Karl Denninger explains the science to those who are too slow to understand that being injected by the not-vaccine actually increases your risk of health problems:
There is a reason science is a process and until you understand something you should keep your ******ned mouth shut.
Especially when all you have against 40+ years of hard science is computer models.
Massssskss was one of them. I warned early on that physics said masks could not work if the virus was in aerosols or transmitted in feces, no matter whether the feces were manually spread or through aerosols. We knew this was virtually certain when a mass-spread event happened twice in Wuhan and Hong Kong in apartments on the same vertical drain stack where there were no P-traps; the people infected did not know each other and thus any other form of transmission other than through fecal aerosol was wildly improbable. That was ignored. We then had the German meatpacking plant where everyone was wearing masks and yet a huge outbreak took place across tens of feet, a claimed impossibility. Yet it happened and was proved by RNA sequencing; the researchers were able to identify the index and daughter cases and thus conclusively prove that the infections happened in that plant via that route, despite masks.
Now MIT has weighed in and said the same thing. They try to sidestep the mask issue in their “research” but fail; nothing less than an N95, which is not a mask but rather a respirator, stops aerosols, and source control does not work even with N95s because when you exhale the positive pressure escapes around the edges and for aerosols goes right through the gaps. Workplaces and airlines have banned N95s with exhaust valves which preserve the seal on your face and thus are the only ones that will provide protection for you against inhaling said aerosol. Non-valved respirators repeatedly break said seal and thus render it ineffective within minutes. Don’t believe me? Put on an N95 without a valve and do some sanding where there’s lots of dust, when you take it off let me know what you find around the edges where the respirator used to be. This is why you want the ones with a valve and why the ones I have for such work have a valve.
Pay attention to this paper folks and note its publication date, January 2021. Nobody has paid any attention to it at all yet it is peer-reviewed in Nature, one of the “better” medical publications. I will start right here with what you do not want to read, but you damn well should before you take the shots.
This T cell-mediated immune response is even more important as studies on humoral immunity to SARS-CoV-1 provided evidence that antibody responses are short-lived and can even cause or aggravate virus-associated lung pathology
Note that when you get the shot the first thing you get is antibodies; you may get a T-cell reaction. This pre-existing knowledge, from SARS (CoV-1) entirely explains why people who just got vaccinated often get hammered by the virus and frequently end up in the hospital or die. It marks the premise of attempting to vaccinate out of a pandemic where transmission is actively occurring as stupid.
You go get the shot. Five days later you get the virus. You have not yet developed immunity and the partial expression makes it worse.
You would have been better off, by far, taking the same infection straight up front. It likely would have harmed you less.
The Covid Flu is a moderately serious flu, but it doesn’t pose a significant danger to anyone who is even moderately healthy. But the Not-Vaxx turns it into a more serious danger to everyone, including those who are young and healthy.
Read the whole thing. It’s important, and it explains why more vaccinated than unvaccinated are dying in places like Israel, where a high percentage of the population is vaccinated.