Kingdom Come: Degenerate II

Fandom Pulse correctly called out Daniel Vavra for his deranged and degenerate promotion of pedophilia in Kingdom Come: Deliverance II:

Yesterday, the tides turned on the discussion for Kingdom Come: Deliverance II as video game influencers learned that Daniel Vavra inserted underage gay sex into the game. Melonie Mac eviscerated the developer with comments on X, leading the charge against evil LGBTQ+ grooming.

It’s been uncovered that the graphic scene depicting sodomy in the game actually shows a child (Hans Capon) engaging in it.

It was revealed by IGN that the scene in question featured Hans Capon with the outlet writing on X, “The medieval world of 1403 Bohemia can be a lonely and dangerous place, so why not make it just that bit more special by romancing everyone’s favourite Lord, Sir Hans Capon.”

Based on a codex from the first game, Hans is a teenager when this vile act takes place.

An entry from the Codex for Hans Capon states that he was likely born around 1388 and died in 1419. It also makes it clear he is “underage.”

It states, “The underage son of Jan Jesek Ptacek and Hedvika of Dauba.”

This response raised questions from various gamers who didn’t appreciate the defense of graphic pedophilia scenes in the name of historical accuracy, especially when Vavra took liberties with historical accuracy by adding a black person to the court in Bohemia in another strange move to add “diversity” to the series.

It will be fascinating to see if all the moronic YouTubers who defended the game on the grounds of Optional Gay Sex will continue to defend it on the grounds of Historically Accurate Optional Gay Pedophilia.

This is precisely why hard, firm, and bright lines have to be drawn and policed hard. Give them an inch, and they’ll immediately start molesting children and sacrificing them to Satan.

Every. Single. Fucking. Time.


It Was NEVER Just Video Games

Anti-GGer: You guys are genuinely so fucking pathetic IT’S QUITE LITERALLY JUST VIDEO GAMES

Endymion: Idiot says protecting video games is pointless & stupid & the USAID story is a nothing burger. These are the same kinds of people who were totally fine to see all your favourite things turn into transgender playgrounds. We won, you lost. Seethe all you want, we’re burning it all down. The fact everything I spoke about while I risked my livelihood when censorship was at its highest only to be proven TRUE all along…you’re damn right I’m going to shout it out from the rooftops. We won, and we must ensure these pathetic losers never grasp power ever again. Destroy it all, raze it to the ground. Keep the pressure no matter what. Thank you.


Blitzing the Deep State

How the President’s team is overwhelming the entrenched bureaucracy with an unprecedented technological blitzkrieg:

In Treasury’s basement, fluorescent lights hummed above four young coders. Their screens cast blue light across government-issue desks, illuminating energy drink cans and agency badges. As their algorithms crawled through decades of payment data, one number kept growing: $17 billion in redundant programs. And counting.

“We’re in,” Akash Bobba messaged the team. “All of it.”

Edward Coristine’s code had already mapped three subsystems. Luke Farritor’s algorithms were tracing payment flows across agencies. Ethan Shaotran’s analysis revealed patterns that career officials didn’t even know existed. By dawn, they would understand more about Treasury’s operations than people who had worked there for decades. This wasn’t a hack. This wasn’t a breach. This was authorized disruption.

While career bureaucrats prepared orientation packets and welcome memos, DOGE’s team was already deep inside the payment systems. No committees. No approvals. No red tape. Just four coders with unprecedented access and algorithms ready to run.

“The beautiful thing about payment systems,” noted a transition official watching their screens, “is that they don’t lie. You can spin policy all day long, but money leaves a trail.”

That trail led to staggering discoveries. Programs marked as independent revealed coordinated funding streams. Grants labeled as humanitarian aid showed curious detours through complex networks. Black budgets once shrouded in secrecy began to unravel under algorithmic scrutiny.

By 6 AM, Treasury’s career officials began arriving for work. They found systems they thought impenetrable already mapped. Networks they believed hidden already exposed. Power structures built over decades revealed in hours. Their traditional defenses—slow-walking decisions, leaking damaging stories, stonewalling requests—proved useless against an opponent moving faster than their systems could react. By the time they drafted their first memo objecting to this breach, three more systems had already been mapped…

USAID fell next. No midnight raids this time. No secret algorithms. Just a simple memo on agency letterhead: “Pursuant to Executive Authority…”

Career officials panicked—and for good reason. Created by Executive Order in 1961, USAID could be dissolved with a single presidential signature. No congressional approval needed. No court challenges possible. Just one pen stroke, and six decades of carefully constructed financial networks would face sunlight.

