New Values in London

Import people from a rape culture, increase the daily incidence of rape. How is this difficult to grasp?

There is one rape reported every hour in London, according to police data published on Friday. Almost 8,800 cases were handled in 2023, which is an average of 24 each day.

The figures, obtained by state broadcaster the BBC through Freedom of Information requests, show a further 11,000 reports of other sexual offences.

The totals increased by 14% over the last five years to almost 20,000 in 2023, which means that sexual violence or rape was reported to police every 26 and a half minutes, on average.

Charities concerned with protecting children and women against sexual violence said the true extent of such incidents is far higher.

One would think women would be the strongest opponents of immigration, given the inevitable consequences. But apparently widespread rape is a small price to pay for the dopamine hit of knowing that you’re a good person because you welcomed the refugees.

Or maybe their pet economists have determined that rape is good for the economy or something. Either way, Clown World is observably pushing it on everyone from Sweden to Japan. And you really have to hate women if you still support mass immigration.