Choosing the strong horse

This young athlete’s decision to compete for China rather than for the USA is yet another nail in the coffin of civnattery. She’s not an American by any standard, except the civnat’s nonsensical paper one.

Total vaccine fail

The UK makes it clear that the vaccines have spectacularly failed:

ALL over-50s will get Covid booster shots by autumn: People who got AstraZeneca ‘are set to be given a Pfizer jab’ in new vaccine drive because it is more effective against Indian variant…

Tens of millions of Britons will be offered a Pfizer booster jab this autumn as the vaccine has proved to be the most effective against the Delta variant.

The booster scheme, which was announced earlier this year, is set to start in September and should see 23million over-50s, vulnerable Britons and NHS and care home staff offered a third dose. 

Extra vaccines would be rolled out in two stages — prioritising those most at risk of Covid, before the programme is extended.

While patients were initially expected to be offered the jab they were originally inoculated with, it is understood all patients will be offered the Pfizer jab as it has proven to be the most effective against the Delta variant.

The Department of Health has yet to confirm the official details of the booster scheme, plans of which were first shared by the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) in June.

This is The Paradox of Achilles and the Tortoise applied to immunology.  

In a race, the quickest runner can never over­take the slowest, since the pursuer must first reach the point whence the pursued started, so that the slower must always hold a lead.

– Aristotle, Physics

The problem is threefold. First, the vaccines are creating the variants because they are non-sterilizing. Second, the more vaccines an individual receives, the more protein spikes and micro-clots he has, thereby increasing the odds of a stroke or heart attack. Third, Antibody Dependent Enhancement is further enhanced by the additional boosters.

Big Pharma is piling scientific failure upon scientific failure, and the stupid politicians are being bamboozled by the wicked to continue to make things worse for their nations and their economies.

Meanwhile, the vaccine mandates are going to fail completely too:

I’m getting reports from all over the place, including on my forum and mailbag. Nurses are walking out en-masse over vaccine mandates in hospitals and other care settings. 

In Europe, entire hospitals are shutting down rather than submit to the vaccine mandates.

Christian nationalism in Italy

This is what it looks like. In case you haven’t figured it out yet, secularism is nothing more than the road to satanry:

Italy plans MANDATORY crucifixes in public buildings – with a £890 fine for non-compliance

PUBLIC buildings in Italy will be legally required to display crucifixes in a prominent place if a new bill is approved by the country’s parliament.

Those who fail to display the Christian symbol “in a high and clearly visible place” could face fines of up to £890 (€1,000).

The law would apply to buildings including schools, hospitals, airports and prisons.

Forza Italia! Now leave the satanic European Union.

The conservative grifter factory

 As AC constantly points out, most of what you see is fake and manufactured. That includes many, if not most, of the conservative media celebrities. Ben Shapiro was obviously manufactured, having been forced on conservatives since he was an abused little boy, but the mechanism wasn’t quite so obvious with a lot of other conservative talking heads. Fortunately, National Justice has been digging into their backgrounds.

They’re prominent guests on Fox, they lead “grassroots” rallies, they write columns at The Blaze, they are keynote speakers at CPAC, a few were even used to blackmail perceived enemies of Israeli interests — and they all got their start as actors and models at the same Israeli-owned talent agency.  

These up and coming conservative superstars appear to have had or currently still have active profiles up at shadowy Israeli-born pornographer Ami Shafrir’s Explore Talent, National Justice can report.  

So far, National Justice has identified the following household names in the world of Republican Party politics as being actors or models featured for hire on the site in the last ten years:

1) Candace Owens — who began producing professional conservative content months after launching her Explore Talent profile in 2017. 

2) Congresswoman Lauren Boebert — participated in the site’s gallery contest in 2011, two years before opening up the “Shooters Grill” restaurant that brought her national fame and helped catapult her political career.

3) Tomi Lahren — a familiar face throughout conservative media. She has previously worked at The Blaze and served on Donald Trump’s PAC alongside Rudy Giuliani. She currently works as a contributor for Fox News. 

4) Mellissa Carone — Rudy Giuliani’s star witness in his election fraud lawsuit last December. She is currently running for office in Michigan.  

5) Scott Presler — a homosexual conservative influencer, often spotted leading rallies in the run up to Trump’s election. Presler spoke at CPAC 2020. 

6) Emma DiGiovine — the Fox News assistant who Jesse Waters left his wife for. 

7)  Anna Khait and Tarah Price — Two women hired by private intelligence operatives to seduce and blackmail National Security Adviser Lt. Gen. H.R. McMaster after Jewish mega donors Sheldon Adelson and Robert Mercer complained to Trump that he wasn’t sufficiently pro-Israel. 

There will be more exposed in a similar manner, because none of them are legitimate. All you have to do is listen to them talk to recognize that none of them have an original thought in their heads. Anytime you see someone who is superficially intelligent and verbally skilled but lacking in analytical depth or any apparent sense of curiosity, you can be relatively confident that they are a manufactured persona who is essentially an actor playing the part.

If you recognized the name Tarah Price, yes, she’s the same woman who tried to establish herself amidst the Dread Ilk some years ago. We’ve known that this community has been under surveillance and infiltrated by various organizations for over a decade, but it’s still interesting to see past conclusions about particular individuals confirmed.

CDC mocks NPCs

The CDC isn’t merely evil, it’s cruel. Now they’re openly mocking their own victims in their propaganda. Even more than lying, the wicked love to deceive by telling people exactly what they’re doing in a manner that somehow prevents the average person from believing them. It’s clear that those who are pushing the vaccine on everyone have an even lower opinion of the NPCs who are dumb enough to believe them than those who see through them do.

Castalia Library – A Throne of Bones Vol. I

We were a little late in announcing the July-August book for Library/Libraria subscribers because we have been hard at work on solving the bindery’s ongoing capacity problems. As I’ve mentioned on the Darkstream and SG, both Summa Elvetica and Heidi are scheduled to ship in December, while the subsequent books, including the Junior Classics 1-6, are scheduled to ship Q1 2022. And although we’ve gotten most of the Divine Comedy and Plutarch books shipped, we’re still hunting down a few missing ones and waiting for some of the Librarias to ship. (I don’t have mine either; rest assured we’re on it.)
The solution, as many of you know, is to build our own book factory in order to avoid being dependent upon the limited capacity of our existing partners. After getting the last two key questions answered in the affirmative, the decision was made today to proceed. We’ve already got the location, we’ve already got the support from the local government and the necessary corporate partners as well as from our current suppliers, and we’ll launch the virtual crowdfund to support it next week.
People have been asking for a Library edition of ATOB for a while now, but we didn’t have a design for the series that I was happy with until recently, and it wasn’t until we did Plutarch that we were certain we could handle a book that massive. Like Plutarch, the size of the book requires it being divided into two volumes, so Vol. I will be the July-August book and Vol. II will be the September-October book; the colors will match that of Summa Elvetica and they’ll all be part of the Arts of Dark and Light series.
In other Library news, both the Library and Libraria editions of Machiavelli’s Discourses are now available for purchase by non-subscribers. And if you haven’t subscribed yet, you can do so here.

Friday PM Arktoons

SILENZIOSA Episode 7: To Your Chambers Go

I’m also very pleased to report that Arktoons hit one million views on July 10, less than 2 1/2 months after launch. Thanks very much to the Arkhaven backers and Arktoons subscribers who have made this possible. There is considerably more to come, both in terms of features and content.