“Pull this thread,” a senior official warned, watching DOGE’s algorithms crawl through USAID’s databases, “and a lot of sweaters start unraveling.”

The resistance was immediate—and telling. Career officials who had barely blinked at Treasury’s exposure now worked through weekends to block DOGE’s access. Democratic senators who had ignored other moves suddenly demanded emergency hearings. Former USAID officials flooded media outlets with warnings about “institutional knowledge loss” and “diplomatic catastrophe.”

But their traditional defenses crumbled against DOGE’s new playbook. While bureaucrats drafted memos about “proper procedures,” the young coders were already mapping payment flows. While senators scheduled hearings, pre-positioned personnel were implementing new transparency protocols. While media allies prepared hit pieces, DOGE’s algorithms exposed decades of questionable transactions.

It’s like watching The Greatest Show on Turf against a slow, aging team from the 1970s. And what they’ve revealed so far is just the tip of the corruption and cancer. Note that Team Trump has “uncovered patterns hidden for 30 years.”

Forget Democrats and Republicans. They’re just Deep State Blue and Deep State Red. They are both culpable and they both have to go.


They Smoked it Out

Curses! Those cunning Ukrainian disinformation agents have smoked out the plot!

Ukraine’s Center for Countering Disinformation has accused the viral pop song ‘Sigma Boy’ of being part of an “information war” aimed at promoting a positive image of Russia among young people.

Sigma Boy, performed by 11-year-old Betsy (Svetlana Chertishcheva) and 12-year-old Maria Yankovskaya, has gained attention on TikTok and other platforms since its release in October 2024. The track has reached the top ten on Billboard’s Hot Dance/Electronic Songs chart, peaking at seventh place, and has accumulated millions of views.

Ukraine’s disinformation watchdog, which operates under the National Security and Defense Council, has claimed that Moscow could have manipulated the song’s popularity, drawing comparisons to alleged Kremlin interference in the 2016 US elections. The agency has argued that Sigma Boy “erodes critical perceptions of Russian content” and helps normalize the nation’s cultural influence abroad.

“Sigma, sigma boy, sigma boy, sigma boy
Every girl wants to dance with you
Sigma, sigma boy, sigma boy, sigma boy
I’m so special, it will take you a year to win me.”

I’m pretty sure that under ASCAP’s rules I qualify for a writer’s credit on that one. I mean, I wrote nearly one-quarter of the lyrics.


The Case of the Gold Buddhas

This is the first I’ve ever heard about any of this. Don’t ask me if it’s legitimate or the plot of Chuck Dixon’s next action movie.

Now that we’re finally allowed to talk about conspiracies and USAID—can we talk about the CIA moving gold on ships?

Can we talk about how, before WWII, nearly every village in China had a gold Buddha filled with gems, serving as the local bank?

Can we talk about how the Japanese looted them all and launched a massive sealift operation to stash them in the Philippines?

Or how a farmer found ONE of these Buddhas—only for Ferdinand Marcos to steal it?

Or how a U.S. court valued that SINGLE Buddha at $22 BILLION in 1998?

Or how, if that one Buddha had been invested in the S&P 500, the farmer would be richer than

Can we talk about how Google raided libraries and archives, scanning every book to track it down?

Can we talk about how certain tech firms used this knowledge to leverage the US Government and CIA to work for them?

Or how most of that gold is STILL buried in the Philippines—
And how Taiwan is a distraction while China builds a massive Navy to take it back?

Or how at least one of the CIA’s secret ship registries was accidentally exposed in the USAID data dump?

Or how the CIA funded a History Channel program about all this—to paint anyone searching for the truth as a nutcase?

Or how the co-founder of Jeff Bezos’ starship company wrote a bestselling “fiction” book about this gold becoming the world’s Bitcoin reserve—nine years before Satoshi Nakamoto launched Bitcoin?

It does tend to strike me as an awful lot of interest in a barbarous relic. But how can one single gold Buddha be worth anything close to that much?


They Cannot Lose

At Sigma Game, reflections on #Doge, #GamerGate, and the Omegas who provide the manpower for both of them on the basis of a heartfelt post from /pol/:

These people honestly think this is a battle they can win? They take our media? We’re already building a new one without them. They take our devs? Gamers aren’t shy about throwing their money elsewhere, or even making the games ourselves. They think calling us racist, misogynistic, rape apologists is going to change us? We’ve been called worse things by prepubescent 10 year olds with a headset. They picked a fight against a group that’s already grown desensitized to their strategies and methods. Who enjoy the battle of attrition they’ve threatened us with. Who take it as a challenge when they tell us we no longer matter.

