The Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave has become the Land of the Fearful and the Home of the Censored:
A new Cato national survey finds that self‐censorship is on the rise in the United States. Nearly two-thirds—62{4e01b0bc4ab012654d0c5016d8cbf558644ab2e53259aa2c40b66b3b20e8967d}—of Americans say the political climate these days prevents them from saying things they believe because others might find them offensive. The share of Americans who self‐censor has risen several points since 2017 when 58{4e01b0bc4ab012654d0c5016d8cbf558644ab2e53259aa2c40b66b3b20e8967d} of Americans agreed with this statement.
These fears cross partisan lines. Majorities of Democrats (52{4e01b0bc4ab012654d0c5016d8cbf558644ab2e53259aa2c40b66b3b20e8967d}), independents (59{4e01b0bc4ab012654d0c5016d8cbf558644ab2e53259aa2c40b66b3b20e8967d}) and Republicans (77{4e01b0bc4ab012654d0c5016d8cbf558644ab2e53259aa2c40b66b3b20e8967d}) all agree they have political opinions they are afraid to share.
That’s what happens when your rulers criminalize excessive noticing. Or, as is increasingly the case, any noticing of anything. Remember, those who are inverted always fear that which is true, so they demand your assent to their lies for their own protection.
Americans are no longer free and they cannot reasonably be described as a free nation. Not when you can lose your job, be banned from education, fined, and jailed for doing nothing more than simply questioning the Promethean narrative.