Children’s books are canceled

 Back when #GamerGate started, I warned everyone that it wasn’t going to stop with video games. SJW cancel culture is going to invade every single aspect of your life. Don’t think it won’t:

Prolific children’s writer Enid Blyton’s work has been linked to ‘racism and xenophobia’ by English Heritage after a review of its blue plaques following last summer’s Black Lives Matter protests.

The celebrated English children’s author has enchanted millions of young readers for a century with tales of adventure, ginger beer and buns, selling 600milllion books in 90 languages.

But Ms Blyton, whose novels have been among the world’s best-sellers since the 1920s, has been linked to racism in updated blue plaque information produced by charity English Heritage on its website and app. 

It says: ‘Blyton’s work has been criticised during her lifetime and after for its racism, xenophobia and lack of literary merit. In 2016, Blyton was rejected by the Royal Mint for commemoration on a 50p coin because, the advisory committee minutes record, she was ‘a racist, sexist, homophobe and not a very well-regarded writer’.

This is what YOUR submission to “equality” and “diversity” and “tolerance” has wrought. Every single time you said “I’m not racist, but….” or “I believe in equality of opportunity, not equality of result” or  “I have lots of [fill-in-the-blank] friends” or “they just want the same chance for love and respect that everyone else does”, you helped make this possible.

Words matter. Ideas matter. Yes, insane “leftists” and “liberals” drove the process, but conservatives and Christians and nice people were required to accept the lies in order to make it work.

You cannot be what the world considers to be a “good person”, let alone a “nice person”, and stand against the swamp of lies with which evil engulfs the world. Every single little compromise you make, every single little dishonesty to which you submit, contributes to the sum total of evil in the world.

Remember, convergence requires the universal submission of every individual and organization.

The next global leader

As the USA visibly declines, some are claiming that Israel is destined to be the next global leader. Which appears to be a self-refuting argument, given that one would have to be on some very strong hallucinogenic drugs to believe that the per capita rate of drug consumption has anything to do with global power.

Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu, the Chief Rabbi of Safed and a member of the Israel’s Rabbinate Council, says that we are witnessing the beginning of the end of America as a superpower, thus paving the way for Israel to take its place in guiding civilization forward.

“It is with great sadness that we can remember this event [storming of the US Capitol] as part of the process of America’s descent from the stage of history. It’s a sad moment, but it happens,” Rabbi Eliyahu wrote in a piece for Arutz 7.

The Rabbi points out that throughout history many empires and superpowers have fallen as a result of moral crises. Whether it was Rome, Egypt, England or Russia, no civilization can endure once there is a breakdown of its ethical foundations.

The Rabbi believes the time has come for Israel to fill the vacuum of leadership left by the failing American experiment. “One can’t help but mention the collapse of England and France, once regarded as among the four world-governing powers,” he writes. “Who remembers them today as such? They collapsed upon themselves like all of Europe, where moral values and justice have been replaced with ‘political correctness’. Family values have been replaced by hedonism.”

The Rabbi points out correctly that there is a vacuum in moral leadership in the world today and believes that it is Israel’s destiny to take up this role. “Israel leads the world in protecting family values,” he stresses. “The average number of children for an Israeli woman is double the average of the Western world, and that is what drives the successful Israeli economy and ingenuity.”

As examples of the moral decline in the West, the Rabbi noted that “Russia leads the world in alcohol consumption, and the US leads the world in drug consumption. Israel, on the other hand, has among the lowest rates of alcohol and drug consumption in the world.”

Rabbi Eliyahu also believes that there will never be a military or popular coup to overthrow the government in Israel, as happened to nations and empires throughout history. “We all remember the heavy toll of the destruction of the Second Temple and we won’t let it come to that again,” he writes, referring to the belief among many Israelis that Jerusalem was sacked because of the divisions and infighting amongst the Jews. 

I suspect the Russians, and in particular, the Chinese, will have just a little something to say about what comes next. The Chinese, in particular, have indicated that they have absolutely no intention of permitting anyone else to tell them what to do.

And as for the breakdown of the USA’s ethical foundations, well, who was primarily responsible for that, Rabbi? I don’t seem to recall the media being run by Canadians, the political parties being controlled by the American Icelandic Political Action Committee, the porn industry being operated by the Japanese, the thought police being run by Nigerians, or the removal of prayer from the schools being driven by Bangladeshis.

Israel can’t even rule over eight million Palestinians with any noticeable degree of success. The short, but event-filled history of imperial Israel of the last 70 years, to say nothing of the ghastly Bolshevik rule in Russia, doesn’t exactly lend support to the idea of Israel “guiding civilization forward”. Forget global leadership, Israel will need to be fortunate and self-sufficient if it even hopes survive the decline and fall of the country that has been propping it up for decades.

