Monday Arktoons


REBEL DEAD REVENGE Episode 50: Infiltrated by the Dead

FULL OF EYES Episode 21: Beyond Forever

CHATEAU GRIEF Episode 198: Nomad

EVIL MONKEY MEMES Episode 75: Whatcha Got To Eat

THE BLOODSTAINED DEFILE Episode 4: Flag of Truce

INVASION ’55 Episode 29: Trouble Down Below

BEN GARRISON CLASSICS Episode 80: Debate Souvenir

THE WISE OF HEART Episode 7: A Private Moment

VEGFOLK FABLES Episode 186: Run

And a note from the Production Team:

Proofreaders Needed

The Arktoons production team are looking for new proofreaders to join us. You’ll be proofreading the episodes we create before they are released, reading short stories/comics to see if they are suitable for us to adapt, and other tasks related to reading. You’ll need no technical skills or programs, all you’ll need is some time each week to help out and a desire to take part in the culture war. Please email: ArkhavenComics-AT-outlook-DOT-com.