John Scalzi fails to win the SFWA presidency and it wasn’t my fault. I voted for him.
People are already discussing the SFWA election results elsewhere online, which suggests the SFWA business meeting at the Nebula Awards Weekend is done, or at least far enough in process that the results are out there for people to know about. For those of you who are not currently at the Nebula Awards Weekend, however, here’s the scoop on the election results:
I didn’t win….
I’m sure people will want to know if I plan to run for SFWA president next year. Well, remember that in my candidacy and platform statement this year, I was pretty explicit that I didn’t really want the gig this time around, but felt obliged to run for various reasons. What I’m hoping is that next year (preferably in time to be on the ballot) more than one person runs for each office, and that they have enough differences in their platforms and experience that SFWA members have some real choices. And of course I hope at least one of those people has ideas somewhat like mine. I’ve noted before that my platform is “open source”: I encourage anything thinking of running next year to willfully scoop up the parts that make sense to them and run with them. Please, be my guest.
I’ve already got my platform written and my creatine loaded so I’m pumped, stoked and ready to rumble…. I’m actually very pleased that John lost, which will spare me the need to have him blinded along with all the other ex-rulers. I didn’t relish the prospect of that, but he who intends to rule with an iron fist cannot show signs of weakness or tolerate potential opposition.