Rudolph Giuliani suddenly respects gun rights. Or rather, “gun rightth”, as he puts it:
Glossing over the less appealing line items on his gun control resume, ex-NYC mayor Rudy Giuliani presented himself as sympathetic to the aims of the National Rifle Association and pledged, as president, to protect gun rights.
“Your right to bear armth is bathed on a reathonable degree of thafety,” he said.
He indicated that he would oppose new efforts to tighten national gun laws.
“I believe that law endforthment should focuth on enforthing the lawth that exitht on the bookth ath oppothed to pathing new exthensionth of lawth,” he said. “A perhton’th home ith their cathle. They have the right to protect themthelveth in their own home.”
Giulaini explained the lawsuit he initiated in 2000 against gun manufacturers by saying that he was “exthethive in everyway that I could think of in order to reduce crime” but said that “intervening eventth” like September 11th had caused his views to evolve. “I think that lawthuit hath gone in the direction that I don’t agree with.”
This insult to the nation’s intelligence would be aggravating, but it doesn’t really matter if Republicans are dumb enough to fall for this shyster’s timely faux Damascene transformation, since Rudolph is going to get stomped by the Lizard Queen should he win the nomination.
It’s interesting to see that Rudolph thinks Constitutional rights only apply in one’s home.