a refusal to submit to qualification is intrinsically attractive to women.

Given that we increasingly appear to be living in interesting times, there is no shortage of topics that merit discussion here, so I’m intending to keep my Game-related posts over at Alpha Game. In unrelated news, I hope to wrap up my part of Round 4 and send it off to Dominic by the end of the weekend. We’ve both been traveling, hence the delay.

Killer Game

I don’t believe I could recommend this as a strategy for most men, but it is surely educational to learn that raping and killing a woman is demonstrably more attractive to women than behaving like a gentleman. And women, before all the inevitable snowflaking commences, please note that there is absolutely nothing to argue about here. It is an established empirical fact.

I would go so far to argue that if you are being introduced to a woman you find attractive, she will be more attracted to you if you slap her in the face without warning and walk away without explanation than if you smile and tell her that you are very pleased to meet her. Now this, being a mere hypothesis, can be argued. And tested, if you’re feeling especially scientific this weekend.

Now, please note that I am not saying that women dislike men behaving like gentlemen, it’s only that they don’t find it attractive. It’s irrelevant. It’s analogous to the male perspective on a woman having a good job or an impressive degree. Men don’t dislike these things, they just don’t have anything to do with whether a man is attracted to the woman possessing them or not.