Mailvox: tribalism wins

A reader relates a recent encounter with a group of Mennonites:

I am currently staying at a travel lodge in northern Wisconsin and there are 30-40 old school Mennonites, cousins of the Amish, also here.  The free self-serve breakfast room provides lessons regarding how the Amish likely will behave if, as speculated, they ever do achieve population dominance.

The Mennonites entered the room en masse and immediately occupied every open table remaining in the place.  Each clan had its own table and it did not matter whether there were two members or eight, they had their own table by clan and would stand beside their territorial claim despite empty seats being available at the other Mennonite tables. Spaces were reserved by laying objects in the conventional way.

Then the Mennonites formed an after church social barrier in front of the food supply, blocking outsiders from access in polite fashion while kibbitzing together in Swiss German.  The kids were all barefoot and roaming around, which dissuaded the rest of us from approaching.

About six old ladies commandeered the two waffle-making machines and began preparing waffles exclusively for all Mennonites.  They cast intimidating glares at some tough-looking brawny, sleeveless construction workers who attempted to stand in line for waffles.  Not gonna happen.

The men, who are noticeably trimmer than the somewhat fat women, helped themselves to all the food, making immediate return trips to fill up individual and shared plates for their tables.  This left only coffee for the outsiders.

No grace was given nor prayers offered, once the last old lady abandoned her waffle post the entire group began eating and the men discussed whatever Swiss German topic.  The food area resembled a war zone where the cockroaches would have starved.

Those Mennonites are going to do well when things fall apart. The rugged individualists should be fine, at least as long as they’re out in the deep wilderness without any resources that these people happen to decide they need for their families. 

Notice how the supposed tough guys couldn’t handle the old women. They could have unplugged the machines and refused to plug them back in until one machine was given to the non-Mennonites, but apparently they couldn’t even manage to work together in that one simple regard.

The chickenhawk guarding the coop

The converged Catholic Church in the USA hasn’t even begun dealing with the full extent of its massive pedofestation. High-ranking fabs are still actively engaged in the coverup of the serial sex crimes committed by the fabs who infiltrated it after Vatican II.

Monsignor Jeffrey Burrill, former general secretary of the U.S. bishops’ conference, announced his resignation Tuesday, after The Pillar found evidence the priest engaged in serial sexual misconduct, while he held a critical oversight role in the Catholic Church’s response to the recent spate of sexual abuse and misconduct scandals.

“It is with sadness that I inform you that Msgr. Jeffrey Burrill has resigned as General Secretary of the Conference,” Archbishop Jose Gomez wrote July 20 in a memo to U.S. bishops.

“On Monday, we became aware of impending media reports alleging possible improper behavior by Msgr. Burrill. What was shared with us did not include allegations of misconduct with minors. However, in order to avoid becoming a distraction to the operations and ongoing work of the Conference, Monsignor has resigned effective immediately,” Gomez added.

The memo came after the USCCB and Burrill were contacted by The Pillar regarding evidence of a pattern of sexual misconduct on Burrill’s part…. Use of location-based hookup apps is inconsistent with clerical obligations to continence and chastity, according to Fr. Thomas Berg, a professor of moral theology at St. Joseph’s Seminary in Yonkers, New York.

Of course, there isn’t much that good Catholics can do now that the pedofestation appears to run all the way up to the Lavender Mafia in the Vatican and the Fake Pope. 

Freedom of religion

If you don’t understand why Christianity is totally incompatible with “freedom of religion”, you may wish to remind yourself that the United States is presently ruled by foreign invaders who worship Satan and whose religion involves the kidnapping, rape, and sexual abuse of children as well as the occasional sacrifice of people of various ages.

Do you really believe that they possess an unalienable, God-given right to do engage in the practice of their religion without any limitations on their actions imposed by the state? Remember, Constitutional rights cannot be limited by law, even if this concept is more honored in the breach than respected by the government.

If not, then you should be capable of understanding that there is no right to “freedom of religion” any more than there is a right to “freedom of speech”, and that such “freedoms” are falsehoods, invented by men who hated Christendom and sought to bring it down.

