A major announcement

Then again, whenever a TV show claims “a major character” will be killed off, it’s always some tertiary character you barely realized was even on the show. We’ll see.

President Donald Trump told reporters Thursday that South Korea will make a “major announcement” concerning North Korea at 7 p.m. ET.

It was not immediately clear what the South Korean announcement would entail, but it came after a South Korean delegation came to the White House to brief officials on its most recent talks with North Korea — the most significant talks between the two countries in more than a decade.

The South Korean officials visiting the White House on Thursday talked to Trump, a person familiar with the matter said. They delivered a letter from North Korean leader Kim Jong Un to Trump, according to a foreign diplomatic source. A senior US official confirmed a message from the North Korean leader had been delivered.

But we’re still not tired of winning, so it should be interesting to see what’s shaking. It will certainly be amusing if the media is forced to admit, through gritted teeth, that the God-Emperor’s “bluster” has proved to be conclusively effective.

The actual announcement was more a prelude to a possible future major announcement, but I suppose in diplomatic terms this sort of thing is a massive deal. No actual change yet, but the prospects for positive change in the future are good.

President Trump will meet with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un by May for high-level talks toward a nuclear-free Korean peninsula, a South Korean official said outside the White House Thursday.

The extraordinary and unexpected opening came through shuttle diplomacy by a South Korean delegation arriving in Washington Thursday. Trump heralded the development as a “major announcement” after speaking with the South Korean president.

“I told President Trump that in our meeting, North Korean leader Kim Jong Un said he’s committed to denuclearization. He pledged that North Korea will refrain from any further nuclear or missile tests,” South Korean national security adviser Chung Eui-yong told reporters after meeting with Trump at the White House.

UPDATE: Q says Iran is next, and by the end of this year.

Iran next.

A tougher nut to crack, Q-Team. I hope your negotiations with Mahmoud are going well.

Resolved by 11-11.

What we are witnessing may – MAY – indeed be greatness in the White House. But let us not forget that the two priorities are still BUILD THE WALL and DRAIN THE SWAMP.