First, this is the mockup for the Castalia Library edition of AWAKE IN THE NIGHT LAND by John C. Wright. Unlike the other Library books, the pages are silvered rather than gilded, in keeping with the style and theme of Mr. Wright’s modern science fiction classic.
Second, if and only if you’re a subscriber, please note that we’re going to do things a little differently going forward, starting today. Instead of making multiple catchup payments to acquire earlier books that you missed, now you can make a single payment for that specific book. In the case of AWAKE IN THE NIGHT LAND, you can make a single payment of $100 if you happened to subscribe after April 30, 2020.
This change will help us keep track of exactly what you want instead of having to contact you via email or hope that you remembered to add a comment to your order. The only reasons to purchase a subscription catchup now are 1) if you happen to subscribe on the second month of any book or 2) if you run into a problem with your credit card.
The same holds true for Libraria Castalia subscribers, although there are a very limited number of books still available. You can see the various options now available to you here. We are rapidly approaching the end of the Book 4 subscription period, so if you’re interested in THE DIVINE COMEDY by Dante Alighieri, you’ll need to subscribe and make one subscription catchup payment before the end of Tuesday.
If there are still books available after the new subscribers get their shot at them, we will consider making them available for sale at the retail prices of $199 and $499.
Below is a preview of the title page. The next book in the subscription, Book 5, will be LIVES OF THE NOBLE GREEKS AND ROMANS, Vol. I by Plutarch.