The vaccine will NOT protect others

 Karl Denninger observes that there is now sufficient evidence to confirm that the Covid vaccines are not inhibiting transmission at all:

There are 67 Democrats in the TX Delegation.  I presume not all of them flew to DC; the news says “more than 50”, which is enough to deny the quorum and was the point of the exercise.

There are now six confirmed Covid infections among them, and all are fully vaccinated.  That’s a failure rate of roughly 10{cc08d85cfa54367952ab9c6bd910a003a6c2c0c101231e44cdffb103f39b73a6} for symptomatic infections, and not just preventing infection either — they transmitted it to each other as the infections were serial; not all got it on the same day.

Since the CDC says somewhere between 6 and 24 (best guess 11) people are entirely asymptomatic and untested for each tested, symptomatic infection this means that more than half of the delegation in fact has the virus and is presumably, under the CDC’s claim of “asymptomatic transmission” spreading it to others.

Is ten percent failure rare?  How about more than fifty percent?

That sounds rather more like “worthless” to me.  What say you?

In addition a White House official also has tested positive after coming into contact with the delegation.  Said person is also fully vaccinated and is symptomatic.  They, since they are symptomatic, are presumptively contagious despite being “fully vaccinated.”

How many White House officials were there?  One?  Boy, that’s a pretty good breakthrough case percentage isn’t it?

Never mind the 10{cc08d85cfa54367952ab9c6bd910a003a6c2c0c101231e44cdffb103f39b73a6}+ symptomatic failure rate, which strongly implies at least half the delegation actually got infected, among the delegation itself.

May I remind you that 80{cc08d85cfa54367952ab9c6bd910a003a6c2c0c101231e44cdffb103f39b73a6}, according to a study first published last summer, of the population has pre-existing resistance and thus would likely either by asymptomatic or only mildly so even if not vaccinated.

Have we improved anything at all other than, perhaps, individual outcomes with these shots?

The data says, within the confidence interval, no.

In other words there is no public health benefit to the jabs.  These fully vaccinated people not only got the virus they gave it to others.  That, my friends, is what everyone claimed wouldn’t happen — if you got jabbed you protected other people.

Congratulations. If you were dumb enough to get vaxxed, you risked your health and fertility for absolutely nothing. You didn’t protect yourself and you certainly didn’t protect anyone else.

And now there are reports that more than 45,000 Americans died within three days of getting vaccinated. This is not confirmed yet, but the court case has been filed, and we already know more than 11,000 Covid vaccine deaths have been recorded in the VAERS system. 

I have little sympathy for anyone who is harmed by this monstrosity, except for the poor children whose idiot parents made them take it. What part of “the media always lies” is hard to understand? What part of “don’t ever take any experimental drug for which the manufacturer is given immunity from legal liability” is difficult to grasp? What part of “the mainstream Narrative is false” did not register?

No wonder the Biden “administration” is seeking to start World War III by going to war with both China and Russia. That’s about the only distraction that would actually distract the American public from the nightmare to which they have been subjected.

Tuesday PM Arktoons

EMBER WAR Episode 12: Mech Combat

STONETOSS Cartoon 1: Live, Laugh, Litter

We’re extremely pleased to announce that the excellent STONETOSS will be appearing on Tuesdays and Thursdays at Arktoons! The author encourages you to enjoy the comic, but if it offends you, that’s okay too. And rest assured that we don’t care either.

USN throws out Royal Navy bait

It’s becoming clear that the US Navy is using the Royal Navy as bait in the attempt to learn just how willing Russia and China are to defend their territorial claims and what cards they have to play in that regard.

The United Kingdom has announced plans to permanently deploy a fleet of naval vessels to Japan, sailing through the South China Sea, as Western countries increase engagement in the Pacific region.

The UK announced on Tuesday that it will be permanently deploying two naval vessels to waters surrounding Japan later this year ahead of the HMS ‘Queen Elizabeth’-led aircraft carrier strike group’s arrival in Japan.

“Following on from the strike group’s inaugural deployment, the United Kingdom will permanently assign two ships in the region from later this year,” UK Defense Minister Ben Wallace said in Tokyo at a joint press conference with his Japanese counterpart, Nobuo Kishi. “We will respect China and we hope that China respects us. We will sail where international law allows.”

