This is what happened back in January 2011, just to set the stage:
In the wake of the recent shooting in Tuscon, Travis put up a post on his blog about how he didn’t particularly feel like shedding any tears over the shooting of a politician, entitled “1 down, 534 to go!” Provocative? Inflammatory? Even tacky? Sure. But it was just speech. Political speech. The kind that’s protected under the 1st Amendment, even when it’s about politicians further up the food chain than congresscritters.
Comic readers tend to trend younger and lefter than the norm, and some of his customers found out about his post and decided to organize a boycott. I have no problem with boycotts; lord knows I’ve called for the boycotts of businesses that did things that annoyed me, such as using murderers for pitchmen. Some people were so butthurt, however, that they went to the authorities, and Travis received a knock on the door: It was the Arlington, MA po-po, there to relieve Mr. Corcoran of his guns, his ammunition, his firearms license, and his 2nd Amendment rights, all for having the temerity to use his 1st Amendment rights in the former Cradle of Liberty, now its grave.
And this is what happened yesterday, on July 4th, “Independence Day”, 2013:
Well, TJIC got his Massachusetts FID* reissued, and has reapplied for an MA LTC**. Now the local po-po*** is surrounding his crib, wanting to inspect the premises. Without a warrant. In the suburbs of Boston. On Independence Day….
I repeatedly refused the cops’ requests for a voluntary walk-through of the house.
I repeatedly refused to answer any questions.
The cops repeatedly told me that if I had nothing to hide, I should just allow a walk-through, and if I was a good guy, I’d have a “conversation” with them.
In the end they illegally seized my FID (just plan CAN NOT do it, but they took it and wouldn’t give it back) and they illegally seized Jennifer’s firearms. My lawyer was appalled but not surprised.
Jennifer and I have been talking about moving out of MA in 3-6 years.
We are officially looking for real estate tomorrow; I will not spend one more day than is necessary in this totalitarian hell hole.
I ask again, what “independence” was it that you were celebrating yesterday?
UPDATE: It’s not only the Second Amendment that is under attack. Even the Third Amendment is being openly violated:
Henderson police arrested a family for refusing to let officers use their homes as lookouts for a domestic violence investigation of their neighbors, the family claims in court…. It continues: “At 10:45 a.m. defendant Officer Christopher Worley (HPD) contacted plaintiff Anthony Mitchell via his telephone. Worley told plaintiff that police needed to occupy his home in order to gain a ‘tactical advantage’ against the occupant of the neighboring house. Anthony Mitchell told the officer that he did not want to become involved and that he did not want police to enter his residence. Although Worley continued to insist that plaintiff should leave his residence, plaintiff clearly explained that he did not intend to leave his home or to allow police to occupy his home. Worley then ended the phone call.
Mitchell claims that defendant officers, including Cawthorn and Worley and Sgt. Michael Waller then “conspired among themselves to force Anthony Mitchell out of his residence and to occupy his home for their own use.” (Waller is identified as a defendant in the body of the complaint, but not in the heading of it.)
The complaint continues: “Defendant Officer David Cawthorn outlined the defendants’ plan in his official report: ‘It was determined to move to 367 Evening Side and attempt to contact Mitchell. If Mitchell answered the door he would be asked to leave. If he refused to leave he would be arrested for Obstructing a Police Officer. If Mitchell refused to answer the door, force entry would be made and Mitchell would be arrested.'”
Interesting, is it not, that white suburban Americans appear to be increasingly less inclined to trust or cooperate with the police.