You knew CNN would regret it

I think we all knew that CNN would come to regret reinstating Jeffrey Toobin, but who would have imagined he’d return to form so quickly!

Man busted for masturbating in broad daylight in Times Square

Oh, wait. On further review, apparently Toobin hasn’t actually been caught exposing himself again. Yet.

Kurt Eichenwald could not be reached for comment, as he was occupied with eagerly awaiting the mailman’s imminent deliver of the much-anticipated June issue of Naughty Squid Girls.

Even worse is the idea of expanding NATO’s charter to define China as an enemy.

NATO’s new narrative 

Meanwhile, the Brussels communique for the first time in the alliance’s history also brings in China’s rise as posing a potential challenge. The US has been pressing for this in the recent years and has succeeded in including some references to China in the communique. (Paras 56-57.) The communique makes the following points with regard to China: 

  • “China’s stated ambitions and assertive behaviour present systemic challenges to the rules-based international order and to areas relevant to Alliance security”; 
  • NATO is concerned over China’s “coercive policies”;
  • China is “rapidly expanding” its nuclear capabilities and is developing “a larger number of sophisticated delivery systems to establish a nuclear triad”; 
  • China is “opaque in implementing its military modernisation and its publicly declared military-civil fusion strategy”; 
  • China has military cooperation with Russia and has participated in in Russian exercises in the Euro-Atlantic area; and,  
  • NATO is concerned with China’s “frequent lack of transparency and use of disinformation”; and, China is not upholding its international commitments and acting “responsibly in the international system, including in the space, cyber, and maritime domains, in keeping with its role as a major power.” 

Turning NATO into the primary vehicle for opposing the de facto Sino-Russian alliance may actually exceed the proverbial “invade Russia in winter” level of stupid.

Neo-Darwinism is dead

Some of you will recall that I thoroughly, and in some detail, demonstrated the way in which, according to the present scientific understanding of astrophysics, genetic biology, and mathematics, the modern Neo-Darwinian synthesis of the theory of evolution by (mostly) natural selection is impossible, caught as it is between the Scylla of a fixed amount of time and the Charybdis of the number of fixed mutations required to take place in the evolution between one historical species and a present species.

To put it in the most simple terms that even a biologist should be able to follow, if we are told that a football team has gained 1,500 yards on the ground while averaging three yards per rushing play, and we know that the maximum number of offensive plays per team per game is 84, then we know, beyond any shadow of a doubt, that the yards reported were not gained in a single 60-minute game. They could not have been. It is impossible.

The math is inexorable. The maximum number of yards that could have been gained on the ground in a single game, given a three yards-per-carry average, is 252. It does not matter if a desperate proponent of Neo-Schembechlerism proposes the idea that perhaps the team ran a hurry-up wishbone offense, or that the quarterback was a dual-threat as a runner, or that the team played in a league known for its terrible run defenses, or that one of the halfbacks is known to have one ripped off a 99-yard gain, or that NCAA teams have been known to play up to seven overtime periods, or that up to five different players touched the ball on the same play. The math is inexorable. The assertion that a football team which averages three yards per carry gained 1,500 yards on the ground in a single game is flat-out impossible. We can say with absolute certainty that it never happened without knowing any details whatsoever about the team or the game.

In like manner, the number of fixed mutations that are presently observed to distinguish two species, whether we contemplate modern Man and the Chimpanzee–Human last common ancestor (CHLCA) or the dog and one of the therapsids, are considerably – CONSIDERABLY – in excess of the maximum amount of time that could have passed since the speciation process is believed to have begun. There is only one defense against this straightforward mathematical observation, and that is the idea that enough parallel mutations happened very, very quickly to significantly reduce the average time per fixed mutation to permit it to happen in the intervening time period.

The problem here, of course, is that the numerical gap that needs to be filled is so large that if that were the case, then these mutations would be have to be happening so rapidly, and fixing in parallel so quickly, that we could observe evolution by natural selection happening in real time all the time.

But we don’t.

And, as predicted, the new advances in genetic science combined with new archeobiological discoveries are methodically reducing the already insufficient time in which evolution had to go from point A to point Z.