They cannot lose because they have nothing to lose. That’s what makes them invincible.

I particularly enjoyed this: They think calling us racist, misogynistic, rape apologists is going to change us? We’ve been called worse things by prepubescent 10 year olds with a headset.

The Ride Never Ends.


The Game was Always Fake

I’ve been telling everyone for decades that what passes for success in Clown World was fake. I knew it for an absolute fact because I saw nobodies, mediocrities, and charlatans becoming stars, celebrities, and millionaires by having one situation after another handed to them for no rational reason that anyone could explain, except occasionally by ethnic nepotism. But even that explanation didn’t, and couldn’t account for much of the fake success.

But now, with the tip of the iceberg that is USAID exposed, we know why and how these talentless mediocrities, from Neil Gaiman and John Scalzi to Jordan Peterson and Ben Shapiro, became “successful”, as /pol/ explains.

I think the biggest takeaway from all this should be for those who’ve been economically and emotionally struggling, particularly white men. The problem isn’t your skills, your looks, your charisma, etc., it’s that you’ve been “competing” in a completely fake illusion world where every enterprise from games to journalism to industry to art museums is getting unlimited money (stolen from you) from the government faucet. And it wasn’t even a faucet, it’s a firehose. Everything from video games to the decor at Pizza Hut was rigged.

Couldn’t find a job? Literally not your fault.
Couldn’t get into college? Literally not your fault.
Couldn’t get a business of the ground? Literally not your fault.
Couldn’t find a girl with values? Literally not your fault.
Couldn’t get a youtube channel to take off? Literally not your fault.

To all the anons reading this, it isn’t your fault. It really was everyone and everything else. You’re not crazy. You’re doing fine. The deck wasn’t just stacked against you, the whole game was fake.

The God-Emperor 2.0 is giving us the great gift of exposing the fraud, and in doing so, we may, for the first time in decades, have the opportunity of a more-or-less-level playing field. So it’s time for us to work even hard and up our games. Remember this? This was the actual site traffic comparison from 2009 to 2021 of one celebrity author upon whom media attention and million-dollar book contracts was lavished (red) and an author who was actively suppressed and deplatformed on every side (blue). And this is what it looks like when the competition is fair, and there isn’t a series of government-funded thumbs on the scale.

Buckle up and get down to business. The winning has barely started.


Eradicating Anti-Christian Bias

God is good, Jesus Christ is Lord and Savior, and with his latest executive order, President Trump declares the US federal government will defend the right of every American to say so:

My Administration will not tolerate anti-Christian weaponization of government or unlawful conduct targeting Christians. The law protects the freedom of Americans and groups of Americans to practice their faith in peace, and my Administration will enforce the law and protect these freedoms. My Administration will ensure that any unlawful and improper conduct, policies, or practices that target Christians are identified, terminated, and rectified.

These are Not Our Principles

But they do make for a good point from which to begin contemplating them. From Walter Isaacson’s excellent biography of Steve Jobs.

Markkula would become a father figure to Jobs… “Mike really took me under his wing,” Jobs recalled. “His values were much aligned with mine. He emphasized that you should never start a company with the goal of getting rich. Your goal should be making something you believe in and making a company that will last.”

Markkula wrote his principles in a one-page paper titled “The Apple Marketing Philosophy” that stressed three points. The first was empathy, an intimate connection with the feelings of the customer: “We will truly understand their needs better than any other company.” The second was focus: “In order to do a good job of those things that we decide to do, we must eliminate all of the unimportant opportunities.” The third and equally important principle, awkwardly named, was impute. It emphasized that people form an opinion about a company or product based on the signals that it conveys. “People DO judge a book by its cover,” he wrote. “We may have the best product, the highest quality, the most useful software etc.; if we present them in a slipshod manner, they will be perceived as slipshod; if we present them in a creative, professional manner, we will impute the desired qualities.”

It’s not for us to say, but I think we’re doing reasonably well on all three scores. The biggest failure, I think, is impute, with regards to which we very much need to improve our Internet store game. And, obviously, we need to reduce our release times, but we’re already focused on that.

The only way to improve is to contemplate one’s failings.