Conservatives and culture war

As always, it is the Left that is far more attuned to all things cultural than the mainstream Right.

An “alt-right” comic book series intended to upset progressives has quickly surpassed its $25,000 fundraising goal.

Theodore Beale, aka Vox Day, said in a Periscope video that he “intended to challenge and eventually replace the SJW (short for “social justice warrior) converged comics of DC and Marvel.”

“They believe that comics is their turf, and SJWs have been moving forward, advancing for decades,” he added. “They have been methodically eradicating traditional values, they have been methodically eradicating Western civilization.”

He has said that “they know they are the true villains and the enemy in the cultural war.”

At time of writing, Beale’s fundraiser has raised over $66,000 dollars.

What, exactly, are these sacred values being erased from comic books that must be saved? Advertising smoking, pushing the concept of undocumented immigrants as dangerous criminals worthy of vigilante justice, and the promotion of the traitorous Confederate flag.

Day’s Twitter also features a swipe at Ms. Marvel (Kamala Khan), Marvel’s first Muslim character to headline her own book.

“She has to go back,” he wrote, alongside an image of one of his “heroes” leading voters to the polls, and the words “Democracy: Sometimes a contact sport,” and another showing Ms. Marvel crying, with the news of Trump’s Muslim ban playing in the background.

Now, how many of the supposedly “right-wing” media figures who regularly lament and lambast the Left’s domination of culture have come out and mentioned, much less supported, what is already one of the most successful right-wing incursions into Left-controlled territory in decades.

So far, two. Milo Yiannopoulos and Mike Cernovich.

There is no way – absolutely no way – the right is going to win the cultural war with mediocre, defensive-minded “opinion leaders” of the sort we have now. Now, I assume that most conservative and right-wing media figures are simply unaware of this, but we can easily change that by letting them know about it.

A few corrections to the quoted article are necessary. First, Alt★Hero is not an “alt-right” comic book, it’s merely an anti-SJW comic book. Unlike SJWs, I am perfectly capable of distinguishing between the personal, the professional, and the political. Second, it’s not “my” fundraiser. I am merely the creator and one of the two writers. Third, Kamala Khan is not one of my “heroes” and the images to which the article are referring belong to Marvel, not me.

Anyhow, the campaign is proceeding very well. Chuck Dixon and I spoke yesterday and I think we’re going to be able to work extraordinarily well in parallel. I’m going to focus on broad scope worldbuilding in my stories and he is going to drill down deep into detailed worldbuilding in his. My role, as far as I see it, is to stay as much out of his way as possible while ensuring that everything remains consistent throughout the fictional world.

If you’re not already one of the 989 backers of Alt★Hero, I hope you’ll consider reinforcing its success by joining the campaign.

UPDATE: Where, oh where, can we have derived the concept of “undocumented immigrants being dangerous criminals worthy of vigilante justice”? If anything, we underplayed it.

An illegal immigrant in New Jersey is accused of raping a 6-year-old girl then jumping out of a second-floor window after her father walked in during the assault, police said.