  • Peştera Muierii woman is related to Europeans, but she is not a direct ancestor
  • Reduced diversity in Europe caused by Last Glaciation, not out-of-Africa bottleneck
  • Genetic load appears indifferent across 40,000 years of European history
  • New DNA extraction approach recovers up to 33 times more DNA from ancient remains


Few complete human genomes from the European Early Upper Palaeolithic (EUP) have been sequenced. Using novel sampling and DNA extraction approaches, we sequenced the genome of a woman from “Peştera Muierii,” Romania who lived ∼34,000 years ago to 13.5× coverage. The genome shows similarities to modern-day Europeans, but she is not a direct ancestor. Although her cranium exhibits both modern human and Neanderthal features, the genome shows similar levels of Neanderthal admixture (∼3.1{cc08d85cfa54367952ab9c6bd910a003a6c2c0c101231e44cdffb103f39b73a6}) to most EUP humans but only half compared to the ∼40,000-year-old Peştera Oase 1. All EUP European hunter-gatherers display high genetic diversity, demonstrating that the severe loss of diversity occurred during and after the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) rather than just during the out-of-Africa migration. The prevalence of genetic diseases is expected to increase with low diversity; however, pathogenic variant load was relatively constant from EUP to modern times, despite post-LGM hunter-gatherers having the lowest diversity ever observed among Europeans.

Translation: there was even more genetic diversity among early humans than previously believed, which further increases the required rate of time per fixed mutation. 

Or to put the point in even more simple terms, it is mathematically more credible to claim that you drove from New York to Los Angeles in a 1976 Cadillac Eldorado in one hour on a single tank of gas than to claim that any modern mammal evolved from the first crown group mammal in the amounts of time currently estimated.

A little reminder

 I’m not expecting anything exciting to come out of the Geneva talks between Russian President Putin and US Fake President Fake Biden, but apparently the Sino-Russian alliance isn’t being subtle about reminding everyone who has the initiative now:

Russia and China have heaped pressure on Joe Biden with provocative military drills in the Pacific and the South China Sea ahead of the US President’s showdown with Vladimir Putin in Geneva today. 

USAF stealth fighters were scrambled to Hawaii on Sunday as Moscow launched its biggest naval exercises in the Pacific since the Cold War, while in the South China Sea, an American carrier group has steamed in as Chinese warplanes tear around Taiwan.  

Biden will finally sit down with Putin on Wednesday for their first presidential summit on Lake Geneva – the choice of venue harking back to the Cold War meeting between Ronald Reagan and Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev in 1985. 

Relations between the two sides are similarly cool – at their lowest ebb in decades after Putin’s outlandish cyber attacks against the US, aggression towards Ukraine, poisoning of Alexei Navalny and intervention in the Middle East.

Putin arrived at Geneva airport early this afternoon, a day after Biden, ahead of the meeting at the Villa de la Grange, a stunning chateau overlooking Lake Geneva ripe for photo-ops and small talk filled with bookcases, Trompe l’oeil ceiling details and a colorful rose garden. 

What appears to be taking place is stage-managing the displacement of the USA as the premier global power. This is a delicate process, chiefly because very few in the USA even believe this is possible, much less that it has already taken place. But people who pay close attention to these matters have been anticpating and planning for this moment for more than a decade.

The fear expressed that “a real decline of the West, particularly the United States, would have dramatic consequences for the Jewish people,” also led to controversy. Brandeis University president Jehuda Reinharz agreed that this type of decline can be expected “in the coming two decades” – but Stuart Eisenstadt was less emphatic about it. He believes the United States will remain the leading power. In all events, it was agreed the Jews “should strengthen cultural links with non-Western civilizations, particularly China and also India,” powers that are on the ascent.

That was 14 years ago. However, as we’ve seen, the project to establish a cultural connection with China did not go so well. 

Mailvox: It’s ALWAYS about the Boomer

Boomers really have an incredible inability to not try to make everything – literally everything – about themselves:

How many “conservative” individuals and outlets that have complained about the entertainment industry have so much as mentioned Arktoons?

Perhaps grandparents have looked in people associated with arktoons and the whole “day of the pillow’ bothers them. Could be why some of them are not looking to arktoons as an option. I mean really, when both options want you to die…..

It could be, but it obviously isn’t. That explanation is both self-serving and utterly implausible, considering that every single alternative site and system suffers from the same lack of conservative interest in utilizing alternatives to the Big Tech sites they are constantly crying about.

But it is a fascinating example of the Boomer’s well-honed ability to find any possible angle to insert his g-g-generation into the c-c-conversation.

And to the contrary, I expect that Day of the Pillow is not only going to be the most popular comic on Arktoons, but the first one to break out into mainstream social media and a primary driver of subscription growth.

Tuesday PM Arktoons

 THE AWAKENER Episode 7: Deep State Plans (R)

CHUCK DIXON’S AVALON Episode 7: Blood on the Streets

Please note that this episode of The Awakener is R-rated. What we’re planning to do to make the site reliably family-friendly, once we’ve got content lockdown functionality added, is to limit access to R-rated comics to subscribers, and subscribers will be able to set the age-rating for their account to anything from child-only to all-access. But we’re probably three months away from that right now, so just be aware that some of the content from our partners is not intended for all ages.