Howard takes an inherently anti-Zionist position on Jewry:
The notion that Jews are not part of Western Civilization, particularly those Jews who’s family’s and history are linked to the West and the U.S by multiple generations, is without merit…and again, simple, ignorant anti-semitism.
No, the idea that Jews are part of Western civilization necessarily eliminates any legitimate territorial claim they might have to the land of Israel, which is not and has never been part of the West. Jews can claim Israel or they can claim to be of the West, but they cannot claim both. Furthermore, Christianity is an integral element of Western civilization and Jews are, again by definition, non-Christian. They are not part of Christendom, which you will note is a synonym for Western civilization.
Howard’s historically ignorant posturing is reflective of the growing divide between Israeli and American Jewry. Many Israelis are already openly contemptuous of diaspora Jews who refuse to make aliyah and become citizens of the Jewish nation despite being able to do so, so it won’t surprise me if Israeli Jews eventually decide that the diasporans are not Jews at all, especially in light of the fact that most of them are less than half genetically semitic already.
No nation can survive its people not sharing a language, a religion, genetics or geography for long.