Why EVERYONE Hates the Media

Even those whose politics are more or less in line with those of the mainstream media often find the organizations and individuals to be contemptible. Brett McMurphy, a former ex-ESPN reporter, calls out the Disney-owned sports network for its overt hypocrisy:

It’s ironic @ESPN is hammering Michigan & Jim Harbaugh for sign-stealing when ESPN continually steals & fails to credit reporters & news organizations for news ESPN didn’t break

The media never hesitates to hold everyone else to rules that it rejects for itself. And it’s always fascinating to see how the media immediately abandons all of its sacred journalistic principles the moment it, or one of its employees or executives, becomes the center of attention for one reason or another.

Although Clay Travis of Outkick suspects that in this case, there might be something more than the usual hypocrisy at work here.

Conspiracy theory: Is ESPN going hard after Michigan because they are mad they lost all the Big Ten games and want to devalue the Big Ten conference?

Either way, it would be hard to name a more hypocritical institution than the mainstream media. I’d place my trust in a crack-addicted street whore before I’d trust any mainstream journalist, much less an editor.