Serfdom in the 21st Century

If CDAN is correct – and he often is on these sorts of things that are outside his usual purview – it’s time to talk to your children about what to do if/when the draft is reinstated in the United States:

Despite which A++ lister prevails, they have both committed to making all youth register for the draft and it is to stop kids from moving out of the country. Except for vacations, they want to make sure a work force is available in the US, so you will not be allowed to be gone for longer than six months until you reach an age that has yet to be determined.

A++ lister refers to a US President or credible candidate. Clown World is fighting for its life, so don’t imagine that the US federal government won’t impose a military draft on both sexes. The one lesson the Clown Worlders have learned from their defeat in Ukraine is that they’re going to need more soldiers. A LOT more soldiers, given the way in which the US + EU population is significantly outnumbered by the Russian + Chinese + North Korea + Iran population and the kill/capture ratio tends to favor the latter.

And since they know that there is absolutely no way a volunteer army will suffice to fight a global attrition war, a draft is inevitable unless Clown World gives up and surrenders. And there is no indication that they are anywhere close to doing that yet.

Still any illusions about living in the “land of the free”?


The Wall of Silence Failed

Bestselling author Larry Correia comments on cancel culture and Mr. Tubcuddle.

Speaking of cancel culture last week, why is it that most of the liberal authors who gleefully jumped on the slander bandwagon that I was a misogynist who wanted to keep women out of publishing (by my nominating a bunch of women for an award? Beats me. Run with it.) have since gotten outed themselves for being weirdo sexual predators?

But in a completely unrelated note I just heard award winning author Neil Gaiman has been accused of sexual assault by a few different women, but in his defense he claims he’s ONLY been having affairs with barely legal fan girls and the nanny.

Seriously, that’s like 75% of my old detractors who have since gotten busted for some pervy shit. I don’t think anybody has accused George of anything like that, but let’s be honest, he’s too fat to molest anything except a bag of Cheetos. And Scalzi probably reproduces asexually, like a sea sponge or something.

And it appears the silly season has arrived. Because of all the things that never happened, this definitely never happened the most.

I was over at my dads house today helping with some household chores. He lives in a very rural area of a very red state. At the end of the work we went to one of the nearby country bars. It’s the kind of place that farmers, truckers, legit cowboy boot wearers and the working class go to unwind with a cold one.

Vice President Harris was on the TV and the local gun store owner said to his auto mechanic (friends since high school), “You know what? She ain’t so bad. The economy is recovering, nobody’s rioting, and we’re standing up on the world stage again. Can’t believe I’m saying this but ol’ Oakland Kam’s got my vote this year.”

I looked around and all I saw were heads nodding in agreement. I heard a few calls of “Yes sir” and “Damn Straight” from the men around me. Even saw the lonely ball cap wearing farmer in the corner raise his drink with a nod.

I’d assume it’s a parody, except this is exactly the sort of thing that liberal Democrat they/thems who are less familiar with the rural working class than I am genuinely believe a) this is how country folk still talk in the Year of Our Lord 2024, and b) will somehow influence white Republicans.

And who is “ol’ Oakland Kam” anyhow? If I recall correctly, her nickname is “Heels Up Harris”.

Finally, JDA reports that JD Vance is proving to be a negative for the Trump ticket because women don’t like him. Gamma confirmed. And Karl Denninger noticed something very odd about the man’s marital relationship.

So his wife was employed by a California firm that focused on litigation and appeals in San Francisco and DC yet Vance lives in Ohio. That’s a rather interesting arrangement you two have, don’t you think, particularly with three young children in the game.

Oh, I don’t know, Karl. I’m sure he got out there as often as he could. There’s a lot of things for a man to do in San Francisco. A lot of interesting places to visit. A lot of friendly fellows interested in getting to know you…


Right From Day One

Someone on Twitter declares that it might have been a good idea to take my criticism of Jordan Peterson seriously six years ago:

Watching Jordan Peterson – it’s hard not to conclude that Vox Day had it right from day one. Mentally unwell people can provide the stray insight that is unique, worth hearing. But they are not role models or gurus. It’s always a mistake to take a strange person and create a cult around him. This is basically also the problem of feminism – a handful of angry lesbians convincing healthy young women to live against their instincts.

The thing that was so frustrating for me about the general enthusiasm for Peterson was that it was based upon virtually nothing, and all of the contrary evidence was right out there on display. Literally all you had to do to know he was an evil, vainglorious nutbag was read either of his two books.

Stop looking for heroes. Stop looking for people to give you answers. Stop reading the Cliff’s Notes or paying any attention at all to the Next Great Conservative Hope. Because he will be a gatekeeper, and at best, a grifter. At worst, he’ll be a Federal honey trap, like good ol’ Ray Epps.