Wallace stated that the British vessels will not be specifically based at a Japanese port but will patrol the surrounding waters. 

Of course, this involves a redefinition of “where international law allows” in order to test the willingness of Russia and China to put their ship-killing missiles where their lines on the map are. Using the British ships as a proxy is actually a good sign, as it means the USN has an excuse to back down and avoid WWIII if either the Russians or Chinese decide to call their bluff and sink the intruding ship with something the US forces aren’t equipped to handle.

If I had to guess who is more likely to call and raise, I would think it would be China. Having successfully taken Hong Kong, the Chinese are increasingly confident of bringing Taiwan back into the fold and Xi appears to be a little bolder and a lot less deferential to the neoclowns than Putin.

And time is not on the neoclowns’ side. Every month, the China-Russia-Iran Concord grows stronger, while both the neoclowns’ grip on the North Atlantic Empire and the Empire itself gets weaker. If the neoclowns don’t make use the North Atlantic forces soon, they will lose the ability to do so, and they’ve never had more influence over an administration than they do over the fraudulent Biden one.

The problem is, the effort to use that influence risks stirring up both the American and the British people against them. It’s legitimately a difficult call, but their historical lack of risk aversion will, sooner or later, lead them to push their luck too far. This is why war is more likely than not, barring the exposure and removal of the fraudulent administration.

Another retreat from arbitration

Now it’s Amazon that is deciding to run away from arbitration:

We wanted to let you know that we recently updated our Conditions of Use.

One of our updates involves how disputes are resolved between you and Amazon. Previously, our Conditions of Use set out an arbitration process for those disputes. Our updated Conditions of Use provides for dispute resolution by the courts.

Please visit to read our updated terms in full.

As always, your use of any Amazon service constitutes your agreement to our Conditions of Use.

Thank you,


There are several reasons for this. One, of course, is the fact that the companies now know that arbitration can cost them tens of millions of dollars even when the arbitration companies and the arbitrators are bending over backward for them and breaking both the arbitration rules and the law in their favor. Even when they win, the state courts won’t uphold their awards because awards against consumers are egregious violations of the California law where most of them are headquartered.

The second is that California is tightening its grip on the arbitration companies. The arbitration companies keep trying to worm around the law, so the legislature keeps passing new and more rigorous laws, such as SB 762, which has been passed due to the way JAMS has repeatedly tried to wiggle around the requirements of the previous year’s SB 707. It wouldn’t surprise me in the least if the California legislature eventually strips the arbitration companies of the legal immunity that the courts have conveyed upon them through case law.

But the third and most important reason is that the U.S. Appeals Court for the Second Circuit in New York recently agreed to review a lower court’s ruling that Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act protects big tech companies from civil rights liability. The big tech companies lean very, very heavily on this ruling, and it’s probably not going to hold up to the Appeals Court review, being a very stupid ruling that has permitted the tech companies to play editor without being liable for an editor’s responsibilities.

The case of Domen v. Vimeo came about after Vimeo, an Internet video-hosting company, terminated Church United’s video streaming activities after it featured videos of five men and women who left the gay lifestyle to pursue their Christian faith. Vimeo claimed that its terms of service bar streaming videos that promote sexual orientation change therapy. Church United is led by Pastor Jim Domen.

A federal district court had previously held that Section 230 exempted firms such as Vimeo from civil liability and a three-judge panel of the Second Circuit upheld the lower court’s ruling.

However, as a result of the July 16 decision, the panel’s ruling will be reheard before the entire Second Circuit. The Second Circuit covers six federal district courts in three states, including New York, Connecticut, and Vermont.

“This ruling puts Section 230 immunity in the crosshairs of judicial review. We suspect that the en banc court recognizes that Big Tech is not exempt from state and federal civil rights laws,” said attorney Robert Tyler, general counsel for the California-based Advocates for Faith & Freedom. His law firm, Tyler & Bursch, represents Pastor Jim Domen and the California-based Church United nonprofit.