BB has a familiar complaint:
I wish that you would write it plain, easy to understand, laymans English. You may think that you are somehow getting points by showing off your ability to work with words. But what good is it if readers don’t understand what the hell you are saying? You have an interesting something about you, but it is just to difficult to be sure as to just what it is you are saying. This is annoying. Your words are as a puzzle, something that has to be figured out.
One needs to be an academic champion to keep up with the way you twist words around a pole. (Not to mean that you are twisting the truth or anything like that). Your wording is as a twisting mountain road, and all that icing on the cake is not necessary. Somehow, I do think that you are a cool person, and my overall opinion of you is that you are the good guy, chasing the evil demon by shoving the truth right in their face.
If you have something to say, why don’t you just say it in plain English? Please.
Today’s column, plain English version:
Islamo-fascism is a whack word. Neocons made it up so they could talk Americans into killing hodgies they don’t like without pissing off the hodgies who live here and the hodgies they like. The fascists weren’t hodgies and the hodgies aren’t fascists. See, some dago said so and he would know. You can’t front on that, even some Republicans who suck neocock won’t try.