I don’t believe in taking advice from anyone who hasn’t been dead for at least 100 years. If their advice still holds up a century after their demise, then it’s probably worthwhile.


The Fall Girl

The Director of the U.S. Secret Service finally resigned under pressure:

Kimberly Cheatle has resigned as director of the US Secret Service, after refusing to do so in the wake of the attempted assassination of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump.

A shooter nicked Trump’s ear during a rally in Butler, Pennsylvania on July 13, killing one person in the audience and injuring two others before Secret Service snipers managed to neutralize him. Thomas Crooks was able to position himself on a roof that had a clear shot to where Trump was speaking, which the protective detail had inexplicably left unguarded.

Cheatle tendered her resignation on Tuesday morning, one day after an acrimonious congressional hearing during which both Republicans and Democrats accused her of withholding information and refusing to take responsibility for security failures at the rally.

No one ever thinks that they’re going to be the patsy. But you can hardly claim “the buck stops with me” and then be surprised when people expect you to accept the consequences of your responsibility. That being said, while she almost certainly permitted the green flag, I very much doubt that she was the architect of what seems to have been a more complicated assassination attempt than it first appeared to be.


He Never Had a Shot

Given the mainstream media’s determination to maintain its wall of silence even as Neil Gaiman cancels his planned public events, it seems appropriate to ensure that Mr. Tubcuddle is not allowed to simply avoid being forced to answer for his alleged actions.

One of Neil Gaiman’s public speaking appearances has been cancelled, according to the following information provided by a writer for Tortoise Media, which first reported about the sexual assault allegations he’s now facing, with a police report to back them up. So it looks like the reports have indeed had some negative effect on Gaiman’s career and reputation, though as some may have noticed, any coverage by the comics specialty press has been very muted, and last time I looked, comic-centric sources like Bleeding Cool, Newsarama, Comics Beat, and even Popverse haven’t said anything at all. Only Bleeding Fool, CBR, and Comic Book Movie seem to have reported anything. Most peculiar that the “believe all women” liberal establishment in comicdom has apparently chosen to ignore this potentially serious issue.

On Sigma Game, there are a pair of posts on the subject of Neil Gaiman that I believe help put the situation in context, one an analysis of his “close friendship” with Tori Amos and the other in response to an upset “leave Neil alone!” defender. And one thing you won’t want to miss on Thursday is Arkhaven Nights. You definitely will not want to miss that!


Murdering the Refugees

A US government agency has publicly announced an evil plan to murder nearly 500,000 refugees:

U.S. wildlife officials plan to kill nearly half a million “invasive” American owls over three decades, new documents confirm. Experts say the cull is needed to help protect two native owl species, which have been put under threat from the invaders. However, animal rights activists have condemned the plan as cruel and unnecessary.

Barred owls (Strix varia) are large owls native to eastern North America. In the early 20th century, these owls started moving west of the Mississippi River following “human-induced changes” to the Great Plains and northern boreal forest, according to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS). As a result, the owls have gained a stronghold in Washington, Oregon and California, where they are considered an invasive species.

The arrival of barred owls in the Northwest has adversely affected two native owl species — northern spotted owls (Strix occidentalis caurina) and California spotted owls (Strix occidentalis occidentalis) — which are both much smaller than the invaders and are being outcompeted for food and territory. Both native species have also been impacted by extreme logging activity over the last few decades, which has majorly reduced their range, according to California’s Santa Clara University.

Barred owls have also started mating with the spotted owls, creating hybrids that have the potential to reduce the gene pool of the spotted owl species.

The northern spotted owl population has declined severely over the past few decades, and the species is now outnumbered by barred owls across most of its range.

This, of course, is truly reprehensible. The barred owls aren’t even foreigners! They’re just as American as the northern spotted owl or the California spotted owl, and all they’re doing is chasing the American dream to make a better life for their children!

This Great Owl Replacement theory is just racism and spotted owl supremacism. Any decent owl would reject it; no owl-refugee is “illegal” or “invasive”. And if the spotted owls are mating with the barred owls, obviously they are welcoming the refugees.

Who cares about the gene pool of the spotted owl species? That’s just eugenics and Nazi pseudoscience, right? All owls are the same under their feathers, and obviously there is no place for “pure gene pools” or Spotted Owl supremacy in Owl Democracy!

A Spotted Owl supremacist seen protesting “the Great Owl Replacement.”


