Halation isn’t exactly up on her legal precedents:
what i truly have standing between me and an honour-killing or rape and murder is a legal system, part of a government which considers me an individual in my own right and not the property of my father or husband. forgive me if i decide not to toss that away and put my faith in y’all. it also should be said i’m pretty handy in a fight, when i need to be. but thanks all the same.
Oh, Sweet Cthulhu, I am filled with mirth indeed! Halation, my poor, naive innocent, in truth you have NOTHING WHATSOEVER standing between you and the bad guys.
This is not merely my opinion, it is a matter of settled case law. Neither your state and local police nor the various and sundry security agencies and armed forces of the U.S. federal government have any responsibility to protect you from rape, murder or anything else that any individual of ill intent wishes to do to you. They are merely there to pick up the pieces afterward and see if the bad guy was dumb enough to leave any obvious clues for them.
The question of your tossing that away or not is irrelevant, because all you are holding an empty hand full of nothing but hot air and uninformed illusions. But please, don’t take my word for it. You can look it up on Westlaw.