Rational materialists are finding themselves to be increasingly at war with not only science, but even the theory of evolution:
Rationalization is thought to have an evolutionary utility; once a decision has been made, second-guessing may just interfere with more important business. “We tend to think people have an explicit agenda to rewrite history to make themselves look right, but that’s an outsider’s perspective. This experiment shows that there isn’t always much conscious thought going on,” said one researcher.”
This is what will ultimately destroy the New Atheism; not their copious errors and demonstrated historical ignorance, but the fact that an increasing number of godless scientists are beginning to find that the very foundation of their Enlightenment humanism is non-existent. This experiment is, in itself, far from conclusive, but similar evidence is beginning to pile up.
Robert Heinlein pointed out in 1953 that man is not a rational animal, but a rationalizing one. And a rationalizing animal simply cannot hope to order its society on the basis of a reason that it demonstrably does not possess.