China Takes a Victory Lap

The Chinese were mostly unaffected by the massive Cloudstrike outage that hit corporations all across the USA and Europe:

Although Microsoft Windows’ “blue screen of death” hit millions of users worldwide, including banks, airlines, hospitals and hotels, China was largely unaffected as the country’s technology independence and self-sufficiency efforts have provided a protective shield.

Chinese industrial players and experts said on Sunday that the Windows outage caused by a third-party cloud software faulty update left millions computers inoperable triggering chaos across many economic sectors, and the incident has prompted global cybersecurity concerns, highlighting the importance of tech independence.

Analysts also noted that given a mistake by one company can paralyze half the planet, countries cannot count on others for their national and economic security. They urged other countries to do their own research and development or diversify their suppliers to reduce dependence on US tech firms.

The nations rise again. The logic of survival dictates that they must. Interdependence is effective surrender.


Biden Drops Out

President Biden announced Sunday that he will suspend his 2024 re-election campaign amid mounting pressure from his Democratic colleagues on Capitol Hill, top donors and Hollywood stars after a disastrous debate performance last month.

The unprecedented announcement came as an increasing number of Democrat lawmakers had begun to publicly call for Biden to step aside and the party’s leadership reportedly was engaged in efforts to convince Biden, 81, he could not win in November’s general election against former President Trump, the 2024 GOP nominee who Biden defeated four years ago to win the White House.

It’s not exactly a big surprise. The real question is if his faction is even able to hold on to the Presidency until November.

I suspect it’s less the unsuccessful assassination attempt and more Trump’s willingness to accept Vance as VP that led to this resolution.

The statement from Team Biden, since obviously none of the five Bidens wrote this:

My fellow Democrats, I have decided not to accept the nomination and to focus all my energies on my duties as President for the remainder of my term. My very first decision as the party nominee in 2020 was to pick Kamala Harris as my Vice President. And it’s been the best decision I’ve made. Today I want to offer my full support and endorsement for Kamala to be the nominee of our party this year. Democrats — it’s time to come together and beat Trump. Let’s do this.


Adidas Endorses Gazacaust

The shoe company drops a Palestinian model because she stands publicly against the genocide and ethnic cleansing of her people.

German sportswear giant Adidas has dropped American model Bella Hadid from their advertising campaign for retro sneakers after facing criticism from Israel. Hadid, whose Palestinian father was born in Nazareth, has been a vocal advocate for the rights of the ethnonational group, calling for an end to the bloodshed in Gaza.

She has repeatedly criticized the Israeli government over the ongoing Gaza conflict, which to date has claimed over 38,000 Palestinian lives. In October 2023, the IDF launched a military operation in the enclave in response to a deadly Hamas raid that had left approximately 1,200 Israelis dead.

Bella and her sister Gigi, also a model with millions of social media followers, have participated in several pro-Palestinian demonstrations, publicly accusing Israel of committing “genocide” in the enclave. The Hadid sisters have also donated $1 million to support multiple Palestinian relief efforts in Gaza, including HEAL Palestine, the Palestine Children’s Relief Fund, World Central Kitchen, and the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA).

“Guess who the face of their campaign is? Bella Hadid, a half-Palestinian model who has a history of spreading anti-Semitism and calling for violence against Israelis and Jews,” the Israeli Foreign Ministry wrote on X on Thursday. Adidas responded that the company would be “revising the remainder of the campaign” with immediate effect without giving further details.

This may not turn out as the positive public relations statement for Adidas that the company assumes. Most of the world is now standing squarely against Israel’s attack on the Palestinian people, and it’s generally not a good idea to outsource your marketing decisions to a foreign government’s spokesman. I very much doubt this decision will end well for Adidas.

The fact is that no amount of crying Holocaust, Hamas, or “Israel has a right to defend itself” can justify either the October 7th green flag or the IDF “response” that was obviously planned well in advance. Everyone knows very well that the Netanyahu regime is attempting to complete the ethnic cleansing that was begun in 1948, which is why everyone around the world, both left and right, now despises it.

Netanyahu might still get away with his gamble, but it was always going to be very difficult trying to sell ethnic cleansing for me, diversity for thee.

In the meantime, Israel’s war with Yemen has now officially gone hot. No doubt the Yemenis will be duly chastened and release their stranglehold on the Red Sea.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has praised the Israel Defense Forces for carrying out a “precise and successful operation” over 1,700 kilometers away from the country’s borders, which he says serves as a clear warning to all enemies of the Jewish state. The Israeli military launched its first-ever direct large-scale air raid against Yemen on Saturday, targeting the port city of Hodeidah. The attack triggered a massive fire at the port’s oil terminal and left at least 80 people injured, according to a preliminary tally by the health ministry in Sanaa.