Never believe the pollsters

Audacious Epigone makes the common mistake of believing the available evidence just because it is available:

From the GOP’s perspective, Texas and Georgia are terminal but the party’s electoral winter need not necessarily set in during the 2020s. If the party is able to sustain its 2016 gains in the upper Midwest while additionally picking off a couple of small New England states like Maine and New Hampshire, Republicans could continue to win presidential elections into the 2040s.

  • 368 Biden
  • 170 Trump

Polling up to this point shows Trump not only getting crushed in Michigan and Pennsylvania but also beaten in Ohio, so seeing the path to continued electoral relevance and managing to walk down it are two very different things.

  • 328 Sanders
  • 210 Trump
  • 293 Warren
  • 239 Trump

Polling is incomplete for the rest of the Democrat field. Several states also have results for Buttigieg, but a few do not. He falls in between Sanders and Warren in how he fares against Trump in the states he’s included in.

This is a complete non-issue. The pollsters haven’t suddenly improved their performance since getting it wrong in 2016. To the contrary, they have doubled down on their demoralization campaign, attempting to meme their imagination into reality. But it won’t work.

Think about this: do Democrats appear to be confident about their prospects the next presidential election? Or do they appear to be desperately casting about for someone, anyone, who might have at least a ghost of a chance of beating the god-emperor?

Trumpslide 2020.