Vaxx-Altered Behavior

I have to admit, I haven’t seen anything like this myself. But then, most of the people to whom I am closest never got vaxxed, or got the bare minimum. And how does one distinguish it from the quotidian retardery?

Leading researchers in South Korea confirmed that the injections are altering human behavior.

The troubling study found that people’s emotions, personalities, feelings, fears, stress levels, mental well-being, and general outlook changed after they were injected with the “vaccine.”

The peer-reviewed study, which included over 2 million participants, was published in the renowned Nature Journal.

The study was led by Professor Hong Jin Kim of the Department of Orthopedic Surgery at Inje University Sanggye Paik Hospital and the College of Medicine at Inje University in Seoul, Republic of Korea.

The researchers confirmed that the Covid injections are responsible for increasing global reports of major personality and behavioral changes in people in the last four years.

They explain that the “vaccines” cause “psychiatric manifestations” among the vaccinated.

The study found that these psychiatric changes resulted in spikes in mental health disorders.

Patients described feelings of inner turmoil, fear, dread, and depression.

The study found that Covid shots triggered a 68.3% spike in depression, a 43.9% increase in anxiety disorders, and a 93.4% surge in sleep disorders.

One hopes there isn’t, as several priests have suggested, a spiritual component to all of this.