Some people are offended by Mike Cernovich’s recent observations:
Christianity has given us a country where 11 year olds dance for adult men who throw dollars on the stage.
Christianity gave us a church that molested children and sold out their flock (Covington) to the left.
A moderated form of Islam is probably the West’s only hope.
Keep in mind this is the master troll who so befuddled Seth Rogan’s wife that she claimed she cheated on Rogan with him. Cernovich isn’t condemning Christianity per se, he is correctly condemning the near-total failure of Christians to defend their churches and their nation.
And we deserve that condemnation. We Christians let this happen, all because we were too afraid that someone would call us “racist” or “judgemental” or “anti-semitic”. We failed to hate the wicked. We failed to reject the sons of the Devil and the people of the Lie. We sought the approval of the world, and in doing so, reaped the inevitable whirlwind.